Summerslam 2011 all over again.....

Who bases their enjoyment on things like that? I certainly don't.

I've seen many a "he won't draw so there's point in pushing him" arguments all around. If that's not what you were going for then my bad. Don't use that "Almost nothing matter ever" line again though, practically pulled the trigger for me.
Depressing and meaningless way to look at things, but whatever.
I'm not depressed. I actually find the concept rather liberating. If nothing matters, how angry can I be about any moronic booking decision?

The rage I've felt towards WWE in yesteryear no longer lives in my heart. And that's a beautiful thing. I might be enjoying wrestling more than I ever have.
At the end of the day, wins and losses really don't matter in today's WWE. But even still... I'm going to be pissed beyond belief if HHH goes over Bryan in a match. Of course, he'll do so by cheating and after Bryan had him beat, blah, blah, blah. And of course, all the HHH apologist will latch on to that and say he made Bryan look good and that's all that matters, blah, blah, blah. The fact will still remain, Daniel Bryan is one of the most promising and over rising young stars in WWE and he has no business losing to an over-the-top hill bum who only wrestles a couple of times a year.
At the end of the day, wins and losses really don't matter in today's WWE. But even still... I'm going to be pissed beyond belief if HHH goes over Bryan in a match. Of course, he'll do so by cheating and after Bryan had him beat, blah, blah, blah. And of course, all the HHH apologist will latch on to that and say he made Bryan look good and that's all that matters, blah, blah, blah. The fact will still remain, Daniel Bryan is one of the most promising and over rising young stars in WWE and he has no business losing to an over-the-top hill bum who only wrestles a couple of times a year.
I'll keep you in my prayers, jmt. Bless.
Interesting philosophy, I'd just rather use the everything besides an ever changing select few are meaningless. And if I get too fed up on someone who should have done this or that I just drop them like a bad habit.

I don't even have rage, I guess just being a skeptic here and there is frowned upon by some.

But just think about it, Coco... HHH is the biggest mark there is. Worst than ANYONE on the IWC. The guy takes his character so seriously it's pathetic, especially in today's World when the professional wrestling business couldn't be more exposed.

Yet, he still has to go over. He must go over. Isn't that just pathetic? Why is it so important to him to keep winning? It makes zero sense. The guy's ego is just out of this World.
Interesting philosophy, I'd just rather use the everything besides an ever changing select few are meaningless. And if I get too fed on someone who should have done this or that I just drop them like a bad habit.

I don't even have rage, I guess just being a skeptic here and there is frowned upon by some.
Scepticism is fine. But I wish people could see the difference between right, wrong, and "I want this!" Most scepticism simply amounts to preference. And that generally makes boring conversation.

I think I evolved beyond the IWC about a year ago. I'll disappear one day and it'll be no real loss.

But just think about it, Coco... HHH is the biggest mark there is. Worst than ANYONE on the IWC. The guy takes his character so seriously it's pathetic, especially in today's World when the professional wrestling business couldn't be more exposed.

Yet, he still has to go over. He must go over. Isn't that just pathetic? Why is it so important to him to keep winning? It makes zero sense. The guy's ego is just out of this World.
Fine. I'll pray for him too.
Wins and losses in wrestling can be used as a catalyst for building/burying a wrestler, a lot of times they don't mean nothing and other times they do but in essence it really depends if the company at hand chooses to make those wins and losses mean something.

John Cena is the only MITB winner to not cash in successfully, it didn't matter one bit. Hogan defeating Andre at Wrestlemania III mattered big time because that's what WWE ultimately chose.

The same goes for Daniel Bryan, if they use the events of last night to springboard and elevate Bryan for the long haul then yes his win against Cena did matter. I would say at this point his win did matter. I think Bryan is gonna come out incredible at the end of this but ultimately what happens tonight and onward will determine that.
- HHH prevents Bryan recapturing the title at NoC
- HHH protects Orton from Bryan by putting obstacles (Ryback, Barrett, Big E etc) in his way
- Bryan overcomes said obstacles
- HHH resorts to putting himself in a match with Bryan at Hell in a Cell
- Bryan wins inside the Cell

It could potentially be Attitude Era like and HHH does end up playing the Vince to Bryan's Austin but if done right, it could be entertaining. Add in a continued Punk/Heyman feud (maybe Punk has to run a Heyman guy gauntlet to get a rematch with Lesnar at HiaC) and that will be grand for me.
Too bad God doesn't listen to 14-year-olds unless it involves a Make-A-Wish kid meeting John Cena.
I want to bring this to its natural conclusion and wish I was terminal, but I'm too fucking superstitious.
Scepticism is fine. But I wish people could see the difference between right, wrong, and "I want this!" Most scepticism simply amounts to preference. And that generally makes boring conversation.

I think I evolved beyond the IWC about a year ago. I'll disappear one day and it'll be no real loss.

Eh, I don't think anyone here is completely objective all the time. If it were it would makes things boring and we'd always come to the same conclusion. I guess a balance just needs to be stricken.
Wins and losses don't matter, Drew McIntyre beat the fuck out of Del Rio and the latters still a World Champ

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