Summerslam 2011 all over again.....

Quit your bitchin, people.

HHH being inserted into the SS main event as the special ref doesnt hurt the main event. I dont think its event meant to add to it...I believe its to further this on going storyline between HHH and Vince. This will probably culminate at WM 30.

That's entirely the problem, glad you decoded that for us oh wise genius.
Has anyone considered the possibility that no one gets screwed, no one turns heel, and that all Triple H does is ensure no shenanigans by Vince. Maybe we get a clean finish, with of without an appearance by Orton carrying a certain red briefcase.
We've considered it but it would be naive to think that way considering all the evidence points to the contrary. There's being optimistic and there is being gullible. Triple H wouldn't be in the match unless he was gonna do something otherwise it would just be a regular referee.
We've considered it but it would be naive to think that way considering all the evidence points to the contrary. There's being optimistic and there is being gullible. Triple H wouldn't be in the match unless he was gonna do something otherwise it would just be a regular referee.

I just hope he doesn't turn heel and screw Bryan. I'm no Cena hater by any means, but I'd be very interested to see a DB vs. VKM feud. If the Cena reports about being out are true, that's what we just might get.
The Butcher said:
I know it's a longshot, but a Shane appearance
would go a long way in helping this feud get over
with me.

The levels of marking out I would achieve...
2012- A horrible Brock/HHH main events with an almost teary eyed HHH ending the show by being booed out the arena.

I don't recall this happening. I remember Brock and Triple H telling a great story (cause if you can't tell a story you shouldn't be wrestling, amirite?) and Triple H then being applauded as he sold it like a champ and his music played.

I guarantee my description is much more accurate.
I don't recall this happening. I remember Brock and Triple H telling a great story (cause if you can't tell a story you shouldn't be wrestling, amirite?) and Triple H then being applauded as he sold it like a champ and his music played.

I guarantee my description is much more accurate.

I watched it, it was average at best and that's being generous. The general consensus was that it was bad as well.

HHH then after the match stood there waiting for an applause with a very mixed reaction (like 60/40 in Brock's favor with "you tapped out" chants) so they had the exact same segment the next so he would be cheered.
Once again I'm gonna stand with Saga on this particularly discussion - the match between Brock Lesnar and Triple H was solid, mostly because it had a good storytelling that somehow was in line with the storyline they told. Brock Lesnar doesn't have a lot of better main event matches than that.
Because from 2012 and on three out of four of them have been with HHH, all more mediocre than the other.

Cena at ER steamrolls it completely, along with a bunch of other matches before his depature.
Because from 2012 and on three out of four of them have been with HHH, all more mediocre than the other.

I sense this less you not liking the matches and more you not liking Triple H.

They had a good match at SummerSlam, they'd an even better one at Mania, by ER it'd became tedious but yet again, a good match. Don't kid yourself by believing any different.
I didn't say it was the best match in both of men careers, but I can say that it was a very solid match with a very good storytelling by both men. Also Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena was the best match of Lesnar's career.
I've never disliked HHH, and I've never understood it when people say he inserts himself into segments pointlessly, but here... there really is no reason for HHH to be there. He seems like an overbearing parent who goes to job interviews with their 25 year old kid, thinking this grown ass adult can't handle it by themselves.

This is a feud between the face of the company, and the guy who single handedly injects more life into dead crowds than the company has seen in years. HHH is terribly unneeded here. This amazing feud should not be a springboard for HHH, for a feud with Vince.
I sense this less you not liking the matches and more you not liking Triple H.

They had a good match at SummerSlam, they'd an even better one at Mania, by ER it'd became tedious but yet again, a good match. Don't kid yourself by believing any different.

I have to side with Dynamite. That match was balls and Triple H got a bunch of "You tapped out!" chants.

Not much more is needed than Nate's simplified version of what I've said, the matches were garbage.
...there really is no reason for HHH to be there.

That we know of. Considering they played him into it with the Vince angle there will probably be a reason.

Not much more is needed than Nate's simplified version of what I've said, the matches were garbage.

Fine then, I can swing this. Screw good storytelling, if a match isn't plastered by fifteen moves in quick succession then it isn't good. Man, The Undertaker sucks balls, he should hang himself or some shit.
I thought their Mania match was great and their ER match was solid, but the Summerslam match was a chore to sit through.
That we know of. Considering they played him into it with the Vince angle there will probably be a reason.

Fine then, I can swing this. Screw good storytelling, if a match isn't plastered by fifteen moves in quick succession then it isn't good. Man, The Undertaker sucks balls, he should hang himself or some shit.

Come on, man. You know I'm not a moron about shit like this. There was storytelling in that match, but the story was fucking boring.
I've never disliked HHH, and I've never understood it when people say he inserts himself into segments pointlessly, but here... there really is no reason for HHH to be there. He seems like an overbearing parent who goes to job interviews with their 25 year old kid, thinking this grown ass adult can't handle it by themselves.

This is a feud between the face of the company, and the guy who single handedly injects more life into dead crowds than the company has seen in years. HHH is terribly unneeded here. This amazing feud should not be a springboard for HHH, for a feud with Vince.

I'm pretty sure that the reason why HHH inserted himself in the match is to stop Vince McMahon from doing something stupid. The story has nothing wrong with it and the wrestlers are focused 100% on the match and the WWE Championship. The HHH/VKM angle is being developed and it really is giving this match a reason. If it wasn't for the power angle, Daniel Bryan wouldn't have had the momentum to challenge for the strap. It made Bryan look like a real threat to Cena's title those weeks where he tried to prove Vince that he deserved the shot and it also put some reality into the whole angle, because we all know that Daniel Bryan was never meant to have this success, EVER.

I am enjoying it, is a secondary trait of the storyline and it will probably end with McMahon or HHH screwing Daniel Bryan. There's anything wrong with the story aside from the fact that people really want to see Daniel Bryan beating John Cena and the odds seem smaller by the minute.
Fine then, I can swing this. Screw good storytelling, if a match isn't plastered by fifteen moves in quick succession then it isn't good. Man, The Undertaker sucks balls, he should hang himself or some shit.

I don't really care what you're going for at this point, I'm complaining about HHH's insertion into something he shouldn't be near, I just used the match as an example.. You're opinion on what is a good and bad is irrelevant to me.
Come on, man. You know I'm not a moron about shit like this. There was storytelling in that match, but the story was fucking boring.

You've explained it, but I know you haven't got a secret dislike for Triple H, which is the prerogative for the creation of this thread. It isn't a bad thing because HHH is involved, it's solely because he doesn't like Triple H, so he should admit it.

I don't really care what you're going for at this point, I'm complaining about HHH's insertion into something he shouldn't be near, I just used the match as an example.. You're opinion on what is a good and bad is irrelevant to me.

Unless you possess a magic ball and your name is Mystic Meg you are clueless to what's behind Triple H being included in the match, so instead of making assumptions, sit tight, don't let the bed bugs bite and if Triple H does nothing at SummerSlam, if there is no advance in his story with Vince, if he just referees it without a hitch then fine, no reason for his involvement, but otherwise you are wrong.
We've considered it but it would be naive to think that way considering all the evidence points to the contrary. There's being optimistic and there is being gullible. Triple H wouldn't be in the match unless he was gonna do something otherwise it would just be a regular referee.

But Triple H will do something, that being, preventing Vince McMahon and/or Brad Maddox from interfering in the match and screwing Daniel Bryan out of the title, and springboarding into the feud between himself and Vince at Wrestlemania.

I'm not really sure what evidence points towards Triple H inserting himself into the match in an inappropriate way, turning heel, screwing Daniel Bryan, or taking the focus off of the main combatants and putting it on himself.
You've explained it, but I know you haven't got a secret dislike for Triple H, which is the prerogative for the creation of this thread. It isn't a bad thing because HHH is involved, it's solely because he doesn't like Triple H, so he should admit it.

It's not a secret that HHH isn't my favorite, I've let it be known multiple times. It's completely a problem of him being involved, you seem to be a fan of his, which is why I'm assuming you have a problem with said opinion.

Unless you possess a magic ball and your name is Mystic Meg you are clueless to what's behind Triple H being included in the match, so instead of making assumptions, sit tight, don't let the bed bugs bite and if Triple H does nothing at SummerSlam, if there is no advance in his story with Vince, if he just referees it without a hitch then fine, no reason for his involvement, but otherwise you are wrong.

Fuck right off with that "you're not involved on creative/behind the scenes so you have no right to complain" garbage. Defeats the purpose of a wrestling forum and nothing should be exempt from criticism, if everybody never talked about things they had no idea what would happen too there would be no conversation. If I'm proven wrong I am and I'll deal with it, if I'm not then it happens.
Well I think we can all safely assume that he's going to be involved in some capacity, whether it's to stop VKM or not. If they made him referee, and then nothing happened but a straight match, no matter the winner, what would be the point? Just doesn't make sense.
It's not a secret that HHH isn't my favorite, I've let it be known multiple times. It's completely a problem of him being involved, you seem to be a fan of his, which is why I'm assuming you have a problem with said opinion.

I like him. I think he's a solid performer and all but not in my top ten or anything. So it isn't why I'm arguing this with you, what I'm saying is you have no idea why hes been added, you are trying to say "there is no reason" but there very well may be and most probably is a reason behind it. If we removed foresight from this then yeah, he shouldn't be included, but we aren't so there may be a huge reason why he has the role.
They had a good match at SummerSlam, they'd an even better one at Mania, by ER it'd became tedious but yet again, a good match. Don't kid yourself by believing any different.
Mania match sucked. I thought Brock looked sloppy and "off" watching it live. Wasn't shocked to find out about the concussion.

Anyway, SummerSlam 2011 is all about Christian vs Orton. I recall nothing after that.

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