Statement from WZ J.O.B Squad: New Booker


The Sunflower Samurai
Ladies and Gentlemen of the WZ boards,

This statement is intended to inform you of the recent changes in the infamously "popular" J.O.B. Squad.

Yesterday, Al Leafy whaddaeverhisnameis got extremely butthurt and BAWWWWWed his way out of the group.

After several discussions within the group, it was decided that a new leader was needed. Someone who would give the group the direction it so very needed. A visionary, a sage, and an all round inbred bastard of a man.

That man is me.

I will be the new booker of this group, and I will push these imbeciles forward much less like that moron Al-Leafy led them astray.

These jobbers have recently been led to believe that they have an opinion, and a right to choose who's asses they must place their snake tongues on. That is wrong.

Starting today, my dictatorship will force these cockbites to face reality: that their main goal on this boards is to make us, the beautiful people of these WZ boards, look like a million bucks.

I'd like to think of myself as the Nazi version of Bill Watts.

In the next coming days, these jobbers will be put to work and you will all see the changes that you have very wanted prefered to see.

Thank you for reading,

Macca The Widowmaker
WZ J.O.B Squad Booker
You can be my Jim Ross to my Bill Watts, where all you have to do to keep your job is to kiss ass. Pretty easy.
I know what he said. Bret owed him for a bill at Dennys in 1996. Shawn was just asking for the money.
Don't even try it TM. I will fight you to the death on this one. Gladiator style motherfucker.

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