Stop using personal issues to defend the John Cena character


Championship Contender
Every time I see a debate about Cena's abilities his fans always go to his charity work, support of the military and his schedule to defend him but they are personal issues and when I debate Cena's ability I am talking about the character not the person. John Cena is a character on an entertainment program, he is just like Stewie Griffin, Bart Simpson etc he is a character and we should only judge him based on what he does on TV and that's what people who dislike Cena do they talk about his character but his fans always bring the personal issues into the debate about character. When you review any other entertainment program when you have an opinion on a character you dont talk about the charity work of an actor to justify why someone should like the character, your opinion is based on what he does on TV.

On a personal level does John Cena seem like a good guy, yes of course the guy who has done the most work for a charity like Make A Wish seems like a good guy but the fact is the character is stale and boring. Whenever you debate Cena if you have to bring up the stuff he does in his private life you are just clutching at straws for positive things to say.

Conclusion - When you debate the qualities of an entertainer/wrestler only use what he/she does on TV to justify your opinion not what he does in his/her private time.
Every time I see a debate about Cena's abilities his fans always go to his charity work, support of the military and his schedule to defend him but they are personal issues and when I debate Cena's ability I am talking about the character not the person. John Cena is a character on an entertainment program, he is just like Stewie Griffin, Bart Simpson etc he is a character and we should only judge him based on what he does on TV and that's what people who dislike Cena do they talk about his character but his fans always bring the personal issues into the debate about character. When you review any other entertainment program when you have an opinion on a character you dont talk about the charity work of an actor to justify why someone should like the character, your opinion is based on what he does on TV.

On a personal level does John Cena seem like a good guy, yes of course the guy who has done the most work for a charity like Make A Wish seems like a good guy but the fact is the character is stale and boring. Whenever you debate Cena if you have to bring up the stuff he does in his private life you are just clutching at straws for positive things to say.

Conclusion - When you debate the qualities of an entertainer/wrestler only use what he/she does on TV to justify your opinion not what he does in his/her private time.

First of all, it isn't his "private time". When he does his record number of Make-A-Wish wishes, he's on the company clock. John SuperCena is the guy doing the charity work. He's the guy donating time and money. John Cena the dude is irrelevant.

That being said, John SuperCena is the best talent on the roster today, and has been for quite some time. You don't have to like that fact, you just have to start accepting it. There are others that are talented, but none in the way that John SuperCena is. His ability to put talent over is unmatched. Daniel Bryan would still be in therapy sessions with Kane right now if it weren't for the rub from SuperCena. CM Punk would still be a ratty haired SES leader if it weren't for SuperCena giving him relevance in 2011, which is what led to the worked shoot "pipebomb".

The rest of the talent should look at the ethic of John Cena and learn something. But as of right now, as a fan of professional wrestling since the 1980s, there's no one better than John Cena, and I look forward to watching him go every single week.
The thing is - John Cena does not have a wrestling gimmick. He's him 100% when he goes out there and cuts promos or wrestles. He is and has been the best american wrestler in the world for some time and it doesn't matter who he faces, the match will be flat out entertaining. The rule in professional wrestling is - if you can be yourself and connect with the crowd, you'll be successful and that's the most important thing and connecting can be inside the ring, with your flashy moves or what not or outside of it with your personality.

I just finished hearing John Cena with Steve Austin on the podcast and it feels like I am listening to an hour long Cena promo and it's one of the best Austin has put out there. Not because of John's life in general, but mostly because John Cena is a star and I was eager to get his thoughts on the business. He tells you in his "gimmick" to - not give up, to be loyal, etc and he is that. The guy has been doing 250+ live events per year, for 12 years now! He's worked against every top star and he has delivered great stories and great bouts against each and every single one of them. On top of that he is the hardest working man for the company - he doesn't work for John Cena, he works for the company and his logic is great - if the company is getting better and bigger, John Cena will get better and bigger.

As of this moment John Cena has been learning mandarin for over a year now. Some may think - why the hell is he learning a tough language like that? He replied to that: "I'm trying to help WWE get into the Chinese market." He says that he welcomes every single superstar to step up and for years he's been HELPING EVERYONE. He was the one that pushed to work with Edge and "bang", he helped and created him as the single main eventer people would follow. He was the main reason why The Nexus worked, why The Miz worked and take Miz for an instance - there was not A SINGLE WEEK, where you wouldn't hear John Cena saying that he's been the hardest working guy in the company, he was putting over Miz of all people. And Miz has stated many many times that he appreciates everything John did for him. You almost can't separate John Cena, the working guy from John Cena, the character and wrestler.

I may be wrong but I feel that in the future and with this new stars coming up, John Cena will start to be a big favorite in the internet. People are not tired of Cena. He's the most talented guy in the roster. People want to see him, more and more, if he's working with fresh talent. Take yesterday for example - Cena vs. Cesaro was THE BEST THING ON THE SHOW. Cena was there, Cena the "stale character" was in the best thing of the show, that had every big star wrestling. I didn't see anything in Cesaro before his match with John Cena, and quite frankly he has showed some great matches before, but he never showed me that he was capable of being more than a midcarder. Yesterday Cena sold me Cesaro. Cena was all "sell sell sell" for the guy and Cesaro took it and tried his best. Of course Cesaro isn't ready yet and he won't be for some time, but he showed me a more vicious side and not such a phony one - I need to see Cesaro's true character to be invested in him, and if his character it's him telling me in the ring, so be it... but he needs to establish that and Cena helped him in that regard and a lot.

Now it's a shame if people don't read this post, because I truly believe that everything I'm saying is 100% truth. Love him or hate him you indeed care and to me your hatred is so out of logic that it should be illegal to let you near a keyboard or a live event. I'm sounding like a John Cena mark out here, but I am a big fan and as much as I love watching other guys, going from The Shield, Lesnar, Wyatts, Orton, Daniel Bryan, The Miz to CM Punk, I know that whatever Cena is doing, he's working his butt to make it work and most of the times he delivers like no one and that to me, is what I look for in wrestling. He doesn't need to freshen up, he's a person and not a character. He needs fresh new opponents, fresh new storylines and he'll be on the internet side in a heartbeat. Just another proof, Cena is so talented that nobody has ever said that he should go away, they want him work as heel because they know how talented he is and the minute Cena turned heel, he would be the biggest babyface in the world... And that's all I gotta say about that.
Not just his charity work, but all his interviews and media appearances speak to his hard work ethic. That's why he's still been the top guy for almost 10 years, Vince knows he can reply on Cena.
Cena is more than capable of 5 star matches, he doesn't lack in the talent department. The problem is 1) its still aimed near kids and the casual fans. They mark out for things like "5 moves of doom" and 2) They need to keep him safe, so they limit his moves to the less risky.
Cena doing his level best to visit every dying child in North America makes him a sound guy, but that has no bearing on how I feel about Cena the wrestler/character.

While I can appreciate the things Cena does well, he's been on top since 2005 with no changes to his character and very little added to his repetoir. I don't understand how people can enjoy Cena other than on an individual match or promo basis. It was cool to bash Cena 8 years ago on this forum, now it's cool to talk about how great he is. Only he's not, is he.
John Cena's character is part of inside and outside of the ring! As previously stated, who else is better at getting other stars over, like Bryan, Punk, etc and even the match last night with Cesaro. The crowd seem to be invested in this match quite a bit. We will only see if Cesaro's character takes off also.

His continued efforts inside the ring crossover to outside the ring. How many times have you seen Cena acknowledge military, cancer survivors, Make-a-Wish children or any other number of groups while in the ring as part of his character. Well, guess what, that can't all be a "character", that is part of who he is.

Maybe many will talk about the "5 moves of Cena" in the ring, but do they talk about how he well he works with other wrestlers (how he can help bring out the best in others) or how his promos are some of the best of any wrestler out there?

You see a lot of Cena bashers, and that is another thing, Cena acknowledges them also and the bashers love that too. Cena is the first to tell you that fans have every right to do cheer or boo any wrestler, but fans are invested in Cena either way.

Look at the WWE product when Cena had his elbow drained and missed a month or so, it suffered a bit as no one stepped up enough.

Anyone can find fault in anyone, but, you still have to look at the complete character of an individual. I am waiting to see if someone questions Brock Lesner's toughness because of the sound of his voice when he yells (doesn't sound so tough, does it?), but, his toughness is not questioned because we know he has Paul Heyman for a reason. Does Brock Lesner really need anyone to promote him? No, not really, but he does need someone to be his voice.
I am by no means a Cena fan, in fact I normally fast forward through his matches, and some of his promos. However, a lot of it has to do with Cena's opposition. He was great working with CM Punk, I enjoyed his stuff with Lesnar, and you can see him actively trying to put over Bryan, I even kind of enjoyed his Batista angle in 2010. But if you put him working with and against Randy Orton and other stale characters such as "face" Sheamus to fill a void every single time then people are going to get bored of him.

People may argue that he buries any talent that threatens his position, but I think that is nonsense. No one can doubt his work ethic, and a guy with a work ethic like that only wants to get better, not coast along, which means he wants better and better opponents. The SuperCena character itself does exist and I get bored of it a lot, but the kids seem to love it, and I'm not so much of a jerk as to say Cena should change character because I want to see something different and not be an "idol" to the younger fans.
It's time to get over the illogical, John Cena hate. If people want to hate on the guy for essentially nothing more than the fact that he walks the earth, I wish they'd just come right out and say so. To borrow a phrase from the OP, the thread is another example of someone "clutching at straws" for reasons to bash John Cena.

Here's the thing about John Cena's charity work: how is it not supposed to be taken into account in who he is, whether as a character or not, when there are press releases and video footage shown on WWE TV of him granting wishes to sick and/or dying children? Is John Cena this ultra saintly guy in real life? Probably not as he's just as human as the rest of us. However, since the OP wishes to disregard anything we don't see on TV as part of who Cena is as a character, then it doesn't matter if he kicks newborn puppies for fun.

In this day & age in which social media has everyone connected in ways never before dreamed of, where cell phones are everything from portable digital cameras, video cameras and computers with internet access; isn't it feasible that if the John Cena we see on television every Monday night and the John Cena we don't see aren't pretty close to being the same person that it would have been long since revealed by now? Isn't it feasible that some sort of report or rumor would have made its way onto the dirtsheets? Isn't it feasible that such rumors would have long since made the rounds on Twitter? Isn't it feasible that TMZ would be running stories on such rumors? If a story as big as the President of the United States authorizing illegal wire taps leaked out, then a piddly, pissant little story about John Cena not being at all like the guy we see on television would have made the rounds. The fact that it hasn't is a strong indicator that a good deal of what you see with Cena on television is who he is in real life and that it's not just a character.

His charity work is part of who he is as a character and as a person. Again, if it was all just some sort of act in which John Cena did it ENTIRELY for the sake of publicity, word would have leaked out by now. You don't grant 400+ wishes to sick and/or dying children if it's not part of who you really are as a person.

That's not to say that his character isn't a little stale, particularly when you take into account the fact that he often comes off as such an All American boy scout and goody-two-shoes in such a pessimistic society. It's partially why Cena's been labeled with the "Super Cena" moniker and not just him being frequently depicted as being able to overcome any & all odds no matter what, just like Superman. Yeah, it can get a little tiresome when you consider he's been on top for nearly a decade. If you're someone who prefers your good guys with more of an edge, it can get old. At the same time, why hasn't WWE tinkered with the Cena formula? Because the Cena formula continues to rake in mountains of money. If enough people genuinely "hated" John Cena, his brand wouldn't be worth a reported $100 million to WWE. You gonna throw away $100 million just because a, comparatively, handful of smarks hate the guy or jeer the guy because they think it makes him look cool? If so, I've got some lovely swamp land in Death Valley that's for sale at a very reasonable price.
John Cena is one of the most boring wrestlers ever.

I totally agree with the OP.

Cena uses sick children and pretty much everyone he can to become popular.

How sick and disturbing.

Also, let's stop pretending as if Cena the person was a saint, he's a guy who uses backstage politics to bury wrestlers and ruin their career / lives.
John Cena is one of the most boring wrestlers ever.

I totally agree with the OP.

Cena uses sick children and pretty much everyone he can to become popular.

How sick and disturbing.

Also, let's stop pretending as if Cena the person was a saint, he's a guy who uses backstage politics to bury wrestlers and ruin their career / lives.

I'm not a Cena fan, but if he is even using children to further his career, he still has a positive impact on their lives, so I'm sure there are far worse things going on in the world of WWE.

Also I hope you also dislike HHH, HBK, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and all the other legends who buried and used politics to get to their respective positions.
ARE YOY SERIOUS??? you are a complete stupid fuck everything you justsaid is bullshit the main BS that you spit out was saying without cena Daniel Bryan would be in therapy session with kane listen you dumbfuk go watch the ofthat feud Bryan was over bbefore he even got the titleshot it was your prettyboy cena that always latches on to the talent that is over to get liked.

Look, it's the call of the typical Bryan Mark.

Like it or not, the reality is that Daniel Bryan wouldn't and couldn't be where he is without the Cena rub. John Cena is the most reliable and the best talent on the WWE roster today.
IF were going to disregard what Cena has done as far as charity goes,then im afraid OP that cannot happen.. 400+plus make-a-wishes! 400! You do realize no other athlete ever not even Michael Jordan has that many right? John Cena,is indeed a superhero to kids. You dont do that many make-a-wishes if you dont care..

As far as his character goes,has he gotten a little stale. Perhaps,but if he changed the the IWC would bitch and moan that we wish he would just go back to being John Cena the one we used to know.

I have no idea what Cena's worth is to WWE but im sure its up there. Your not going to overhaul or change a guy just because some of the folks dont like the guy or do i even say Jealous of the guy??

Maybe what we need today is a goody-two-shoes type of guy. A true role model for all i see nothing wrong with that
Look, it's the call of the typical Bryan Mark.

Like it or not, the reality is that Daniel Bryan wouldn't and couldn't be where he is without the Cena rub. John Cena is the most reliable and the best talent on the WWE roster today.

Wait when did Cena give him the rub. Cena was set to miss 4-6 months so WWE I will say it again WWE decided to put Bryan as the new #1 babyface not Cena. Just encase you Cena fans try to skip the point that is a negative on Cena I will say it again WWE made Bryan the #1 not Cena. Cena at Summerslam was like the Miz in the Wrestlemania main event. He was the guy with the title to build another feud. Bryan was going to win then get screwed over to start the Authority storyline.

Cena didn't give him the rub he got injured and WWE needed someone new to be #1.
Wait when did Cena give him the rub. Cena was set to miss 4-6 months so WWE I will say it again WWE decided to put Bryan as the new #1 babyface not Cena. Just encase you Cena fans try to skip the point that is a negative on Cena I will say it again WWE made Bryan the #1 not Cena. Cena at Summerslam was like the Miz in the Wrestlemania main event. He was the guy with the title to build another feud. Bryan was going to win then get screwed over to start the Authority storyline.

Cena didn't give him the rub he got injured and WWE needed someone new to be #1.

Do you really not understand how this all works? I mean, storylines, kayfabe, etc.?

If WWE had just booked Bryan/Orton, the fans would have turned on Bryan. It is ONLY because, in Kayfabe, that John Cena gave Bryan the chance, and lost clean in the center of the ring, that Bryan is over like he is now. Bryan's success is 100% directly related to the fact that Cena put him over, and Cena's popularity skyrocketed Bryan.
IF were going to disregard what Cena has done as far as charity goes,then im afraid OP that cannot happen.. 400+plus make-a-wishes! 400! You do realize no other athlete ever not even Michael Jordan has that many right? John Cena,is indeed a superhero to kids. You dont do that many make-a-wishes if you dont care..

As far as his character goes,has he gotten a little stale. Perhaps,but if he changed the the IWC would bitch and moan that we wish he would just go back to being John Cena the one we used to know.

I have no idea what Cena's worth is to WWE but im sure its up there. Your not going to overhaul or change a guy just because some of the folks dont like the guy or do i even say Jealous of the guy??

Maybe what we need today is a goody-two-shoes type of guy. A true role model for all i see nothing wrong with that

400 wishes made. CLAP CLAP CLAP. Well done John that is a great achievement and I applaud you for it. However as an entertainer and wrestler he cant do either, he is not enjoyable to watch and needs to be carried by his opponents to make a half decent match. If Cena is in the ring with someone talented like Cesaro last night they can make him look good but when he is with untalented guys like Ryback he looks terrible because he is.

Heath Slater>John Cena - Heath has more personality, more charisma, a better gimmick, a deeper moveset and can sell moves better
Do you really not understand how this all works? I mean, storylines, kayfabe, etc.?

If WWE had just booked Bryan/Orton, the fans would have turned on Bryan. It is ONLY because, in Kayfabe, that John Cena gave Bryan the chance, and lost clean in the center of the ring, that Bryan is over like he is now. Bryan's success is 100% directly related to the fact that Cena put him over, and Cena's popularity skyrocketed Bryan.

John Cena didn't lose clean. He came out the next night and said he wrestled with a torn tricep that doctors said he shouldn't have competed with and should have had surgery 3 weeks before. That buried the accomplishment of beating him and means it wasn't clean because Cena had an excuse like almost every loss he has.

Also Bryan was getting huge YES chants before he was ever near Cena. Cena was just a small stepping stone on the path to getting this popularity.
John Cena didn't lose clean. He came out the next night and said he wrestled with a torn tricep that doctors said he shouldn't have competed with and should have had surgery 3 weeks before. That buried the accomplishment of beating him and means it wasn't clean because Cena had an excuse like almost every loss he has.

Also Bryan was getting huge YES chants before he was ever near Cena. Cena was just a small stepping stone on the path to getting this popularity.

Jesus Christ, you're delusional. He lost clean, and then said since he lost clean, he was going to get some injuries repaired. That's not burying.

Daniel Bryan was a midcarder for life until Kayfabe beating Cena. You're outmatched debating this, as all evidence points in my favor here. Cena is the essential professional, he's created more stars than anyone on the roster, he's done more for the WWE outside of the ring than anyone on the roster, and he's done more IN the ring than anyone on the roster.

You can spend your time running around here showing your ignorance for Pro Wrestling, or you can accept that John Cena is the best talent that the WWE has now, the choice is yours. However, your needless commenting about Cena all over the place is bordering on spam, and needs to stop.
Jesus Christ, you're delusional. He lost clean, and then said since he lost clean, he was going to get some injuries repaired. That's not burying.

Daniel Bryan was a midcarder for life until Kayfabe beating Cena. You're outmatched debating this, as all evidence points in my favor here. Cena is the essential professional, he's created more stars than anyone on the roster, he's done more for the WWE outside of the ring than anyone on the roster, and he's done more IN the ring than anyone on the roster.

You can spend your time running around here showing your ignorance for Pro Wrestling, or you can accept that John Cena is the best talent that the WWE has now, the choice is yours. However, your needless commenting about Cena all over the place is bordering on spam, and needs to stop.

If he has created star where are they now. Lets look at the current big 4 planned main events at Mania. Orton v Batista, Lesnar v Undertaker, HHH vs Bryan and Cena vs Wyatt. Hmm how many people has he built 1, John Cena. The top 4 matches at mania and the only guy he has built is himself. Bryan only beat him because he had to leave injured, whether you believe it was clean or not Injury was the only reason he lost. He has built no ones career except his own. If you disagree name the stars he has built and where they are now.
What in the hell does where they are now matter? He's also responsible for putting people over AND babysitting their careers? Man, he even says in interviews, most recently with Steve Austin that he doesn't do booking, he just takes what he's told to do and does it.
Using his charity work and whatnot is an argument against him turning heel and talking about how he is as the face of the company. Cena is one of the top guys of all time and all his work aids to his reputation.

If we want to talk about Cena the pro wrestler then he has enough to be regarded as one of the best. He constantly proves how great he is in the ring. It is a myth he can't wrestle. He is incredible on the mic and working a crowd. He was getting boo'd by large portions of the crowd and used that to become even more successful. His charity work aside Cena is a top performer. Including his work outside the ring, it is clear he is one of the true greats of all time and a fantastic ambassador for the WWE.
What in the hell does where they are now matter? He's also responsible for putting people over AND babysitting their careers? Man, he even says in interviews, most recently with Steve Austin that he doesn't do booking, he just takes what he's told to do and does it.

You clearly don't come around the forums enough to know that you're arguing with an idiot. Don't waste your time.

John Cena the character and John Cena the man are virtually one in the same. The WWE puts how many Make-A-Wish grants he does. He does as well. There's very little separate from what the man and the character do because he's working so much every day for the WWE. Even the little bit of personal life he had is now for everyone to see on Total Diva's. He's one of the very few characters where there's little divide between the two. And to say that his Make-A-Wish grants are not part of the character is assinine.
First of all, it isn't his "private time". When he does his record number of Make-A-Wish wishes, he's on the company clock. John SuperCena is the guy doing the charity work. He's the guy donating time and money. John Cena the dude is irrelevant.

That being said, John SuperCena is the best talent on the roster today, and has been for quite some time. You don't have to like that fact, you just have to start accepting it. There are others that are talented, but none in the way that John SuperCena is. His ability to put talent over is unmatched. Daniel Bryan would still be in therapy sessions with Kane right now if it weren't for the rub from SuperCena. CM Punk would still be a ratty haired SES leader if it weren't for SuperCena giving him relevance in 2011, which is what led to the worked shoot "pipebomb".

The rest of the talent should look at the ethic of John Cena and learn something. But as of right now, as a fan of professional wrestling since the 1980s, there's no one better than John Cena, and I look forward to watching him go every single week.

The wrestlers are not forced or required to fullfill Make A Wish obligations. I remember in Flair's book he praised Hogan for his willingness to cancel or not take any appearances (which you get paid for) to spend the day with sick kids when requested by Make A Wish. Also, Austin in an interview circa 02-03 talked about how he would try to schedule Make A Wish appearances around his regular travel schedule, coming to town to meet with family, etc. Then he would get a list of all the performers due in town later, see if the sick kid was a fan of any of them, and he would try to get some of them to make surprise appearances as well. WWE wasnt paying for this and the wrestlers werent on company time.
If he has created star where are they now. Lets look at the current big 4 planned main events at Mania. Orton v Batista, Lesnar v Undertaker, HHH vs Bryan and Cena vs Wyatt. Hmm how many people has he built 1, John Cena. The top 4 matches at mania and the only guy he has built is himself. Bryan only beat him because he had to leave injured, whether you believe it was clean or not Injury was the only reason he lost. He has built no ones career except his own. If you disagree name the stars he has built and where they are now.

Do you understand anything about booking? Everyone saw Bryan getting the title out of John Cena a mile away. It was the right time and even more so to make Orton cash in. I said everything I had to say in my post, go read it and stop being so dumb and you should know that you are dumb when the only guy that fully agrees with you is "TheOnlyGOAT" or whatever his name is. Being in the ring with Cena and having the guy sell your offense and making you look like a million bucks is HELPING THEM. Cena doesn't make stars, he helps you be one and the rest is with you - he ain't nobody's babysitter.

Guys that he helped gain some momentum and to an extent make them see a lot more than what they really were:

- Edge
- Randy Orton
- Sheamus
- Wade Barrett
- The Miz
- CM Punk
- Daniel Bryan
- Dolph Ziggler
- Damien Sandow
- Alberto Del Rio
- The Shield
- Ryback
- Bobby Lashley
- Umaga
- Cesaro

And those are of the top of my head. He gave those guys the performance of their lives, to ALL of them. Now it's for the talent to capitalize on the momentum, not everyone can be #1 and not everyone can be the best in the company and to be that, you have to outdraw John Cena. Look at CM Punk, he's been put in a long ass title reign, where he personally buried guys like Chris Jericho, Bryan and Ryback. He went on to face The Rock for two straight months, a guy that returned only to face the #1. CM Punk was put in a lot of TV and HEAVILY PROMOTED, to a point he was over Randy Orton (the eternal #2) but HE NEVER, EVER surpassed John Cena. Why? BECAUSE IT'S NOT EASY. Instead of complaining, CM Punk should have kept coming and doing everything in his power to surpass him, because the numbers showed that Cena was far ahead the #1 and CM Punk had as much TV time and a lot of opportunities to surpass Cena and he just COULDN'T DO!! Now shut your mouth about that. You are an idiot and you understand zero of what a good pro-wrestler is.

Also WWE DOESN'T PUT CENA IN MAIN EVENTS! CENA'S POPULARITY PUTS HIM IN MAIN EVENTS! Go read my first post and this one and learn something for a change.
If you have a child that likes John Cena, and follows Cena because he is a good role model, than it is kinda hard to separate the two because he is having a positive influence on your child. Honestly if I look past all that and focus only on what he does in the ring...Cena is at least top 3 on this mic and top 5 in the ring imo. You simply can't deny great matches. My gf just started getting into wrestling because I love it and there is only 3 times I have heard her say that a match was awesome and those were end of an era match, Cena vs Punk on raw, and Cena vs Cesaro last night. She is a newbie to the business and can see that this guy is pretty good. I really dont understand the hate for the guy.
John Cena is among the most uninteresting and unexciting wrestlers in the WWE today. Everything about him is stale, repetitive and boring. Him doing charities is no reason to like his character or matches or winning 29 out of 30 matches...
Also, while he comes off as a very nice guy to the public by virtue of the charities, some wrestlers have also claimed that he is a bully in the locker room, uses his influence backstage, and have ended/ruined careers, as in the cases of Alex Riley, Kenny Dykstra and Mickie James. So there is a very good possibility that the charities that he does, hugging physically challenged children and everything, he does it just to maintain and make the SuperCena / Never Give Up character even stronger. In real life, he could very well be a douchebag and doesn't care about the children. I could be wrong, but there is a possibility.
Moreover, there have also been reports of Cena refusing to lose in a match. One thing that John Cena fans always mention is that Daniel Bryan is over with the fans just because John Cena gave him the rub, or that John Cena helped Daniel Bryan get over by losing to him at Summer Slam. Both arguments are utter bullshit; first, Daniel Bryan was very much over before his match against John Cena, and second, its pretty obvious that Cena agreed to lose to him because of the Bella Twins connection. Otherwise, John Cena would never lose to him... Maybe have a 25 minute match with him and "make him look good"- as John Cena fans would love to put it (remember the Damien Sandow cash-in? "Cena did not bury Sandow. Period. If anything, Sandow will now be much more stronger." <---thats how Cena fans reacted), like he did in the case of Cesaro last night, but not cleanly lose to him by any means.
So let's sum up:
Matches- Boring, Same routine, Predictable.
Promos- Repetitive, Over-acting.
Character- Stale, Old, Forced upon the viewers by excessive display/mentioning.
Backstage Bully- Yes.
Uses Backstage Influence/Politics- Yes.
Refuses to lose matches- Yes.
Put over more than 5 superstars in his career- No.
Charity work- (possibly) Just part of the gimmick.

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