Rumor: Why Miz Has Had A Bumpy Ride For The Past Few Months

So freaking stupid.

The Survivor Series main event wasn't going to draw a thing no matter what and there are multiple reasons as to why.

1. There was ZERO doubt as to the winner. Miz and Truth had gotten beaten up by Cena on his own multiple times so why in the world would we believe that putting him in there with one of the biggest and most successful stars of all time would have any other result? When there's no drama, it better be something special like Austin winning the title to draw something. This certainly wasn't.

2. This meant nothing. Miz and Truth were there as placeholders and the whole match was there to have Rock and Cena have more build for their match five months later. Miz and Truth might as well have been Brooklyn Brawler and Barry Horowitz. The match doesn't change anything, Cena vs. Rock is still the biggest match since Rock vs. Hogan, and nothing changes if they win.

3. Maybe instead of getting stuff about where Rock's boot goes trending, they should have gotten something like #BuySurvivorSeries trending instead. Just a thought.

In short, there's no way you can blame Miz for this. He has nothing to do with how bad the buyrate was and if anything, it should be blamed on whoever picked Rock and Cena as a team for a focal point of the show. It meant nothing at all so why bother watching it? I didn't care at all and I want to see Rock vs. Cena. No point to the match, no reason to put the blame on Miz.
I kinda doubt this story is true. It doesn't sound very logical.

The Miz has a ton of heel heat, and is still heavily featured on RAW. He was #1 in the Royal Rumble, and lasted longer than anyone. If they'd lost faith in him, I don't see why they would give him that kind of spotlight.

The Miz wasn't the main draw of Survivor Series anyway. The draw was whether or not Cena and The Rock could work together.

Survivor Series could have used a stronger card. In 2011, a tag match with no stakes isn't much of a draw. We see those matches on RAW too often. I guess too many people decided to wait until WM to see The Rock in action.
I don't think this report is true at all.

The WWE is a team and there is no "I" in team. If the PPV buy rate was shit, that's because as a whole they failed to draw a crowd. That's not just creative and booking, but also Cena, Miz, Truth, Rock and the under card.

That being said, how could this main event sold when Cena destroyed Miz and Truth by himself in the weeks leading up to the PPV? Creative felt that Cena was looking weak, so they fed him the top heels in the weeks leading up to the ppv (and those heels were his ppv opponents too). So we all knew there was no chance in hell Cena/Rock were going to lose, so they basically were banking on us paying $50 to see a possible Cena heel turn (that didn't happen anyways) and The Rock's big return to action (which ended up being lackluster).

Now I'm not saying The Miz or Truth should have been the top heel spot for the PPV. Miz is a shitty wrestler (at best) and really repetitive on the mic and Truth is a decent mid-card wrestler, but they made these guys look like The Brooklyn Brawler and Reno Riggins could beat them.
If the buyrates are high,the rock is great. If the show flops blame the rest of the card-this is what wwe is doing. Wrestlemania got 1 million buys not only because of rock but also because of 6 weeks of great build behind almost every match. But SS? Miz and Truth trashed 3 weeks in a row,punk facing a bland champion,a throw away elemination tag match. Punk was right. WWE is being run by idiots and douchebages.
When Superman is almost guaranteed to win and he's teamed up with The Great One, what do you expect? There no was chance in hell of R-Truth and Miz winning. It would have been great if they had and been and even better story to add to the MIZ's arrogance.

Of course we can't have Superman lose legit to anyone and we definitely can't have Rock and Superman teamed together and have them lose. Good God no! That would be horrible and interesting and might make people watch RAW the next night as well to see what's going to happen next!

At the end of the day as long as we continue to see Superman pushed into the Main Event picture constantly as "Superman" then buyrates will not be that great. You want buyrates to go up, make Superman lose. Make it look like he's going to lose to.

We need a Cena vacation and need it badly. Not him to go away, but for him to fade into the darkness. Hell they've even been making the Kane / Cena thing bigger than the CM Punk vs. Johnny Ace... It's ridiculous.

Change the habit and ratings will go up. Keep the same thing going and people won't buy what they've seen over and over again from the exact same guy.
I agree with pretty much everyone here. Blaming the Miz is ridiculous. I think the Miz is mediocre at best, highly overrated, and would be lucky to be a midcarder back when wrestling was popular, but the real problem is WWE Creative, weak storylines, and lack of build. Which is the reason they brought back the Rock in the first place, to cover for the overall weak product. But even The Great One can't cover for weak build and storylines, as shown by the Survivor Series buyrate.
I hope that report is wrong somehow, there is no logic to blaming the Miz, or any one single person for a bad buy-rate or bad ratings for Raw/Smackdown. No one single person "draws" in the way that they want to believe, or Rock and Cena should have been able to sell that whole show it their fault? No. Didn't TLC do about the same numbers with Cena not on the show at all? When I buy tickets to an event or order a ppv, I am paying for the entire show, to see the whole roster...when the entire product is stale, and in a slump like it has been, blame falls across the board. Trying to point fingers and single out individual talent(rather than creative) won't help anything get better. Lately every time anybody gets some momentum going something has completely derailed it...the hope I had this past summer is pretty much gone now.
The Miz hasn't won a match since the first week in December apparently but who knows if this is true or not.

At the end of the day they expected the mere fact it was The Rock's first match in 7 years to be enough to draw big, and in these times it simply wasn't considering the return was in a nothing match.

To get a tag match PPV main event to draw these days you better have something unique about the other team as well, had they kept Punk and H at odds and booked them against Cena/Rock, maybe they would have drawn more money. I personally think the all star traditional Survivor Series match that was rumoured would have been the best idea.

At the end of the day they put a glorified mid-carder and a mid-card comedy act against two of the biggest stars ever, it was a TV main event at best no matter how famous one of the face's is.
How on earth WWE could blame The Mioz, the guy they buried in the middle of his WWE Champinoship fued going into lasy years Mania, having him a third wheel. The Miz, the guy who is slowly becoming the corporate face of the company, carried Truth to a main event run. Survivor Series was a rubbish flop because of VINCE burying current rostered star Cena and having Rock using inane childlike insults to try and elevate the fued. Im not a Cena mark by a long way, but how WWE could expect anybody to care about that match when the result was a foregone conclusion and the two guys headlining Wrestlemania are expected to co-exist is beyond me. WWE should have had a 5-5 match and had one of them leave the other for dead at the end, and had the heel team go over, elevating a Ziggler and a Rhodes or Miz and have more heat between Cena and Rock. Or, have HHH and Punk tag against the, as they tagged at Vengence. That way, the result would have been up in the air. WWE are fucking kidding themselves if they are blaming anybody except themselves for the disgrace that Survivor Series 2011was.
I don't know...

I would put the blame on Miz. While the writing has an effect, Miz & Truth beating Cena every week beforehand would NOT have generated 100,000 more buys... I honestly doubt it'd generate 20 more.

Miz has pushed and clawed to get himself to the top level, and I honestly don't think he's done anything to prove he belongs there. Rock & Cena aren't getting blamed because they're proven draws and I guarantee you most of the buys Survivor Series did get were to see the in-ring return of The Rock.

R-Truth is an upper midcarder, never been pushed, booked, or called anything otherwise. Miz was the star power on the team and he just isn't the level that Rock or Cena are on.

Really the blame should go to whoever decided that Miz/R-Truth would be a good opponent for Cena/Rock.

SS 2011 260,000 buys, SS 2010 244,000 buys. If The Rock was a big a draw as everyone keeps saying you would think he would bring in more than 16,000 more buys.

This report has bullshit written all over it. You can't blame one person when the company did a shitty job building it up. Plus a lot of people are not buying the live via satellite crap from the Rock. If true the WWE should point the finger at the man who has his hands in everything...VKM.
For the sake of argument, let's say this rumor is true (which I don't think it is).

SS typically gets on the order of 200,000-250,000 buys (average 225,000 let's say). SS2011 drew 260,000, which is a about a 16% increase over the avg.

They expected a 100% increase over the avg number of buys over the last few years??? They expected be responsible for 200,000 buys over and above Rock/Cena COMBINED????

If that were the case, he'd be the greatest superstar going today. A bona fide Hall of Famer. He'd be getting a push as the greatest WWE Champion ever. He'd be unstoppable if he were pulling in that many PPV buys.

Which is why this report is likely garbage.
I believe this report to be very true considering Miz seemed to be getting into the title picture at TLC and just dropped off the map. Also I agree with it and the decisions by WWE!

Miz wasn't the "Big Star" of a bad guy we all imagined facing off with Rocky. Most thought it would be Kevin Nash and his gang of thugs. Also alot people expected Cena and Rock to be in a traditional SS match which I could have gone either way on If the team of Cena and Rock had decent Tag Team opponents. Not only was the team of Miz and Truth unbelieveable to begin with, you say Cena and Rock beat them up each by themselves prior to SS, making them that much less of a threat.

Most Miz marks will probably disagree but I thinks that stemmed from the fact that most of the WWE universe has yet to see Miz as a legitimate threat as a heel in the main event. Think about it Miz was crammed down our throats for months holding that briefcase, then even though they tried to book it as Orton getting beaten down several times, they let Miz have a semi-match with instead of just a quick victory(like edge spearing Cena) which might of sounded weaker btu if that was his gimmick to begin with, being cocky and arrogant but slimming out of every situation, it would have made sense, more than him beating a guy we all know he can't after a 7 min. match even though he has been attacjed 4 times. If Orton can with stand that, what threat is the Miz?? Then after all that, barley having any decent opponents as champion besides Orton and JoMo and retaining at Mania only thanks to the Rock he loses it to Cena in the most anti climactic fashion. Can anyone say WWE or whoever dropped the Ball???

And the thing that cracks me up most of all is they tried to make him all Main event status and this big heel and two newer guys in Del Rio and Sheamus already have double the amount of his world title reigns and a Royal Rumble victory under there belt. Hell even Ziggler is tied with him in world title reigns and he still has been IC and US champ more.
If anyone legitimately thinks that the WWE is blaming Miz for lower Survivor Series buyrates, you're ******ed. I'm sorry, it's just more dirtsheet bullshit that's likely 100% fabricated nonsense. WWE isn't dumb enough to blame low sales on Miz. That'd be like if you own a soda machine with Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, and Mello Yellow, and sales are down, and you think it's Mello Yellow's fault. Nope, it's your top guys. Not only that, but it's not anyone's fault. Nobody I know even buys PPVs anymore, they WATCH them (stream, torrent, whatever) but they don't buy them. It's why it's such a poor gauge of popularity when comparing numbers across years, times have changed and so should the metrics we look at. WWE knows this and I know, because they're smart people, that WWE doesn't think it's Miz's fault. He's not even being depushed. I don't get it.

Miz hasn't really had a bumpy ride. He's been in a main event feud (Rock and Cena) and now in a top feud with Truth. How is it bumpy? He's still a top guy. I really don't understand this topic.
It definitely is stupid to blame the Miz. The buys would have been lower had the rock not been there. It's without a doubt the fault of the creative team. Miz and Truth could have been built as a real threat and that would have helped a little but it was basically a squash match. Cena had already taken them both out without the rocks help.

I think it hurt the Rock and Cena a little bit by thinking that they needed to team up to take out Miz and Truth. Air Boom already did it. CM punk should have definitely been involved in that match with all of his shots at rock. I don't know but Yeah, blame the miz? Obviously not true. If it is, Then Something is SERIOUSLY wrong...
Just saw this on the front page, and had to start a thread as I think it's absolutely ridiculous if true.

The Miz is reportedly being blamed for the low buy rate of this past year's Survivor Series pay-per-view, according to

The plan was for The Miz to be inserted back into the WWE title picture in January. This plan didn't happen and it seems to stem from the lower number of buys that the Survivor Series drew in November. The blame was placed more on The Miz, who teamed with R-Truth against The Rock and John Cena. It was the first match for The Rock in over 7 years and it is estimated to have drawn 260,000 buys worldwide. Out of those 260,000, only 160,000 came from the United States.

The estimate compares to 244,000 buys in 2010 and 235,000 in 2009, which nearly got the show scrapped from the annual pay-per-view line-up.

Now, if there is any truth to that, how does WWE explain letting Cena single handedly beat the crap out of Awesome Truth prior to the PPV?

They made Awesome Truth look weak, and anyone with half a brain knew that Awesome Truth couldn't beat Cena alone, therefore had no need to watch them face Cena AND The Rock.

This is everything that is wrong with the WWE imo, they have guys like Orton and Cena on such high of a pedestal, that the other guys just can't win, at all.

For the life of me I can't understand why The Rock had to make his return to the ring at Survivor Series by Cena proclaiming to a RAW audience that he was the only man to help him for the job. It all would have made sense if Cena was just setting The Rock up to appear in the match with him so he could screw him over unexpectedly during the match. What's worse is that months before Cena summoned The Rock on RAW, The Rock gave a long ass Cena-bashing promo spoiling the fact that he was going to be at Survivor Series AND the posters for John Cena teaming with The Rock were released BEFORE the match was ever announced.

All of that to say, there were a ton of storyline flaws that easily contributed to the low PPV buys. Whether or not The Rock was told to hint at his return to SS or not during his online promo, it didn't fit within what they eventually tried to do with the story. And last but not least, the mistake by marketing with the early poster release did not help matters. I'm not the biggest Miz hater nor the biggest Miz supporter so I think I'm fair enough to call this one down the line. I DO NOT think Miz is to blame for the PPV buys. Blame bad writing and novice business hiccups.
It was a crappy main event plain and simple.

If you're watching a the Super Bowl and you know beforehand that the Patriots are going to beat the Giants, are you going to watch? no. Because why bother when you already knows the results?

The WWE has to get this "tag-team matches are great main events" crap out of their heads because they aren't. No one care about the outcome because not one person in that match benefits unless there is some huge swerve at the end, which there hardly ever is.

And the fact that you had Cena and the Rock on one side, did anyone really think anything was going to go wrong for them? no

And why Miz? Why not blame R-Truth?

And as for Miz jobbing to Kingston, I only saw that as a way to make KK look somewhat strong going into the Elimination Chamber match, which Miz really didn't need.

But I guess if we see Miz lose again next week, if he wrestles, then maybe there is something to the report.
To blame someone for an action they performed suggests that they did something wrong.....and had they done things correctly, everything would have turned out okay.

If you buy into that logic, then why blame Miz for a lousy rating on a PPV? He performed as directed, operating as the character Creative set up for him. I'm not particularly a fan of his, partially because I'm not wild about the character he plays......but he does a good job of playing the persona he's been given. He didn't deviate from his character that night, nor did he make any mistakes that caused the match to flop.

If his pairing with R-Truth for this match didn't generate the PPV buys the company wanted, they should sooner blame Vince McMahon for booking it in the first place. If they've decided Miz can't draw, don't put him in the main event, particularly one that looked weak from its inception.

If there's one unflattering characteristic of human beings, it's the need to find a scapegoat when things go wrong.....and that's what they're doing here, if the rumors about blaming Miz are true. But if one guy (who isn't John Cena) can actually cause the ratings for a PPV to tank all by himself, the company has bigger problems than they realize.
How can Miz get the blame? Do WWE really think for his comeback match he should team with Cena? The match was random and stupid it was a crap match for me personally, but i would not say it was because of Miz. He is entertaining and works his arse off he is one of the most hardworking superstars in WWE! I hope he gets back into a winning streak, WWE really dont know how to treat some of there best guys. Totally agree with you most of the guys cant win.
Poor Miz he basically turned into a glorified jobber for The Rock. And now he is getting blamed for the disappointing buyrate.

I thought the Rock was suppose to be a big time draw? That was the reason he was brought back right? Well his in ring return did nothing to boost buyrates. People gave him way too much credit for the WM buyrates.

I hope Cena goes over clean at WM.
WWE can blame themselves for constant lack of long term planning, short sided booking, and a lack of quality TV.

Vince McMahon is the problem with WWE, the end.
This is absolutely ridiculous. They are clearly losing their minds if they think that The Miz is fully to blame for a "low" buyrate for Survivor Series. It's not exactly a big secret around here that I dislike Miz, but here I find myself standing up for him. It wasn't his fault. Perhaps not enough people cared about the match when Cena & The Rock made Awesome Truth into an afterthought before the match could even take place. I was hoping that being booked the way they were, that maybe just MAYBE Awesome Truth were going to pull off a shocking victory. Obviously that did not happen.

Why aren't they blaming Truth? Why did Miz suddenly get placed within the target of this accusation? Or better yet, why aren't they blaming creative for booking Miz to be an afterthought in BOTH of the two most important matches so far in his career? He had been in the middle of a decent WWE Championship reign back in March before he was booked to be an afterthought then too. I guarantee you if Wrestlemania had not done so well in buys that Miz would be getting the blame there too. We can't blame Cena or The Rock, or creative (who do deserve the full blame) nope let's blame Miz, after all they have to have a scapegoat.

I suppose we will not be seeing another Miz push anytime soon. Normally I would be happy for that, but he deserves better than this because it was hardly his fault. If WWE want people to buy PPV's more often then maybe they should make it look like either wrestler (or team, in this case) has a shot at winning in the main event. Look at Money In the Bank. People legitimately did not know who would win. WWE should book like that more often, rather than turning someone they pushed HARD a year ago into a scapegoat, rendering the entire push all but meaningless.

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