So WWE.COM is teasing a comback of the HARDCORE TITLE...

The 24/7 rule would be a must if brought back now days. Imagine with all the social media wrestlers are doing the story lines thats could come from this. Having challengers show up at media events or malls/restaurants after the champ tweets where hell be would be great. They could even air the matches on Youtube since more and more wrestlers are starting and running their own youtube channels. The only thing that might make a returning Hardcore Title suck is the issue with the WWE matches no longer using weapons(aside from an occasional match) and the censoring of Blood.

When i hear Hardcore Championship the first things that come to mind are wicked chair/weapon shots and bloody matches. With WWE being less open to using either the Hardcore Title could just end up a watered down version of its previous self much like wwecw was.
I for one hope not.

Hardcore matches were usually 100% complete shit and the 24/7 rule was also fucking terrible. Bring this title back during the PG-Era wont work due to most hardcore matches featuring blood, chair shots to the head and "extreme" violence.

The WWE has enough problems building a stable US/IC/Tag/WWE/WHC feuds, adding another title wont help with that.
My main problem if the Hardcore Championship came back would be the 24/7 rule. The title was better off without that rule because that eventually turned the title into a joke. The title could provide something to do for some of the guys further down on the card or those who currently have nothing going on. I don't think it should come back but if it does then I am ok with it as long as the 24/7 rule is no longer in place.
The only way that the hardcore title would mean a thing is if the 24/7 rule is abolished. because if you give 2 talented wrestlers a chance with less limitations in a match they will put on some great matches. eg. rvd in the summer of 2001. there are enough guys the wwe who could really get over with the hardcore title, evan bourne and kofi kingston are okay as a tag team for now but we all know they will never get the chance they deserve. christian will constantly have great matches, and guys who rarely get tv time like yoshi tatsu could get over. BUT unfortunately if it was brought back the wwe would use it to give comedy guys like santino and hornswoggle more time, so im not getting my hopes up. and btw you DO NOT need blood and unprotected head shots to make a great hardcore match, like i said, the summer of 01.

Another article about bringing back the hardcore title. Do we think the WWE is just teasing this or is it legit about bringing it back?

I hope they bring it back, but without the 24/7 rule. However, if they did bring it back with the 24/7 rule, it would create some interesting storylines, IMO. They would also have to make it work with the PG rating as well, unless they ditch that as well, which I wouldn't complain about.


I think they are legitimate about bringing it back. Why waste all the hype? The FB post got over 16000 likes, not that means anything, but still. People want to see it back, so bring it back!
I'm with most here, resurrect the belt if they must; and to be fair It'd be a smart move because from reading this thread, most want it back, plus it appeals to an audience which craves violence plus an audience from when the title was first activated. But they do have to drop the 24/7 ruling and allow the belt to be straight-up. It could be used for certain angles and would probably fit in pretty well as a lower card title. I'm all for it, bring it back.
Making it a regular Specialty Title would just be a little redundant. You can always have Extreme Rules Title matches for the IC and US Title.

I think bringing back the WWE Hardcore Title could work out really well in today’s WWE. Have it as a Universal Title, and have Title defense on Raw, Smackdown, SuperStars, NXT, Tough Enough, and every single show on the upcoming WWE Network. I mean make it 24/7 the way it was always meant to be. Of course, the 24/7 rule can be turned off at Pay Per Views, where the number one contender is the announced participant, and the defending Champion would be the Mystery opponent. You’ll never know who’s going to be Champion walking into a PPV, but you know there will be a WWE Hardcore Championship match.

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