A Fond Farewell

The best opponent that I've ever had a chance to feud with, and boy did we put up some legendary battles/RP's. A terrific creative member and a wonderful person to work with. Ty you have represented WZCW well and although we on creative have known about this for a good month already, it still sucks to be saying farewell and good luck. Thank you for all that you have done here, and thank you for taking my loud mouth cocky character and putting him in his place when he fought for the first time. That match pushed me to do better and I'm sure many others feel the same way after they fought you. Good luck with everything and if it's any more incentive to come visit me up in Winnipeg, drinks are on me.

I was in shock when I read you're leaving, but I guess I shouldn't have been after seeing what happened at Redemption (although I did think you were going to come back as a face).

I know we've had minimal interaction with each other, but I just wanted to thank you for all you've done. It sure as hell isn't going to feel the same without you around.

Enjoy the time with your family, and I wish you all the best.
I didn't get to know you well but everything I've heard about you is amazing. Your rps are all great to read and you seem like a great guy. I'm glad I got to see you before you go man.
Well, this isn't ECW, so you will be spared the "You Sold Out" chant this time around.
But seriously, thanks for all you've done, Ty. I may have not been around very long, but I've looked back at all the things you have done for this fed, and it's just overwhelming. I'm sure everyone can agree that you deserve a thanks bigger than we all can muster. Thanks for putting up with all of us, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. :p
Having been a moderately involved member for about a year now, I feel like I should say something. However, there's nothing that I can say that hasn't already been posted, so I'll be brief.

I wrote one match for Aftershock. It was hard, long and arduous. I can't even begin to think of all the time and effort you've put into this e-fed to make it the best it possibly can be. So thank you for that. WZCW won't be the same without Ty Burna the man, and Ty Burna the character.

Have fun in retirement.
Ty, I can't say I know you too well. But to me personally, you're a funny dude when I see you in discussion chat, you're a terrific writer whenever I read one of your matches or RPs and you're a terrific leader if you can manage to run a text fed for three whole years. Not to mention all the dudes that like ya, and for a good reason.

Have a great "retirement", man. You earned it.
I'm sitting in the sun, on a balcony in Malta and its costing me 70p per megabyte so I'll keep this short.

Thank you Ty.

Damn man. I'm honestly sad to see you go. No bullshit, the Ty Burna character was the reason I wanted to Join WZCW in the first place. The feud that you had with Reynolds was the damn greatest thing i've read so far, and the year long title reign will never be duplicated. Sad to see you go man. Maybe one of these days we'll have a one on one match.

Salute bro.
I can honestly say that I didnt know how to react when we heard of this. Even now, weeks later, I can say truthfully that we will struggle to replace the leadership and influence that Ty has shown. I've been blessed to work with two outstanding people who have been charge of Creative. Ty stepped up incredibly to lead when Phoenix left us and if I do half as well then we will be OK. I thank Ty for giving me the chance to be a mod and now to try and lead into the future without him for the first time in years. Being able to call myself the boss in the same breath as you, Phoenix, Ricky and Lee is a real honour.

Things really will start anew after All Stars. I can promise you all that we are working our nuts off to start off with a great cycle for Apocalypse. Signs of this should start even before All Stars go up so keep an eye out.
I'm glad you put the fed motto at number one for your last run.

It's a shame I never feuded with you but WZCW is a powerhouse now and you have a huge impact on this.

You did a great job, I mean that.
You da man. Seriously, easily my favorite character and RPer in the fed. In my mind I hold you on such a high pedestal that working with you in the AoC storyline was like a dream come true as corny as it sounds. Thanks for everything you've done and for thanking me lol. I understand how hard it is to even RP with a kid around nevermind doing all the shit you did. Anyways, good luck with your kid and next time we square off you won't be kicking out of the Level 5 you bastard.
Thanks for everything Ty, you did an amazing job with the fed and both the character and your presence will be missed in WZCW.

Best of luck with the future and everything. Hope you enjoy this next weekend, having an ice cream in the park with your little girl. I'm guessing we'll still see you around the site so it's not like you're gone forever.

This is kind of how I picture Ty leaving in my head, complete with Kermit as HBK ending it all.

I know I was only on here for like 2 weeks - working on another character, btw - but I've stalked the shows for quite some time. I just popped back in here to see this for the first time since you posted it, and the responses are pretty emotional.

You're a good man Ty. And you've certainly got the wisdom to know when to get the hell out of here, and spend some time with your family. Sorry I never got to actually know you... Maybe if ya come back around, we can change that?

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