Spinner Belt

Its just old....Its very respected and i dont mind it just i think there should be a bit of a change
ok you completly missed the point iwas tryin to make there..its all good, who cares what it looks like, it can be changed to the original if they wanted it to, but if its still around that means Cena is gonna get it back..if triple H won the belt back , he would turn it back , edge is a transitional champ, thats why no one else is in this title run, dont be so pre judgemental..you dont like the spinner belt cuz it doesnt look as prestigious why, cuz it has a urban theme to it, thats lame

Eternal Dragon said:
No, it's not sophisticated enough for such a huge title.
Looks really have nothing to do with prestige of a belt. It's how well a wrestler represents the belt. For example, if a wrestler would defend his/her title outside of the united states in different countries or with different wrestling promotions and successfully retained the best you could consider possibly that belt having more prestige, than if you had a wrestler only defend in his/her promotion.

That's just an example that doesn't exactly mean that belt would have more prestige, than some other belt that was only used in one promotion. If a wrestler defends his/her belt well and holds it for a good length of time to some it show more pestige whether it be "John Cena's Spinner Belt" or any other belt.

deadmanwalking2006 said:
I think that Edge should get his own belt since cena got his..... It would be better
That's not going to happen for along time, if it would happen at all. Only a selected few get belts made for them. WWE was going to for The Rock after they made Steve Austin's Smoking Skulls Belt, but the only problem they were faced with was that if they did it for The Rock, then they thought they'd have to do it for every wrestler also, so they didn't customize a belt for The Rock. That's why you don't see it that often. Look at the gaps in years when they've made customized belts just to name a few the Million Dollar Championship (1989), Stone Cold Steve Austin's Smoking Skull WWE Championship (1999), and John Cena's WWE Championship Spinner Belt (2005), so more than likely Edge will switch back to the other version before he gets his own customized belt.

What they should really do is bring back the version of the 1985-1998 Intercontinental Championship. Like the one Shawn Michaels held with the white leather strap. If you don't know what it looks like, then here's a picture of it.


I can tell you this the Million Dollar Championship is probably worth the most, because its made of real gold and real diamonds. It's worth $45,000.
The Attitude Belt Was Heaps Good Ive Actually Got It (replica) But The Belt Was Smashed Up Years Ago And Turned Into Hardcore Belt And Wwe Has Made It Well Documented That's What They Did!
the best two were the one's won at wrestlemania x8, they should have stuck with them 2.
This may be a minor issue, but the belt really doesn't fit Edge that well. I think the belt itself could add to their fued, with Edge mocking the Cena belt and bringing back the real thing. I think it's too late for that now, but I must say that I don't like the belt on anyone but Cena, who fits its style.
I dont like the belt that the spinner belt replaced. It's not that attractive of a belt, they should bring back the eagle wings belt, i would like that, but the belt should change when the feud is over, or soon after.
well there alotta different opinions but IMO it don't matter what it looks like i mean @ least there a belt if there was no belt like smackdown had 4 1 month it wud've sucked worse.
it was alright when it first came out during smackdown, but i got sick of it after that. it is a complete joke now. they need to change it back to the old title or the attitude belt.
Also, when Cena does not have the belt, it should be the regular title belt not the gimmick title.
Agreed, Edge should not have to have the spinner belt thats just stupid IMO DOES it even have a point to be there anymore or are they giving us there own spoiler that Cena is going to be the Champ again soon, If so poor Edge
You know, it comforts me that with so much war and fighting in the world, people can agree on one thing- that John Cena is horrible and so is the WWE belt design. :) Lol.

Flames Out
Luther_Hull said:
What does everyone think of it? I think it's like a child's toy and shouldn't be the representing the most prestigious title in the business. It should only be used when Cena is the champion (which shouldn't be at all, really) Come on wwe get a proper respectable belt!
Ya it is disrespectful I must agree.
im all for going back to the belt that EG had...i would love to see them go back to the winged eagle or even a totally new belt with more of a traditiona wwf feel.
Ok you all are really slow lol..Its still the spinner belt cuz CENA IS GONNA WIN ThE tITLE BACK..HOLD IT FOR A WHILE AND tHEN LOOSE IT TO THE ROYAL RUMBLE WINNER....so yea....its jus off him for a while....lets get real
he is gonna get it back, you think you guys woulda made the connection stead of bitchin what it looks like

JKO said:
he is gonna get it back, you think you guys woulda made the connection stead of bitchin what it looks like

I guess you just proved who is really slow because we already mentioned that.

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