The Miz - Next John Cena

I dont really think i can take the miz serious in the main event. the miz is a perfect example of why you no longer have to be a really good professional wrestler in order to be a main eventer. what the miz has done is act his way into the main event scene. Because of the miz's mic skill or acting ability, he has got over. he hasnt gotten over in the ring with me at all as i still thing morrison is the better wrestler. but i guess vince thinks that the miz would make a better "superstar" because of his ability on the mic that jomo just doesnt seem to have. The miz just doesnt seem like a guy who could ever beat john cena or triple h and have it be believable because the miz just doesnt have a good look either. Theres no way i could actually think he could be the face of the WWF... but the WWE is completely different and his acting ability has shot the Miz into the mainevent scene unexpectedly soon then Jomo.
1.Do you think Miz really can be face of the company in future. (I think ya for sure just wait for a couple of years and see miz's posters all over)

The Miz could very well be the face of the company in the future. I don't see how the potential is not there. Everybody has the potential of becoming the face of the company. It's all about handling it right. And The Miz is both being handled right for it. Plus he does a lot of media appearances which is another key to becoming the face of the company. The guy to represent the company. And Miz does it great.

Vince seems to like Miz. There's no denying that. However I don't necessarily believe that The Miz is in line for the "Face of the company" position. At least not yet. He might be in line for it with time. Time will have to show us about it.

2. When Miz turns face and starts going more kid friendly, do you think the whole IWC which likes him very much right now will turn on him and start booing him as well as it boooo Cena these days?

When? Who's saying he will turn face. It's been done before that someone goes their complete career without turning heel or turning face. Ricky Steamboat went the majority. Perhaps complete career as face. I don't recall him being heel at least.

Although I don't see why The Miz would become more kid friendly. There's still no sign of being a face yet so there's nothing to assume from that he will. But of course there's nothing saying that The Miz won't turn kid friendly.

But if he does. I hope that he doesn't get the hatred that John is getting. He is a great guy. Has great potential in the main event. And is working hard. He's just like Cena in that manner. And Cena has scratched and clawed his way to his position at the top. The Miz is doing the same. They should both get the respect they deserve.
I do believe Miz is headed for greatness I can never imagine Miz being as good as Cena as as a face of the comapny. Why? Simple: Merchandise. Miz has none. Aside from a couple of T-shirts and U.S championships there is no Merch sales in Miz. That's not to say he will not achieve greatness. He will. But he'd be around Orton or Edge's level. A legitimate threat. But still able to be beaten. Cena on the other hand has crazy merch power. T-shirts, action figures, slurpies, this guy just oozes mainstream merch that Miz does not. Besides Cena is the cash cow. Absolutely NO WAY can the Miz be beating Cena legitimately unless he is Trips' workout buddy. Miz also needs to bulk up A LOT. He does not have technical skills and therefore cannot have a Shawn Micheal physique. He needs to inflict damage. So he needs muscle and a lot of it in order to be a legit power house. Hell, I believe if he can do that he could take over Batista's spot as the rival of Cena.
I do believe Miz is headed for greatness I can never imagine Miz being as good as Cena as as a face of the comapny. Why? Simple: Merchandise. Miz has none. Aside from a couple of T-shirts and U.S championships there is no Merch sales in Miz. That's not to say he will not achieve greatness. He will. But he'd be around Orton or Edge's level. A legitimate threat. But still able to be beaten. Cena on the other hand has crazy merch power. T-shirts, action figures, slurpies, this guy just oozes mainstream merch that Miz does not. Besides Cena is the cash cow. Absolutely NO WAY can the Miz be beating Cena legitimately unless he is Trips' workout buddy. Miz also needs to bulk up A LOT. He does not have technical skills and therefore cannot have a Shawn Micheal physique. He needs to inflict damage. So he needs muscle and a lot of it in order to be a legit power house. Hell, I believe if he can do that he could take over Batista's spot as the rival of Cena.

I don't quite understand all of your points.. Merch? It's not that hard to create a couple of shirts, hats, bands, etc. and eventually people will start buying them once Miz is in the main event. Main stream attention? Miz has been on numerous shows, and promotional events. There's no denying he is fit for the same exposure as Cena. Muscle? Really? Dude, not everyone without some technical skill needs to be built like Batista. Miz is improving, and is actually doing pretty well in his matches. His physique is improving, but I doubt he'll ever be, or ever have to be, the body builder Batista is. Oh and fucking Carlito has pinned Cena, it's not unbelievable that Miz could.

If it wasn't abvious. I have no doubt The Miz could be the next Cena, but I don't see a necessary face turn, but over time who knows. Creative may find a way to do it, but like Edge, I think Miz's money is in heel work.
Miz is solely in the position he's in because he's a workhorse.

And I don't think "my criteria" is all that unfair.... wrestling is a form of acting, and if you can only portray one thing, you're not that great. I will give you, he's good at portraying what he portrays, but he's defintely not amazing.

It really comes down to opinion, you think he's interesting, I can watch him for about 30 seconds without feeling an insatiable urge to change the channel.

Is he "talentless?" Absolutely not, while I find him incredibly annoying, I realize there is some salvageable talent.

Is he overrated? Most certainly 176% YES.

I will give you, he has improved in-ring, but he definitely needs a new finisher.

that very same argument you just made could be used about a lot of people though you know. if you read any Cena thread, you will say the same thing said there. especially about the "only being able to portray one thing" part. Miz is in the EXACT same spot Cena was in '04. no different at all. he had a lot of heat, and a good size chunk of the fans with a pop for him. Same thing with the Miz now. and you cant say that being one character will not make you great, because look at the Undertaker. he's been the Deadman for the better part of the last 20 years! yes there was a minor biker gimmick in there, granted. but he took his character, and made it work. you hardly see anyone bad talk 'Taker, because the guy has some EPIC matches. If this were back in '98, Miz would be the kinda guy going up in promo's against guys like Rock, and HHH ect. why? because he really is that good on the Mic. Thats why they had put people in the Promo's against his top guys. i had thought maybe Orton would get the "Face of the Company" title after Cena, but it's better that he Doesn't, cuz he is better as he is now. i think Vince is finally seeing that he can't hide the Anti-Cena movement anymore, and that there ARE other guys in the company who work just as, if not harder than him, and it's about time that they get something for it.
If Miz is the next John Cena that would explain why I don't like him.

Seriously though, yes I could see WWE eventually making him their top guy. He apparentally makes a lot of appearances at places which puts him in high favor. He doesn't really do anything that makes the company look bad. His wrestling isn't any more boring than Orton's is. And people seem to think he has good mic skills. Plus it doesn't hurt that Vince likes him.

A few years ago I used to cheer for him because I felt bad that everybody hated him. Now that everybody is drooling over him, I can finally stop pretending to be his fan. I bring this up because he will probably use this as a way to become a top face in PG era - every week he will come out and cry about how people were so mean to him when he first joined WWE, and how he overcame all the odds ala Cena. The kiddies will love it. Yup, I think he'll be a top guy eventually.
I would not be surprised to see The Miz become the face of the WWE. If he's pushed correctly which I'm sure he will be. He could be a top babyface within a year or so in my opinion. He's got the talent great on the mic getting better in the ring all the time.

I think people should just wait and see what happens stranger things have happened. I'm sure most of the people in here that have been watching wrestling as long as I have. Which is as long as I can remember and I'm 31 now. Would agree that no one ever expected Stunning Steve Austin to become a bigger draw than Hulk Hogan. Or one of the Rockers would be come the Showstopper one day. Same could be said for HHH and Bret Hart and many more.

It's easy to go back now and watch old tapes of them and say oh you could always tell they were going to be stars. In some cases that may be true,but for the most part all top stars were nobody's and expected to go nowhere. Until they were given that push to prove they could be a star, The Miz has been given a great push for a while now. He probably will be a heel for a while longer he may even get his first WWE title reign as a heel. But I can see him being a huge babyface before too long.
The Miz didn't have a wrestling background when he came into WWE. He was a reality show actor and sort of an entertainment business jack of all trades, just wanting to entertain people in some way and with a strong sense of confidence, his own philosophy on life so to speak, with his Be Miz attitude. In other words, transform your normal personality and take it to the next level of intensity, so you are seen not just as your common name, like Mike Mizanin, but as a larger than life character, like The Miz.

The so called real wrestlers who had gone through developmental for a longer period did not like Miz because of his background and he was given a lot of flak. But he was determined to be taken seriously and just became the hardest working new guy in the company. It's easy for a lot of the more talented or established guys to become complacent or lazy. John Cena got where he is not through wrestling talent, but just working nonstop to promote his character and promote the company. John Cena had a wrestling background in OVW, but not an extensive one. He had done some former TV work too on comedy/reality type shows. He is bigger than Miz, but that doesn't matter much. I look forward to Miz's rise to the top because I like him on the mic better than Cena, I think he has more potential in the ring, and I think his face character will be more funny and arrogant than Cena's.
Yes Miz can very well be the next John Cena and become the next face of the company, he's always devoted to media appearances, he has a mass of confidence which is great to see in young guys, he and John share similar mic skills, both are funny in that area and The Miz has improved in ring skills and he draws reactions good or bad like Cena.

Also Miz and Cena both as heels have cocky, arrogant and instense traits. I can see how Vince is highly invested on The Miz because of his work horse ethic, because he's wanting to prove his worth and potential to the company. The "go to guy" aspect im not sure about, The Miz isn't exactly a veteran in WWE as of yet but once he's spent a couple more years in WWE then i can see that "go to guy" aspect coming into play.

Because obviously there will be new guys coming through that can essentially go to The Miz along with Cena and Orton backstage, Miz has that confidence and motivation that could make him a good locker room leader.
The Miz is not the next John Cena FFS. Let The Miz be the Miz. He and Cena are really nothing alike. Miz has enough star power of his own to make a go of it as a top main eventer...let's just see how it goes without comparing him to a wrestler which he is actually nothing like.
HBKevin, Miz actually wrestled in the independents for four years after losing Tough Enough. WWE eventually reached out to him and offered him a contract to work in OVW.

Anyway, I am a huge, huge mark for Miz, as you can probably tell by my handle, and am thrilled that he could be on the way to the main event. I think that he has the charisma to eventually work his way into being the "face" of the company, not as a John Cena type, but more along the lines of The Rock. That's certainly an obvious comparison, but the reason why the Miz is over is because of his sarcasm, wit and arrogance, which is what eventually made people latch on to The Rock. Take that away from him to turn him into Superman and everything that has built him up is going to fall flat and leave a massive crater around it, like severing the cable from a wrecking ball. That said, I'm not so sure that, unless there is a drastic change in the marketing direction in the next few years, such a character could be THE guy. If he was going to be on top, someone would have to be there with him to sit on top and collectively define the era. Not only in the way that there was The Rock and Austin, but also in the way that Bret and Shawn were at the top before them.

As such, I could see a face turn by him only working if he still went off on the mic the way he does and still wrestled somewhat dirty and arrogantly. If he's going to work as a face, he'd have to be more like Roddy Piper or The Rock, not the Hogan face archetype. In such a case, what would determine heel and face turns would be whom he was placed in feuds with and to whom he directed his words, not because he randomly has a change of heart and starts kissing babies and viewing himself as a role model. If you make The Miz not able to be The Miz, then why the hell do it? Then again, we are talking about WWE creative here.
HBKevin, Miz actually wrestled in the independents for four years after losing Tough Enough. WWE eventually reached out to him and offered him a contract to work in OVW.

Sorry, I didn't really know about his time in the indies. I guess I was referring to him not having much of a WWE developmental background compared to a lot of guys that come onto the WWE main roster. A lot of people were saying he was too green and that he had nothing but reality TV experience. But he has proved them all wrong.
that very same argument you just made could be used about a lot of people though you know. if you read any Cena thread, you will say the same thing said there. especially about the "only being able to portray one thing" part. Miz is in the EXACT same spot Cena was in '04. no different at all. he had a lot of heat, and a good size chunk of the fans with a pop for him. Same thing with the Miz now. and you cant say that being one character will not make you great, because look at the Undertaker. he's been the Deadman for the better part of the last 20 years! yes there was a minor biker gimmick in there, granted. but he took his character, and made it work. you hardly see anyone bad talk 'Taker, because the guy has some EPIC matches. If this were back in '98, Miz would be the kinda guy going up in promo's against guys like Rock, and HHH ect. why? because he really is that good on the Mic. Thats why they had put people in the Promo's against his top guys. i had thought maybe Orton would get the "Face of the Company" title after Cena, but it's better that he Doesn't, cuz he is better as he is now. i think Vince is finally seeing that he can't hide the Anti-Cena movement anymore, and that there ARE other guys in the company who work just as, if not harder than him, and it's about time that they get something for it.

The Miz is indeed in the same spot as Cena, and there are many similiarities, that's not really a defense for him....

And as far as the one character thing goes, while Undertaker has played the same character for the better chunk of 20 years, that character has evolved. He's been face, heel, he's been the "Lord of Darkness," the biker, The Dead Biker... the point is that the character has seen many facets, The Miz can play a jackass, that's it.

And I keep saying this, but The Miz is not good on the mic. He's articulate and charasmatic, yes but he has no clue how to use it to put over a story or his opponent, all he can do is talk up himself and make fun of his opponent. He makes his opponents look like shit, and himself even moreso when he loses to them, but just because he's got a presence on the mic everyone thinks he's amazing....
Honestly i don't think the next John Cena will come around for at least another 5 years or more. Cena is still pretty young and very over with much of the younger WWE fan base. As for the Miz and his potential to become that big i would say i am very optimistic to the possibility. He has def climbed his way up since the start of his WWE career and i for one would love to see him in the top heel spot somewhere down the line.

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