Summerslam 2011 all over again.....

Well we've veered off to...well how long have the internet/Bryan mattered but I'll say my piece about H here.

Before, I hardly belived all these reports and shit about Hunter burying and all that. But he did, everyone on top does to some degree. But I have always liked his work, promos, he's been entertaining for me.

Since the Summer of Punk I don't see his value. Punk blowing a kiss to Vince had me excited because I thought Vince would be the one hunting down Punk and it would lead to great segments between the two. Hunter for the life of me, is furthering his Mania storyline on the back of a great match and it sucks. A one-on-one affair with a cash in that Bryan wins, would do wonders in making a new top star.

We all smell screwjob and it may as well happen.

And ye Hunter wasn't roundly applaued at SSlam 2012. To be honest I was shocked as to how cold the fans were when H was looking for sympathy that his arm had been broken, and career over, the fans instead, quite clearly. chanted "You Tapped Out".
Swap Austin or Foley into HHH's role and none of you will be bitching.

And those 2 have this role for years during their semi-retirement phase in WWE.
Swap Austin or Foley into HHH's role and none of you will be bitching.

And those 2 have this role for years during their semi-retirement phase in WWE.

You can take that bullshit right back to where you got it from. For one thing, you don't know that. For another, Austin and Foley aren't Triple H. That's akin to saying that people who complained about Jay Leno taking back The Tonight Show wouldn't be complaining if Johnny Carson took it back. Let's deal with what's in front of us and not lean on hypotheticals to justify its shittiness.
You can take that bullshit right back to where you got it from. For one thing, you don't know that. For another, Austin and Foley aren't Triple H. That's akin to saying that people who complained about Jay Leno taking back The Tonight Show wouldn't be complaining if Johnny Carson took it back. Let's deal with what's in front of us and not lean on hypotheticals to justify its shittiness.
WWE has always used this tactic to inject big names into main events whether it added to the match or not. This is probably to make full use of the names available to sell a PPV. Or to reel in fans of the older generation with one more name they can recognize.

You are all whining so much because the name is HHH.
I bet if Triple H did a few flippies and had a beard and put his dick in Lilian Garcia's face then Dynamite would cum his pants over him. Amirite?
Swap Austin or Foley into HHH's role and none of you will be bitching.

And those 2 have this role for years during their semi-retirement phase in WWE.

When Steve Austin gets special ref spots there always matches that would have sucked without him. The Foley thing though, that's spot on.

Though even if Foley was inserted into this match, I think people would still be pissed. Probably not as pissed but pissed nonetheless.
That we know of. Considering they played him into it with the Vince angle there will probably be a reason.

That's what I'm saying - Vince/HHH doesn't need to have anything to do with Cena/Bryan. The feud is standing on it's own. It's great storytelling, with two faces with very different backgrounds facing off in a believable way. I don't need some over-the-top heel vs. face that we've seen literally every feud since Raw #1.

HHH/Vince can be a standalone feud.

I'm pretty sure that the reason why HHH inserted himself in the match is to stop Vince McMahon from doing something stupid. The story has nothing wrong with it and the wrestlers are focused 100% on the match and the WWE Championship. The HHH/VKM angle is being developed and it really is giving this match a reason. If it wasn't for the power angle, Daniel Bryan wouldn't have had the momentum to challenge for the strap.

This, I understand. I truly do. It makes sense from a storyline point of view. The problem is that it makes the feud between Cena and Bryan, the better written angle, take a backseat to Vince/HHH. It doesn't sit well with me at all.
WWE has always used this tactic to inject big names into main events whether it added to the match or not. This is probably to make full use of the names available to sell a PPV. Or to reel in fans of the older generation with one more name they can recognize.

You are all whining so much because the name is HHH.

"Always" my ass, Al. They've used special guest refs many times, but far from "always" and far from using this same tactic. Don't be hyperbolic/ridiculous. Speculate all you want on why WWE may be doing this, but don't act like this is the norm or something. It isn't, and what people would do or say if the special guest ref were someone else is irrelevant. It's just a pointless, condescending comment to make it seem as if people have no right to be upset with this turn of events.

Triple H is the problem. Just 2 years ago he officiated the SummerSlam main event. The finish of that match was an overbooked debacle, and the resultant fallout was a feud between him and the hot guy with Triple H going over. Just because WWE treats people like they have the memories of goldfish (and clearly, as demonstrated on this forum daily, many do) doesn't mean that everyone has forgotten what happened under this exact same stipulation 2 years ago.

Triple H's presence will be an unnecessary distraction. Trips and Vince have latched onto a hot Superstar and angle in order to get their shitty angle over. And no one has to like it, especially when they've been given good reason to expect this to negatively impact a highly anticipated match.

If you're going to knock people for "whining" come with something better than hypotheticals and hyperbole. This is a justifiable concern by people who have been watching wrestling long enough to know that this isn't what "always" happens and are smart enough to know that Steve Austin and Mick Foley are different people who are used in different ways than Triple H.
When Steve Austin gets special ref spots there always matches that would have sucked without him. The Foley thing though, that's spot on.

Though even if Foley was inserted into this match, I think people would still be pissed. Probably not as pissed but pissed nonetheless.
People are just making a point to be pissed because it is HHH.

If it were Foley, Austin or HBK they would just be like 'glad to have him on the card' response. I list these names because I always remembered them being injected into matches to spice things up during their commish/sheriff runs.

The Butcher said:
"Always" my ass, Al. They've used special guest refs many times, but far from "always" and far from using this same tactic. Don't be hyperbolic/ridiculous. Speculate all you want on why WWE may be doing this, but don't act like this is the norm or something. It isn't, and what people would do or say if the special guest ref were someone else is irrelevant. It's just a pointless, condescending comment to make it seem as if people have no right to be upset with this turn of events.

Triple H is the problem. Just 2 years ago he officiated the SummerSlam main event. The finish of that match was an overbooked debacle, and the resultant fallout was a feud between him and the hot guy with Triple H going over. Just because WWE treats people like they have the memories of goldfish (and clearly, as demonstrated on this forum daily, many do) doesn't mean that everyone has forgotten what happened under this exact same stipulation 2 years ago.

Triple H's presence will be an unnecessary distraction. Trips and Vince have latched onto a hot Superstar and angle in order to get their shitty angle over. And no one has to like it, especially when they've been given good reason to expect this to negatively impact a highly anticipated match.

If you're going to knock people for "whining" come with something better than hypotheticals and hyperbole. This is a justifiable concern by people who have been watching wrestling long enough to know that this isn't what "always" happens and are smart enough to know that
I didn't state you have no right to be pissed if you were looking forward to a usual 1 v 1 match. I'm just saying the hyperbolic response is due to the individual selected for the role.

Off the top of my head I can recall special guest referee HBK in HHH Taker part 2, Y2j in HBK vs Batista backlash 2008. Stone Cold for Lesnar/Goldberg and the Thrump McMahon feud with Lashley and Umaga. The revival of the WWE in the late 90s was also due to a very special guest 'enforcer' Mike Tyson for Austin's first title win. I think I can find more I bother to dig up history of WWE.

The point is it isn't anything to hit HHH on a stick with. Hell even AJ guest refereed a title match last year.
I really don't mind The Game being involved here, personally I think Raw and Smackdown need more HHH, he entertains me far more than pretty much anyone else in the company.

I'd give him another title run if I had the choice. Legend. Andi'm not even joking, I know that's the minority view but I don't give a shit.
I really don't mind The Game being involved here, personally I think Raw and Smackdown need more HHH, he entertains me far more than pretty much anyone else in the company.

I'd give him another title run if I had the choice. Legend. Andi'm not even joking, I know that's the minority view but I don't give a shit.

I know how I'm coming across, but I don't hate Triple H. I don't want him involved in this match or his angle with Vince mingling with the Cena/Bryan angle, but not because I hate him. I acknowledge his status, his talent, and if he had another full-time run in him, I wouldn't begrudge him it. People talk about "saving" the World Heavyweight Championship, and I honestly wouldn't mind him giving it a shot if it meant getting the next guy over. Hopefully everything comes off without a hitch on Sunday, both angles get furthered in plausible, entertaining ways, and SummerSlam comes to a close on a note that makes next Monday's Raw a must-see for the right reasons. Fingers crossed.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled .gif...

As much as I hate any outside involvement in this feud it could be worse, we could have the Bellas involved instead... I'll take Triple H as special ref over the Bella ***** any day.
As much as I hate any outside involvement in this feud it could be worse, we could have the Bellas involved instead... I'll take Triple H as special ref over the Bella ***** any day.

This is a phenomenal point right here. Fuck, I am eternally grateful that they were never really brought into this.
You know wrestling is on the right track when opinions go from "This is gonna be awesome, I can't wait" to "it could be worse"
This is a phenomenal point right here. Fuck, I am eternally grateful that they were never really brought into this.

Neither can talk or do much of anything outside of accidentally popping out titties, but I think making it more personal would've been fun. Would've needed a few months to build instead of a few weeks, though.
The Bellas were known quantities though. Anybody could have predicted WWE exploiting this match to help get Total Divas over, and IIRC some people on here did. It takes a special kind of jaded to predict that for the second time in three years, Triple H would be presiding over the SummerSlam main event.


I knew I had said something about the Bellas and their relationship status back when this feud was still a rumor, just had to take a looksee:

Bryan should leverage his Bella to get John Cena's Bella to convince John to drop the belt to him. Or maybe he could ask them to pull some "twin magic" for John in exchange for a title reign.

I won't mind if Daniel loses to Cena in chasing for the WWE Championship. Frankly I expect it. As the saying goes, "it's not the destination, it's the journey." It should be a quality feud, and should they successfully maintain Bryan's face status throughout, he'll come out as a bigger star regardless of whether or not he's wearing the title. I fully expect Bryan to win more than the one world championship he already has before he's done in WWE. If he doesn't get it from Cena, so be it.

And that was on June 8th. The Bellas getting involved would have been no surprise, and expectations could have been adjusted early on if they were made a part of the feud.
I kinda marked for the Nash powerbomb. The proceeding storyline made me regret that mark out.
Uh, what? lol. Triple H had no effect on the match in the slightest.

There's no way you're being anything more than the hapless hater you had been accused of being throughout this thread.

Not the match the ending, just like 2011. I didn't hate it though, the match was great and the show overall was good.

Just hoping for Orton/Bryan or at least another Cena/Bryan than him chasing after HHH is all.

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