So WWE.COM is teasing a comback of the HARDCORE TITLE...

No, everyone would go step down if they started competing for the Hardcore Title. It was a prop, most matches weren't all that good sans some as Naitch mentioned.

But it really wouldn't do any good. The WWE's youth movement in pushing new stars is in good swing, and the mid-card talent have a better chance toiling it out rather than mugging each other at airports and pinning innocent bystanders (this happened once didn't it?).
there is a huge good thing to bringing back the hardcore title and doing this "real era" thing, check it out. You bring back the hardcore title, and you push twitter and youtube, you have title defenses and you show the footage in a youtube style video on air on smackdown and raw from what happen on such and such day or, you get it? It works out cause it plays on "real." So you take a idea that has worked before for a while, and you just improve on it. Great job WWE!!!
I hope they keep the belt retired. Hardcore and PG aren't too things that will mix well together. Plus, if it were to be anything like the last time WWE used the title, it would only be a matter of time before it was a way to use Santino in some comedy bits as Hardcore Champion.
I'd love to see the hardcore title come back but honestly, in the PG era, how hardcore can it be? It was great in the days of Mick Foley and Bob Holly but now, who on the roster is going to compete for it?

I mean, they might be using it as a way to get NXT talent over in the WWE or to put lower midcarders in the spotlight but you can't just stick any old person in a hardcore match in the PG era and make it believable.
As much as I'd like to see the hardcore title back I just can't see it happening. As others have said we're in the PG Era and I can't see hardcore working in 2011. I'm guessing your can't hit someone over the head with a trash can now.

Crash Holly made the hardcore division what it was with the Houdini of hardcore gimmick and I can't see that being re-created well.
If they used the title properly, I guess it could be of benefit to wrestlers on the lower card. It could give wrestlers with generally nothing going on something to do.

As for how it could work in the current climate, I don't see a problem at all. We've seen plenty of no DQ/no holds barred style matches in WWE over the past several years that've been extremely good. The WWE can get away without having to use blood or unprotected shots to the head. They've proven time and time again that it's perfectly possible to have a great hardcore match without the over the top violence one might expect.

As for the title itself, design a new one if you're gonna bring it back. It's just hard for me to take a title seriously when it's, literally, a trashed and torn up piece of junk. Another thing is that the 24/7 rule should not be brought back. It took the title and rendered it as nothing more than a cheap prop that was impossible to take seriously. It's hard to look at a title as being something legit, something a wrestler can brag about or be proud of, something to be coveted when it changes hands over 200 times during an existence of less than 4 years.

When it's all said and done though, I kinda hope they don't go through with it. I just have a feeling it'd turn out to be a bad idea and that they'd go down the same road with it that they did the first time around.
Interesting idea, I guess. The Hardcore Title would probably be a nice title to give to lower card guys, but it would need an overhaul. Much like Jack-Hammer said, a new design, no 24/7 rule, just update it to fit today's product, really. It would be a nice stepping stone for a relatively new guy, it would definitely help him get over and work his way up the card.

That being said, I don't think they'll do it. It's not that you can't have Hardcore-type matches, it's just that the title would probably end up being a prop. They have enough of a hard time keeping the Intercontinental and United States Championships relevant (Ziggler and Rhodes are doing a hell of a job), they don't need another title in the mix. It would end up being a sideshow, much like the Cruiserweight Championship was near the end of its run... Honestly, I don't want to see that.
The return of the Hardcore Championship could be fun television hopefully with a return of the 24/7 rule but my issue with reviving the championship is who in the WWE at the moment is "hardcore" enough to hold the championship back when the title was defended weekly you had badasses like Raven, Rhyno, Al Snow and guys who suited the championship i cant think of anybody who could suit the title in todays roster.
The return of the Hardcore Championship could be fun television hopefully with a return of the 24/7 rule but my issue with reviving the championship is who in the WWE at the moment is "hardcore" enough to hold the championship back when the title was defended weekly you had badasses like Raven, Rhyno, Al Snow and guys who suited the championship i cant think of anybody who could suit the title in todays roster.

Mick Foley's returning ok?
Right, Who got Orton over has a hardcore guy?
That's right Mick Foley.
Who put on one of the most hardcore matches in WrestleMania history?
Correct you've got it Mick Foley.

Now who's credible to feud with Mick and get put over in such a way?
Yes I said it, have him drop the US belt to say Sheamus and have Foley make some kind of comment that opens up Ziggler to beat on Mick, now keep Mick out until Royal Rumble have him return and eliminate Ziggler leaving Ziggler to call out Foley in Micks type of match the "Hardcore Rules" then have Vickie get Dolph some "Hardcore guys" bring back guys like Rhino, Snow for one night only deals to put Ziggler over and him claim to be the greatest hardcore guy ever which would allow Foley to revive the Hardcore title with a fresh new belt at WrestleMania, chances are WWE would allow both guys to go nuts and what a way to bring the belt back, WrestleMania 28 kind of feels like the Attitude Era-esque event.
I think if there was a revival of the hardcore title it should be in tna. That would def raise ratings plus they have the superstars for it. Abyss, could bring back dreamer, aj styles,gunner, and james storm. They could all be good hardcore champs. Plus in wwe i think itss better to bring back the european championship. You have william regal, wade barrett, sheamus, tyson kidd, and mason ryan. There all of foreign descent so why not bring back the title. It was a pretty good mid card title so why not?
I think if there was a revival of the hardcore title it should be in tna. That would def raise ratings plus they have the superstars for it. Abyss, could bring back dreamer, aj styles,gunner, and james storm. They could all be good hardcore champs. Plus in wwe i think itss better to bring back the european championship. You have william regal, wade barrett, sheamus, tyson kidd, and mason ryan. There all of foreign descent so why not bring back the title. It was a pretty good mid card title so why not?

The European Championship returning wouldn't be a huge surprise considering they tour over there a decent amount of time, but that would/could only happen if say Ryan beat Ziggler for the US Championship and too enhance his character with importantce the E/creative have him claim to be the European Championship now that would be cool, but the Hardcore Championship helps everyone. You could be a main eventer or you could simply be a low carder but the matches are different to standard matches, the guys with different styles can make themselves look effective in hardcore rules, Steve Blackman, Road Dogg, Rob Van Dam are probably the 3 guys who really made being Hardcore Champion look cool, more so Road Dogg he held the belt 3rd and his matches were pretty intense and hardcore it's a shame WWE didn't push him further with the belt but the lower card in WWE could do with a belt that shows guys in another light, ie how tough they actually are.

Imagine JoMo as Hardcore Champion?
Stop with the wet dream my friend but you see what I'm getting at, JoMo has zero respect from Vince for allowing Batista to bang Melina so what better way for JoMo to get himself noticed and run wild with the Hardcore division.

I'm a mark for the Hardcore belt, it's my favorite WWF/E Championship though I couldn't stand the 24/7 rule the orginial Hardcore championship matches could add to the show and use a lot of the freed up guys just bouncing around guys like Riley, imagine Henry as Hardcore Champion? under his current gimmick they could have him excel in the division like no one else before him, hell they have it were NO ONE on the roster wants to challenge him so they bring in the old hardcore guys who get a one shot deal and have someone Regal return with 2002 brass knuckles gimmick come in and win the belt allow him to have his final title run and with his unquie style it could give another style to the championship.

To be fair, I doubt WWE will bring the belt back, I truly hope they will as the possibilities are endless as I said in a previous post they could have Ziggler/Foley feud gives Ziggler that main event guy that is over but also willing to do some crazy shit to put someone over and allows Ziggler to focus on something different before he gets his World titles shot.

WWE could really do with a championship that is unique and different and gives the fans something else on the shows other than the standard tag/singles matches we get.
WWE Magazine

-WWE’s website has an article up where they’re pushing for the return of the Hardcore Title, after Cody Rhodes recently brought back the classic white Intercontinental Title. Here’s part of their hype:

“If the Hardcore Title ever does make a comeback, alliances will crumble and insanity will rule in its place, with an iron fist stronger than any potential Raw General Manager could ever dream of wielding. Whoever will place it around their waist will instantly be painting a target on their back. Everybody will be their enemy. Big, small, Superstar, Diva: all will be potential challengers, ready to pounce to win their own piece of glory. says: Bring back Hardcore havoc!”

I would love to see the title come back, trash cans, cooking sheets galore.I will would put it on veteran though.
Normally I'd be against something like this especially if they'd add in the 24/7 rule. However the product has become so boring and sterile I'd say go for it. And for those of you who say it wouldn't work because of PG, have you not watched the show when Crash Holly was feuding over it? There was almost no blood whatsoever. Folks have been hitting each other in the head with foreign objects(sans chairs) the last couple of years with Extreme Rules ppv, NoDQ matches, and randomly after matches, so what difference would it make? Plus it would give the lower level of talent something to do rather than just taking up space.
Why would they want to ignore the 24/7 rule, that was the best thing about the HC title... I hole they do ring it back, and roll in a few of the old Hardcore stars in the process.
No, no. No. How can you have a hardcore title or hardcore matches when there is a rule against showing blood on screen? I'm not saying I necessarily dislike the rule-you can go overboard in showing blood. But while not every hardcore match requires bloodshed, some of them do. Hell in a Cell and TLC just aren't the same in this new PG era, and neither would a hardcore title. Its time has passed.
No, no. No. How can you have a hardcore title or hardcore matches when there is a rule against showing blood on screen?

Because there was hardly any bloodshed during the belt's existence? And there is no rule against showing blood on screen; they've just said no to blading. Big deal. It could actually work today even with the 24/7 rule added. It was fun back in the day.
Bringing back the HC title would probably be the best thing that could happen to wwe. We need that hardcore factor back. I think WWe is too soft these days and the matches are never special matches on RAW at least and if they are its something boring like a lumberjack match. I remember raw would have cage matches, ladder matches, table matches. Now its like a bad divas match, john laurinitas talking, and john morrison losing.
Bringing back the HC title would probably be the best thing that could happen to wwe. We need that hardcore factor back. I think WWe is too soft these days and the matches are never special matches on RAW at least and if they are its something boring like a lumberjack match. I remember raw would have cage matches, ladder matches, table matches. Now its like a bad divas match, john laurinitas talking, and john morrison losing.

I said similar in the previous thread,

The thing I loved about the hardcore title was it's uniqueness and the fact these guys (anyone on the roster) could show their toughness, grit and pride over a smashed up old WWF Belt was truly amazing.

The thing is every show has the same matches and the same outcomes, WWE needs to add to the show, they've revamped their tag division to a degree which was good, they'd started to revamp their cruiser now what they need is the hardcore division brought back to utilize the un-used talent.

What people forget is the Hardcore title was defined by styles, Mankind didn't really have any hardcore matches where-as two month later you had Bossman/Road Dogg having some pretty hardcore matches, followed by Holly and Al Snow, all guys who wouldn't shine in any other singles division other than the Hardcore division and i see the same devide in todays product.
Why would they want to ignore the 24/7 rule, that was the best thing about the HC title... I hole they do ring it back, and roll in a few of the old Hardcore stars in the process.

That would be great. It would make for some very funny backstage segments. I'm picturing Santino Marella and Zack Ryder rolling with it.
epic fail, too many titles already in WWE. Sure have hardcore matches, but why does there need to be another worthless title invovled. Hell they have devalued the WWE Championship and WHC so much, belts are just props now, they mean nothing which is very sad.
How do you do hardcore matches and still keep the PG-family friendly atmosphere WWE wants? You can't. Besides, WWE doesn't need another meaningless title.
How do you do hardcore matches and still keep the PG-family friendly atmosphere WWE wants? You can't. Besides, WWE doesn't need another meaningless title.

Well it's absolutely ******ed saying WWE can't do Hardcore matches and keep the PG rating, as they've used the same style matches and kept along the guide lines.

I wish people would think twice before posting absolute rubbish.
I would like it if there were a few things set. For example, if they had 15 minutes each show with about 5 guys and no dq/count-out, I think it would be great. Fo those saying it wouldn't work without blood, don't be stupid. I have seen plenty of entertaining hardcore belt matches without blood.

i think this would be a great move for the wwe. as a fan i would love to see the old school title back in action with all its duct taped glory. then again last i heard mic foley holds the hardcore title. personally they should either have foley appear as the guest host and have him set up a match for the title as the main event. have it like cm punk, or mason ryan vs the miz or brodus clay. though i would say they should make a new hardcore championship belt, or a remake of the classic belt. but if they got the old belt back that would be awesome!!! then all they need is the cruiserweight championship belt back and i think the wwe could utilise everyone. And of course, you have to have the 24/7 rule because thats just awesome. really love the fact that someone can challenge for the title at virtually anytime, and anywhere.


it would work great cause then we have: main eventers (wwe, WHC, HC), tag team division, mid carders (IC, US), cruiserweight, and then have your jobbers. now everyone has a place, everyone can get some glory. just a thought.
Bring back the HC title? What the fuck? Bring back the 24/7 rule? What the fuck? The HC title (Raven Vs Rhino feud aside) was a complete joke from the moment Crash Holly started the 24/7 rule. Yeah it'd give more people a belt to be going after but, WWE is cartoonish enough as it is, adding that dumb ass title to the mix (and bringing back that childish rule) would just enforce that image even further. Plus, with the current WWE bookers, I can't see them doing anything of relevance with the title.

It died a long, slow, painful death...leave it at that.

Hell, I'd rather have the European title come back and, in all honesty, that title was a piece of shit for most of its existence.

WWE's got enough titles as it need to add another piece of "fools gold". How about bringing some REAL relevance to the IC & European title before looking at bringing back the shitty gimmick belt.

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