Don't know what to call this..

they may not go around acting all hyper, but they sure as hell dont go around acting like they appreciate the life that was givin to them. about half of them talk about ending their life because its so bad, they dont know what to do anymore. Maybe the 50 percent that posts on this board arent like that, im just saying what ive seen over here thats all it is. If your life is so bad make some changes in your life dont end it, there is so many things out there to change your life around, maybe the only reason i think like this is because never once have i met an emo who didnt hate their life, and it pisses me off that they are here, so much shit in the world to do and make your life so great, and they just want to end it.

Some people have hard lives, some people feel the need to 'cut' or cause themselves pain for any number of reasons. Whether it' about control, or punishment, or anything else. There was a point in my life I felt the need to do this, am I now emo?
You may think everyone should just be happy with what they have, but some people can't be. Some people go through a lot more than others, and you have to take that into account.
they may not go around acting all hyper, but they sure as hell dont go around acting like they appreciate the life that was givin to them. about half of them talk about ending their life because its so bad, they dont know what to do anymore. Maybe the 50 percent that posts on this board arent like that, im just saying what ive seen over here thats all it is. If your life is so bad make some changes in your life dont end it, there is so many things out there to change your life around, maybe the only reason i think like this is because never once have i met an emo who didnt hate their life, and it pisses me off that they are here, so much shit in the world to do and make your life so great, and they just want to end it.

Alot of people hate their lives. Not just "Emo's" as you put it.

I've met plenty of so called Emo people that fucking love their lives. Whats not to love, you do a crap job that pays loads, go out and get drunk with your friends and listen to awesome music. I could introduce you to 100's of Emo people that love their lives, if you'd of talked to me three months ago I'd of told you I loved my life. People go through bad times, people think about ending their lives, it isn't exclusive to Emo's.
i understand that there is hard times in life, ive been through plenty of them, but have i ever wanted to kill myself? no. You look foward and you move foward and you try to fix whatever is wrong and turn your life around. Maybe i feel like this because of my religious views and i was taught that you dont kill yourself but appreciate what you have. But that is the one and pretty much only thing that pisses me off about emo. That alot of them associate themselves with cutting and crap like that and it's just disturbing and disgusting
Alot of people hate their lives. Not just "Emo's" as you put it.

I've met plenty of so called Emo people that fucking love their lives. Whats not to love, you do a crap job that pays loads, go out and get drunk with your friends and listen to awesome music. I could introduce you to 100's of Emo people that love their lives, if you'd of talked to me three months ago I'd of told you I loved my life. People go through bad times, people think about ending their lives, it isn't exclusive to Emo's.

im not saying you dont love your life, you are probably cool as hell and everything, its just what the emo lifestyle sometimes represents and thats the cutting and everything i just think thats disgusting if they think like that
and i shoulda rephrased what i said in the first place, i shoulda said the Emo Lifestyle instead of Emo's in general, my mistake
I'm really going to miss you, Becca. I loved our talks on MSN, and I'm gonna miss them so much. When are your mock exams over so that you can come back ot the WZ Forums World?

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