Ted DiBiase Jr. or Cody Rhodes?

Right now, I'm into both Cody and Ted. I think that they both will have long and successful careers, especially if the bookers continue to put them into such valueable storylines. These kids couldn't asked to be booked any better than they have been thus far in their young careers.

However, if I'm choosing between the two, it's gotta be Teddy. This guy has something really special about him. There's something that makes we want to watch him- even right now while he's in the shadow of Randy Orton, my attention goes directly to him. He has solid skills both in the ring and on the mic, his character is believeable, and he has a great look.
Cody Rhodes is slightly better right now imho. He has shown improving ring work and mic work. I think he was doing better as a face though. Dibiase Jr is too plain. He hasn`t got much time to build a character. He has shown some glimpses on the mic, nothing about his ring work has been exceptional to me. Dibiase should have grown a beard and do the laugh. He could join with JBL and recreate another Money Inc. That would be funny, they could flaunt all the money they have in this economic crisis..
I like them both, and I think if booked properly these two men will have bright singles careers. They have made a name for themselves already, and I think come draft we should see them drafted to SD. They still need a solid run on their own, without Orton. Honestly I'm not a big fan of Legacy. Priceless was fine, and I understand Orton was placed with them to put them over.

Cody, and Teddy will do fine as a tag team. Once they split I can see Teddy turning on him, and thus turning heel. Possibly by then his brother Brett Dibiase will join him. Who knows? In any case I wouldn't mind seeing Teddy having a "virgil" type character with him like his father did. I'm not sure about the money in the mouth, or the suit. Would be nice to see the WWE call up Vic Adams from FCW to be Teddy's "virgil".

Cody needs to turn back to face. He seems like a respectable character. His father was able to pull it off, and I think he can pull it off as well, maybe not as strong, but good enough. Rhodes has potential to be a name "face" someday. Cody has more of the qualities for playing a "face", and I think that is the direction they should take should they split Priceless apart.
This is a tough one. Putting it plainly, as of right now, Rhodes is better cause he's been around longer than Dibase and has more experience. His character is improving all the time and you can tell that he is learning a hell of a lot from Orton. And in the long run... I'm gunna say Dibase (not that I'm jumping on the bandwagon). Dibase has been around for shorter amount of time than Rhodes and is already as good as him. It's just that lack of experience and I sometimes find his character a little bit bland at times when you put him next to Rhodes.
Right now I can't see Rhodes ever holding the WWE Championship. He doesn't have the right look. His eyes are somewhat creepy. DiBiase I expect great things from. Although Rhodes does have the edge in experience. Vince is also higher on Ted. I expect a great feud between the two over the IC and maybe even Million Dollar belts. I could definetly see Ted being Mr. MITB as it would fit his character smashingly. But Rhodes I'm on the fence about...I just don't know about him yet. So I'll pick Ted Jr.
It's more likely DiBiase will be able to put on another 25 lbs to be a future
champion for remember Vince does give the big guys more chances.

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