Miz or Morrison

Miz or morrison?

  • The miz

  • John Morrison

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After reading this all, im really sick of the STUPIDITY some people show on this forum.
Lets go to the list here

He is great on the mic and a decent pound for pound wrestler. While not the best in any category but he can play with the best in the business and thats what WWE needs.

Lets start with the fact that makes me wanna BITCH SLAP THE HELL out off each and every one of you. when was the last time wwe even let this full cut a promo?? I've heard him preform on the mic, and yes I know he's not at Miz's level but he has solid mid card mic skills (which is more than you can say for even some main eventers.) Then you people say that he is only a spotmonkey? You know i thought the same thing. After a few matches where he doesn't get the chance to all the spots you notice he can really get things done in the ring too, certainly better than Miz (in most cases)

My vote is obviously to Morrison, although I do like the Miz as a superstar better...>.> probably because he gets cooler fueds.
I personally have to say I am 51% The Miz and 49% JoMo, so my vote goes to The Miz.

I like both of these guys. Problem is, I think both are MUCH more effective as heels. JoMo can get by as a heel without talking to much, and I don't love him on the mic. The Miz is fantastic on the stick and does good ringwork too, IMO.

There is no doubt we will see a solid feud between the two at some point and it hopefully will be at the top of the card with a world championship in the middle.
Oh i love these non-sense!!
Its like comparing RVD to Chris Jericho!!

John Morrison has only his lover boys that are blind!! Okay the guy can jump, but when Sin Cara debut he wil be a joke stand to him!! He dont have any personality, he is just awfull, even his song make me sick right now!!!

The Miz has the Star Quality, he has charisma AND HE HIS GOOD in the ring and sells better than JoMo every move, c'mon he made Hornswoggle a threat!!!
If somebody votes for JoMo is just a Lover Boy, so forget abou this post!!


If im not mistaken that is miz getting pinned by hornswoggle at the end of the match so therefore that point is null and void. And i have never once seen a great match out of miz. ive seen good matches but none great.

This match is better than any miz match ive seen miz in. Morrison was and is the more talented of the two. Miz has mic skill and thats it. He looks average. His in ring skills are above avergae most times but not all the time. So show me a miz match better than this.
I've said this before in many posts that the single most important job a wrestler has is making the crowd care about him and what he's involved in. JoMo is able to do that but not nearly as well as The Miz. Since The Miz won the WWE Championship, there's been CONSTANT discussion, debate and outright interest in the WWE Championship scene. Whether you're a fan of Miz or not, he has your attention. He has you watching to see what happens to him next, wondering if he's going to leave WrestleMania still WWE Champion, what he does after WrestleMania, etc. All this is key to being a long term main eventer. If the fans aren't interested, then it doesn't matter how good you look, how high you can jump, how toned your abs are, how many flips and suicide dives you pull off.[/QUOTE]

So ? How is the Miz any different than anyone else who is new to the championship scene.[/QUOTE]

When is the last time you can recall in which someone new to the championship picture generated this much interest? If you're thinking Sheamus, forget it. The amount of discussion and interest Miz has generated blows anything Sheamus did out of the water. Miz is currently main eventing WrestleMania and is involved in an angle with arguably two of the five biggest stars wrestling has produced within the past 15 years.

Guys who have champ mutiple times obviously wont cause as much interest cause we now what to expect. It's not the Miz so much causing the issue, it's the fact that there is a newcomer in the scene who has a very polarizing character. Miz though isnt unique, he is totally replaceable. Hell, WWE put the title on Sheamus just to get a reaction. If they took Zack Ryder and made him champ tommorow people would react the same way. There would be dozens of boards all over the IWC talking about him. Some people would come to his side to say its different and change is good. And others say its ridiculous. Just like with Miz. In all these cases there would be arguement only because of the contraversy surronding the issue. Anyone could fit the role. Miz isnt doing anything special. He is just the guy they are going with at this current time.

If that were true, then Shelton Benjamin would've been a multi-time World Champion in the WWE. Like any company, the WWE can book guys into a certain spot but it's up to them ultimately to get themselves over. The WWE gave The Miz the ball and he's managed to run with it. The fact that you can say Zack Ryder would get a similar reaction just tells me you don't have a clue about how things work. You can hate Miz if you like, that's all well and good, but the guy is over because fans are buying what he's selling. Vince McMahon can't just put anyone in feuds with guys like Cena or Orton or whomever and say "Ok boys, make this guy my next star". Vince can't stand up and scream at the fans "This is the guy I want for my next big thing so you people pour heat on him dammit!!!!". It doesn't work that way, it never has worked that way and it never will work that way. Wrestling fans, like anyone else, aren't the sheep that some want to think they are just because they might happen to like a certain feud, storyline or wrestlers that some others might think is lame. The WWE gave Miz a shot and he's made good on that shot. You might not like it, but it is what it is.

If im not mistaken that is miz getting pinned by hornswoggle at the end of the match so therefore that point is null and void. And i have never once seen a great match out of miz. ive seen good matches but none great.

This match is better than any miz match ive seen miz in. Morrison was and is the more talented of the two. Miz has mic skill and thats it. He looks average. His in ring skills are above avergae most times but not all the time. So show me a miz match better than this.

Do I really have to find the video where John Morrison gets pined by Vickie Guerrero? ;D

Okay you like High-Flyers, very good!! So for you, Evan Bourne is a better wrestler than Randy Orton, or Batista, therefore he should be champion!!!
The things dont work that way, JoMo cant sell a shiit in a wrestling match!!

Go see HBK, he really looked in pain when he was fighting, he really looked tired, he is the best performer of all times, and let me tell you something he can talk and he can tune eery sinlge one of us to almost every feud, JoMo best feud was with CM Punk, that of course has average ring skills and tons of MIC SKILLS!!!!!

Dont get me wrong, i think that he deserves one, he is with the company for a very good time, he should get the world tittle one day, but he isnt close to Miz level!!

The guy is so good, that even Conan O'Brian make a shirt with that crap of Ginja Ninja or something like that!!
JoMo has lacks of charisma, thats why he is in a feud with Laycool and Ziggler!!

Of course that i think that he should main eventing SummerSlam for the WWE Championship, i really would love to see Miz going on champion til SS and get in a ladder match agaisnt JoMo, that would be awesome!! And then maybe JoMo gets the victory, but hell no, he cant main event WM next year!!
No Batista and randy orton are great wrestlers unlike the miz. And evan Bourne doesnt really have a mat game to back it up so no he shouldnt be the world champ. John Morrison is actually a decent mat wrestler behind the high flying as shown in that video. i think he could easily main event Mania if the miz did. In Mic skills miz tromps him in every way shape and form. And the Miz works his ass off and i respect him. Plus i like how he, unlike many anymore, paid his dues in the company. I just think his look is average. Im not saying you should be a bodybuilder to be champ,but you should have some more definition in muscle tone. I thiink he has a decent character. I just think that he shouldnt be main eventing restlemania. Morrison has been in the main event before and has had a decent number of shots at the title. He is main event material because he was in the main event scene. I dont mean for a single match but for a while he was a main eventer on SD! And the funny part about miz is, he never got the praise of how great he is until after he won the title. He might have had some loyal fans but to the majority of his current fans hes the flavor of the week.Thats all i see him as. He is in favor with the boss. He is getting better all the time though and i hope he stays there. but i personally wouldve had Cm punk win the title and have miz use his rematch on raw. THen have orton challenge ofr the title. In the meanwhile do the miz cena rock program.

Oh and on a side note, can someone explain to me how he techincally got pinned by vikie? I shall admit he did but they basically changed the rules midmatch from same sex wrestling to whatever. is there something i missed about that?
John Morrison for in Ring ability, not the best on the Mic but not the worst.

Miz better on the Mic in ring is good, not as entertaining as Morrison.

Overall i prefer John Morrison.
Do I really have to find the video where John Morrison gets pined by Vickie Guerrero? ;D

Okay you like High-Flyers, very good!! So for you, Evan Bourne is a better wrestler than Randy Orton, or Batista, therefore he should be champion!!!
The things dont work that way, JoMo cant sell a shiit in a wrestling match!!

Go see HBK, he really looked in pain when he was fighting, he really looked tired, he is the best performer of all times, and let me tell you something he can talk and he can tune eery sinlge one of us to almost every feud, JoMo best feud was with CM Punk, that of course has average ring skills and tons of MIC SKILLS!!!!!

Dont get me wrong, i think that he deserves one, he is with the company for a very good time, he should get the world tittle one day, but he isnt close to Miz level!!

The guy is so good, that even Conan O'Brian make a shirt with that crap of Ginja Ninja or something like that!!
JoMo has lacks of charisma, thats why he is in a feud with Laycool and Ziggler!!

Of course that i think that he should main eventing SummerSlam for the WWE Championship, i really would love to see Miz going on champion til SS and get in a ladder match agaisnt JoMo, that would be awesome!! And then maybe JoMo gets the victory, but hell no, he cant main event WM next year!!

And who would have thought that the Miz two years ago was claiming he was 7-0 against Cena. The year after he's tag team partners with The Big Show. Do you think anyone was saying "Oh this guys great on the mic, ahs aload of charisma, and is WWE championship material!" NO! Point blank, Morrison is a better performer than Miz so next ear don't be surprised if he's in a fued over a World title
Miz's fans are really funny. How can you sit there with a straight face saying Morrison cant make it, yet all of you believed Miz would be released within 1 to 2 years of his debut. YOU KNOW ITS TRUE. Dont act like you saw all this potential in Miz from day 1. I am not of fan on Miz but I will give him credit for sticking with it. I dont think he necessarily paid his dues but the guy did come from the bottom of the pit in terms of how poorly he was used on the show in 2006. The guy was fighting boogeyman and tatanka and going nowhere. That was pretty much most of his career, GOING NOWHERE, until he was paired with Jomo, who was already an ECW Champion. Then he got his singles push and he is where he is. But dont tell me for a minute you thought this guy was going to be succesful. So for you to say Morrison dosent have what it takes is a flat out lie. Anyone can become a big star in WWE if they just harness the tools they have and get people interested in what they are doing. Bret Hart didnt have to cut promos like The Rock to get over did he ? Maybe Morrison should forget about performing well in the ring and just start kissing serious ass. You know go out and attend all the late night shows and put over wwe everywhere, every single minute. Apperantly those are the people we should push right ? Not the top performers in the ring. Oh my bad, its not a wrestling show anymore, right ?
First off, all you people saying a girl can beat the Miz up probably can't even beat him up yourselves, and using that as an excuse as to why he's not as good as Morrison is just ******ed.

I'm going to say the Miz. Simply because in the eyes of the WWE he actually matters. Do you see him teaming up with a celebrity bimbo and a retired diva in a mixed tag team match at WrestleMania? No. You see him feuding with the face of the company AND the freaking most electrifying man in sports entertainment in the main event. You see Miz every week, cutting great promos and putting on great matches (Bash his wrestling ability all you want, he has improved tremendously since he won the belt). Morrison... has been getting pinned by Vickie Guerrero.

Honestly, this poll is nothing but a popularity contest. Reality has nothing to do with it, people like the spot monkey more than the talker, so the spot monkey gets more votes while the people that voted for him blindly hate on the Miz.

Yes, all you people saying Miz is bad/decent on the mic and that he's the worst wrestler in the WWE qualify as blind haters.
Reading the miz retaining the title thread I came upon The post by richnap saying that miz and Morrison should fued for the strap and we will see who the hbk is and who is the jenny. I don't see miz and morrison as a michaels and jennety I see them as michaels and triple H. Thats right let's look:

Both michaels and hunter have had huge success and are former partners in DX
But before hunter took off as a main eventer he floated around the upper mid card and as we know hbk won the wwe title before hunter
So I dont see M&M as the rockers I see them as D Generation X .
Miz is in his first reign and doing a good job
And Morrison will be there sooner rather then later he will be the triple H to the Shawn michaels
And to be honest I think Morrison will go on to more success in the long run .

So my questions are:

Do you agree with my thoughts?
Do you have your own comparison to miz and morrison?
Who do you think will go on two more success?

Thats just my two sence:)
Well DX wasn't really a tag team at first, it was a stable. The Rockers was a legit tag team.

And right now, it's looking like Morrison is the Jannetty. But that's because he hasn't really accomplished as much.

The Miz has 4 Tag Team Championships, 2 US titles, MITB, and the WWE Championship.

Morrison has 5 TT championships, 3 IC titles, and the ECW title. Which is more impressive?

I don't really think it's fair to compare them to HBK and HHH though. HBK is seen as a better performer, but HHH has technically (by numbers) accomplished more.

Right now, the WWE obviously sees The Miz as the Michaels, but don't see Morrison as a Janetty nor a HHH.

As to who will get more success.. it's hard to tell. Neither have completed their careers. Miz is a company man, and with him being that loyal he'll be in the main event for a long time to come. Morrison has great athleticism and has already garnered many nicknames (Shaman of Sexy, Guru of Greatness, ___day Night Delight, New Face of Extreme, and Prince of Parkour) just like HBK.

Personally, I feel like they are just building Morrison up to have that "FINALLY" moment when he wins. Who can forget the ever famous lines during HBK's first win, "the boyhood dream has finally come true!"?
It's hard to compare Miz to HBK simply because he's not that talented in the ring. The one thing HBK became famous for was stealing the show and putting on incredible matches. I don't think the Miz has done that yet. As far as Morrison, another hard comparison. His in ring ability is above average, but his mic skills are just average. He comes off as corny when he attempts to make jokes and when he's trying to be serious he's not believable. The good news is, both of these guys are about to hit their stride and will be part of the main event scene for years to come....hopefully. So I wouldn't actually compare the Miz and Morrison to anyone just yet.
I disagree with all of the above.

PJohn Morrison will NEVER be a consistent every day player in the WWE. He will NEVER be a HHH or a Shawn Michaels. This is not to say he will never win the WWE / HW Championship - but he will never be a key roleplayer to where his impression will be left for decades.

On the other hand - there is the Miz, who clearly after tonight showcased that he is the future of the WWE. For The Miz to beat the BIGGEST name in wrestling tonight on the "Grandest Stage of Them All" tells us all that the WWE is invested in The Miz. Where was John Morrison? In a Women's match featuring Snookie - who FYI stole the show when it comes to that particular match.

How is Morrison NOT Marty Jennety in this instance? The only difference here is that Morrison kept his job.

Morrison has been passed up by a number of Superstars who have seen less TV time combined than Morrison has seen over the years. Morrison has ZERO mic skills - and his high flying style simply does not mesh with what the WWE audience wants to see out of a champion. The WWE has no focus on high flying, lightweight style wrestling and I really don't blame them.

Wrestling today is all about the storyline and a character's performance out of the ring and John Morrison simply has no personality. Morrison can put on a spectacular match - however him being placed in any significant storyline to where he has to communicate verbally would be a travesty.

The fact of the matter is - Morrison is a terrible actor . . . period.

Your second question is simple - I compare the Miz and Morrison to Michaels and Jennety. Miz elevated and Morrison fell off the map. Morrison won't fall as hard as Jennety due to his in ring ability - but he certainly will not ever reach The Miz.
Neither is the Jannetty out of the two.If you want to compare Michaels and Jannetty to a tag team,look no further than Morrison's original tag team MNM.Morrison's done relatively well for himself.ECW Champion,IC Champ,multiple time tag-team champ.In no way should he be compared to Marty Jannetty.More like Edge and Christian.

I don't think tonight should be an indicator of what the WWE plans to do with Morrison.They rushed everything on the card so they could leave loads of time for Taker/Triple H,Cole/Lawler and Cena/Miz.Morrison and Ziggler got screwed over by the Cole/Lawler match and Cena/Miz.Hopefully Morrison and Ziggler can go on to more meaningful matches and feuds after this to make up for a lost opportunity.

I think Morrison is due a push.He's starting to get big cheers from the crowd whereas in the past he usually came out to a lukewarm reaction that only went down in volume during his matches.He's been in memorable spots.I think if he can't cut a good promo,then give him a manager.Hell,it worked for Ziggler.If Nicky from the Spirit Squad can be propelled to the main event because of a manager,I think Morrison would be able to do even better.It would be awesome if Morrison could get a very famous mouthpiece as his manager,someone like Jimmy Hart.I mean,Hart signed with WWE this year and I don't think he has much to do now that Wrestlemania is over.I'm sure Morrison's Hollywood rock-star gimmick would work very well with Jimmy Hart's gimmick.

If Morrison works hard I think he'll be in the main event sooner than he thinks.Now that Cena is sure to feud with The Rock,he has a golden opportunity to propel himself in the main event.Not to mention,he and Miz put up one of the best matches in 2011.As a fan,I definitely want more of the Miz-Morrison feud.
@Zangash... I'm pretty sure I could beat the Miz up :D

Oh, and Miz hasn't improved greatly since he won the belt. He was improving well UNTIL he won the belt. Case in point, his matches have sucked since he won the belt ALL OF HIS MATCHES since his match with John Morrison and all others before it have shown very little improvement >_<
He's only had 2 Great (i may be stretching it there) matches, one was with Daniel Bryan and John Morrison, the other was in the previously mentioned match with John Morrison.
Call John Morrison a spot monkey until your tongue falls out of your mouth and Miz becomes a good wrestler, but fact is, Morrison has better Mat Skills than the Miz. Miz has to be carried in his matches. If you put me in a wrestling match against Daniel Bryan, you'd get a solid match, and I'm no "wrestler". Same with Morrison.

And I'm no blind hater of the Miz, I'm not saying the Miz is bad on the mic, in fact, I think he's good (though not great)! Repetitive, never has any new material, but still good and very solid! As for being the worst wrestler in the WWE? Two words: Great Khali.
At this point, I think the only tag team you can compare Miz/Morrison to is Miz/Morrison, Every other one has too many holes to make a valid point besides the fact that they're 2 polar opposite superstars. Morrison hasn't developed much since they split, he's slightly better in the ring, and grew a goatee, but his mic skills have gone down (he wasn't that bad on the dirt sheet).
Miz has improved every aspect of his game, he was pretty awful and was a regular X-pac heat magnet right before ECW went down. When he debuted on Raw, and came from obscurity to feuding with (an injured) John Cena, You could tell WWE had plans for him. Ring work, mic skills, charisma (negative), and work ethic, Miz has doubled, tripled, even more improved on those, 10 years from now, I see Miz being about where Edge is in popularity, and I see Morrison being about where Kane is now.

HBK/HHH only have the fact that they're 2 wrestlers with Miz/Morrison, and in hind-sight, people will probably compare them to more tag team single star duos.
Why is it when everybody does the whole HBK/Hunter comparison nobody factors in Michaels 4 year hiatus due to injury? To make any sort of comparison would be silly, cause for it to work who ever is slotted in as "hbk" in the argument has to be on the shelve for 4 years. HBK/Jennety- fine comparison to make, HBK/HHH- senseless for reason given above, however; if it has to be done, note that both of them turned out to be top top stars, so if anyone is even 70% of a HBK or a HHH they can't go far wrong.
The Great Khali is a former world champion, isnt he? :S
So having mic skills dont really matter, and having wrestling abilty dont matter too!!

What matters is the reaction he gets from the fans!
Dont get me wrong, i was pissed of when i saw a spoiler about JoMo being mixed up in a match with two bitc*** and going on agaisnt LayCool & Ziggler!!

And they make me angrier when they give him a 2 minute match!!!!
He will get a push or a draft to SD! dont doubt about it, but he cant make legendary feuds like SCSA vs TheRock or Orton vs Cena or even HBK vs Bret!!

Matches like that define WWE, and they always need to have a decent storyline and c'mon i read people saying that Randy Orton has lacks of personality !! No is not, we all know that Orton is a motherfucker son of a bitch that kills everyone withouth blink!! and JoMo? What we know about him? :S

He is... a super-hero type of guy? :S Against Heels and love WWE? :S We dont know anything about this, he need to TALK to tell us who the fuck he is some segments backstage, something that make us get into him for a reason and no because he has 6-pack abs and that he can jump (guess what Kofi can too)!!

People made this thread in a popularity contest, no doubt about it!!

Not even dream about The Miz being world champion made it more cool and he will be in the spot for a long time, HE FUCKING BEATED JOHN CENA AT WRESTLEMANIA TWICE and nobody has hever done that once(a retaining is a win)!!!
So go to your sense and think lover boys, what do you want to see Wrestling matches, or entertainment? if i want Wrestling Macthes i go see AAA, there we have GREAT Wrestling Matches!!!

Think !!!
THe lack of character isnt his fault he doesnt really control his promos nor his promo time. so blame the production crew. And you talk about wanting to see good matches, then why does it matter what his character is? it doesnt change his in ring ability. In my personal opinion mic skills and character are at the bottom of the push factor list. A character is always nice but as long as he puts on good solid matches and the fueds arent the exact same its still good.

And im actually glad it wasnt a long match so it wont be a memorable one since it was so embarrising. plus now he can get into a real fued with Ziggler.

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