Dark Match Jobber
I dont really think i can take the miz serious in the main event. the miz is a perfect example of why you no longer have to be a really good professional wrestler in order to be a main eventer. what the miz has done is act his way into the main event scene. Because of the miz's mic skill or acting ability, he has got over. he hasnt gotten over in the ring with me at all as i still thing morrison is the better wrestler. but i guess vince thinks that the miz would make a better "superstar" because of his ability on the mic that jomo just doesnt seem to have. The miz just doesnt seem like a guy who could ever beat john cena or triple h and have it be believable because the miz just doesnt have a good look either. Theres no way i could actually think he could be the face of the WWF... but the WWE is completely different and his acting ability has shot the Miz into the mainevent scene unexpectedly soon then Jomo.