The Bash; Miz v Cena

Cena won with ease, but before people run in screaming Miz has been ruined, no he hasn't. Before this feud he was part of a tag team. He didn't even manage to get on the Mania card, a card that involved every Diva, Mark Henry and Santino in drag. Now he was in a leading match with the best in the business. If he won he would have been an upper mid carder but with the loss it doesn't hurt him. He is so much more over because of this feud. He can now concentrate on the US division, get a few wins under his belt before having another crack at Cena in the future.

The only problem is Cena has no one to feud with now. Show's been done, HHH and Orton will still be going on, that leaves, erm, Matt Hardy. He needs a big match for Summerslam. At NoC I can foresee a multi man match for the title so Cena can get on the card. They can't possibly leave him off.
Plus, they can continue the feud. Miz is 7-1 against Cena. He's still superior.

While I was annoyed they didn't let Cena make Miz look a bit better, it coulld have been worse. At least they put it on PPV, right before the last match.
I can't believe that I had my wrestling knowledge questioned on here because I predicted a week ago that Miz is a joke and he would get squashed by Cena.

I will, once again, question your wrestling knowledge. Now I am personally furious about the outcome of the match, and I have officially turned on John Cena. That notwithstanding, losing this match in this fashion does not, in any way shape or form, relegate The Miz to "joke" status. He lost clean to the biggest star in the business today. Miz didn't try to resort to cheating. Maybe your squash prediction was accurate, but calling him a joke is so far off-base it's laughable.

Again he doesn't get heel heat he gets I think your boring heat, or we would rather see a heel goldust then you heet..

I'll try to get passed the fact that this sentence makes no sense in any language, and the fact that you spelled "heat" wrong. Or maybe you meant to say "heel." Either way.

You don't think Miz gets heel heat? He was arguably one of the most over guys on Raw last Monday night, and for the past 2 nights he has served to get face heat for Cena.

BORING heat would be another Cena / Big Show match-up.

They had the whole Cena is cocky and Miz gets a few shots in thing but after that he schooled him. I knew when the match started at 10:15 it wouldn't last long. I don't wanna say I told ya so, but I told ya know who you are.

Yep, and it was a total shame. Sickened me.

Pick that apart.

The match went exactly how it should. Miz isn't in Cena's league and they hadn't built it up enough for it to go any other way.

There's no shame in losing to Cena even like that. The Miz is easily ready to defeat Kofi Kingston at Night Of Champions for that belt with the chipped paint.
While I agree with Cena winning (even though I dislike him) and I predicted Cena would win, I think the match could have gone a little longer and with a little more offense by Miz. Cena was able to nuetralize the offense from Miz and take the match to the speed and conclusion that he wanted and he proved he was the dominant competitor in this bout. There will be another day for The Miz and after working a program with Cena, even if he loses 5 matches in a row, he should come out on a higher tier than he went into this feud.
Once again, I say that Cena should not have won. This could have become a decent feud, leading to a stipulation match (loser leaves raw?) or at a later PPV after a couple more buildup matches, an "I Quit" or Parking lot brawl. John Cena pisses lameness. :fuckoff: wwe writers.
I don't have a problem with Cena winning. Sure it could've been a little longer, but it was still decent and it got the job done. The crowd favorite shut up the big jerk and everyone goes home happy.

Hopefully Cena gets back in the title picture now and Miz can accomplish something in the midcard, maybe a fued against Kofi.

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