Cena won with ease, but before people run in screaming Miz has been ruined, no he hasn't. Before this feud he was part of a tag team. He didn't even manage to get on the Mania card, a card that involved every Diva, Mark Henry and Santino in drag. Now he was in a leading match with the best in the business. If he won he would have been an upper mid carder but with the loss it doesn't hurt him. He is so much more over because of this feud. He can now concentrate on the US division, get a few wins under his belt before having another crack at Cena in the future.
The only problem is Cena has no one to feud with now. Show's been done, HHH and Orton will still be going on, that leaves, erm, Matt Hardy. He needs a big match for Summerslam. At NoC I can foresee a multi man match for the title so Cena can get on the card. They can't possibly leave him off.
The only problem is Cena has no one to feud with now. Show's been done, HHH and Orton will still be going on, that leaves, erm, Matt Hardy. He needs a big match for Summerslam. At NoC I can foresee a multi man match for the title so Cena can get on the card. They can't possibly leave him off.