Survivor Series 2011


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey guys, quick question, I've been watching parts of Survivor Series 2011 on the Network and for some reason, I can't seem to find The Rock's promo just before his match with Cena against Miz and Truth. Did the E remove it? I've tried looking for reasons as to why it wasn't there, but haven't had much luck.

If I remember correctly the Rock said WWF during his promo, loud and clear. Pure speculation on my part but if it did get taken down maybe that has something to do with it?
I thought they were allowed to use the WWF word again or is it they can stop covering the WWF logo at former shows. Which one, if at all either?
I noticed on the second edition of Nitro they edited them saying WWF but it was heard on the first broadcast and on that same show too. Dont know why they would edit that out.

I was there live and people were saying oh no he didnt. Also they did an edit on the DVD release as well but this was before the pandas allowed them to do so again.
Thanks for the responses guys.

I figured that given how epic (to me at least!) the promo was, they would at most censor out that part, it will only be a simple one second censor?

If that really is the reason for them not having the promo on the network, then that really is a poor showing from the E.

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