A Hardcore Title Is Calling

There is a no doubt that the Global title filled the IC shaped whole in TNA's midcard. But what is failing them now is shocking booking.

And you want to add the clusterfuck nature of a Hardcore division to complicate things further?

Crazy talk. TNA needs to avoid thinking like this.
Iceninja, ECW failed because Paul Heyman had the vision, but not the business sense. When WWE bought them, it failed because Vince made a mockery of the brand, and made it so it would NEVER live again. That's why I personally I cant stand Vince. Hell, look what he did towards the end with the ECW title. He made it for Christ's sake!!! Why did Vince do that? Cause he couldn't stand the fact that the ECW title meant more to some of the talent that never, or hardly wore a WWE title
Several months back, there was talk in TNA of turning the Global title into a hardcore title. However, it's very possible that those plans, if there were any to begin with, have been scrapped as I've read and heard nothing else about it.

I'm not all that wild about hardcore wrestling quite honestly. Hardcore wrestling, to me, is something of a novelty to drag out every once in a while but it gets stale really fast on a regular basis. I was never all that hot about a hardcore title in the WWE and that was especially when the 24/7 rule was initiated. The WWE Hardcore Championship changed hands more times than any other major pro wrestling title in wrestling history and that did nothing but completely discredit an already questionable title situation to begin with.

Also, hardcore wrestling is an example of why we've had so many wrestling tragedies. The Chris Benoit story has made a lot of people both in and out of wrestling, both fans and people involved within the business, take a different look at hardcore wrestling. Benoit was someone that competed in his share of hardcore matches in his time. In the wake of Benoit, I find it hard to believe that any company could claim to legitimately care about its wrestlers and consistently put them in ultraviolent matches.

As for yet another reason, TNA already has enough meaningless titles on their roster as it is. Most of the titles they already have don't get used properly, so a hardcore title would probably just add to the problem. The Knockout titles, both singles and tag team, are pretty much worthless, the tag team titles are at their lowest ebb in the history of their existence, the Global title is absolute crap and the X-Division title has started to gain a tiny bit of steam and momentum but has a long way to go. The only title in TNA that's been used well has been the world title.
Whenever people bring up adding new titles to wrestling companies it's alway a Tv Title or a Hardcore title that gets suggested. And there is actually a reason why these titles don't exist in the major companies anymore. The WCW hardcore title was pretty meaningless, with guys like Norman Smiley, Brian Knobbs and at one point all 3 members of 3 Count holding the title it just wasn't good. It was nothing more than a way to try and tap into ECW's audience.

The WWE's take on the hardcore title was even dumber, the 24/7 rule existed so they wouldn't have to book it in actual angles, instead it just filled 5-10 minutes of any given show with the occasional actual match. As soon as it was done away with no one cared that it was gone.

TNA doesn't need a hardcore title. Hardcore titles serve one purpose and that's to provide the occasional "holy shit" moment and satisfy the few audience members with too much testosterone. The X-division already provides the "holy shit" moments and there's enough bleeding/tna gimmick fights to satisfy the angry virigins as it is. So no on a show with too many titles as it is there is no need or way to justify a hardcore title.

Also I wanted to address this;

The X division is perfect with the exception of Williams. I personally like him but cant stand him as x division champ...its killing the titles reputation. However there is atleast 10 guys that prosper in this division and you could even throw AJ back into the mix until his next world title run. Heck hardy could even work in these types of matches.

Despite the X-divison being turned into a cruiserweight division lately there was actually a time when it wasn't about being a small guy who relied solely on high-flying moves. Doug Williams is bringing prestige back the title by filling the gap left by guys like Petey Williams, Samoa Joe and Low-Ki. Less aerial moves and more power moves and technical wrestling. It's making the X-division look like something other than an excuse to have high-spots.
I personally don't think the idea of scrapping the GC in light of a hardcore belt is a good idea. Do I think TNA should have a hardcore title? Yes. The X Division title. Remember the days when the X Division title was defended on the same caliber as the WHC? It was put through all types of rigorous matches. Hell, they called it the "X" Division because of the EXTREME style that came with the division. Saying that the X Division needs technical wrestling is just as ridiculous as saying that we need the hardcore title. There used to be X Division wrestlers who were great technically. Aj Styles, Jeff Hardy, Daniels, etc. What did they do? They pushed them out of the X Division and into the main events. What they need to do is bring back those guys who can BOTH work technical matches AND put on an excellent hardcore match. I think if they injected the ECW faction into the X Division and had them run it right, we could bring back the hardcore fans, while still keeping the X Division prestige up.
I don't mind the idea of having a Hardcore Title. I know everyone is negging on it, but personally, if you lose the pointless Global Title then I don't see the problem. Maybe not long term, but definitely during the big kick off that's going to happen with this supposed ECW stable. It wouldn't be a bad idea to coincide with the Dreamer stuff.

The Global Title is pointless anyway. It's just a train to carry Rob Terry forward. It's barely being mentioned and doesn't feel like a real belt. What I'd do, is have Dreamer or Raven or the whole ECW stable whoever it may be, annihilate Rob Terry fairly brutally; take the title and disfigure it into some scruffy ramshackle Hardcore Title. Run with that for a bit until the stable goes it's course and inevitably disbands.
Run with that for a bit until the stable goes it's course and inevitably disbands.

That was the problem the Legends Title faced. Once it ran its course, they needed to get rid of it. So they had EY make some bogus rant about defending it overseas, and essentially took it off the air. What will they do after the stable disbands, and the Hardcore belt is no longer needed? They will change it to something else lame, and lose some more prestige in the process, and start the circle over. If they want that, they should just make a "Name It Yourself and Regulations" Title. Haha
I have thought about this for a bit now, and I think the TNA will go more hardcore with their product. I read that the president of SPIKE TV has even given the go ahead to TNA to go more hardcore,(maybe to pick up more UFC style fan's and obviously to pick up WWE post fan's of PG era.

The ECW style angle would make sense, and open way for a new TNA extreme title, or hardcore title. Which would also be a big reason for TNA turning ABYSS , because he is a hardcore wrestler.

I also think you will see ERIC BISCHOFF turn on HULK HOGAN, and lead the extreme group against a HOGAN/TNA savior group, which would be a great angle.

So does anyone else think that a hardcore championship belt is in the work's for TNA?

Please... No TNA hater's... Just some constructive reply's.
Yes and it very well should be! everyone remembers how exciting the hardcore matches were i wwe. it would be great to see what happens.
this is what tna needs to get over!!!!!!!!
As far as Bischoff goes he will not lead the ecw faction! if anyone should it is Paul Heyman!!!!!!!Cant wait to see what happens!!!
Frankly I'm surprised they haven't already created a hardcore belt. They've definitely had their share of hardcore matches. But adding it now, with the ECW guys coming in, would be the perfect time. Everyone who comes in from ECW would automatically be inserted into the division. Abyss is an obvious choice since those are his best style of matches. Also if Mick Foley returns you might even see him in some of those matches. Add a few others already in TNA and it could work. It would give more excuses for 3D to use tables. I just hope they don't go too hardcore with the show though. Too much of that stuff just gets old.
I don't think so. While it would be cool to see another hardcore title out there TNA has way to may titles that it needs to make look better (Global, X-Division, Tag, Knockouts, and Knockout's Tag) before they can even think of making a new belt and even when it is a realistic goal all those title are too much for one two hour show a week and TNA is nowhere near making a second show so it is highly unlikely that this would happen anytime soon. Great idea though I really wish that there was still a Hardcore Title out there.
I they should have it, I heard rumours about TNA dropping the Global championship and I think that is what should happen..take that useless title away and bring in a Hardcore/Extreme championship belt..TNA need it aswell, i mean they are TV-14 aren't they, like back in the attitude era right??

They have all these monster ball matches and other crazy match types, the hardcore title could fit right in...
No no no, please god no! Not another title. Look. Lets put this as succinctly as possible;

Their main titles mean hee haw (thats scottish for "fuck all" - which in turn is Scottish for "absolutely nothing my dear fellow, hmm what-ho" ) Its a funny happen chance when you can use an oxymoron to describe the situation, ie the titles are both diluted AND saturated, which is why the product is thus aswell. Everything and everyone is all about the belts (or at least thats how it used to be, when wrestling was still good) therefore the product revolves around these belts and the struggle to obtain them. Belts mean hee haw, product suffers. More belts more damage and less focus on the others - that, lets face it, are sorely lacking.

less titles I say
Considering that I've just read some "news" about TNA going Hardcore, I'd say it's going to happen. And you can blame the focus groups for it if you really must, because they all said they preferred ECW (Original not WWECW) to any show in that time period.

Also in other "news" Spike TV are trying to sign Heyman to TNA as the writer/booker with the whole creative under his control, and Bischoff being involved in some way.

Personally I think it'll improve if Heyman gets control, because at least that way you'll know what to expect. But you won't know when to expect it, anyway it's most likely a pipe dream that Heyman would join TNA. He seems happy helping Lesner and writing books amongst other things.
Im not a really big fan of getting a Hardcore Title.Notice TNA already has too many titles.Global Championship is good enough.TNA already has too many titles.
I know this is an old thread but I didn't bump it...

Only four titles on TNA? for a two hour show a week? That's more then enough. why would they need another belt? Especially a hardcore title that is too much like the one the WWE had. there is no point making another title for TNA, not when they should focus on the ones they have a bit more.
Since there is no reason for a Global title, there isn't really a reason for a hardcore title either. Since so many Knockouts have left TNA over the past few months, there isn't any reason to have the Knockouts tag team titles either. I know TNA is planning some sort of ECW Invasion, but there is no need for a title in hardcore wrestling. Doug Williams is the X Division champion but he is the last person you would think would represent the X division.

Just because Williams has a different wrestling style then most American wrestlers, doesn't mean that they should create a belt just for him. The Global title is pretty much a waste because its like the European title. Any wrestler can hold it now, but at the time the title could only be defended on foreign soil against a foreign wrestler.

TNA needs to get rid of titles instead of adding new ones. They barely use the ones that they have.

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