Spear,Spear,Gore,Gore O My God Gore!!!!!!

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wp2 4 life

Rhyno, Edge, Goldberg, Lashley, Batista,

Who's is the best in the bizz to day.

4 Me it goes at
1)I hate him to all hell but Goldberg has the best more power then the rest ......
2)Close one but at #2 Goes the Gore Gore Gore Rhyno the f*ing man his Intensity is unmatched..
3)Edge's is the Quickest and I bet it's cut's like Knife when he hits it, cuz he's a boney bitch so ya it would suck to get hit by it. and he just talks to much so after you have 2 put up with his shit talking.
4)I will have to go with Lashley he is a lagit top wrestler in are U.S. Army and he's a big bad mo'fo and for a big man he is fucking fast as hell so it's like a Rhyno,Edge MIX.
5)Batista he new to the game of Spears and Gores so last he goes but he could move up fast.:devil:
Goldbergs spear folds you up. Edge's is weak. He used to do it as a normal move when he had the Edgucator and Edgecution. But then started using it as finisher.
1.Rhino is definitely first the way he gores Abyss, Raven and jarrett is crazy and when he gored Samoa Joe and Monty Brown that was mad.

2.Lashley is definitely next have u seen his power.When he got hit by the chair and still done a spear on some1 that was off the chain.

3.Then it's the ANIMAL BATISTA the way he gets the wrestler up and back down on to the ground it definetely is one heck of a spear.

4.I hate him so much but i have to say its Goldburger that crap wrestler.

5.I also hate Edge and theres no way he deserves that title.
wp2 4 life said:
Rhyno, Edge, Goldberg, Lashley, Batista,

Who's is the best in the bizz to day.

4 Me it goes at
1)I hate him to all hell but Goldberg has the best more power then the rest ......
2)Close one but at #2 Goes the Gore Gore Gore Rhyno the f*ing man his Intensity is unmatched..
3)Edge's is the Quickest and I bet it's cut's like Knife when he hits it, cuz he's a boney bitch so ya it would suck to get hit by it. and he just talks to much so after you have 2 put up with his shit talking.
4)I will have to go with Lashley he is a lagit top wrestler in are U.S. Army and he's a big bad mo'fo and for a big man he is fucking fast as hell so it's like a Rhyno,Edge MIX.
5)Batista he new to the game
wp2 4 life said:
of Spears and Gores so last he goes but he could move up fast.:devil:

SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah it may be goldberg, but sadly that is one of his only 3 good moves, and other than that he is worthless as a wrestler although sometimes entertaining
well you cant really mess someone up by spearing them, its not like an F-5 or anything but i would have to say Rhino's Gore because of the sheer intensity he uses hyping the move up imo.
I personally think they all suck wrestling wise except for Lashley, he can actually do wrestling moves other than spearing people. if he keeps it up he'll be a major player for a long time, it's a shame he had to drop the US title to Finley cause of high liver enzymes that turned out to be nothing. wonder when they'll send'm after the World Title he's already beat'n King Booker before & he's better than Batista.
Goldberg is a one-trick pony...but that one trick is what he's best at. The spear. He folded up more large guys with it than I can remember. The Giant. The Rock. My favorite times he speared guys were when he speared Chris Kanyon. Kanyon could sell a beating like none other and the spear was no exception. Also, at Halloween Havoc '98, Goldy speared DDP so hard he actually rammed his own head into the mat and cut his scalp. It looked pretty damn cool. Other than that, Goldberg needs to stick to what he's best at: grunting and blowing firework smoke.
Last night Lashey did a pretty nice double spear on Finley & Regal on Smackdown that had that good explosion like Goldberg used to have.
MAGGOT said:
as much as i hate to say this but Shitberg has the best spear

Lashley has great potential though cause he has that explsoseveness, but unlike goldberg he has wrestling background & other moves so he doesn't just focuss on the spear.
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