Rugby League 2009 Season

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Tis pretty sad, but whats going on at wakey isnt he the 2nd person to die within a year. It shocks you when things like this happen, but they do happen from time to time, same in any sport.

On to the Super league. I'm not too fussed about our loss to saints we play them plenty more times for us to get revenge and then some. I was more shocked at Cas beating Hull. i didnt see that happening.

We gotta bounce back now though
I have to bitch first of all. How can anyone, no matter which team they support, be so disrespectful in regards to a player who has passed away playing a sport he loved for the fans? A game wide minutes silence was helpd today in memory of Leon Walker, and there were people laughing and making comments. I don't think I've ever been that pissed off in my life.

Moving on, the race between St Helens and Leeds Rhinos is getting closer and closer, both teams not fighting to win, fighting to see who can score the most points. Whilst winning is oviously important, it's almost obvious for these teams they will come away victorious - the big question is by how much? Once again Leeds have narrowly beaten St Helens for top spot in the league - with a difference of around 3 points. This is so interesting for fans at the game - today all you could see was people finding out the St Helens score, and working out points difference so we know we're in the right to chant 'Top of the league'. Ah, Rugby is awesome.
Were LEEDS RHINOS and were out of the cup. god we were terrible today, too many mistakes, not enough attacking and our defending was god awful. Saints are 2 for 2 now it seems like we can only beat them when its wet. We were completely outplayed. gotta play better than that on friday at bradford.
First Shawn. Eugh, that match had it's godo points and its bad points. I think the 18-22 scoreline was a good reflection on the match - Leeds played good, Saints just played that bit better. It's wrong how much I don't give a shit. Few questionable decisions by the referee, but all in all, the team that won deserved it.
First Shawn. Eugh, that match had it's godo points and its bad points. I think the 18-22 scoreline was a good reflection on the match - Leeds played good, Saints just played that bit better. It's wrong how much I don't give a shit. Few questionable decisions by the referee, but all in all, the team that won deserved it.

i dont agree with that, we were nowere near good. we bucked up our ideas in the last ten mins like we always seem to do but we were completly outplayed for the previous 70
Completely disagree - the first half ended with it being anyones game, I fully believed Leeds could come back at half time and win. A 4 points deficit is hardly a lot in Rugby League - it takes a matter of seconds to make that disappear. You also have to remember what they were contending with - a referee who had a Saints shirt on underneath his kit. I'm exaggerating slightly, but at least 5 times he ignored St Helens offside, and twice called a knock on from Leeds when the ball bounced backwards.

The last 10 seconds were the most entertaining of the game - straight after Seniors try. Leeds desperation really showed, and you had to laugh at how they kept the ball alive. A small part of me really though they were going to do it. And that would have been the best thing ever.
Completely disagree - the first half ended with it being anyones game, I fully believed Leeds could come back at half time and win.

fair do's maybe i over exaggerated, but our performance dipped in the second half. i dunno maybe im wrong and just pissed at losing.

You also have to remember what they were contending with - a referee who had a Saints shirt on underneath his kit. I'm exaggerating slightly, but at least 5 times he ignored St Helens offside, and twice called a knock on from Leeds when the ball bounced backwards.

I agree the referee did give the saints alot of questionable desicions, most refs seem to be pro saints at the moment, Gansons one of them

The last 10 seconds were the most entertaining of the game - straight after Seniors try. Leeds desperation really showed, and you had to laugh at how they kept the ball alive. A small part of me really though they were going to do it. And that would have been the best thing ever.

The last ten seconds were funny as hell, i actually thought we were gonna do it, the atmosphere was great though throughout the game, and chanting to Leon pryce made me chuckle
fair do's maybe i over exaggerated, but our performance dipped in the second half. i dunno maybe im wrong and just pissed at losing.

Th second half it did - the first 30 minutes of that second half we weren't ourselves, and Saints took full advantage of that. Credit to them, but we deserve it too.

I agree the referee did give the saints alot of questionable desicions, most refs seem to be pro saints at the moment, Gansons one of them

I've noticest this also - not only in games against Leeds, but in all games. I'm not sure why - if I could choose a team I hated more than any otherm it wouldn't be Bulls like most Leeds fans would choose, my hatred for all things St Helens, and specifially James Graham beat it all.

The last ten seconds were funny as hell, i actually thought we were gonna do it, the atmosphere was great though throughout the game, and chanting to Leon pryce made me chuckle

Haha, whenever he got the ball we booed, yep that was awesome. At the Saints away game a couple of weeks ago a few people were actually banned for singing that, but I just laughed it off - are they going to ban the whole of the Southstand? Pryce put a complaint into the RFL apparently. I love how one of the biggest cheers of the night went to Luke Burgess(?) for accidentally knocking Pryce over after he kicked the ball downfield.
Th second half it did - the first 30 minutes of that second half we weren't ourselves, and Saints took full advantage of that. Credit to them, but we deserve it too.

Just like against Manly, we seem to just swtich off after half time, which is crazy considering we were really strong in the second half of games last season.

I've noticest this also - not only in games against Leeds, but in all games. I'm not sure why - if I could choose a team I hated more than any otherm it wouldn't be Bulls like most Leeds fans would choose, my hatred for all things St Helens, and specifially James Graham beat it all.

have to agree i think with the bulls deteriorating over recent years, its only right that Saints take there place as our main rivals. especially as they are just a small team in wigan.

Haha, whenever he got the ball we booed, yep that was awesome. At the Saints away game a couple of weeks ago a few people were actually banned for singing that, but I just laughed it off - are they going to ban the whole of the Southstand? Pryce put a complaint into the RFL apparently. I love how one of the biggest cheers of the night went to Luke Burgess(?) for accidentally knocking Pryce over after he kicked the ball downfield.

to be fair it serves him right for doing something wrong in the first place, like he expected to come to headingly and not get stick. there was a chorus of boos when that ginner of theres got the ball and cheers when he got tackled, ahhh good fun.
I think its safe to say that Keith Senior is doing more damage to our team than good this season, he was god awful last night and again too many penaltys pretty much give the game to bradford. I cant believe that we had 2 trys ruled out one for an offside and one for a knock on/forward pass i cant remember what the offical decision was on that as i was angry at the time.
Senior and Watkins both played horribly if you ask me, the time needs to be looked at pretty swiftly for tomorrow. But more importantly, the video referee needs to learn the rules of Rugby League. If Webb had been offside when he'd caughtthe ball, it would have been a foward pass. Seeings as you can't go to the video referee for a forward pass, the Burrow try should have been given.

Regarding the last try, it wasn't given because of a 'knock on', although the ball went backwards, and didn't touch the ground, so I fail to see how he called that a knock-on.
Eugh, never have I been that close to booing my team before, ever. I didn't, because I never would, but Leeds played horribly this Monday, at half-time the players got booed off the pitch, and I don't think I can blame the fans, something I NEVER thought I'd say, as I hate it when that happens.

The thing is, I could have played better on that team than some of them. Horrible. The 20-30 scoreline was easy on Leeds, the rugby on show was just atrocious, if they carry on like this we'll be lucky to stay at the top half of the table, never mind get the top spot we want.

Leeds should be beating a team like Salford 40 - 0, or something to that effect. A huge majority of their tries came off stupid errors from us. And what is going on with Senior? After his performance last week he was lucky to get into this weeks squad. Yet this week he was probably man of the match for Leeds. Needs to be sorted out and fast.
Eugh, never have I been that close to booing my team before, ever. I didn't, because I never would, but Leeds played horribly this Monday, at half-time the players got booed off the pitch, and I don't think I can blame the fans, something I NEVER thought I'd say, as I hate it when that happens.

I didnt go, as i was on my way back from Leicester watching the other Leeds team lose. But the txt messages i recieved told me it was better to not be there.

The thing is, I could have played better on that team than some of them. Horrible. The 20-30 scoreline was easy on Leeds, the rugby on show was just atrocious, if they carry on like this we'll be lucky to stay at the top half of the table, never mind get the top spot we want.

My mate said our kicking was bad and our chasing was bad. We need to man up and be alot stronger to get our top spot back and cut out all the stupid mistakes, i hear two of there tries came from our mistakes.

Leeds should be beating a team like Salford 40 - 0, or something to that effect. A huge majority of their tries came off stupid errors from us. And what is going on with Senior? After his performance last week he was lucky to get into this weeks squad. Yet this week he was probably man of the match for Leeds. Needs to be sorted out and fast.

Like most of the season then. Our mistakes have been our downfall too many times this year, the gaffer needs to sort it out. Senior was our man of the match??? damn we must have played poorly then. I think we are missing a decent Center makes you think how important Gaz Ellis was to the team.
I didnt go, as i was on my way back from Leicester watching the other Leeds team lose. But the txt messages i recieved told me it was better to not be there.

I'd agree with them. I was supposed to be at the hospital with my daughter but I needed a break so I went to it myself, and I'd have SO much rather been sat at hospital than watch that. As the game went on the life seemed to be sucked out of the supporters, due to how bad the team was playing,

My mate said our kicking was bad and our chasing was bad. We need to man up and be alot stronger to get our top spot back and cut out all the stupid mistakes, i hear two of there tries came from our mistakes.

Most of our kicks were too deep, giving them valuable metres, and the few times the player caught it in goal our chasing was horrendous, I wanted to get on the pitch and run to it myself. We applied no pressure to their kickers either, we gave them the time to make sure they coud put in a kick exactly where they wanted it, and suffered Goal line drop out after drop out due to this.

Like most of the season then. Our mistakes have been our downfall too many times this year, the gaffer needs to sort it out. Senior was our man of the match??? damn we must have played poorly then. I think we are missing a decent Center makes you think how important Gaz Ellis was to the team.

Exactly - last week Watkins and Senior were horrible, Watkins didn't make the team because of it. I didn't think Senior should have, but who else have we got? Ellis is probably the most underrated player Leeds have had since I started watching, and that was 17 years ago. McGuire didn't play well at all, either. This needs to be sorted out and soon, at the moment I'm glad I'm not travelling to Huddersfield.
Well, that was the first time I've ever left a Rhinos game early. Absolutely horrible, I couldn't bear to watch another minute of the shit they tried to pass off as rugby league. I'm actually 100 % sure I've played in games better than that. There was no team work, and where were the dummy runners? Something that was very missed there.

All credit to Harlequins, excellent performance, they made their own chances and took advantages of our mistakes. I don't know how they only scored 21 points, the scoreline should have been at least 30-0 to reflect the effort and skill on both sides. Absolutely appaling Leeds.
Eugh! Well I might as well not be travelling up to Scotland on Sunday. We're playing the only French team in the league, with the only French referee, who is known to show bias against the Rhinos. A few weeks ago 2 of his decisions as vide referee stopped us winning a crucial game, to the point even the captain had to ask the real referee what was going on; with commentators on Sky wondering the same as all us fans that were there.

Absolute fucking rubbish.
We SHOULD beat them but with the way we are playing at the moment we probably wont. This ref is an absolute disgrace I seriously dont understand how we can get the only French Ref against the only French team. Add that to the fact that we usually get Ganson who is a Saints fan, its not going well. This is one aspect that I dont understand about RL because this doesn't happen in Football.

Onto Fridays performance I left at half time. There was no way I was staying to watch that shit the Rhinos were playing like. I didn't even find out the final score untill sunday, something has to improvem otherwise we wont even make the Playoffs
We've been playing pretty damn awesome these last few weeks. The win at Castleford was one of my favourite ever games. The rain, the score, everything just threw together to make a classic game of RL. A draw would have been fair if I'm honest, both teams played exceptionally well considering the conditions. I almost felt sorry for them, having to give away a penalty or Leeds would have come off with an easy try. That final kick was great, full credit to Leeds for playing that.

This game against Hull FC, another pointer we're playing the way we should. I know that because I can't really choose one star player. They worked as a team, a solid unit whose defence is almost unbreakable. This is proven by the fact we're the best in the league when it comes to defence. Credit to Hull for putting even 16 points past us.
I've decided I was wrong about the 14 team Super League increasing the quality. This season has seen some horrible matches from all teams. Eugh. Almost everyonme supports Celtic as their second team just because we've been urging them to win at least one game. And damn I'd have been embarassed if that was to Leeds. But yeah, maybe it's just going to take a little getting used to, but the '06 and '07 seasons showed me Rugby LEague so good I thought we could beat the NRL in terms of quality. Not this season.
Ever had the feeling you're talking to yourself? Meh, anyway. Leeds did very very well to win their game against Huddersfield Giants - coming from 0-12 down to beating the team 20-12 in the last few minutes. What a great game. The scoreline doesn't show anything well. We played a lot better than to go down 12-0, and Huddersfield played better than to lose by 8 points. regardless, this win takes us to second in the table, needing a few great wins to claim our rightful spot at the top of the table.
Ever had the feeling you're talking to yourself?

I am here to discuss with you, but at times I just cant be bothered and then I forget about it.

Leeds did very very well to win their game against Huddersfield Giants

Not really, we should have had the game won in the first half but for some reason we couldnt quite catch the ball when it mattered.

coming from 0-12 down to beating the team 20-12 in the last few minutes.

This I will agree with, even though we should have never been 12-0 down we showed the class to get the 3 tries we needed.

What a great game.

The first half was awful, second half was great. In the first half nobody could catch the ball and was constantly knocking on.

We played a lot better than to go down 12-0.

Yep it should have been about 40-12

Huddersfield played better than to lose by 8 points.

No they didn't they had their chances but didn't take them just like us. the first half was perhaps even, the second half Hudds wernt in the game at all. They deserved to be beaten badly by the way we were playing and would have been had we taken our chances.

this win takes us to second in the table, needing a few great wins to claim our rightful spot at the top of the table.

Yep but we need to improve. I have been saying all season about how our mistakes are costing us, it showed last week against Catalans. We need to be much better on Friday against Bradford who already beat us this year.
I am here to discuss with you, but at times I just cant be bothered and then I forget about it.

Haha, when I started the thread, and last season, it was pretty much me reviewing games to myself.

Not really, we should have had the game won in the first half but for some reason we couldnt quite catch the ball when it mattered.

We missed Ryan Hall on the wing. A lot of our mistakes came from there, and specifically Scott Donald, which is surprising. Watkins played great on the opposite Wing, and it wouldn't be a bad decision by Bluey to have Watkins/Hall on the wing at Quins.

This I will agree with, even though we should have never been 12-0 down we showed the class to get the 3 tries we needed.

That's true. There wasn't a huge difference of skill in the first half, but Hudds managed to get 2 tries from it. (Well, one 2 minutes after half time, but you know what I mean).

The first half was awful, second half was great. In the first half nobody could catch the ball and was constantly knocking on.

The skill wasn't great, but it was the type of game I love. You get incredibly into it.

No they didn't they had their chances but didn't take them just like us.

In the first half it was them that took them. They had a really good defence. Keeping Leeds try-less in the first half is rarely achieved.

the first half was perhaps even, the second half Hudds wernt in the game at all. They deserved to be beaten badly by the way we were playing and would have been had we taken our chances.

I disagree, I'll give them credit, I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd won the game. We really stepped up in the last 15 minutes, but until then it was anyones game.

Yep but we need to improve. I have been saying all season about how our mistakes are costing us, it showed last week against Catalans. We need to be much better on Friday against Bradford who already beat us this year.

I don't even class that Bradford game as a loss, the video referee disallowed 2 tries which were tries. But anyway, yeah we have to step up. Bradford aren't great at the moment, but always bring their A-game to Leeds.
Haha, when I started the thread, and last season, it was pretty much me reviewing games to myself.

Well I promise to debate with you then. Its a bit pointless though considering we are both Rhinos fans, maybe I'll switch my team to St Helens for a more rivalry based discussion.......................Not a chance

We missed Ryan Hall on the wing. A lot of our mistakes came from there, and specifically Scott Donald, which is surprising. Watkins played great on the opposite Wing, and it wouldn't be a bad decision by Bluey to have Watkins/Hall on the wing at Quins.

We really did, however I thought Watkins was awesome, I had to laugh my mate before the game said he hasnt been playing well recenty and should stay in the reserves, I happily made him eat his words. Scott Donald did make a few mistakes but made up a shit load of ground when Hodgeson broke though from their own goal line. I would agree Watkins deserves his chance.

That's true. There wasn't a huge difference of skill in the first half, but Hudds managed to get 2 tries from it. (Well, one 2 minutes after half time, but you know what I mean).

And they deserved their 2 tries. Leeds could have perhaps defended better for the first but they played well enough to get 2 tries.

The skill wasn't great, but it was the type of game I love. You get incredibly into it.

Yes it was incredibly flustrating, we only seemed to drop the ball in their end zone though. The knocking on is getting annoying though, theres no excuse to drop the ball especially in such dry conditions. I can understand if its raining that there would be some drops but our mistakes are costing us badly.

In the first half it was them that took them. They had a really good defence. Keeping Leeds try-less in the first half is rarely achieved.

But what I'm trying to say it wasn't there defence that kept us try-less it was our mistakes we should have at least been level at half time.

I disagree, I'll give them credit, I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd won the game. We really stepped up in the last 15 minutes, but until then it was anyones game.

So your saying untill the last 15 it was anybodys game even when we were 12-0 down??? just shows how dominant we were. We completely outplayed them in the second half and they only threatened through our mistakes which was the Hodgeson break I spoke about earlier. Huddersfield didn't deserve anything from the game and were lucky to get out of Headingly without a destructive scoreline.

I don't even class that Bradford game as a loss, the video referee disallowed 2 tries which were tries. But anyway, yeah we have to step up. Bradford aren't great at the moment, but always bring their A-game to Leeds.

Maybe, but it still counts as a loss, even if we were screwed. Bradford will be tough to beat but if we stop the stupid mistakes and actually do the thing that the players are paid to do (catch the ball) then it shouldnt be out of the question to get a decent victory.

Oh and how bad were the tackles from Hudds. From where we were stood in the south stand there must have been about 4 tackles which were stupidly high, plus the ref only gave one of them. When he did give it he waited untill the player hit the ground before deciding if it was high. Surely he could see. That ref annoyed me slightly
The league table is giving me a headache, everyone is moving about! So, I'm pretty confident the Top 2 are going to finish as Leeds and St Helens, as always. As to which team is first, I'm unsure at the moment. I think the end of season clash between the 2 will be crucial to deciding that. But finishing second doesn't bother me at all, it's our ticket to winning the Grand Final. Our general pattern is

  • Finish Second
  • Lose to St Helens at Knowsley Road
  • Beat another team at Headingley to get to the final
  • Beat St Helens in the final.
I can see it happening. Triple Champions FTW.

Neither Leeds or Saints are at the best at the moment. St Helens losing 2/3 of their last games, and Leeds losing their last game. I'd say both need to improve, but they're still head and shoulders above other teams out there. The league this year hasn't really been of a huge quality. I'm placing it on the change with 14 teams at the moment, but I think the quality should increase a lot next year. 06-08 were years which could rival the NRL in terms of talent. I'm not seeing that this year.
The National League teams are really shit, we probably shouldn't let them in Super League. We should also kick out Celtic Crusaders, because they're shit too. Playing them is basically getting 2 free points. Horrible team.

Tony Smith will be back at Headingley :D. With scummy Wire, but still. I am really surprised he went to be their coach after leaving Leeds, why would you go to such a horrible team? We'll probably beat them tomorrow, we should anyway, let's hope St Helens lose to Wigan tonight.

*Smiles a 48.7*
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