Sometimes it's really sad to say goodbye...

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
To being one of the few wrestlers in WZCW to have never held a title!

So, suffice to say, I've read KC. Really was a fantastic read, and I'm going to give a show review today or tomorrow. But I feel like I need to give some major thanks, to a lot of people. So I'll just go ahead and give a few shout-outs:

Dagger: Brother, I really thought you had me beat. You have come such a long way, in such a short time. I want you to know how happy I am to get a chance to feud with you, and create a story. I know you, I, and Fallout worked really close together during Theron and Fallout's feud; you always bring wonderful ideas to the table, and always go with the flow. I can't tell you how much I appreciate working with you, and creating this feud. Though, I do see there's a little more tread to the tires, if people wanted to us kick those tires just a little bit more...

You've been a great champion, and you will be a great WZCW World champion again soon.

Fallout and Doe: Fallout, this is our second run together, and this went much better than the Riders so far, eh? I'm always amazed by the detail you put in your work, and how well you create the monster character. Same goes for you, NSL. You have been one of the hardest working RPers in the fed, and everyone knows that both you and Fallout are going to be stiff, stiff competition.

I love working with both of you motherfuckers. There's so much I learn from you both, on how to craft my story and working with others to create a universe. I think we've created, so far, a really dark atmosphere to our stories, that sync up very well. Enjoy the spoils of this night, gentlemen; methinks we're going to have a lot up our sleaves, especially with the next arc to the story (without giving too much away, I think it's time I explore the Doctor aspect of Zeus a little more...)

Yazzy-Snazzy: You motherfucker. I knew when you became HOC, this fed was going to be in great hands. I haven't been disappointed. You've done an amazing job. I don't want to leak too much of our prior chats, but I remember in the midst of Harthan's reign, that I said I'd back you as HOC. I had good reason to; you work so hard for this place, and having you at the helm just feels right. Congrats on the big win; and as always, a pleasure to work with you, homey.

The Colombian Killjoy: I've said before that I love to have you writing my matches, because I know how well you get Zeus' ring psychology. Again, you get how I want this character to work, and I can never thank you enough. Much like Yaz, I've rarely met someone with the same passion and dedication for this fed. To be honest, it seems like you and Yaz never take a break; that hasn't gone unnoticed by me, and I believe by anyone else.

FalKon: In a lot of ways, my mentor in the fed. The one that brought me up from babysteps, and helped me mold the Zeus character into what it is. I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me, especially just starting up, man. I'll be bummed to see you step down, but I know you'll never be too far from the fed.

Dave: I mentioned it to you before, but I've always respected and admire how much you put into this fed, and in a lot of ways am envious to how you write. I don't mind saying that I thought you and Dagger had the best RP's of the round (again, I really thought Dagger had me). I know you were instrumental in getting Theron and Zeus' angles in, and getting us the time you did. I really appreciate it, brother. And I know we're going to continue working for some big things.

Thriller: I don't think I've ever minced words in saying I borrowed a lot of stuff from Mason Westhoff when I first started (and even now). I don't mind also saying that I respect the way you've been so consistent, and have always found your way in this fed. Again, I marvel at the way you can create so many different characters, and make them all effective members of the fed. Fuck, I struggle with anything outside of Zeus, as TEQ shows. Which, again, borrowed the Rep from you, for Phoenix (the character, not the writer) Thank you man. Again, I'm bummed to see you go, but I know you'll never stray too far away.

Dynamite: Man, I've seen you grow so much, and progress so far, it amazes me. I know we've had plenty of talks about characters, real life, supernatural, etc. I want to thank you for always helping me mold character, and even just to talk about things when I'm down. I feel like Flex has really hit a groove man, and it makes me so happy to see you succeeding. And it also makes me happy to see you (I presume) happy, too.

Spider: I've always wanted to have the romantic style of writing that you do with Ramparte. Perhaps TEQ was my attempt at quelling that desire, but no one can do it like you, mate. I really do think, when we do work together, it's going to create this gothic romantic style that would be so very wonderful. I watched you enter the fed, but always knew you'd find your way around. And have you, yet.

Ty: You're a legend for a reason. I respect you, I fear, I admire you. And so much of what Zeus is because of you forging the path for me. Again, my biggest regret in the fed is letting the feud die as it did. But I also expect our paths will be crossing very, very soon. I wait with baited breath, and if I'm being honest, a little bit of fear.

Beard and Jam: My other Pale Riders. I know both of you are finding your own niche as writers now, but I'll always enjoy the ride we had as the Riders, before I blew it all to hell. I apologize...but I also know that you two will find your way. In fact, I'd say you both have, already. Thank you both.

Shotaro: I think I bitched so much to you about the fed for so long, it got grating. I remember the Barrett Stratton deal, and calling on Skype, at like 1 AM (your time). First words out of your mouth; "It's the fucking worst". I laughed, and I laughed, and I felt instantly better. I always appreciate the work we did together, and still hope for that feud to get into Howard's anger issues (as they are manifold). Thank you brother.

Barbosa and Miko: Much in the same way Ty paved the way for me, you two have paved the way for gimmicks like mine. The way you write drives out the best in me, and it makes me long for the feud we both want. It's funny, one day our paths have to cross, right? I mean, it's the built in feud I think the fed would be dying to see. Thoughts, folks?

The Buttybox: I know Blade has been reading the forums more, and know he's made a post or two. I can only hope this means you return soon. Again, you were with me for my time on creative, and really taught me the ins and outs of the creative process. I hope that you return soon, my man.

Kermit: Come back, please?

I mean this, in the way to say that this fed always needs Kermit. You're such a source of information, and the way you book a feud...really, it's amazing. I have been able to work with you so much, and though I'd love to work more, I also do hope you're ok, brother.

Finally, some unconventional candidates, I suppose...

Jglass: I don't know if he'll ever read this, but Jglass is the one that got me into the fed, in the first place. Frankly, in so many ways, without Jglass, there is no Zeus. For that, I owe him so very much. He was very instrumental in getting my character over, and building Zeus up as this monster. But he also was there with me during very rough times, and I got nothing but love for him, man. Jglass, if you're reading. I still remember. We make the shows with the members of the fed, not for them.

Pancake: We served on creative quite a bit, homey. We both sat through the trenches, as figurative war was waged. Thank you for being my homey, and for being someone I could bitch to, from time to time (I think it also goes without saying I did this with everyone I worked with). Thank you brother.

Doctor: I know while you've been here, you've been one of my biggest advocates. I still firmly believe Saxoteur deserves/needs to be in the HOF at some point, and still feel like this feud needs Action Saxton. I know you have so much you're doing, but this fed is always better when you're here. I'm sorry to screw up a chance for you to come back with TBK, and I hope you come back soon.

Infinity: Again, a man who knows how to craft a story so well. I always respected the mind you had for wrestling, and the way you crafted out our storyline with Dagger. My hope is that, someday, you do return.

These four men I mentioned, I do hope they return some day. I know this is a two way bridge, and I hope that some day, these men do return. Of course, I'd like plenty more to return, but still.

And to all of WZCW, thank you. I'll be honest, this is something I never expected, especially after I left. I have always felt welcome on this forum, and I can never thank you enough for making me feel at home. I've never wanted to do another fed, because I know it couldn't match up to here.

That, and I know it's not near as competitive elsewhere.

Thank you all.

Now, for such a long post; I must pay the cock tax. Thirty minutes of writing. Must include three mentions of dicks.

Fuck, I almost forgot:

Our bosses!

KB and Slyfox, thank you keeping a gentle guide over this fed, and watching over us. Really, I know I'm talking mainly to KB (I know Slyfox watches out for us, but has other things to work with, more technical than know). Thank you both for allowing us this chance to express ourselves, and for keeping a close eye on the wellbeing of the fed.

I really do appreciate that you give us enough room to make our own mistakes, but also are active when you know we need help. I know that man of you don't get to see behind the scenes, but KB and Sly do a bit of posting, to help sort us out. It doesn't happen often, but it's still welcome.

Thanks, boss(es)
You and Bagpipes. You guys don't know the importance of world title, do you? JK, Hope you're not leaving for good.
Congrats!! And thank you for the shout out. I truly am honored. Doe was aimless before all this came together, and I mean it when I say we are all just hitting our stride as a unit. I can't wait to see our ideas manifest, and to weave the story we CAN weave.

Here's to the Unholy Trinity reigning supreme!

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