Sting Needs to Lose the Shirt


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry but he just looks stupid wrestling in his t-shirt. At least if he is going to wear the shirt he should have red tights and not the blue ones he has been wearing.

Why is he even wearing the shirt? Does he have some kind of scar or something he is covering up?

I'm sure Sting is wearing the shirt because he ashamed of his looks. Sting was a huge guy but time have not been his best friend.
yes he looks stupid

please remember he is wearing the shirt because he is now what around 50 years old not the old sufer sting from 1990 so he is just hiding how he is no longer in the shape he was
yes he looks stupid

please remember he is wearing the shirt because he is now what around 50 years old not the old sufer sting from 1990 so he is just hiding how he is no longer in the shape he was

If you're too embarrassed to show your physique maybe its time to hang the boots up.
I remember when he wore tights with no top half back in 08 (I think). It looked the double of Hogan/Flair saggyness.
If you're too embarrassed to show your physique maybe its time to hang the boots up.

well maybe it is time and he will then always be remembered as the the top wrestler never to work under vince.

maybe that why he has not gone to the e in these last few years the wwe may not be even trying to sign him because off his physique.dont get me wrong would love taker vs sting but it will not be good so rather play the match out in my head now:)
Holy shit....have people become so damn fickle that they're actually going to complain about someone wearing a t-shirt while wrestling a match?

Now here's the thing about Sting:

If he's getting to the point where it's difficult for him to work a singles match every few months due to the wear & tear of the business, then there might be something worth criticizing. After all, if you can't get it up inside the ring then you have no business being inside a ring as a wrestler.

If you're someone who thinks that Sting shouldn't be such a massively centralized figure of TNA rather than the company putting more focus on someone younger in order to think about the future, then maybe there's something there worth criticizing also.

If you're griping because you think the guy looks "stupid" for coming out wrestling in a t-shirt rather than not wrestling in a t-shirt, then you're truly scraping the bottom of the barrel to find something to bitch about.

There are a good number of things in TNA to criticize that are generally worth pointing out. Sting wrestling in a t-shirt isn't one of them.
If you're too embarrassed to show your physique maybe its time to hang the boots up.
No, that time comes when you stop selling tickets. Are you insisting that all of your oiled up men be shirtless?

When you get older, you aren't going to look as good as you did when you were younger. No one escapes the ravages of time. But if a guy is making money (and Sting appears to be one of the few bright spots in TNA right now, or at least untarnished ones), I don't care if he's a one-legged midget with Hep C.
I've criticized Sting for the t-shirt thing as well, and despite his age, I still feel he actually looks worse coming out in a t-shirt than he would in revised tights. To me, the answer is simple — reduce how far the sleeves cut to expose his arms. His arms, by all accounts, are in fine shape. It's in his chest where he's lost definition and is experiencing the same sag older performers tend to experience, so the fastest cure is to wear a sleeveless tight up top that still covers his chest, but exposes his arms.

So instead of this:


You get this:


Problem solved.
AJ Styles wrestlers in his T-Shirt pretty often. Don't see people flipping out because of that.

So what? He wears a T-Shirt. Yeah, he looks kinda silly but fuck it, if he can deliver a good show (and he can) I don't care if he paints his face like a clown.

Oh wait, he already did, and it was freakin' awesome.
AJ Styles wrestlers in his T-Shirt pretty often. Don't see people flipping out because of that.

So what? He wears a T-Shirt. Yeah, he looks kinda silly but fuck it, if he can deliver a good show (and he can) I don't care if he paints his face like a clown.

Oh wait, he already did, and it was freakin' awesome.

Well, not really. Styles wrestles in his sleeveless shirt, which was sort of part of the character he was portraying at the time. The shirt was also much more form-fitting and didn't sit on him like a garbage bag the way Sting wears it. It might be fickle, but that does make a world of difference — same as when Angle would wear his torn shirts to the ring before matches, only to lose it before hand or during the match. Sting doesn't lose his. He wears it the entire time, and it honestly ages him IMO.

You know me — I'd take a 420 year old Sting in a wheelchair versus the Futurama-head-in-a-glass of Ric Flair somehow transplanted on a robot body any day of the week over half the generic, vanilla shit we're supposed to support these days, but that doesn't mean I want Sting to look as old as possible in the process if there's something that can be done to remedy it, like what I posted before. This is a simple solution to as simple problem the way I see it.
Here's a sentence I never thought I'd type (or at least hoped I'd never have to):

Does anybody have any pictures of Sting's sagging breasts?

As an off-and-on TNA viewer for the past few years, I've seen Sting shirtless a good number of times. I've even seen him entirely topless when he went through that weird red tights phase. I don't remember once thinking, "My, the Stingers breasts are sure getting saggy; better cover them bad boys up."

So my question is this:

Does Sting actually have saggy man-tits or does he just really love t-shirts?
If anything should give a reason to Sting to hang up the boots, it should be his lackluster performance. The way he does the Sharpshooter is atrocious. He barely locks it in. He half stands in it as if hes afraid he is going to hurt someone. Its rather sad actually.
AJ Styles wrestlers in his T-Shirt pretty often. Don't see people flipping out because of that.

So what? He wears a T-Shirt. Yeah, he looks kinda silly but fuck it, if he can deliver a good show (and he can) I don't care if he paints his face like a clown.

Oh wait, he already did, and it was freakin' awesome.

I only saw him do that with the stupid emo gimmick he just quit. I'm assuming that was to cover up his tattoo with his kids names to try to make him look like a bad ass and add more darkness.
I have A-cup moobs. I don't even wear a t-shirt. I wear buttoned shirts instead. Props to Sting for still rocking a tee.

You know who could do with a covering up? Regal. Nothing wrong with a little modesty.

I still mark out hard when Sting's music hits (and I only know Sting from TNA). At least the Stinger knows when he should wear a shirt and that tells me he doesn't take himself so seriously as a Hogan or a Flair and I can respect that.

He really is fulfilling a very similar role to the Undertaker, except he's still a lot more active and at a more advanced age to boot, so if he needs a shirt to keep it like that, I'm completely fine with it.
If anything should give a reason to Sting to hang up the boots, it should be his lackluster performance. The way he does the Sharpshooter is atrocious. He barely locks it in. He half stands in it as if hes afraid he is going to hurt someone. Its rather sad actually.

Thank you, I'm glad someone finally sees that as well. Look its not the t-shirt, but can he get a matching color t-shirt. The guy is wearing blue and black tights, PURPLE wrestling boots with a red t-shirt. That looks like he lost his wrestling gear and borrowed someones boots and took a random shirt from the merchandise table... he looks cheap & stupid... simply go all black with a black tshirt and do the scorpion closed. This is worse than when he wore those black & pink pants with the red gloves... you can't say he doesn't look stupid in that outfit.
^where do you get purple boots from? They looked blue to me

that aside, I agree that Sting needs to color coordinate better, as the blue on his wrestling attire doesn't go with the black & red shirt he's been wearing

dunno necessarily if I agree on Sting's in ring performances, but he's gotta get his colors on the same page
I see this thing happen all the time:

1. People hear Sting's music, they get excited. They think they'll see the exciting performer he was 10 years ago.

2. They see him come in, they get even more excited.

3. Then they see the guy with the t-shirt and I can just see the crowd collectively started deflated in disapointement.

Because it's like going to a concert and someone showing up with a t-shirt. When you show up for big events, you have to dress up. Sting seems like he's eternally on "Casual Friday". Take it easy for all the slackers outthere.

If you're one of the biggest stars, then appear like one. Make the effort to look good or don't show up.
Not a real big deal in my eyes :shrug:

I know some people will go to the analogy of an embarrassed fat kid wearing his shirt in the pool, but Sting is a grown man. I'm sure he has his reasons. Meanwhile, we all had to see Flair's saggy and wrinkled torso for YEARS. Oddly enough, Flair admitted to wearing a shirt on the farewell episode of WCW Nitro in his match against Sting, because he was embarrassed by his physique. Anyway, I don't have a problem with Sting wearing a shirt to wrestle, and going by the reactions from the live crowds, the fans don't seem to care either.
Maybe Sting should get with Barry Bonds and find out what he took. Honestly,i know Sting is old but I think he should workout a lil more. He is a pro-wrestler.Either your are super fat,super tall,or buff. I guess maybe I expect more out of Sting because he is an icon. don't want him to be in the same shape as my dad.
If anything should give a reason to Sting to hang up the boots, it should be his lackluster performance. The way he does the Sharpshooter is atrocious. He barely locks it in. He half stands in it as if hes afraid he is going to hurt someone. Its rather sad actually.

He's always done that, though. I think it's a subconscious thing from when he broke Rick Rude. (Though that wasn't with the SDL, that was just a bad bump in a match with Sting.)

But the t-shirt is just a stupid reason to complain. Sting still draws better than most of the TNA roster, even at 53. It could be worse, though.

He could look like Gary Valentine or Kevin Sullivan.
I'm pretty sure I read a while ago that Sting has a shoulder problem that prevents him doing the upper body workout's he'd normally do to keep toned. I do think the idea of simply wearing something similar to what he wore in WCW in 1998 (as posted by the guy with the Firestarter avvy) is a good idea though, as the wrestling in a t shirt look reminds me of bingo hall guys like Dreamer, Sandman and Messiah, as opposed to a main event legend.
You know, where I work I find myself in situations where someone is asking me something fundamentally stupid. That person with the stupid question has rank and a solid reputation, so I'm left having to struggle to be tactful and validate their dumbass question while appearing thoughtfully intrigued.

I've been abruptly asked "Do you think Lady Gaga is a dude?" or "Why can't we execute illegal immigrants". I work with some characters.

Now then, pro-wrestling is my escape. Oddly enough, when people can remain focused on one form of art they tend to be more thoughtful in their inqueries. It's a world where "Why is John Cena so popular" isn't a dumb question, it inspires thoughts and opinions.

I feel betrayed right now. I feel like fate just can't let me have an interest where conversations relating to it don't originate as an obvious means of generating pointless banter.

Sting wears a shirt when he wrestles. Does the shirt cause him to botch moves? Is there anything offensive or abusive on the shirt itself? These are questions that one should answer for the forum if they're smart enough to want to explain their distaste for the shirt. I realize that wrestling in a shirt is somewhat unusual, I had to make that point for you because you didn't get that far in broadcasting your most penetrating insights into this matter.

We're talking about Sting here. We're not talking about The Brooklyn Brawler or Pistol Pez Whatley for fucks sake. Getting to see Sting perform at all is a privelege. If you can't appreciate his work because he was wearing a shirt, then you're probably one of the ones who validate the stereotype that all pro-wrestling fans are fucking morons.
the second a guy wears a t shirt in the ring when he usually doesnt, is the time he needs to give it away, Flair in the final Nitro match was fucking disgraceful, he smashed his legacy by going on like that, wrestling in a black Nitro shirt was an embarrassment. Sting should stop wrestling all together, get around in his suit and be a cvahracter or manager
I actually thought this was a joke thread, until I started reading through it. Really? Are we really going to shit on TNA, and Sting now for him wearing a T-Shirt? This is almost as bad as the topic awhile back ripping on Hogan's beard. Really, who cares. IWC knobs really need to find better things to do. Only Sting knows the reason for his shirt. He can't be all that out of shape. Go back to Slammaversary. He had his shirt off during that match, and didn't look too bad.

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