Stupid Prince Charles and Camilla


Shawn Michaels ❤
Decide to come to Leeds so practically every road in the City centre is blocked off. Eugh, I don't want them in Leeds, I want to go to Primark!
This is how Primark clothes are made:


Wait, no. That's a sweet shop, isn't it?
If my kids could make clothes as good as the kids that make clothes for Primark, I'd be a very proud parent.

:lmao: That's quite mean, isn't it?
I cannot believe I missed a day of shopping so those old bastards could do something in Leeds. There is nothing to do in Leeds anyway!
They could always have gone on that 'Shoot yourself up in the air' device near the light. It looked fun

Luke made me go on that yesterday - the scariest thing in the world ever. AND he then paid £20 for it to be on DVD. If I ever find out how to upload videos, I'll put it on here.
My legs were too jelly-like to acknowledge any fun. But you could see miles and miles away, which was quite good. I wish I'd gone on it on Monday, on the tiny chance it'd have been me you watched :lmao:.
nah nothing to do with anyone, well for one I like History and that area is a nexus where history and myth meet. Combine in the fact that I am in the Games workshop hobby and that is where they are based.

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