Thanks to Silver Vision's Special Offers, Christmas is Coming Early

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Belts are tight at the Sam household. Sam Jr. won't be getting a 3DS for Christmas. No, a Gameboy Color is what he'll have to put up with, and a used copy of Pokemon Red. Little Samantha won't be getting that Polly Pocket she's been lusting after. No, she'll instead get a selection of dented tins from Morrisons, and she should think herself fortunate! Mrs. Sam won't be getting those crotchless panties from Anne Summers. Alas, she'll have to put up with a pair of scissors and some ingenuity. But you needn't worry, Big Papa Sam is looking set for another bumper Christmas - and it's all thanks to

Yes, that's right - for the low, low price of £8.99 (and free one day shipping), you can own such earth-shaking DVD compilations as Viva La Raza! The Legacy of Eddie Guerrero (there's four discs of the fucker) and Jeff Hardy - My Life, My Rules (a collection of the twelve or so matches Jeff put on while not under the influence of crystal meth).


But seriously, £9? Fuck it - I couldn't not buy them. I mean, I should probably also buy Wrestling's Highest Flyers while I'm at it, but I really don't feel like it. No idea why. I think there was one match on there that I'd already seen and that just really, really queered the deal. Besides, I'll have the works of Jeff Hardy and Eddie Guerrero to entertain me. Sure, I've always thought of one of them as little more than a drug addict and the other as Jeff Hardy, but the WWE would have me believe they've each got enough good matches for at least three discs, and who am I to question Vinnie Mac?

Disclaimer: Sam Jr., Little Samantha and Mrs. Sam are all fictional creations and thus do not experience the hardships that Great White Sam's actual family do.
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I'm tempted by Wrestling's Highest Flyers. Very tempted.

If I liked Jeff Hardy, or was interested in Eddie Guerrero, I'd probably consider them, too.
I didn't get a fourth disc when I bought Viva La Raza. This and semi-reasonably priced Doctor Who DVDs? You've got it good across the pond. If you were looking to encourage immigration, and I know you aren't, that'd be something to advertise. Best lock this information away where nobody will find it, Samuel. I suggest Milenko's underpants.
I didn't get a fourth disc when I bought Viva La Raza. This and semi-reasonably priced Doctor Who DVDs? You've got it good across the pond. If you were looking to encourage immigration, and I know you aren't, that'd be something to advertise. Best lock this information away where nobody will find it, Samuel. I suggest Milenko's underpants.

  1. The fourth disc is the Raw and SmackDown tribute shows. I didn't mention it because I wanted to look like a big man. I'm a phoney, a fake, a fraud!
  2. Reminds me, I've still got to buy Series Six of Doctor Who.
  3. Yes, we're bigots.
  4. I bet Milenko's mother see his underpants. Not for sex - for washing and other such activities. I'll put the information in my underpants. I'll just have to be on high alert during my weekly pants changing.
SilverVision are pretty awesome. The delivery times are impressive too.

And it's free. Free. They're the antithesis of WWE Euroshop, which sucks more than an Al Snow match.
The Eddie set is good, I actually re-watched it not that long ago. His match with JBL where JBL opens Eddie up with the steel chair is a tough watch though and its amazing to see how long Eddie kept going. Gave JBL a bangin' receipt though.
We don't talk about what a Tasycles is.

That Hardy DVD has an awesome content listing. That's been added to my Xmas list. Already got the Guerrero DVD.
Just looked at the Hardy DVD, and surprised to see his match with HHH on Smackdown in 2000 or his ladder match against Taker on Raw in 2002(?) aren't on there. The HHH match is on the Smackdown DVD but still, thought it would get on there.

Dammit Sam, you've made me tempted to get in on this offer now.
The ladder match is on the ladder match DVD. Smart move from the WWE - doubling up would have been a deal breaker for me.
He's been known to laugh for up to five minutes about 2001: A Space Odyssey jokes, but that's neither here nor there.
I made this thread three days ago. Where the fuck are my DVDs? With how quickly they got Extreme Rules to me, you'd think they'd invented faster than light travel. I can only imagine they've overshot and there's a confused deliveryman wandering about in 19th century France, which means that the DVDs are probably in the walls of the house somewhere. Here's hoping they haven't been ravaged by time too badly.

I'm off to buy a pickaxe.
It's one of those days where people expect me to do things at a pre-specified time, but not until the afternoon, so I've had some time to check these out:


I put in the last disc of the Jeff Hardy one, and boy am I regretting spending £9 on this. It's like Jeff Hardy's a pokemon that's run out of moves and so can only use Flail. He fucking sucks, and he looks like a goddamn clown. I remember him being less abysmal somehow. the Eddie box set just matches, or is the 1st disc a documentary or something like that? I already own the "Cheating Death Stealing Life" 2 disc DVD on Guerrero.
I still would have taken the Summerslam ladder match over the steel cage match for the Hardy DVD the Eddie box set just matches, or is the 1st disc a documentary or something like that? I already own the "Cheating Death Stealing Life" 2 disc DVD on Guerrero.

As far as I can tell (I haven't watched any of it yet), it's matches with floating head segments stuck in between them, sort of like Biggest Little Man. There's also the aforementioned Raw and SmackDown tribute shows on a bonus disc.

I still would have taken the Summerslam ladder match over the steel cage match for the Hardy DVD

I already have it on the Best of 2009-10 Blu-ray, so I'm glad they didn't. No doubling up!

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