I got AIM set up...


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
...for discussions with WZ members. I won't be on often, but if I am on and you have an important question, use it. I will not respond to "hey IC25, how are you?" You can ask me that on the boards. I do these things because I love you all. And because I am sick of PM's.
I got mine set up like a week ago, that and MSN, and now my computer doesn't work right.
Woo people are gettin AIM! I don't have MSN, so at least now I can talk to people on aim lol

IC, I hope you're ready, cuz I'm probably gonna be IM'ing you a lot the next few weeks asking for advice on running the Movie Tournament.
...for discussions with WZ members. I won't be on often, but if I am on and you have an important question, use it. I will not respond to "hey IC25, how are you?" You can ask me that on the boards. I do these things because I love you all. And because I am sick of PM's.

Will, he's talking to you.
AIm was popular like what, ten years ago? Get with the times, it's ym or msn. Anything less is just uncivilized.

Come on dude, there have been far too many AOL jokes for you to remain with AIM. Step up the the big leagues and get MSN.

Here's the thing - I don't care either way. But a few people mentioned it'd be easier to discuss something with me that way rather than PM. I'll hardly use it. I don't even WANT it.

who has 24/7 admin access?? Oh yea NorCal does

True story.

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