Tdigs/Ulises Lima

Who has the best mask?

Oh, as for why I haven't been on much lately...I've been busy at work, plus I recently sold my house to my girlfriend/wife-to-be in T-minus 2 months so I could use the proceeds to go to law school...given that she's taken out a mortgage to pay for my education, I've been extra careful to do whatever she's asked of me as of late.
Lemme help you out here.

If I want to catch up I do you necrophilia loving child molester.

You fucking twat waffle. You better get started now. Whose gonna clean your mom's dick after she's taken you from behind? It's not gonna clean itself you know.
You fucking twat waffle. You better get started now. Whose gonna clean your mom's dick after she's taken you from behind? It's not gonna clean itself you know.

I love being called a twat, it makes me giggle like the little girls thrilla touches at night.

:( Tdigs, I miss you man.
Oh, as for why I haven't been on much lately...I've been busy at work, plus I recently sold my house to my girlfriend/wife-to-be in T-minus 2 months so I could use the proceeds to go to law school...given that she's taken out a mortgage to pay for my education, I've been extra careful to do whatever she's asked of me as of late.

You're going to get married? Congrats bro.

How much is Law School for you? $32,000? Sounds like you have a great wife to be and mother in law though. You lucked out. :D

Seriously though, I'm happy for you man. Another chapter in your life is starting. Soon there's going to be little Tdigs' running around watching Puro and rooting for Kobashi and Misawa.
You're going to get married? Congrats bro.

How much is Law School for you? $32,000? Sounds like you have a great wife to be and mother in law though. You lucked out. :D

Seriously though, I'm happy for you man. Another chapter in your life is starting. Soon there's going to be little Tdigs' running around watching Puro and rooting for Kobashi and Misawa.

New puro connection members? Always welcome.
I love being called a twat, it makes me giggle like the little girls thrilla touches at night.

:( Tdigs, I miss you man.

I have to admit, your sister IS fucking hot for her age. She's way hotter than the transsexuals that you shack up with every night. What do you have now? Hepatitis Aids?
I have to admit, your sister IS fucking hot for her age. She's way hotter than the transsexuals that you shack up with every night. What do you have now? Hepatitis Aids?

You would like her since she's a dead corpse and eight. Your father may wear a dress and exit my house at night, but that doesn't mean I had sexual relations with that man-woman.

If he ever registers on the site, his user name should lymphogranuloma venereum.
You would like her since she's a dead corpse and eight. Your father may wear a dress and exit my house at night, but that doesn't mean I had sexual relations with that man-woman.

If he ever registers on the site, his user name should lymphogranuloma venereum.

The funny thing about that comment is that my pops is dead. But your father was a great man. He used to fuck Cambodian hookers all the time not caring if they were men, women or transsexual. Like father like son.
The funny thing about that comment is that my pops is dead. But your father was a great man. He used to fuck Cambodian hookers all the time not caring if they were men, women or transsexual. Like father like son.

You can't blame me, cambodian hookers are the best, especially of the underage variety. And isn't a transexual just a man in drag? I think you mean transgender.
Oh please, I'm sick of this shit. No one gives a shit about Misawa or whatever, The Rock (along with contemporaries like Stone Cold) is probably the reason half the members here even like pro-wrestling. And what's this crap about The Rock being kayfabe weak? He's beaten the likes of Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, HHH, Mick Foley, Benoit, Jericho, Kurt Angle and The Undertaker - to argue that The Rock isn't a legend is so stupid.

Seriously? This is beyond ******ed. Fair play he died doing what he loved but that doesn't mean he should beat everyone - people need to stop pretending to be smart and vote for the "obvious" winner (i.e. The People's Champion) - he's the obvious winner for a reason.

Not really, I don't want a tournament full of old guys. Who cares? This Misawa guy can only go so far with knowledgeable guys pushing him before he runs into someone like John Cena anyway and gets eliminated purely because, when it comes down to it, no one cares. I'd rather a legend like The Rock progress, who can hold his own against other super over, modern wrestlers because that's who's going to be in the latter rounds anyway.

I could not care less that Mitsuhara Misawa has wrestled X 5-star matches.
I could not care less that Mitsuhara Misawa dedicated his life to the business.
I could not care less that Mitsuhara Misawa knows 74 moves.
I could not care less that Mitsuhara Misawa has won this and that in Japan.

I could not care less because I could not care less about Mitsuhara Misawa. The fact of the matter is that The Rock was the most captivating and entertaining wrestler who has ever stepped into the ring. No one will come close to having the kind of connection he had with wrestling fans again. Period. His charisma is undeniable. The Rock made everyone stand at attention and chant his name with the simple raise of an eyebrow. He wasn't the best "wrestler", so you say. I say there was no one better. Wrestling isn't about choreographing a complicated series of moves and executing them. Wrestling is stepping through the curtain and putting on a show, entertaining the masses and giving them no reason to regret spending their money to watch you. The Rock did that every single night.

He got by on catch phrases! He sold out! Whatever. The Rock is the reason that millions... and millions... of us are wrestling fans.

You always know you're dealing with an intelligent person when they use "mongoloid" in a post where they later complain about racism :lmao:

And no, I don't care about Japanese wrestling and not many people on these forums do (in comparison to American wrestling). I don't want a tournament full of all these ancient/foreign wrestlers, because it's less fun watching a select few guys stroke their chins and argue about the merits of the territory system vs the respect in the Japanese scene than it is seeing a debate on Ultimate Warrior vs The Rock or whatever. I'm pretty sure the picture he posted was just a joke, and for a lot of people they like to watch wrestling for the storylines and stuff to some extent (otherwise why don't you just watch a real sport?) and so obviously they're going to gravitate towards American wrestlers. How you can you seriously be upset that people on a predominantly English speaking forum prefer wrestlers from predominantly English speaking markets?

lol you missed the point on the comment about how using "mongoloid" as an insult is obviously racist but whatever, I don't really expect you to understand so i won't break it down for you.

And yeah I have only been here 5 months but if what I said on that subject isn't true (i.e. a lot more people like American wrestling) feel free to prove me wrong :) And marking me down for not being here for 3 or 4 years is pathetic and a bit elitist but if this forum = your life I can see why you'd act like that so no worries - maybe if you got out a bit more you'd realise no one cares about guys like Misawa whereas everyone liked The Rock at one point - because he's a better pro-wrestler - which is why he should go over here.

I don't buy that logic because no one would out Benoit over Hogan or anything like that. In wrestling, what we are judging, The Rock is a top drawer competitor. Otherwise Ken Shamrock should be in this thing and he'd beat the crap out of guys like HBK and Bret Hart in "the real world".

Fucking Amazing.
You can't blame me, cambodian hookers are the best, especially of the underage variety. And isn't a transexual just a man in drag? I think you mean transgender.

Nope I meant transsexual. Like your aunt, grandma and dead sister. Your mom is the transgender.
Aight, tried to end it after the dead father thing but you want to keep it rolling I see.
I love this man. I never get to go back and forth like this when I was at my high school. Everything just turned into a fist fight.

I got one more Tiger.

I'd sooner commit incest than touch your mother like your dead cunt of a ****** father.

Shut up you penis sucking, rim job giving, anal fisting mongoloid, you'll never be the man your mother is.

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