Don't know what to call this..

Anyway, now a more pointless post.

Fall Out Boy are surprisingly good, skinny jeans are something I do not know about (I'm presuming you have to be skinny to wear them... thus, I'm fucked) and Becca should indeed leave us a picture for the memories... :D
Fall out boy is ******ed, the whole emo thing is ******ed. I mean what kinda guy wears tight pants, make-up and is gloomy all day because his life is so horrible he must slice his wrists to make the pain go away. News flash, slicing your wrists probably hurts so i dont see where the pain goes away
Surprised it's not colourful. I thought emos wore colourful, fancy belts. You've let me down Jonny. You've let me down real bad kid... :(
Fall out boy is ******ed, the whole emo thing is ******ed. I mean what kinda guy wears tight pants, make-up and is gloomy all day because his life is so horrible he must slice his wrists to make the pain go away. News flash, slicing your wrists probably hurts so i dont see where the pain goes away

You sir, are a fucking idiot. Yes of course all suuposed Emo's sit around all day cutting themselves? Stereotype look the fucking word up.

Surprised it's not colourful. I thought emos wore colourful, fancy belts. You've let me down Jonny. You've let me down real bad kid...

I've got plenty of colourful belts? Wanna bite them too?
Fall out boy is ******ed, the whole emo thing is ******ed. I mean what kinda guy wears tight pants, make-up and is gloomy all day because his life is so horrible he must slice his wrists to make the pain go away. News flash, slicing your wrists probably hurts so i dont see where the pain goes away

I aren't even going to bother explaining self-mutiliation to you.
Who says a guy can't wear tight throusers or make up? I hate guys wearing trackies, that doesn't mean they can't wear it. Do you think the Scottish shouldn't wear Kilts? Because 'skirts' have before been associated with women?
You're highly stereotypical.
i know that smart one, but thats what basically alot of emo's present themselves as, people who slice their wrists, let the pain go away and continue on, my friend likes emo music, while driving ive heard some of the lyrics, they talk about that shit, so what the hell is everyone supposed to think when all they hear is that shit
I aren't even going to bother explaining self-mutiliation to you.
Who says a guy can't wear tight throusers or make up? I hate guys wearing trackies, that doesn't mean they can't wear it. Do you think the Scottish shouldn't wear Kilts? Because 'skirts' have before been associated with women?
You're highly stereotypical.

but why would they wear it, it makes no sense, they know people are gonna think crazy shit about them, so they are like a walking billboard for people just to rag on them
i know that smart one, but thats what basically alot of emo's present themselves as, people who slice their wrists, let the pain go away and continue on, my friend likes emo music, while driving ive heard some of the lyrics, they talk about that shit, so what the hell is everyone supposed to think when all they hear is that shit

No it isn't. It's what you take them to be. Because they don't go around acting hyper and pretening to be all 'big and hard'.

Shall I stereotype you then? What music is it you listen to? Because I don't particularly agree with any of the sterotypes, but seeings as you're so fond on them..
but why would they wear it, it makes no sense, they know people are gonna think crazy shit about them, so they are like a walking billboard for people just to rag on them

Why the hell would people live their life around other peoples thoughts? Gosh you lead a sad life. If they like to wear it, they will wear it. Do you just follow the crowd to not get picked on?
they may not go around acting all hyper, but they sure as hell dont go around acting like they appreciate the life that was givin to them. about half of them talk about ending their life because its so bad, they dont know what to do anymore. Maybe the 50 percent that posts on this board arent like that, im just saying what ive seen over here thats all it is. If your life is so bad make some changes in your life dont end it, there is so many things out there to change your life around, maybe the only reason i think like this is because never once have i met an emo who didnt hate their life, and it pisses me off that they are here, so much shit in the world to do and make your life so great, and they just want to end it.
You've talked to fifty per cent of all emos then? The only one I know is a right prick mind. And he cuts himself. That's not a stereotype by the way. He actually cuts himself.

Not saying that's what all emos are like, by the way...
my cousin is an emo, and she cuts herself, she got a tattoo on her arm, and on her wrists at least 30 razor cuts, and im thinking to myself, wtf why do you do this? What does it do for you
Self-harming isn't really an emo thing. Self harm has been around much longer than... uh, emo. Emos that self harm, it's a coincidence. No sarcasm.
but that is what its mostly assoiciated with, i know plenty of non-emos do it. But that is what emo music is based on, living a sad life and ending it. I dont understand why they would self harm

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