Stop using personal issues to defend the John Cena character

Cena/Umaga Royal Rumble 2007, Cena/Brock ER 2012, Cena/HBK RAW 2007.
All the Punk matches, HBK WM23, Angle No Mercy 2003, Taker SD 2004, Orton Bragging Rights 2009, JBL Judgement Day 2006, Trips WM22 and NOC 2008, Edge Summerslam & TLC, Jeff Hardy RAW 2008 both Cena/Batista matches, Cena/JBL I quit, Cena/Miz on Raw May 2011, Cena/Mysterio for the WWE title on Raw 2011. Cena/Sandown RAW 2013 Cena/Cesaro RAW last night

Check this list out. These are all the good to classic matches John Cena has put on over the years off the top of my head. This is a wide range of wrestlers with a wide range of styles and Cena has had great matches with all of them. Cena can't wrestle though right? A lot of people say Cena can only put on great matches when he's paired with A+ wrestler. I think what needs to be asked here is not who has Cena had his best matches but who has had their best matches with Cena? Right now I can look and see JBL, Umaga, Edge, Bryan, Punk, Sandow, Cesaro, and Khali (though not on this list) have all had their best singles matches in WWE with John Cena as their opponent.

I don't think it's fair to say Cena can't wrestle when he's been consistently putting on classics and the best matches on RAW this side of HBK vs Shelton Benjamin. The man has 5 star classics. Someone who can't wrestle wouldn't have this sort of match resume. It's fair not to like Cena for what ever stupid reason you can think of. It's fair to say his character is stale but to say he can't wrestle even though he's proven the contrary time and time again, is pretty fucking insulting and shows how much of an idiot you are.
Look at Cesaro... he lost last night, sure but did he LOSE? HELL NO! Cena not only put him over as an equal but did him the biggest favor possible in letting him put the Swing on him...

Think about that for a moment. This is the guy who many in this thread are attacking personally as selfish and not willing to help others out. He's also the guy with a fused neck. Why else was he "grabbing his head" the way he was? The move was very dangerous for Cena to take or anyone with those kind of neck issues. He could have very easily said "You know what Claudio... I respect you and all, I even trust you but we're not doing the swing cos, you know my neck..." but he didn't say that last part... he took a move that could cause him issues cos it GOT THE OTHER GUY OVER. Cesaro comes out in defeat looking not only like he belongs in that EC match but that a potential "legendary feud" with Cena could happen... if that one was as good as that, the fans will want it again for sure.

But hey a loss is a loss right?
What the hell are you rambling on about? What Cena does off camera is just as much a part of his character as what he does on it. John Cena the person is playing John Cena the "character" when he makes those wishes and does all that charity work. You sound like a complete moron when you try to act like he's no different than a cartoon character. Just like you sound like a complete idiot when you try to claim what he does as the wrestler John Cena, even off screen, is his private life.

That aside, I hate to break it to you, but the fact that you personally dislike his character does not make it stale. The FACT is he is the most entertaining and most valuable person in the WWE, and by the way, it's not close. You don't have to like it, but to deny it is just foolish and ignorant.
if a big swing is dangerous to you, you shouldn't be wrestling. First post. Looking over this thread, i can only say that there is cena haters with a passion for hating, cena lovers that are blind to his foibles and people that see the the truth. He works a mic brilliantly, he's ok in the ring. Five moves of doom doesn't work, every wwe/wwf wrestler has very little moves, bret, hogan, taker, michaels, AUSTIN, they have a set of moves, you can't use that argument to knock cena. He was pushed to a position that half the fans didn't like, but he sold more than half the merch the mums and kids bought, tell me where the money is? but to say that he put bryan in the position he is in, is just wrong, people put him there, 100 people at an arena, shouting his name, next arena, same thing, these were the wrestling fans, not the sports entertainment fans, the people that loved a guy that can go out there and do it. they buy the product, not their mums. Some people are saying cena has had 5 star matches, just no. Good matches, yeah, not 5 star. Tell me the biggest over people in the last 3 years? bryan and punk, indie guys that can go, work a match, give you something new. I'm a wwe fan, i'm a wrestling fan. Cena is bret hart, he held the position when wrestling was going down hill, he sold more than anyone else. I'm asking for people that have made it without the real hype to be given the go, they made it without the wwe trying
The Cena character is more stale than Vince's cologne... but it continues to not only make money, but draw TV ratings and sell merch. That is the ONLY reason they don't change it. They have had a "golden goose" a few times now and killed it by tweaking here, heel turn there etc and it ruined it too much.


WWE is not going to alter John Cena just because, as I alluded to earlier, a comparative handful of fans want them to. They're not going to because he makes the company a ton of money. As I said in a post on the first place, the John Cena "brand", if you will, is reportedly worth over $100 million dollars. John Cena draws ratings and sells merchandise; ergo, he makes a lot of money for WWE. Just deciding to change John Cena's character just because some find it stale while the majority flock around anything & everything he does is foolishness.

It never ceases to amaze me how some fans can willfully ignore simple, easy to understand and rock solid concepts. It's as if they honestly believe that WWE should operate as if it was some fantasy football league. You don't operate a pro wrestling company on the basis of fantasy booking as though fantasy booking has no negative consequences. Fantasy booking has no negative consequences for us because our scenarios don't affect the bottom line of multi-billion dollar company.

From a personal perspective, I agree that Cena can be stale sometimes. Does that mean that the majority of WWE audiences agree? Hell no. If anything, it seems that the opposite is true. If the IWC as a whole had its druthers, there'd be a different main eventer every other week, one or two tournaments every other month, shows would be chock full of gimmick matches packed with dangerous spots and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship would change hands every week because so many internet fans think it's only "fair" that everyone gets to main event.
This takes me back to the Tim Tebow argument that was made on a Radio show.

I actually can not stand Tim Tebow or John Cena and for the same reasons. Tim Tebow was good in college, like Cena was good when he first debut on smackdown. Cena showed signs of Athleticism and actually had a good gimmick.

Tim Tebow uses god and charity, which causes people to become emotionally attached to him... like Cena. The public likes these stories... so NFL and WWE shove it down the throats of the public. Now here is the problem... That does not make you a "Top Guy" or "A Good Wrestler" or in Tebows terms a good "Football Player".

The guy on the radio show kept saying that he liked Tim Tebow and that he wasn't going to accept "other" opinions on his show... because everyone was wrong. However he always used Chairty work and his history as a crutch for his positioning in the NFL. Tim Tebow is and will always be over-rated as will Cena. Cena has enough position in the company to speak his mind, but chooses not too because he doesn't care enough which makes me sick. I mean the guy has made his money and continues with the same lame jokes each week.

The saddest part about Cena is how bad he looks when he talks and tries to hard to be "Funny". The guy is a lame joke himself and makes me not want to be a wrestling fan. When he was facing The Rock I could not help but see how more intimidating The Rock was compared to Cena, and Cena is no small guy. Cena's Character kills it for me... I mean imagine the guy in the UFC, cutting promo's like that he would be laughed at. When he tries to act serious he comes off like a joke, he is pretty bad.

Wrestling will be much better when he leaves... if ever. Cena has had the spotlight for long enough and the fact that he mocks the WWE fans makes me sick. WWE fans don't know any better and the Cena Fanboys will never understand, because they are just as brainwashed!
I have to hate towards cena at all. The fact that he has done over 400 wishes is amazing in its own right. But that being said, all that has nothing to do with his in ring ability which is horrible and his promos which have become boring and predictable. I'm not going to say that something "needs" to change because this is just my opinion but I'm "hoping" that something does change with him soon. Some people are saying he's so amazing and the only reason other guys get "over" is because cena puts them over. This is due to the wwe not having anyone else credible enough to do so. Sure you can make the argument for orton or whoever else but let's be honest. The wwe has put themselves in a hole in this aspect. Think 10-15 years ago and look at all the huge names they had back then to "put people over".... Austin, rock, undertaker, angle, lesnar, Guerrero, Jericho ect... This is all wwe's fault, they are to concerned now with having BIG matches with part timers and older guys that they don't put the effort into pushing their current and future talent and making them into superstars. So personally I have no beef with cena, it's just all they have to work with because they don't put anyone else over as hard as they have with cena. And it's funny in a way. The real face of the company is cena who is extremely marketable which is obviously the main focus. And is also quite possibly the worst wrestler on the roster.
who do the "iwc" as you call them want? ziggler? bryan? come on, bryan is actually over more than anyone than i've seen in a while, i mean since austin. Tell me who you think they (the iwc) want to put over week in, week out? changing belts, he wins, then he wins
if a big swing is dangerous to you, you shouldn't be wrestling. First post. Looking over this thread, i can only say that there is cena haters with a passion for hating, cena lovers that are blind to his foibles and people that see the the truth. He works a mic brilliantly, he's ok in the ring. Five moves of doom doesn't work, every wwe/wwf wrestler has very little moves, bret, hogan, taker, michaels, AUSTIN, they have a set of moves, you can't use that argument to knock cena. He was pushed to a position that half the fans didn't like, but he sold more than half the merch the mums and kids bought, tell me where the money is? but to say that he put bryan in the position he is in, is just wrong, people put him there, 100 people at an arena, shouting his name, next arena, same thing, these were the wrestling fans, not the sports entertainment fans, the people that loved a guy that can go out there and do it. they buy the product, not their mums. Some people are saying cena has had 5 star matches, just no. Good matches, yeah, not 5 star. Tell me the biggest over people in the last 3 years? bryan and punk, indie guys that can go, work a match, give you something new. I'm a wwe fan, i'm a wrestling fan. Cena is bret hart, he held the position when wrestling was going down hill, he sold more than anyone else. I'm asking for people that have made it without the real hype to be given the go, they made it without the wwe trying

Shouldn't you be watching Curling or something?

The Giant Swing is a unique move that has g-force implications that other moves do not.. guess you don't know how that works on a neck compared to other moves where someone can take the traditional bump... need it explaining? OK..

Cesaro is swinging someone in a circular motion for 30 sometimes 60 seconds plus at a fast enough speed that the momentum keeps their body outwards and in the air... That is putting torque and pressure onto the spine that will increase with every rotation and the neck, being having that heavy head on the end of it takes the brunt of all that g-force... it would be interesting for WWE.Com to measure it, it's not up to the NASA training levels but it is gonna be a good 7-8g easily. For ANYONE with a neck problem, that is not a good situation to be in but doesn't reflect on their ability to wrestle and take other moves.

That is why as I said, Cena could easily have said to Cesaro, "I can do anything else to get you over but that..." of course the only thing that would is the swing... so rather than bitch and not do it, he took the risk probably against medical advice.

He has had some 5 star matches but always with an equal so in many way's it's in his interests to have as many equals as possible as it will always make him look good. That Cesaro match is probably gonna be up there for match of the year for example.

The 5 moves thing is right, but not cos it's laziness or doesn't work... it DOES work and that's why everyone from Hogan to Cena has done it. Bret had his legsweep, 2nd rope elbow, post figure four, Side backbreaker and Sharpshooter. Diesel had Snake Eyes, Elbow to the Buckle, Big Boot and Jacknife. Eddie had the Three Amigos, Gory Special, Hilo and the Frogsplash. These all played parts in their rises and reigns because it gives them and the fans something to expect and the guys to build the match around. The champ has 5 spots that must be in the match, it helps any heel call a match around them or agents to come up with ways to make them interesting, like how Cesaro got out of that first AA or into the 2nd one...
I would advise anyone who can listen with an open mind, to listen to Steve Austin's Podcast where he interviewed John Cena.
Very informative and interesting interview done by Austin and shows clearly that Cena does indeed care about the business, and also does want more Stars.

An interesting point both Austin and Cena agreed on was that Superstars of today are working "Fearfully" and are "Walking on Egg Shells". From what Cena said regarding that, it is clear he pushes those under him to rise and aim higher, and even said that WWE lagged in the past few years in terms of creating true Superstars who could be worthy of carrying the company and being in all respect somewhat equals to Cena himself.

Great Interview and I would advise anyone interested in hearing, how not only Cena sees things, but also Austin who also offers some great insight into certain aspects we all discuss in great detail on the forums regularly and it would also address this thread and the complaints which those who are not fond of Cena bring to the table.

Cena is learning Mandarin to help WWE get into the Chinese markets. Now THAT is committment!

You don't need to defend John Cena with personal issues. You can defend Cena just by the fact that he CAN wrestle.
Cena has put on countless good matches & his match against Cesaro was just another one of them. All the things that he does in his personal time & life doesn't matter at all when Cena is actually really entertaining in the WWE as a character.
I'll admit, I enjoy Cena & would even if he didn't go around helping sick kids, helping out people who need it.
Personally I respect what Cena does outside the ring and inside, like people have said he works damn hard, takes bumps he doesn't have to, gives up his personal time and has improved in the ring or at least attempted to.

That being said, I personally am disenchanted with his character and the super cena aspect. So I do wish it can be changed, freshened up. Everyone knows wrestling is fake, WWE almost pride themselves on the fact the audience can't remember what happened 2 weeks ago so I dont see why they cant try something different with the Cena character. I'm sure if it doesnt work, it wouldn't be so hard to revert back to the same old. Sometimes taking a risk can lead to something even better.
The Cena hate really is silly.

His character is iconic and it'd be financially stupid to turn him heel. Plus it'd just get an inverse reaction. People boo Cena like a heel. If they didn't, they wouldn't still be watching and booing him (instead of cheering the other guy) for the last 5 years.

You can't say he can't wrestle. He has a ton of classic matches with a variety of opponents. He has a ton of great raw matches (vs Cesaro recently).

In something like 2008 Bryan Alvarez said "if you still think Cena can't wrestle, you lose credibility". Plus Terry Funk, Ric Flair, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, and Samoa Joe have all said he's good. They have more credibility than anyone on here.

He elevates talent. I don't care if some of what he does he's done a lot. That's storytelling. You need familiars to know where we're at in the story. No one would pop if someone had different signature and finishers every night.

People use his personal life to offset them being worked. It's almost like when you hear someone say "I don't have anything against gays but I just don't agree with their lifestyle". No, you're an irrational dick. "I don't have anything against Cena the person, but he's the most over guy of the last 10 years, had tons of great feuds and matches, has had the desire to stay with the company unlike Lesnar or Batista and has held the position more professionally and of higher quality than Orton...but I don't like him because I'm a smark so I'm not supposed to". That's basically what Cena haters sound like.

I'm sure there's someone out there who legitimately isn't at all entertained by Cena, not as a wrestler, not in a heel way, not in any way. They probably aren't on a message board talking about how much they hate him though. Just like I'm not on an MTV message board talking about how much I hate watching MTV every night, making signs saying I hate MTV, and booing MTV.

Cena is a lot like Jay Z imo. Sure he's a little commercial, but he's also got a lot of legitimate talent. No one stays on top in ANY performance art for over 10 years without legitimate talent and drive. For every Jerry Seinfeld there are 20 Dane Cooks. For every Jay Z there are 20 Kate Perrys. For every John Cena there are 20 Bobby Lashleys.
People use his personal life to offset them being worked. It's almost like when you hear someone say "I don't have anything against gays but I just don't agree with their lifestyle". No, you're an irrational dick. "I don't have anything against Cena the person, but he's the most over guy of the last 10 years, had tons of great feuds and matches, has had the desire to stay with the company unlike Lesnar or Batista and has held the position more professionally and of higher quality than Orton...but I don't like him because I'm a smark so I'm not supposed to". That's basically what Cena haters sound like.

I'm sure there's someone out there who legitimately isn't at all entertained by Cena, not as a wrestler, not in a heel way, not in any way. They probably aren't on a message board talking about how much they hate him though. Just like I'm not on an MTV message board talking about how much I hate watching MTV every night, making signs saying I hate MTV, and booing MTV.

I have to disagree with this part of your argument. That is a horrible comparison to use. Maybe there's some irrational haters but there is also a rational argument against Cena, which has been spelled out many times. Yes he has carried the company steadily and with dignity, working hard and has wrestled in good matches for the last decade. But that is part of the problem. He has been the face in the same persona for so long that I'm tired of it. Its not a sign of disrespect on my part, just the wish to see something different from him.

The MTV comparison is off the mark too. A more applicable comparison would be if you like watching MTV but they keep playing the same songs all day from a few years ago, sure you like them back when, but now you want to hear some new material.
I have to disagree with this part of your argument. That is a horrible comparison to use. Maybe there's some irrational haters but there is also a rational argument against Cena, which has been spelled out many times. Yes he has carried the company steadily and with dignity, working hard and has wrestled in good matches for the last decade. But that is part of the problem. He has been the face in the same persona for so long that I'm tired of it. Its not a sign of disrespect on my part, just the wish to see something different from him.

The MTV comparison is off the mark too. A more applicable comparison would be if you like watching MTV but they keep playing the same songs all day from a few years ago, sure you like them back when, but now you want to hear some new material.[/QUOTE

If MTV played the same songs and I got sick of it....I'd stop fucking watching. I wouldn't write them, I wouldn't go on message boards, I wouldn't show up to events hosted by them with signs and boo. I'd stop watching. Pretty simple
I have to disagree with this part of your argument. That is a horrible comparison to use. Maybe there's some irrational haters but there is also a rational argument against Cena, which has been spelled out many times. Yes he has carried the company steadily and with dignity, working hard and has wrestled in good matches for the last decade. But that is part of the problem. He has been the face in the same persona for so long that I'm tired of it. Its not a sign of disrespect on my part, just the wish to see something different from him.

The MTV comparison is off the mark too. A more applicable comparison would be if you like watching MTV but they keep playing the same songs all day from a few years ago, sure you like them back when, but now you want to hear some new material.[/QUOTE

If MTV played the same songs and I got sick of it....I'd stop fucking watching. I wouldn't write them, I wouldn't go on message boards, I wouldn't show up to events hosted by them with signs and boo. I'd stop watching. Pretty simple

You're talking crap when you say you hate Cena because he has been on top too long.

If "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was still around, still wore the same clothes, still swore, did the bird, drank beer, and used the same tired catchphrases, you would still tug off to him and would think he is great. You wouldn't boo him or hate on him.

Hell, people are still grieving SCSA and the Attitude Era 15 friggin years later. It's like bloody ABBA, who people still miss, despite not having a hit for over thirty years.

Be honest. You hate the guy because it is cool to hate on the top guy. You are a sheep who follows the herd mentality. You hate him because he is too wholesome and the face of the "PG Era". You hate him because he is a company guy, whereas most of you are used to hating your bosses. You hate him because the boos he gets he laughs at, and it doesn't bother him, which piss you all off a lot more. You don't get the percieved reaction from him. The WWE don't turn him heel, so the WWE don't do what the fans want.

But most of all, you hate the guy because he is the anti-"Stone Cold". He is the opposite to everything you loved about the "Attitude" poster boy. Admit it.

If you are going to give reasons for not liking someone, at least be honest with those reasons.
Be honest. You hate the guy because it is cool to hate on the top guy. You are a sheep who follows the herd mentality. You hate him because he is too wholesome and the face of the "PG Era". You hate him because he is a company guy, whereas most of you are used to hating your bosses. You hate him because the boos he gets he laughs at, and it doesn't bother him, which piss you all off a lot more. You don't get the percieved reaction from him. The WWE don't turn him heel, so the WWE don't do what the fans want.

But most of all, you hate the guy because he is the anti-"Stone Cold". He is the opposite to everything you loved about the "Attitude" poster boy. Admit it.

If you are going to give reasons for not liking someone, at least be honest with those reasons.

This thread is really up my alley. It's annoying when discussing why "Cena sucks", almost all of his defenders use his real life to support why they love the fictional character. "But Boywthbluehanger, his character isn't fictional!! It's who he is!!" Spare me. I don't buy into him being the overly amped-up dude he comes across as. I also get annoyed by people feeling the need to say "I respect Cena for all he does in charity but..." as a preface before explaining their reasons for hating the character.

I hate the John Cena character because I see the actor as the greatest talent on the full-time roster being wasted on a one dimensional gimmick that ONLY caters to children. That's my reason for hating the character. They never explore anything with the character. They simply keep him the same while wishing that he was universally liked. They don't book him as a heel. They don't intend on him getting booed. They just ignore all of the negative responses. The boredom, the anger, the commotion, the chanting, and the passionate and loyal fanbase.

Since the Attitude Era, no wrestler has ever been at the top of the company and been only one-dimensional in regards to their morality. Except for Cena. All the other top dogs were able to tweak their characters and toggle between good and bad in order to keep the characters and the storylines fresh. Because of this, there have been many memorable moments for those characters with each highlight feeling distinctly different. Cena's storylines primarily all feel the same. He never gives up and on a rare occasion where he doesn't come out on top in a feud, he disregards it as if it wasn't important. That's what he did after his first loss to The Rock and that's what he's more recently done after both of his losses to Randy Orton. Nothing affects him to the point of change for the worse. It's stagnant, lazy, writing. Jericho wasn't always a face. Triple H wasn't always a face. Stone Cold wasn't always a face. The Rock wasn't always a face. Guess what, their careers were fucking interesting and are loaded with classic feuds! Cena, with ALL THE TALENT IN THE WORLD (and I'm not being facetious), does not have what I'd consider to be as many very memorable moments. At least not in comparison to the guys who were in the main event for the same amount of time.

I don't care about the business reasons WHY the WWE chooses to keep him face. It's annoying to me. I'm not on some bandwagon either because if you'd notice, most of the people who claim to hate Cena, would not even say that he's the most talented guy on the roster. I think he is and that it's undeniable. And I also think his main event career is a total waste by not creating a character that everyone can enjoy and due to keeping him from EVER going heel. That is how I'll always remember his time as the top dog.
This thread is really up my alley. It's annoying when discussing why "Cena sucks", almost all of his defenders use his real life to support why they love the fictional character. "But Boywthbluehanger, his character isn't fictional!! It's who he is!!" Spare me. I don't buy into him being the overly amped-up dude he comes across as. I also get annoyed by people feeling the need to say "I respect Cena for all he does in charity but..." as a preface before explaining their reasons for hating the character.
Cena's amazing, and as far as him being an overly amped dude on stage, he'd hardly be the first. Musicians do it all the time. And while some are characters alot of them are just doing there jobs. I don't expect Madonna to vogue down the street with her kids. Doesn't make it any less important, I don't expect her to wear bondage gear and carry around a whip like she has in her videos, but it doesn't make it any less a part of who she's been. Cena doesn't run up and down the street punching people in the face either. I guess that means the character he plays is nothing like the real John Cena if Cena doesn't punch people out in the street. Cena in the ring is a huge part of him outside the ring.

I hate the John Cena character because I see the actor as the greatest talent on the full-time roster being wasted on a one dimensional gimmick that ONLY caters to children. That's my reason for hating the character. They never explore anything with the character. They simply keep him the same while wishing that he was universally liked. They don't book him as a heel. They don't intend on him getting booed. They just ignore all of the negative responses. The boredom, the anger, the commotion, the chanting, and the passionate and loyal fanbase.
No, they don't. They mention it every time he comes out. And so does John, the thing is that while the WWE might have changed him, Cena is amazing at playing the crowd. They live and die with Cena, and while the negative responses may not be idle. EVERYONE cares about what John Cena is doing.

Since the Attitude Era, no wrestler has ever been at the top of the company and been only one-dimensional in regards to their morality. Except for Cena. All the other top dogs were able to tweak their characters and toggle between good and bad in order to keep the characters and the storylines fresh. Because of this, there have been many memorable moments for those characters with each highlight feeling distinctly different. Cena's storylines primarily all feel the same. He never gives up and on a rare occasion where he doesn't come out on top in a feud, he disregards it as if it wasn't important. That's what he did after his first loss to The Rock and that's what he's more recently done after both of his losses to Randy Orton. Nothing affects him to the point of change for the worse. It's stagnant, lazy, writing. Jericho wasn't always a face. Triple H wasn't always a face. Stone Cold wasn't always a face. The Rock wasn't always a face. Guess what, their careers were fucking interesting and are loaded with classic feuds! Cena, with ALL THE TALENT IN THE WORLD (and I'm not being facetious), does not have what I'd consider to be as many very memorable moments. At least not in comparison to the guys who were in the main event for the same amount of time.
But this isn't the Attitude era, this is more like the golden age era with hogan only the fans expect so much more than they did then. Cena's the best, a top of the line wrestler, great on the mic, controls the crowd, and he's able to keep his cool in all situations and play his part. The thing is that the WWE doesn't need Cena to be different from that atm, no one can challenge them.

I don't care about the business reasons WHY the WWE chooses to keep him face. It's annoying to me. I'm not on some bandwagon either because if you'd notice, most of the people who claim to hate Cena, would not even say that he's the most talented guy on the roster. I think he is and that it's undeniable. And I also think his main event career is a total waste by not creating a character that everyone can enjoy and due to keeping him from EVER going heel. That is how I'll always remember his time as the top dog.
Yeah and plenty of kids will remember it as the best time ever. I'm not saying that your opinion doesn't matter, but you need to realize that those kids matter too. And clearly by merchandise sales it's a big deal.
John Cena has actually gotten a lot better on the mic and in the ring since Daniel Bryan got so popular.

Not giving DB credit like a huge mark, I'm just saying is that now that there's competition at the top, John Cena has been forced to step his game up. Competition makes everything better. Anytime John Cena comes on the screen it feels important. His promos have gotten a lot less cheesy since MITB.

All in all, John Cena is a great wrestler and if he can't perform all the technical moves it doesn't matter, it's about storytelling. John Cena can get a better reaction with 5 than most of the IWC heros can get with 100.
Cena's amazing, and as far as him being an overly amped dude on stage, he'd hardly be the first. Musicians do it all the time. And while some are characters alot of them are just doing there jobs. I don't expect Madonna to vogue down the street with her kids. Doesn't make it any less important, I don't expect her to wear bondage gear and carry around a whip like she has in her videos, but it doesn't make it any less a part of who she's been. Cena doesn't run up and down the street punching people in the face either. I guess that means the character he plays is nothing like the real John Cena if Cena doesn't punch people out in the street. Cena in the ring is a huge part of him outside the ring.

I could make the same argument for most actors. I specifically referred to Cena's "amped-up" persona since that is easily the biggest difference I see in his fictional character and his real-life self when he's doing interviews or being filmed for documentaries. That ready-to-take-on-the-world attitude, the loud motivational speeches, and the riled up energy is all a part of the fictional character he portrays. I'm not really sure why you feel the need to disagree with that but I'm not going to try and stop you.

No, they don't. They mention it every time he comes out. And so does John, the thing is that while the WWE might have changed him, Cena is amazing at playing the crowd. They live and die with Cena, and while the negative responses may not be idle. EVERYONE cares about what John Cena is doing.

Obviously I wasn't speaking of commentators bringing up the fact that people love and hate him. I clearly stated that "they" (the WWE) choose to ignore the negative reactions by not allowing the Cena character to be tweaked.

But this isn't the Attitude era, this is more like the golden age era with hogan only the fans expect so much more than they did then. Cena's the best, a top of the line wrestler, great on the mic, controls the crowd, and he's able to keep his cool in all situations and play his part. The thing is that the WWE doesn't need Cena to be different from that atm, no one can challenge them.

I never said that this was the Attitude Era. I simply stated a fact. Since the Attitude Era (meaning Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression, "PG", and now), none of the most iconic main eventers (who have stayed for years and years), have only stayed on one side of the moral compass...except for Cena. Also, I already said that I think he's the most talented guy on the roster so reiterating that by telling all the things you think he's great at, is really pointless.

Yeah and plenty of kids will remember it as the best time ever. I'm not saying that your opinion doesn't matter, but you need to realize that those kids matter too. And clearly by merchandise sales it's a big deal.

I concisely mentioned that I don't care about the reasons why WWE chooses to keep him face. My post was about MY opinion of Cena. I'm not sure why you assumed that I'm unaware that "kids matter too". Especially since my previous paragraphs acknowledge that I am certainly cognizant of that. That doesn't deter my opinion of what they should have done with the Cena character and it doesn't change the fact that I think Cena's talents are greatly wasted on a gimmick that's dedicated to children.

Your response was yet another "stock" reply that I'm used to seeing against those whose complaints about Cena are usually best summed up as, "HE'S SHIT. HE SUCKS. HE'S LAME. HE CAN'T WRESTLE. HE'S FAKE." I already know how talented and marketable he is so that's a wasted response to me. Remember, my opinions are about my personal feelings. I'm not discussing the business side of things at the moment.
Reasons I don't like Cena.
- I don't like any of his promos. Sure he can talk well, but everything he says is pretty corny. Yea he can work the crowd, but that's because he uses so many cheap pops. Mick Foley is my favorite on the mic and when he used his cheap pops, he acknowledged them as corny and did them to be funny. Cena's promos are all cheap pops. Everything he says sounds cheesey and fake to me. There isn't a single person on here that can debate that he sounds cheesey and fake to me.

- Almost never loses. When he does there almost always has to be an excuse, like injury or interference. When I was younger I used to hate The Rock for always coming out on top. Looking back I acknowledge he was great and enjoy him. But I just never liked seeing him always win, especially being a huge Triple H fan.

- 5 moves of doom. I hate this the most. He gets beat up and then hits the five moves of doom. There isn't much back and forth. He has classic matches because he just has to sell. And the reason the matches get so exciting is because of the 2 counts. I only find his matches interesting when I think he could lose clean. and get excited when he almost gets pinned. But the 5 moves of doom always hit and he wins. I hate when anyone uses some sore of 5 moves of doom, to include Orton.

- His character. I never liked his white rapper gimmick and thought it was the dumbest thing ever. I don't like his current goody goody boyscout character either. Neither of those is remotely entertaining to me. Not a single person can argue that his character interests me.

- The fact that I am not entertained by him, but have to see him constantly in the main event picture. I enjoy when he's gone.

Not reasons why I don't like Cena

- Because I think it's cool. If I was worried about being cool, then I would not be on a wrestling forum in the first place. This is literally the least cool thing that I do. As far as being cool amongst other wrestling fans, it's pretty unpopular to make this claim. If you ever say "Cena sucks" on this forum people attack you and tell you how hard of a worker he is.

I don'te care how hard he works!! I don't watch the fuckin show to see how hard each person works or what they do in their real life. I don't care how many wishes he's granted. It has nothing to do with wrestling. Believe it or not, the second W in WWE still means wrestling to me, and when I turn on the show, I don't care about breast cancer, anti-bullying, or make a wish. Those are all great things, but I'm here for the show.

Is he a great guy? Sure. But that can't be used to defend him as a character. I don't care if he was banging hundreds of women, snorting blow off of strippers asses, cheating on his wife, getting wasted and being an ass. Is Ric Flair not an all time great? So yes Cena does suck! He is a great guy, and yea has some ability to wrestle a basic match well, but I don't care about anything he says, I hate his character, I hate his shirts, I hate his music, I hate the fact that I had to witness WWE make a spinner belt, I hate that 'm so tired of him and there he is.

And the whole MTV comparison is stupid. If you were watching a music video countdown, and out of the 10 songs there were a couple you didn't like and they stayed in the countdown so long that it go old, would you stop watching the whole thing all together? When you've been watching wrestling your whole life and it's important to you, you don't quit because you don't like a wrestler. You just hope he loses, and wait ofr him to be off the TV. When you see him too much or feel he is being forced down your throat or you are tired of seeing him with the belt then naturally you complain about it. It's called expressing an opinion. I love WWE I don't have to love everything they do. A lot of basketball fans hate the Lakers or Heat. Does that mean they stop watching them play? No.. They watch, the boo that team, and they complain about them having a super team or their star player being a ball hog. People throw fits over The Super Bowl. It's natural to complain when you love something and it doesn't go your way. A forum is ment for such discussion. If I say I don't like Cena, then a more appropriate response would be for you to explain to em why you do like him, instead of you, who has never met me in your life, try to explain to me that I don't like him because I think that's cool or I'm following a trend. If I say I don't like his character, then discussing anything outside of what he does on WWE is not even on topic. And anytime someone tells me, a guy who took the time to create a profile on a wrestling forum, to just stop watching it, that's just absurd.
- 5 moves of doom. I hate this the most. He gets beat up and then hits the five moves of doom. There isn't much back and forth. He has classic matches because he just has to sell. And the reason the matches get so exciting is because of the 2 counts. I only find his matches interesting when I think he could lose clean. and get excited when he almost gets pinned. But the 5 moves of doom always hit and he wins. I hate when anyone uses some sore of 5 moves of doom, to include Orton.

Why do people cite this as a reason when many, many, many wrestlers in history have a set of signature moves they do? I don't understand this way of thinking as a means against wrestlers, not just Cena.
John Cena the man deserves hella respect.

John Cena the character is stale as fuck, and I was just thinking the other night how stale it is for him to come out to a crowd who boos the fuck out of him and dick ride the city. Like you are 250 lbs. and could easily kick the asses of the nerds in the audience booing you. Grow some balls man. Instead of being a robot who appreciates someone telling you that they want you to die, gloat about how you are rich as fuck, at the top of your industry, and painting the inside of Brie Bella's stomach off white every night.

He is long overdue for a character change. Only problem is that even a slight character change could really hurt his ability to be the squeaky clean dude that brings joy to kids faces. There was a time when we all thought that pro wrestling and it's characters were very real. And the character John Cena is someone with perfect morals, almost not human and if the character were to change, he might not still be the most requested Make A Wish guy and other shit like that.

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