Tdigs/Ulises Lima

I heard that mouth to ass hole is bad news. Like you're supposed to never do it at ALL. At least that's what I learned from watching Clerks 2. Would you really be so lost in passionate sex that you start to... lick your partners asshole? I don't think so. If you get lost in passionate sex, you fuck that pussy until it throws up a white flag. Rimjobs are for people like Cartman's mom.
The last performance of the night, via special request from Doc... Natalya!

Tyson Kidd is lucky man.

Thanks for fixing that for me.

We should team up to take them on, we can't be any worse then the Uso's and look at how well they're doing.

We'd destroy those two tag teams. We'd beat the shit out of the Uso's by smacking them with Tamina's dick.

And the Hart Dynasty? Just launch Tyson into DH Smith's asshole. I'm sure that the ****** would enjoy that.

What do you think? Different game plan?
I like yours, but we need to put them in dual sharpshooters at one point, maybe then Bret will come out and we can avenge Kobashi's loss. Maybe Kobiyashi would join in too.
This thread lost it's awesomeness somewhere along the lines of me logging off :suspic:

Cause that's when the hot pictures kinda died.
So, supposedly questions were asked in here...I'll answer them when you discover my taste in women (hint: webcam ****es, Persians, and Eurotrash only, please).
Can I ask your opinion on Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, and Snatch? Or do I need to get you pictures of webcam ****es, Persians, and Eurotrash first?
I hear you man. Liger was the last one left but I just couldn't post. It was no use. He was done for. I gave up when Misawa lost to the Rock.


The mother fucking Rock.

Misawa had more wrestling ability in his right pinkie than the Rock had in his whole body. Fucking ridiculous.

But he's American.

Have you seen KENTA's return match with Marufuji from last week yet TDigs? Good match as always from those two but man I was so effin' disappointed considering the epic encounters those two have had before. I had it rated at something like ***3/4, which while obviously good is like nothing compared to the 5 star matches they've had before. KENTA was rocking his old school tights too, was great to see him back in NOAH.
I actually thought by comparison to their other matches it was indescribably disappointing and would have given it a 3.25/5. Really not impressive at all.
Yeah I'm right there with ya Tiger, it was solid, they always are, but having just watched their 10/29/06 and 11/13/04 matches earlier this week, it was just nothing in comparison.

Did you see the rest of the 6/6 show? I was shocked by how much fun the tag title main event was, and I generally cannot stand Bison Smith and Keith Walker. Fun match though, classic old school All Japan kind of brawl with the two huge gaijins butting heads with the babyfaces, fun stuff.

You into lucha at all Tiger? You catch any of Triplemania from this past week?
I've only watched highlights of the match so far, but I don't blame them that it didn't live up to the past. I mean, KENTA was out for a long while, and the fact is... these two have gone against each other so many times, that there's nothing else much they can do that we haven't seen already. NOAH should have matched KENTA with someone else for his return bout, quite honestly.

However, I will say I was disappointed by the fact that KENTA cut his hair. He grew it out while he was gone and that shit looked bad ass if I say so myself.


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