Superstar of the Decade 2000 - 2010


Dark Match Winner
So this is a pretty simple Qeustion like the title says i want to know who you think was the best superstar who wrestled in wwe between 2000 & 2010
just say who you think and why they desserve to be superstar of The Decade
The only reasonable answer is John Cena.

Sure you had Rock and Austin. But they were only around for the first few years and a majority of that time was spent in limited usage. You could say Triple H because let's be honest, he dominated the World/WWE Title scene the whole decade, created one of the most successful stables in Evolution, and brought DX back. But going back to around 2006/2007 he hasn't been used has much due to injury and age and still don't think he made as big an impact to the business as Cena did this decade.

From 04-Present John Cena has been the biggest name in the company. He is the WWE's money maker and has been since at least 2005. He's had solid feud after solid feud with Edge, Orton, Angle, HBK, Jericho, Batista, Lesnar, JBL, HHH, every big name you could think of he's faced, had great matches with, and usually came out of the feud the better man. He's held the WWE Title 7 times and World Heavyweight Twice, not to mention the Tag Titles and making the U.S. Title relevant at it's beginning. Everything WWE is today and has been for the last 5 years has John Cena's influence written all over it. From the Spinner Belt to the flashier set to the basic tone of the company screams John Cena. He is the perfect role model for kids, the Hogan of this decade he preaches the same values just in a way that kids these days can relate to, Hustle Loyalty Respect. No doubt he is the biggest Superstar in all of wrestling, has been for 4 or 5 years and will be for years to come.

Show me someone who has had a bigger decade than Cena, you can't. There is no other choice than Cena for Superstar of the Decade.
I am going to have co-superstars of the decade. They are HHH and John Cena. HHH was the superstar of the first half of the decade where he dominated it with not only his WWE/ World Heavyweight championship titles, but also the upbringing of Randy Orton and Batista in Evolution, as well as the revival of DX, and everything else Red Skull said, and his feud with John Cena passed the torch onto him for the later half of the decade. These 2 dominated the main event for the whole decade.
The only reasonable answer is John Cena.

Sure you had Rock and Austin. But they were only around for the first few years and a majority of that time was spent in limited usage. You could say Triple H because let's be honest, he dominated the World/WWE Title scene the whole decade, created one of the most successful stables in Evolution, and brought DX back. But going back to around 2006/2007 he hasn't been used has much due to injury and age and still don't think he made as big an impact to the business as Cena did this decade.

From 04-Present John Cena has been the biggest name in the company. He is the WWE's money maker and has been since at least 2005. He's had solid feud after solid feud with Edge, Orton, Angle, HBK, Jericho, Batista, Lesnar, JBL, HHH, every big name you could think of he's faced, had great matches with, and usually came out of the feud the better man. He's held the WWE Title 7 times and World Heavyweight Twice, not to mention the Tag Titles and making the U.S. Title relevant at it's beginning. Everything WWE is today and has been for the last 5 years has John Cena's influence written all over it. From the Spinner Belt to the flashier set to the basic tone of the company screams John Cena. He is the perfect role model for kids, the Hogan of this decade he preaches the same values just in a way that kids these days can relate to, Hustle Loyalty Respect. No doubt he is the biggest Superstar in all of wrestling, has been for 4 or 5 years and will be for years to come.

Show me someone who has had a bigger decade than Cena, you can't. There is no other choice than Cena for Superstar of the Decade.

Why is this thread being brought up again? I've already covered this at the end of '09...

Once again, if there's someone who deserves to be Wrestler of the Decade more than Cena, it's Kurt Angle. Don't bring up the stupid "Ohh he's a role model for kids crap"; that doesn't make you a wrestler of the decade.

Cena is where he is today because of guys like Kurt Angle and don't you forget it. Angle accomplished alot greater achievements than Cena, grew to become the best mainstream technical wrestler around, and had WAY better matches than Cena ALL DECADE LONG. Cena can't tie Angle's boots for this choice...forget it :lol:
Why is this thread being brought up again? I've already covered this at the end of '09...

Once again, if there's someone who deserves to be Wrestler of the Decade more than Cena, it's Kurt Angle. Don't bring up the stupid "Ohh he's a role model for kids crap"; that doesn't make you a wrestler of the decade.

Cena is where he is today because of guys like Kurt Angle and don't you forget it. Angle accomplished alot greater achievements than Cena, grew to become the best mainstream technical wrestler around, and had WAY better matches than Cena ALL DECADE LONG. Cena can't tie Angle's boots for this choice...forget it :lol:

So just because he wrestled his first match against Angle, you're saying he's here because of guys like him?

The only thing Angle has achieved in the WWE that Cena hasn't is winning King of the Ring. Most of the moves Kurt Angle does aren't even technical so I'm not classifying him as a technical wrestler. Kurt Angle was never the top guy in WWE and had to go to TNA to achieve that. Cena has been the top guy for five years. Cena has been a draw the likes of which Angle can only dream of. I'll put Angle maybe fourth behind Cena, HHH, and Undertaker.
So just because he wrestled his first match against Angle, you're saying he's here because of guys like him?

The only thing Angle has achieved in the WWE that Cena hasn't is winning King of the Ring. Most of the moves Kurt Angle does aren't even technical so I'm not classifying him as a technical wrestler. Kurt Angle was never the top guy in WWE and had to go to TNA to achieve that. Cena has been the top guy for five years. Cena has been a draw the likes of which Angle can only dream of. I'll put Angle maybe fourth behind Cena, HHH, and Undertaker.

Sure Cena is a draw but not the biggest of the decade. Ratings and PPV buyrates have gone downhill since Cena took over after guys like Austin, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Goldberg left. Cena is where he is today because Kurt Angle put him over back in '05, you can't tell me that.

And that Angle had to be a top guy only in TNA? WHAT?! He was always a top guy in the WWE. Why is it that he's a main eventer in TNA? Explain that.
Well I dont give a damn who made the thread when....IMO the superstar of the decade is obviously John Cena (unfortunately)...but if CM Punk had started in WWE just a little bit earlier, he would be as dominant as Cena...So im eager to see where this "CM Nexus/Cena Injury" storyline goes.
Sure Cena is a draw but not the biggest of the decade. Ratings and PPV buyrates have gone downhill since Cena took over after guys like Austin, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Goldberg left. Cena is where he is today because Kurt Angle put him over back in '05, you can't tell me that.

And that Angle had to be a top guy only in TNA? WHAT?! He was always a top guy in the WWE. Why is it that he's a main eventer in TNA? Explain that.

hey no one in their right mind thinks cena is a better wrestler than angle but this is for superstar of the decade. while angle has done alot cena carries the company on his shoulder and the only reason ppv buys are down is because wrestling isn't as popular and the tough economy. but cena keepsa the company afloat with his merch sales alone, and then he draws for raw and the ppvs.
if angle had stayed with the E you would probably have a better argument and you might just be right. but cena bleeds wwe so you probably wont be able to convince anyone otherwise lol
Although I hate Cena with a passion, I have to admit he is undoubtedly the Superstar of the Decade. He's been the face of the WWE for the last half of the decade, Raw is basically his show, the majority of the top storylines revolve around him...
Angle is a strong possibility for Wrestler of the Decade, but only a small possibility as Superstar of the Decade
hey no one in their right mind thinks cena is a better wrestler than angle but this is for superstar of the decade. while angle has done alot cena carries the company on his shoulder and the only reason ppv buys are down is because wrestling isn't as popular and the tough economy. but cena keepsa the company afloat with his merch sales alone, and then he draws for raw and the ppvs.
if angle had stayed with the E you would probably have a better argument and you might just be right. but cena bleeds wwe so you probably wont be able to convince anyone otherwise lol

Merchandise sales is nothing compared to what The Rock or Stone Cold ever did. It was MORE than just selling T-Shirts. Ratings and buyrates have gone at an all-time low with Cena as well so go ahead and accept mediocrity. And another reason why WWE has gone downhill since Cena took over is because they pushed him to the moon and got rid of many or most die-hard WWE fans with how they changed the product and the people they've pushed.
Sure Cena is a draw but not the biggest of the decade. Ratings and PPV buyrates have gone downhill since Cena took over after guys like Austin, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Goldberg left. Cena is where he is today because Kurt Angle put him over back in '05, you can't tell me that.

Cena helped raise the company after HHH had his title reigns from 2003-2005 or did you not watch wrestling back then. Kurt Angle hurt Cena more than he helped him. JBL put him over at Wrestlemania 21. His year long title reign helped him get over with the fans. Prove to me that Angle was a draw.

And that Angle had to be a top guy only in TNA? WHAT?! He was always a top guy in the WWE. Why is it that he's a main eventer in TNA? Explain that.

When was Angle a top guy in the WWE? It wasn't during his first title reign that's for sure while you had Rock, Austin, Undertaker, and HHH. TNA needed a big name and Kurt Angle was a big name. That doesn't mean he's the superstar of the decade. If Cena went to TNA in 2006, he would have gotten the same reaction and be a main eventer today.
To me the superstar of the decade is Edge, just look at what he has accomplished in this decade. I know a lot of people say Cena because he is the face of wwe or Kurt Angle because he is such a great wrestler but wrestler of the decade to fans is an opinion and my opinion is that Edge is the superstar of the decade.

In this decade Edge has been in two of the most successful tag teams of all time Rated RKO {with Randy and Lita was in there for alitte while} and E&C. Those are two tag teams that will always be remebered. Also he has become a multiple time IC champion, 10x world champion, multiple time tag team champion, winner of the first ever money in the bank, 2001 king of the ring, U.S champion and 2010 royal rumble winner. He was also apart of PWI fued of the year 2005 with Lita and Matt.

He also won the slammy award for couple of the year in 2008 with Vickie G., which was also a storyline that he did good acting in, and in 2010 he won the slammy for meltdown of the year when he destroyed the Raw GM's computer. Then he was with Lita in 2005-2006 and they were one of wwe's most dominate and remerable couples of all time. Then he earned the nicknames the Rated R Superstar, the manster manipulator and the ultimate opprotunist. He even had hes own customized wwe title.

So as you can see Edge has done a lot in this past decade and he has had a lot of great fueds. Like when he fueded with Underaker and challenged his undeafted streak, hes fued with Jeff Hardy, Hes fued with Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho and Christian. He is also know as the master of the TLC and is the only man in wwe to have held ever currently active male title in the wwe today. Edge was also in 2005-2006 wwe's biggest heel and now he is currently sd's biggest face.

So as you can tell Edge has done a lot in this past decade from being half of one of the funniest tag teams of all time {E&C} to being King of the Ring to being a 10 x world champion. So this is why I think he should be the superstar of the decade.
How can it be anyone but Cena?

He has carried the WWE on his shoulders since Wrestlemania 21. He's had more interesting programs than any other superstar since his debut, including Shawn Michaels, and has managed to have success as a face since his original turn. He also has the single best mic skills in professional wrestling today. He has also managed to put tons of people over. Yes, John Cena has helped elevate a lot of talent to the level they are at today. Edge was already a respected heel when he began feuding with Cena, but after the feud with Cena he was legendary. And what about Batista? Batista was a main eventer following his stint with Evolution, but I think he'll be best remembered for his battles with Cena. Furthermore, he's helped attract fans to the WWE by crossing over to other areas of media. He's been a special guest on television shows, he's starred in movies, he's been in commercials... he's basically the WWE's only pop culture phenomenon.

Cena has been the face of the WWE for nearly 5 years now, and he has been a major part of the company since his debut. John Cena is the superstar of the decade.
Merchandise sales is nothing compared to what The Rock or Stone Cold ever did. It was MORE than just selling T-Shirts. And another reason why WWE has gone downhill since Cena took over is because they pushed him to the moon and got rid of many or most die-hard WWE fans with how they changed the product and the people they've pushed.
Your inability to understand how ratings work and appreciate that we're in a boom right now is laughable. A 3.2 on cable today isn't the same as a 3.2 on cable ten years ago. The sooner people get it through their heads that Cena and the "PG era" are bringing in plenty of viewers, the better.

As such, I have to give the duke to Cena. While business shrunk when Triple H (and, to lesser extents, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle) took over after Rock and Austin left, John Cena turned things around (despite a lot of people in the back not wanting to see him succeed). He earned his position as the poster boy and unlike every other run of the mill hard worker or political hack, Cena has justified his position on the card by putting money in everyone's pockets, giving the fans compelling, emotionally engaging contests, and connecting with the people on a level nobody else has done this decade.

Kurt Angle markdom will get you nowhere. Thinking that rolling Ankle Locks make someone a great wrestler is absurd. Thinking that Cena needed to be put over by Angle in 2005 doesn't pass the smell test. By the end of 2003, Cena didn't need Angle's help with fuck all.

The answer is Cena.
Cena helped raise the company after HHH had his title reigns from 2003-2005 or did you not watch wrestling back then. Kurt Angle hurt Cena more than he helped him. JBL put him over at Wrestlemania 21. His year long title reign helped him get over with the fans. Prove to me that Angle was a draw.

When was Angle a top guy in the WWE? It wasn't during his first title reign that's for sure while you had Rock, Austin, Undertaker, and HHH. TNA needed a big name and Kurt Angle was a big name. That doesn't mean he's the superstar of the decade. If Cena went to TNA in 2006, he would have gotten the same reaction and be a main eventer today.

Kurt Angle was never a "Big ratings draw". He was more of a wrestler who became very successful for his work. Cena is the bigger mainstream draw here, of course, but what I don't get is how is it that being the face of a company that has gone downhill since Austin, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Goldberg left make you a great superstar of the decade? Cena's been busting his ass, sure, but he can't carry Rock or Austin's jock as far as being on the same level as them. He's also contributed in getting rid of many hardcore WWE fans.

I picked Angle because he's been there with the best and has beaten the best all decade long and had better matches. He was also a top guy in the WWE in 2002-2006. Cena is a respectable choice, don't get me wrong, but what if Brock Lesnar or The Rock never left?
It depends on what your criteria for a pro wrestling superstar is. I for one don't care about their drawing power, like so many others seem to do. For me it is a blend of awsome mic work and fantastic wrestlingskills that counts. Therefore Cena doesn't cut it as the superstar of the decade for me. My choice would be Chris Jericho. He really is the best at what he does.
Kurt Angle was never a "Big ratings draw". He was more of a wrestler who became very successful for his work. Cena is the bigger mainstream draw here, of course, but what I don't get is how is it that being the face of a company that has gone downhill since Austin, Brock Lesnar, The Rock, and Goldberg left make you a great superstar of the decade? Cena's been busting his ass, sure, but he can't carry Rock or Austin's jock as far as being on the same level as them. He's also contributed in getting rid of many hardcore WWE fans.

I picked Angle because he's been there with the best and has beaten the best all decade long and had better matches. He was also a top guy in the WWE in 2002-2006. Cena is a respectable choice but what if Brock Lesnar or The Rock never left?

It's real cute how you put Lesnar and Goldberg with Austin and The Rock liked they really helped any while they were here. Cena's been there with the best of his era and beaten them clean which half the time I could say the same thing for Angle. I think you're being a little generous to say when Angle was a top guy in the WWE.
It's real cute how you put Lesnar and Goldberg with Austin and The Rock liked they really helped any while they were here. Cena's been there with the best of his era and beaten them clean which half the time I could say the same thing for Angle. I think you're being a little generous to say when Angle was a top guy in the WWE.

Lesnar and Goldberg had starpower I know that. Angle was a top guy in the WWE in 2002-2006 wrestling-wise. That was my whole point. Wrestling-wise, Kurt Angle is the Wrestler of the Decade. He had better matches and better opponents than Cena.

Mainstream-wise, Cena is a respectable choice for Superstar or Wrestler of the Decade. He's a draw for the kids but I have no other choice to say that because of how the WWE has gone downhill, which is sad, and he's the only one who's done good. It just depends of how you see it. Wrestling-wise or Mainstream-wise. But I pick Angle. He's established himself as a legend this whole decade.
Merchandise sales is nothing compared to what The Rock or Stone Cold ever did. It was MORE than just selling T-Shirts. Ratings and buyrates have gone at an all-time low with Cena as well so go ahead and accept mediocrity. And another reason why WWE has gone downhill since Cena took over is because they pushed him to the moon and got rid of many or most die-hard WWE fans with how they changed the product and the people they've pushed.

This is plain ignorant. To discredit Cena because someone put him over is plain stupid. Every wrestler has come in and been put over by someone. So by that account, we'll have to say the wrestler of the decade was some guy who actually wrestled back in the 1940s, because he put over a guy who put over a guy....etc etc.

Buy Rates are lower because of more competition, not because of John Cena. There's other mediums competing for the consumers PPV dollers, not to mention internet piracy.

And yeah, TV ratings are NOT the most reliable ways to compare popularity over the decades. There are more televisions in households than say.. the 80s, so a fewer % will watch a certian show.

Most of the attitude era fans who came and went were just there for the eye candy and gore and childish skits.

But anyways, don't discredit Cena just because you have something against the way he was pushed.
Angle is a strong possibility for Wrestler of the Decade, but only a small possibility as Superstar of the Decade

Why "Wrestler" of the decade? Are you excluding other performers mainly due to the tagline "Superstar of the decade"?

I'm sure theres some mexican midgets who are actual technicians in the ring who were better.. ha ha.

I love Angle, definitely one of the best in ring performers ever, in my opinion, but his jump to TNA didn't even cause a bump against WWE in the ratings.
Edge actually does deserve mention in it, definitely more than Kurt Angle! I dont value Edge's 10 championships, as they were a total of what- 10 months long? But he's definitely been one of the best of the past 10 years.
This is plain ignorant. To discredit Cena because someone put him over is plain stupid. Every wrestler has come in and been put over by someone. So by that account, we'll have to say the wrestler of the decade was some guy who actually wrestled back in the 1940s, because he put over a guy who put over a guy....etc etc.

Buy Rates are lower because of more competition, not because of John Cena. There's other mediums competing for the consumers PPV dollers, not to mention internet piracy.

And yeah, TV ratings are NOT the most reliable ways to compare popularity over the decades. There are more televisions in households than say.. the 80s, so a fewer % will watch a certian show.

Most of the attitude era fans who came and went were just there for the eye candy and gore and childish skits.

But anyways, don't discredit Cena just because you have something against the way he was pushed.

You are also right about how the business has gone down. But John Cena has also been a part of the reason why they've changed the direction of the company where many long time wrestling fans didn't approve. I can accept change in a company but it could've been better. And of course everyone get's pushed by someone. I just didn't like how they pushed him RIGHT AFTER Brock Lesnar left. And it wasn't just Cena that got pushed simultaneously either.
Lesnar and Goldberg had starpower I know that. Angle was a top guy in the WWE in 2002-2006 wrestling-wise. That was my whole point. Wrestling-wise, Kurt Angle is the Wrestler of the Decade. He had better matches and better opponents than Cena.

Mainstream-wise, Cena is a respectable choice for Superstar or Wrestler of the Decade. He's a draw for the kids but I have no other choice to say that because of how the WWE has gone downhill, which is sad, and he's the only one who's done good. It just depends of how you see it. Wrestling-wise or Mainstream-wise. But I pick Angle. He's established himself as a legend this whole decade.

It's so stupid you even mention Goldberg or Lesner. How long were they even in the main event picture? Lesnar, sure, he was hyped, but as soon as he got to the top, he couldn't handle it anymore. Goldberg was a joke, plain and simple.

WWE has changed direction. Lots of wrestlers passed away or retired. You cant give all the credit to Rock/Austin for the boom era, when guys like Taker/Michaels/HHH/Foley/Guerrero/Benoit/Angle etc. had so much to do with that era. John Cena does not have that kind of supporting cast, not even close.

Are you also gonna say that Michaels was a crappy wrestler, because when he was champ, WWE was getting their lowest ratings, horrible merchandising figures, bad PPV sales, not to mention losing so much money in the mid 90s?
Sadly, yes John Cena takes the cake on this one. Though, there are some honorable mentions. Edge is definitly there, and HBK as well. Now before you start bitching about why I would mention HBK, think of what he went through for 5 years before coming back. He shouldn't have even comeback, if what they said of his back was true. But he did, and we won or two more world titles? Plus had the greatest match in WM history with Taker.....twice. But yes....sadly is John "I can't wrestle for crap" Cena.
I gonna go with arguably the biggest heel for the second half of the decade, Edge. While Cena was the face of the WWE, Edge more often than not was the heel. 10 world titles, 14 tag title runs, and he was in one of the most heated storylines with Cena in 2006 and had feuds with DX and The Undertaker. In the early 2000s he dominated the tag division with Christian and though he was injured from 03-04, he made an early impact when he was pushed to the main event, winning MITB and having the first surprise cash-in at New Years Revolution 2006. He also has some tag title runs while he was in the ME. It may not be everyone's choice but I'm going with Edge over Cena. And for the last couple of years while Cena had RAW, Edge had Smackdown.

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