Test's Been Naughty

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Source: Bryan Alverez

Apparently, Andrew "Test" Martin has been suspended. Test has been pulled off the road due to the WWE Wellness policy.

This is the first WWE Wellness policy violation since September, at least that we know of. The policy calls for talent to be suspended for 30 days should they fail a drug test. Also, some of the talent have a way of getting around the program. If the person tests positive for steroids or some other substance in violation of the policy, the person can still get around the suspension if the individual's next test shows a decreased usage of whatever substance he or she is using because it shows that he or she is trying to improve him or herself. But if the test shows no marked improvement, the individual will get suspended.

Vince McMahon had recently given up on pushing Test as a top headliner in ECW. That's why he was beaten in all of his encounters with Bobby Lashley.

Logic say's that if there's drug testing, dont take drug's. It's obviously gone completley over Test's head.

Anyway with the ECW probably dead after there T.V. deal's up, does anyone think Test could be a gonner? He's been squashed by Lashley and they fired him a few year's ago because they did'nt have a use for him.
I do feel that Test is gone when ECW TV deal is done...in fact IMO i feel that Test could reasonably be gone by the summer. I feel that after his suspension is over that he will be used to put guys over and if creative can not find a good program or anyway to use him on TV i can see he him being let way before the deal is up. So I'm guessing for Test if that does happen he is gone by Summertime
I think that Test will be used after his suspension....sparingly i might add but just enough to keep him on the show. He prolly wont have main event status like he did earlier with Lashley but i think he could make a good addition to the "New Breed" group. Possibly even have him start a program with CM Punk, i dunno maybe i'm thinking this way because i like Test but i still see options for him after his suspension is up.
I wont miss Test. The only thing I really liked about him was his intensity, which he had a lot of. He also had a lot of back acne....
I wont miss Test. The only thing I really liked about him was his intensity, which he had a lot of. He also had a lot of back acne....
Holy $hit. This is like the first time we've agreed on anything, man. Wow. Anything CAN happen.:)

I thought Test showed some promise in his earlier days, but he never really made that leap I figured he would. Kind of a bummer. I wonder whatever could've tipped off the WWE in regards to Test's usage.

On a side note, I'd like to see Kenny Dykstra go to ECW. I actually liked his match with Lashley on Raw.
Test will not be used after his suspension and since McMoron made him job to Bobby Lashley I see Andrew Test Martin in TNA Baby!! He d be a main eventer for sure !!!
I wont miss Test. The only thing I really liked about him was his intensity, which he had a lot of. He also had a lot of back acne....

This is crazy, Kaedon, but I completely agree with you (and I think Kasey said he ageed, as well)! I am almost scared that the world might be ending... :huh:

Anyway, your comment was a bullseye. If only Test could have converted some of that intensity into ability he may have been alright. And yeah, the back acne was really getting disgusting to have to look at.
My god, everyone seems to be in agreement on something! Next thing you know we'll all be skipping in the park together, holding hands and singing songs by the campfire. Maybe RVDgurl and Kaedon will get married! (Sorry guys, I just am in sheer and utter amazement that there is something we all agree on)
Test was an extremely intense guy (roids do make you a little Testy, excuse the pun), but that's all he was, he just kind of filled a spot. I didn't love him, I didn't hate him, he didn't do anything to set him apart from the crowd. I won't miss him if he fades off into the night.
sorry to rain on all of your parades..but i will miss Test...i mean hes a great heel...he can cut promos.. and how he like goes up for a high five to like 6 year olds and goes away and laughs in there face is priceless...i hope WWE welcomes him back...cuz wen he came to ECW...i actually thought they would have a chance to make something of themselves....it just shows that Vince wants two big guys competing for his title...and without Test...he wants it to be Snitsky.....that just shows how thin ECW is as far as big heels go....without Test....ecw sucks with heels...there next best heel is Cor Von..but he isent big enough to compete with Lashely.....according to Vince....god why dont Vince just suck Lashelys cock already
i will miss test he has become a headliner all by himself without being in the mcmahon family circus, he has brought the Extreme in ECW his intensity has become a well known factor within the WWE and even the crowd were slowly warming up to him because he was working hard to accomplish in the squared circle (aside from the blatentley obvious steroid months) and no matter what is said he is light years ahead of Bobby (goldberg) Lashley
It is just good riddance to a guy that never deserved to be main eventing. Anywhere, even in this ECW. It was so obvious that he was juicing from the moment he got back because we could all see it, and the WWE should enforce their rules on a veteran like Test because that is the only way it will get through to young wrestlers that they shouldn't be taking this shit. I couldn't care less if Test was a scapegoat in the whole thing, because it is just good that he is off television for the time being. And whoever said Test could main event TNA is dreaming. Unless he drops the weight that slows him down, he won't go anywhere outside the WWE. He doesn't deserve to be in the WWE at all because he really relied on steroids to get where he got and it's good he won't be at the top for much longer. But then again, his replacement is going to be Holly, but I suppose he is the lesser of two evils here. Again, Test doesn't deserve to be anywhere by doing the shit he does and really has no skill left. Let's hope the next suspension is a much more lengthy one.

By the way, have you even listened to Test on the microphone whoever said he was good on the mic? He is worse than Batista and it is painful to listen to. I don't think he was a good heel either because the crowd didn't really care about him. McMahon probably knew full well he was using steroids when he came back, but I think he had simply gone overboard in that area and it was time to make an example out of him. He was only headlining because most others in ECW were worse than him and the guys who weren't, like RVD and Punk, are in the doghouse and wouldn't be given a push anyway. At least Lashley is a young potential. Test is a washed-up has been who has little to offer us except grotesque back acne.
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