Who's Better? John Morrison or The Miz?

Who's better

  • The Miz

  • John Morrison

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In terms of talent and natural ability, John Morrison. I took the poll and its incredibly close between the two with Morrison edging Miz out slightly. I think we've had a chance to see more of Morrison, he's been everywhere, SD!, Raw, WWECW, he's held Titles in all divisions and always puts on a great performance. WWE/World Tag Team, ECW and IC Champ, would love to see him win MITB this year since he's ready in my opinion to be propelled to the main event.

As for mic skills, of course it belongs to The Miz. Now he himself has accomplished a lot, he and Morrison held the Tag Titles for a respectful amount of time, he went from being a snot-nosed reality punk to the future of the WWE, he clearly saw the error of his ways cleaned up his act and now he's one of the reasons to watch Raw, stoked hes the US Champ and him being with Show who is no doubt a veteran can really help Miz, gives him more of a purpose aswell rather than super-jobbing in the mid-card with the odd bone thrown at him in the form of a title match.

With that being said I think that the two of them have incredible futures ahead of them and if given the right tools could be the faces of their brands when the spotlight goes off the likes of DX, 'Taker and so on.
Right now, its deffinatley Miz that gets my vote for being better than JoMo.
Firstly, jus look @ him and where he is @. He is currently on the "hottest" hot streak he's had this far in WWE. Granted, john morison is an extremely good and valule talent, right now miz just has that perverbial "ball" rolling and the way its going IMO 2011 is deffinatley going to be "year of the miz"
Both of these man are in the same level to me.But if i have to say who is better as of right now,I will have to say the Miz.

I say the Miz because he is stepping up and WWE is giving him a big push,Now as one half of the unified champion,And the US champion.That makes him better for right now the gold that he is carrying around his waist.

And my vote was for John Morrison..
As with most opinion based questions this is very unlikely to produce a conclusive answer, but I still think that it’s an interesting topic. The fact that the poll is so close shows how well both superstars are doing for themselves at the moment, and they may yet prove an exception to the rule of tag teams splitting into different degrees of success.

In my opinion though, I am going to have to go with Morrison as the superior of the two. I have been a big fan of his for some time now, and he has continued to impress me with his development since his time as Johnny Nitro. Getting to the main event in WWE is usually a slow, building up process, and Morrison has done a great job of making me believe that he has the talent to deserve a push into the main event in the next little while. He never fails to excite in the ring, he has won people over with his impressive moveset, but has also shown that he has the ability to put on a really great match. People criticise him for his mic skills, but I have found many of his promos to be amusing and well thought out, and I like the cocky edge that he adds to his face character. I also find his promos to be more versatile than those of the Miz, as the Miz relies too much on his catchphrases to flesh out a promo. With Morrison we are waiting to hear what he will say next, but with Miz we are waiting for him to use his standard “awesome” bit, which to me is a weak and unimaginative catchphrase. Morrison reminds me of a young Edge or Christian more than anything else at the moment, and I think he is on the brink of stardom, just waiting for the right push.

Though I prefer Morrison I am also a fan of the Miz, and have been since their time together as a tag team. The Miz’ mic skills have been praised greatly in the past few months, and for good reason, he appears very comfortable on the mic and delivers promos in a manner that seems more personalised than those of many other superstars. After you discuss how adapt the Miz is on the mic however, there is a limited amount going for him. He has never really done anything to impress me, his match types always leave you feeling like you just saw a good match, but never a great match. He is on a hot streak at the moment and I hope that carries him somewhere, but a hot streak of a couple of months is not really on par with Morrison, who has been consistent for years now, turning heads every week, not just when he is having a particularly good period. People praise the Miz as the next big thing, but I think he could just as easily end up where MVP is now in a couple of years. We should not forget that two or three years ago everyone said MVP was the next big star, and that amounted to nothing in the end. Miz could be the next Stone Cold or the Rock, but he could just as easily be the next MVP or Mr Kennedy once this current push is over.

It bothered me to some extent when Morrison lost his IC title to McIntyre, because I consider Morrison the much more capable and gifted performer, and more deserving of a push. I see now that the absence of a mid-card title for Morrison leaves him open to achieve bigger goals, such as winning MITB at this year’s Wrestlemania. Miz is currently strapped to the Big Show and weighed down with titles, which is a push in its own right and one that I hope he does well with. But when I think of which of these two excites me more, and which one I would pay to see in the main event of a big PPV, the answer is invariably John Morrison.
I've never seen any evidence to suggest that John Morrison is anything other than total garbage, if you compare him to how popular he is. Good match last year with Rey Mysterio? Yeah sure, add him to the list of wrestlers Rey Mysterio had good matches with in 2009. Good matches with Jeff Hardy three years ago? No doubt, but what's he done recently!

I think since they've split The Miz has been given more of a chance, the Cena feud didn't work out how some people might've hoped, but it helped The Miz no end. Morrison, in the mean time, has been having good Smackdown matches, which is good, but almost every match on Smackdown is at least good, so Morrison isn't doing anything to distinguish himself. And that's, argualbly, on the brand it's easier to shine on.

It also doesn't help that Morrison is a face, while his selling ability and overall flair would suggest he'd make a great babyface, his gimmick, lack of personality & good looks are more suited to a heel.

Personally, while I think both will become headliners one some point, almost everybody with a little value does these days, I don't think eaither has what it takes as they are currently. Maybe with a few tweaks here and there, a name change for The Miz and a proper finisher for Morrison, and they might have what it takes, but as they are now I think both are lacking. That's not to say that either won't become a world champion as they are, in fact I'd be very surprised if Morrison isn't a former world champion come this time next year.
John Morrisson.
(Man we get alot of these topics)

Reasons being is that JoMo has already done more than what most wrestlers do in their entire career. He has had great matches and feuds with Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler, Tommy Dreamer and countless others. The man is a multiple time IC and Tag Team Champion. He is also a former ECW world champion to boot. He has proven that he can be a great champion if WWE needed him to fill that spot, and the man has had some amazing matches under his belt.

The Miz on the other hand is on his first singles title run, and has crazy good mic skills. However the Miz has shown he cannot perform a high profile match the way JoMo can.
In my opinion they are both quite talented on both the mic and in the ring but mostly in different areas. i would one day like to see the miz as a face because he has pretty much been a heel his whole career and I'm just curious to see if he could pull it off. JoMo on the other hand has played both a heel and a face which shows he has the mic work to get the crowd both behind him or against him. in terms of ring work, i would have to give it to JoMo because as classicviolence stated, Morrison can perform high profile matches quite well. Right now i would say they are the to top guys on their own brands for the mid card but i do one day see them both feuding over the world heavyweight title or the WWE title
Right now?.........I would have to go with The Miz he is just simply taking off since he has gotten the US Title and really hasn't looked back. He has become one of the really only consistent reasons to watch RAW imo. His mic skills are really good and much better than Morrison, whether Morrison is face or heel. And in the ring?.....I don't know Morrison to me right now is still too flashly where as The Miz can be taken alot more serious in the ring. That and I am a mark for the SCF back to when it was used by Jarrett's Stroke or even Jericho's Breakdown.
I'm gonna go with The Miz, and it's not even close. Here's what criteria I'm gonna go with to support that.

Category, and winner....

Wrestling Ability: Morrison, although the Miz is not a terrible wrestler and with time will get better.

Gimmick: Miz. This one's not even close. Miz has an original gimmick that he invented himself, the kind of gimmick that gets the most over: being yourself, with the volume turned way, way up. Morrison? Jim Morrison? Really? REALLY? Do kids know who Jim Morrison even is? This is what, the 3rd gimmick John Hennigan has had that doesn't work? I don't think being himself would work, because I have the impression IRL he's a very boring guy.

Mic Skills: Miz, for most of the reasons I just stated. Miz has tons of personality and charisma. Morrison does not. Every last person on Real World/Road Rules challenge loves Mike "The Miz", even though he kicked all their asses. Miz.

Ability to put others over: The Miz, again. And this goes back to Morrison as a worker...sure, he's a great wrestler. Sure, he's got tons of ability. But guys like Flair, Michaels, Jericho....they have the ability to not only look good, but make their opponents look that much better. Morrison's one-dimensional. I don't think he can make those claims.

Ability to put their partners over: The Miz. Morrison couldn't get Joey Mercury over. Needed Melina at the time (and her one cheap pop, doing the splits for the perverts) just to get him over. Couldn't get the Miz over, Miz got himself over after they split and you could argue that Morrison held the Miz down. But the Miz? He's gonna get a guy like Big Show with all that he's done more over than he's been in a very long time, besides his time with Jericho. Again, that's something Michaels and Jericho have always been able to do, and Morrison can't.

So, to sum it up, Morrison is a one-dimensional wrestler. He's just lucky that one dimension is that he's a solid enough worker to always have a job. The Miz is the total package who's work in every department is only going to improve. Morrison is a mid-carder. Miz is a future main eventer. Case closed, the end.

I will say though, that Morrison, with a better gimmick, the right guidance, and more work, is young enough that he could evolve into something better and may one day be in elite company. I just don't see that happening anytime soon, unlike the Miz, who's star is right up there with CM Punk as the for-sure, it's a lock, future of the business.
Miz and it's not even close. Miz is one of the top 5 best mic workers in the company right now and he's on fire right now holding 3 titles. Morrison is just a failure honestly. He's so bad on the mic that it ain't even funny. He has a few flashy moves and that's all.

Charisma/mic skills/overness > ring skill

Miz shits all over Morrison.
All I have heard thus far is the same arguments over and over and over. There have been few or no original arguments, points, or counterpoints. In an effort to do what I do and separate myself from the pack, I am going to talk about what I think really comes down to being the deciding factor. It's not ring skill, it's not mic work, and it's not title reigns.

Just to get started, when these guys were a tag team I think it's fair to say it was horribly obvious that Morrison was the real talent and appeal of the group. Morrison was the star of the group while Miz was trying to find a place in his spotlight. No one cared about him. The Miz was nobody, some chump from MTV's "The Real World". Need I remind you of this? Are the memories of the wrestling community this short? He was nothing special in the ring, never has been, and isn't now. So he's got a mouth piece? Big deal. That doesn't make him the anointed one, or some super special superstar. He can talk, yes, but his character is just nothing challenging. All he has to do is act like a jerk 24/7 and people don't like him, got it, that's nice. Still nothing challenging. Morrison on the other hand has been able to not just play a great heel, but make people cheer him for quite some time now too. I don't even need to get into his wrestling repertoire. That's a whole other long long post. I don't have time for that.

It all comes down to use. Who is being used in what fashion. This is also determined by who is on what show. I think that Miz being on Raw is a great benefit to him, just as I think Morrison being on Smack Down is a major detriment to him. Since Miz is on Raw he is naturally going to have better feuds and storylines, and the most exposure. If anything I would say that WWE putting Miz on Raw was a ditch effort to get him over. They get him involved, show him off a bit, and insist that he is great. Doesn't that tell you something? John Morrison stands alone, on his own. He doesn't need to be on Raw to be considered over, good at what he does, or relevant. That was the only way Miz was going anywhere. They had already tried to do what they could and they couldn't. But, where there is a will there is a way, and no one's will is stronger than Vince McMahon's. If he wants The Miz to be....whatever, he will be. That may not be the case, but one does have their suspicions.

Now I know I said Morrison being on Smack Down was a detriment to him while also saying he doesn't need to be on Raw. I know how confusing that might sound so I will explain. When I say that I mean, he is good enough that he can overcome those odds, and does so consistently. He doesn't give you a "B" show feel when he does what he does. He is definitely Superstar material. His past supports it, his ability and performance supports it, and his character REALLY supports it.

If he was on Raw getting the kind of treatment The Miz has as of late, most of you would be preaching the gospel of the Shaman of Sexy, The Friday Night Delight, The Guru of Greatness, coming to you from The Palace of Wisdom. You would be all over his dick like it was made of crack, you'd love him. He'd be the next Shawn Michaels, the next Chris Jericho, the next Hulk Hogan, the next Andre The Giant, the next Undertaker, the next Triple H, on and on and on, who knows?

He's got the stuff, and everyone knows it. The Miz on the other hand is more bark than he is bite. He acts like one of those riled up lap dogs someones grandma usually has, and then he's supposed to be ferocious. Wow, sure thing. I'm not buying, find another sucker. I think Morrison is the real deal, and I think that given the real main event opportunity he will upstage The Miz anytime, every time. I will not deny the future of The Miz. from what he is showing now it is becoming apparent that he is going to be reeaaaal good. So you might want to watch out for him. Thus far I don't think anyone really saw him coming like this, especially earlier on in his career. Major props to Miz for that, but Morrison is the man. I could explain in a million different ways why that is, but I don't need to and that's proof enough.
It's really hard to decide right now
The 2 are very skilled, but what one of them lacks in, the other supplies.

Mic wise, Miz has got that in the bag.. Now since turning face, Morrison has gotten better on the mic, he sounds more natural unlike that cheesy sort of "Movie Trailer Type Voice" he used to do when he first started teaming with The Miz.. but still he's no Rock, Jericho or Piper.. Miz however has the mic skills to get people to love him, hate him, laugh, cry etc. He can talk like a total mental case or he can be serious... while Morrison just seems to have that one type of talking.

Now wrestling wise, I'm not gonna knock Miz.. since debuting the guy has made a tremendous amount of improvement, but when Morrison's in that ring.. you know he's going to be great. Even back in the days when him and Melina jumped to RAW, he was great.. specially that ladder match with Jeff Hardy, that's when I think he opened everyone's eyes.. only problem was the MNM gimmick wasn't that great.. without Joey Mercury by his side the gimmick seemed very weak and pointless.. The gimmick worked better when they were a tag team.

Now both these guys are definately in line for a World Title run.. but when I really think about it, who out of the 2 will be more successful in the future?... I'll probably have to go with The Miz, Like I said, I can see both these guys as World Champs one day, But I just see Miz getting there first.

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