Superstar evaluation: The Miz

Comparing The Miz to the likes of Rvd, Chris jericho, Kurt angle etc. in any way shape or form is down right bias marking. :disappointed:

What exactly has the Miz accomplished to be mentioned in the same sentence with wrestling legends such as Hulk hogan and Ric flair OFF ALL PEOPLE.
I'll wait....:confused::wtf:

He came in as the diva search host after coming from a reality show prior went on to become a backstage interviewer before long he was a jobber.
Until by the grace of the wrestling gods he was paired with Morrison who isn't much on the mic but his wrestling skills are amazing. Completely makes you forget and not care he can't talk on the mic.

Also Morrison is very over with the audience so being that Miz was his tag partner the overness of Morrison rubbed off on Miz. How ever that may sound moving on...:icon_neutral:.

Not sure if they won the titles they were a team for a while he then moved on to a duo with a 7 ft giant. Also known as The big show they won the tag titles and yada yada they broke up he went on to win the US championship.

Had one of the most boring and coma inducing us title reigns in recent memory finally lost it to Bryan. Here's the confusing part he actually won the MITB match held on to said briefcase. For a while we all know what happens from there...And here we are a few months removed from Miz winning the WWE title from Orton.

Someone please explain where in his joke of a career has Miz done anything noteworthy to be compared with the likes of Y2j , Hulk hogan ,Rvd , Kurt angle seriously??? :confused:

I may not have gotten the timeline right but i know he hasn't done much more than what i just stated. Prove me wrong...I'm waiting :suspic:
Mic Skills- 7 of 10... Just because he's not all spot on, does not mean he isn't credible. He gets what needs to be said, said and does it in his own style, unique to only him. I would feel dirty giving him anything higher.

Crowd Reaction- 8 of 10... He knows how to get a crowd riled up.

In-Ring- 5 of 10... Does not need to be anything special to be a Sports Entertainer.

Credibility- 6 of 10... I don't take him credible myself. He's a good cheater, but not to much else.
As far as the Miz's mic skills are concerned: He is in need of improvement. I hear his interviews and promos, and to me it just sounds like a broken record. He can be a better heel or even a face if he took a few lessons from Triple H or Shawn Michaels. Because lets face it, he is the future. He has WWE future written all over him. His father was no wrestler, he has no uncles or grandparents and he worked his butt off to get there from MTV Real World. I saw him in MTV Real World NY and he was phenomenal then and he still can be in the WWE. I look at him as really honest to god being the NEXT Shawn Michaels.

Final rating on MIC Skills: 6 out of 10.

As far as the Miz's in-ring capability: ALOT of work is needed. He needs to spend his free time (well whatever he has) training with veteran wrestlers like Taker, Triple H, Rey, Chavo, even the Brooklyn Brawler. Heck if Shawn doesn't mind training him, then put Shawn to the mix. His finisher: SKULL CRUSHING FINALE....he needs to put that one in the back-burner and come up with a much more flawless finisher that will really go over with the fans. He's doing a reverse russian leg-sweep which really is NO finisher. I would hate to see him using a Jeff-Jarrett like finisher and ending up like Jeff Jarrett on a 4th-rate channel on a no-rate show with a trash-bag (still hot) of a wife. He needs to learn a few more moves as well as get some training in submission wrestling. Too bad Benoit isn't here or he would have trained him good.

Final rating on IN-RING Capability: 4 out of 10

As far as the Miz's credibility goes: Coming from a MTV reality show like Real World and then Real World/Road Rules Challenge and then becoming the face of the WWE...that my friends is impossible to do. When I first saw the Miz on the WWE programming, I said to myself-I give it a year or two before he either ends up as a full-time commentator or just gets fired. Its 2011 and he is the reigning WWE Champion. That one caught me off guard. Knowing Vince Mcmahon, he never gives the title to the "little guys" unless he sees some sort of potential. Let's face it, if that was the case, then HBK, Y2J, and other smaller champions would never be champions. Maybe that is why Morrison is still chasing the Championship but is always going to be a glorified mid-card wrestler while the Miz will be the WWE's face of the future. Miz works his ass off, works the crowd for heat, tries his best (although he needs improvement), and his "ego" on the air is what his character needs. Eventually he is going to have to get rid of that spot-monkey "A-RI" and go solo or form a stable of formidable heels and I see the Miz becoming an even bigger Top-Dog. Right now he is above average but better than alot of WWE wrestlers. I would honestly say the Miz is better than John Cena in all 3 categories.

Final Rating on the Miz's credibility: 8 out of 10

Final Rating on the Miz's: 7 out of 10
Compared to most of the current roster he's good on the mic, but in the grand scheme of things I'd say 2/5. Everytime he's in the ring its seems painfully forced and scripted. Possibly the worst catchphrase of all time, didn't Edge already wear out the awesome thing a few years back?

Crowd reaction 3/5 like others have already said he's not really doing much to draw heel heat he's just boring as hell and he's getting booed because he's terrible.
In ring 2/5, again all his movements seem very forced and unnatural, he has improved but hey its pretty easy to improve from pathetic to lackluster. That finisher, not really believable as a move that no one can seem to kick out of. Of course alot of WWE champs have been sub par in the ring, but they had the mic skills or credibility that he lacks.

Credibility 1/5. if not for being paired with Morrison The Miz would be Josh Matthews right now. When they gave him the title all I could think was "what the hell is this Vinny Mac's nephew or something?". Like I said about some former champs being sub par in the ring, alot of those guys had body builder physiques and at least looked like they could kick ass, The Miz just looks like a metrosexual fratboy who would get his ass kicked by an average joe.
Overrall I think I would consider him lucky to be a mid carder feuding for the IC or US belt right now, but for him to be WWE champ... My WWE watching days could soon be at an end.
My Evaluation:

These responses will be not as compared to every wrestler ever but as compared to the current WWE roster.

MIC SKILLS/Promo Skills - 4 out of 5. I think The Miz's mic skills are very good and have gotten better. His mic skills fit the gimmick perfectly. When he talks, it's actually how a promo should be. He's either talking to us or to the other wrestler but talking to us indirectly. I think his voice is perfect for the character he plays and the way he enunciates words (to make himself extremely annoying) is perfect for the character.
He does a good job at drawing heat and maintaing that heat throughout an in-ring promo.
Reacts to the crowd pretty well and for the most part, tries to interact with the crowd.
Facial expressions and mannerisms have improved a great deal.
He needs to get some diversity into his promos though. He seems to say the same thing, or similar every time. However, while I'm sure his promos are scripted, he does not ever seem like he's trying to remember what to say. He's had a couple gaffes but for the most part, as I stated above, he seems like he's actually having a conversation with the other wrestler.

IN RING-SKILLS: Somewhere between a 2.5 and 3 out of 5, closer to 3. I think he's gotten better but still needs improvement. As a main eventer, I think his wrestling skills need to be better. He doesn't have a big moveset but he seems to have potential to expand his skill set. I get bored with his matches quickly, depending on who he's fighting. He does a good job, IMO, selling moves and he's decent at changing the pace of the match.

Gimmick: 4 out of 5. The Miz has a great heel gimmick. I hated him at first, when he was on ECW and teaming with Morrison. He's improved the gimmick greatly and now he's so annoying to the point where I like him. He's extremely hateable and everybody knows a "Miz" in their life and so we can relate to his gimmick. Cocky, obnoxious, arrogant, bully. Not overally huge not necessary for the character.

Long Term Future: 4.5 out of 5. The Miz has a great future with the company. He's young and according to many reports, he's a worker and is very driven and loves the business. He can be put against any main event face in the company and have a great feud. If he improves his in ring wrestling skills, he has potential to be a long term fixture in the company and a multi-time champion. The only thing that might hold him back is that he's not a huge muscleman like Cena, Triple H, Orton but that's not necessary anymore. Look at Edge, Jericho, CM Punk for example.
Rock had it right last week "IF YOU KEEP SAYING YOU'RE AWESOME, YOU ABO****LEY SUCK!"

and thats exactly what the miz is, a kiss-ass nobody, probably have some pictures vinnie-mac doesn't want published because there is no other explanation about how this nobody got such a big push, i hope he will break or tear something real soon and go away for about a year. and as far as the categories earlier went.... if i could give someone negative mark he would get it, but it will suffice just saying 0 in all

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