So WWE.COM is teasing a comback of the HARDCORE TITLE...


Pre-Show Stalwart
“If the Hardcore Title ever does make a comeback, alliances will crumble and insanity will rule in its place, with an iron fist stronger than any potential Raw General Manager could ever dream of wielding. Whoever will place it around their waist will instantly be painting a target on their back. Everybody will be their enemy. Big, small, Superstar, Diva: all will be potential challengers, ready to pounce to win their own piece of glory. says: Bring back Hardcore havoc!”

What's that mean for the pg era? I know lately they have done, and said some risky thing's pushing the pg envelope, but hardcore is hardcore.
If they don't bring it back for how it was meant to be used I don't see any point in it returning. I absolutely loved the hardcore matches back in the attitude era, when you were champ, no matter where you were you could get your ass kicked and pinned. It was always a fun segment, but I don't see hardcore staying inside the pg era bounds.

I think the WWE realizes that pg might be good to a certain extent, but I think with ppv buy's down, and ratings have slumped overall since doing away with the attitude era, there going to try in find a happy medium.

So how do you guy's feel about a possible return of the hardcore title?
Could be a way to bring Mick Foley back?

I am torn with my thoughts on this. I also loved the Hardcore Title and the matches it produced. I even liked the Al Snow Vs Big Boss Man matches which I know many people do not share the love for. I liked when the 24/7 rule was bought in and found it all very entertaining but I am not sure it is suited for todays WWE. I don't feel it's unsuited because of any PG era... you can push the PG thing quite far and Cena Vs Del Rio - Last Man Standing match proved the WWE can still put on "Hardcore" style bouts and make them entertaining. I just am not sure the WWE has the right roster for the Hardcore Title anymore. Back in the Attitude Era there was a great main event scene, great midcard scene, decent Tag Teams, Light Heavyweight scene and the diva scene and then they had a lot of oddballs who could be part of one of the scenes or just be odd and compete for the Hardcore Title. Nowdays the WWE struggles to produce a Tag Team division and up until recently had two belts in the midcard scene that really meant nothing. Adding another belt right now may not be a good idea. I am probably replying without fully thinking it through and look foward to reading other posts but yeah, as much as I would love the Hardcore Title back in practice I am not sure. Who would fight for it? Hornswoggle, Santino?? The oddballs nowdays are horrible.

I would be all for it being bought back and repackaged, restyled to mean something a little different to before. A belt for hard hitting shoot style wrestling with less rules and a division full of tough, technical wrestlers like William Regal, Daniel Bryan etc.. but again that just takes certain people away from an already thin IC, US Title scene. I don't heart says yes though. It's definitely something I very much enjoyed.
It's interesting and I wouldn't mind it but I would rather have the 24/7 rule thrown out. Sure it was funny but if they have alot of low-card guys get it and lose it in 5 minutes, then how does that push them into the mid-card titles? WWE has alot of titles right now and they are doing fine without the Hardcore title.
I truly hope WWE do bring the belt back I always enjoyed the belt (pre-24/7 rule) and believe if it's brought back it would be benefit more of the talent than two mid card belts and utilize more of the talent.

Don't have the 24/7 rule, it doesn't add anything unless Santino is the champion, but I'd rather see him show his skills in such a broad range match then the standard comic matches he's in.

As said above allow Mick Foley to bring the championship back... after all he is/was Co champion last, but if WWE bring it back at least bring in a new fresh championship to give it a fresh look.
If the Hardcore Title does...IFFFF....make a comeback then it has to be 24/7 for the sole reason that WWE will then try and make it only a title that is defended just like other titles and that is not okay with me! I am not getting my hopes us because it probably wont happen just like that NWO thing that they had on there a while back...
I would LOVE to see the Hardcore title back .I used to love the hardcore time-limit title matches they used to have, where the title changed hands about 30x in 15 minutes. It was all-action mayhem and you never knew who was going to end up with the belt.

Raven, Rhyno, Dreamer, Credible (all big favourites of mine) were always involved, it was awesome. I loved the hardcore triple threat match at WM17 with Raven, Big Show and Kane.

However, how is the hardcore title going to fit in with the current WWE product? They have outlawed chair shots to the head, no blood is on WWE tv and therefore every hardcore match would be half-assed, with little violence and no head shots. I can't see it working. If it was to come back, I would want to see genuine hardcore matches, not PG WWE ones.

Plus. who would compete in the division? In the old days of the hardcore title, there were loads of ex-ECW guys who wrestled the hardcore style, plus WWE guys like Hardcore Holly, Steve Blackman, Bradshaw etc, but who is suited to it now? I cant think of anyone really.

So as much as I want to see the Hardcore title come back, I dont think its the right time right now
The hardcore division in the WWE today would be so boring I hope they keep the belt retired. While I loved the belt back in the day when Crash would be the Houdini of Hardcore and everything in today's ridiculous WWE publicity rules it wouldn't work for a number of reasons:

1. It would have to be on 1 brand unless they ALWAYS do supershows from this point forward.
2. WWE's "no blood" policy- Hardcore means BLOOD. Unless we're talking about softcore hardcore then ok. Because there can be chair shots, kendo-stick shots and everything that don't require blood.
3. No "head" shots. Well that just stinks. Who the heck wants a guy to wind up a chair just to...hit him in the stomach or back. Yeah that isn't exciting.
4. Who would go after the Hardcore title? Because you wouldn't want your high up guys going after it so that eliminates quite a bit. And to be honest I really wouldn't want to watch a Hardcore title match with some low card guys. Just doesn't seem practical.

I could just be spoiled due to the golden era of pro wrestling. But back when headshots, blood and everything was legit things were good. What is a guy going to scream when he gets hit during a hardcore match? I'm used to "F*CK" and all kinds of other stuff. How believable is a guy getting hit with a chair and he says "ouch" or "dang"?

If the WWE does bring back the hardcore division I do hope they allow blood and headshots. Blood just makes a match a bit more emotional/suspenseful in a way.
Just my opinion but yeah...
Why can't the WWE bring back something like the old Warzone idea. Have the first hour of Raw as it is now and have the second half slightly more edgy. Doesn't mean each week when the hour mark is passed wrestlers have to bleed, get naked and swear each week. Just allow that little bit more as far as bending rules go. Most of the time nothing has to even change at all but to have that bit of leeway existing for something like a Hardcore match late on in the show would be nice.
IMO It Wouldnt Work Now. It Only Worked Back then Because Some Were Just Thought Of As Hardcore with ECW Going And WCWs Hardcore Division Ceasing to Exist you Had Peopld Who Enbodied Hardcore and Had that Kind of Feel. Does Anyone Really see Ted Dibiase as the Hardcore Champion?
Didnt WWE.Com do This with the PPV Name Halloween Havoc and Claiming its Gonna Return? Fat Chance.
1. It would have to be on 1 brand unless they ALWAYS do supershows from this point forward.
2. WWE's "no blood" policy- Hardcore means BLOOD. Unless we're talking about softcore hardcore then ok. Because there can be chair shots, kendo-stick shots and everything that don't require blood.
3. No "head" shots. Well that just stinks. Who the heck wants a guy to wind up a chair just to...hit him in the stomach or back. Yeah that isn't exciting.
4. Who would go after the Hardcore title? Because you wouldn't want your high up guys going after it so that eliminates quite a bit. And to be honest I really wouldn't want to watch a Hardcore title match with some low card guys. Just doesn't seem practical.

1. Not really. The Divas and Tag titles are both cross branded, and having another singles title that's also cross branded could work out even more.
2. Hardcore does NOT mean blood. Hardcore means to take to the extreme measures.
3. How does "no head shots" affect anything? And you're telling me that with the recent studies on the dangers of head trauma, the same studies that have shown to destroy brains of many great athletes in sports all over the world... you STILL want to allow chair shots to the head? Where in the hell is your sanity?
4. You mean just like in your precious "Golden Era" where big names didn't hold the Hardcore title either? The biggest names that have held the title are Taker and Kane... other than that, when the current Big Stars of today had it, they were the lower cards of your precious "golden era".

I could just be spoiled due to the golden era of pro wrestling. But back when headshots, blood and everything was legit things were good. What is a guy going to scream when he gets hit during a hardcore match? I'm used to "F*CK" and all kinds of other stuff. How believable is a guy getting hit with a chair and he says "ouch" or "dang"?

I'm so sick of people saying that the Attitude era was the golden era. The Attitude era was, at best, mediocre wrestling with shitty run-ins that ended every match. If you want the Attitude era, watch TNA or something...
Well it could be used for the Low Card. 24/7 rule cant apply...i just feel having everyone with the power of Money in the bank is too stupid. The Hardcore title could be for the D-C rankers and get them up ONLY IF there is no 24/7 rule cause then i dont see why people just dont jump the champ at every second lol.

IF the Hardcore title returns...instead of a 24/7 rule, just say the title will NEVER be defended on a 1 on 1 bases. the smallest match possible will be a triple threat and there MUST always be a stipulation. (Table match, ladder match, chair match, submission match, lumber jack, etc...)

Also change the design, i dont know....its just my personal beef. I mean it looks shattered and duck tapped and all saying champion and some people are fine with that. but i've seen gr.3 kids make that out of paper mache. Make it look like a great title. HELL make it look like your old ECW (Silver, or platinum) title. thats just MY opinion.
Why would anyone want the Hardcore title belt to return? Of all the titles, why that one?

That title was lame even during the attitude era. And that's back when they allowed blood. It made a mockery of hardcore wrestling.

I really don't want to see a bunch of NXT rejects chasing Hornswoggle around the backstage area over a meaningless title.

Bringing back the hardcore title will just lead to more lame comedy segements with D list wrestlers who don't belong on the show to begin with.
The hardcore belt was shit. The matches were shit, and most of the wrestlers that competed for it were shit. So how about... NO?

however I would rather watch the hardcore matches happen than watching, for instance, Goldust and a bunch of other people dancing in the middle of the ring for 5 minutes and I dont think many people will disagree with me there?
i'm not happy with this because
1. this ain't the attitude era where you could hit people in the head with chairs,kendo sticks,thumbtacks and ect
2. i know some people say wreslters don't need to bleed in hardcore matches. wtf its a hardcore match blood is suppose to come out.
3. does this tell us something about the pg era
How Do I personally feel about it?
AWESOME! Besdies maybe a light-heavyweight/cruiserweight title the Hardcore is definatley the next title in line to be back!!! and I never liked the whole PG era concept, even though I can see where it sells.

But seriously people?!?! this is same division as WWE mag. now) There whole job is too drop suttle hints about the company being the super-smarks they are and they report BS pumping up the fans(even internet ones) and the stars they pay the most for(Cena and Taker, etc.) In there past issue they hype up Taker returning at Vengeance and HHH winning a world title at Night Of Champs. Dont read too much into this people, thats all im saying but Im All for it!!!
WWE magazine teased the return of The Undertaker at Vengeance. Did it happen??

Same way they are teasing the return of the Hardcore title just for grabbing a few extra buyers. Also, there were rumors that WWE was going to bring back the Cruiserweight title but didn't. I wouldn't take this article too seriously.
I'd be curious to see who would step up and really run with the title, much like Crash Holly did. He WAS the hardcore division for a long time and it really made him relevant at the time. I don't think the hardcore title would work well in todays WWE. Yes, some matches are starting to look more like the brawls of the AE, but for the most part the WWE is focusing more on good technical wrestling. Plus a PG Hardcore title just isn't something that makes a whole lot of sense to me.
1.These kind of topics make me think WWE Moles post these subjects to test the waters on ideas. I mean, people actually go to For what, to watch a replay of something they'll show us 5 times?

2. Its amazing how man people declined on the title because "WWE prohibits headshots". Wow. Kinda harsh guys. Wrestlers need their brains too. I'm declining as well, but for other reasons.

No Passion-Wrestlers are one of 3 people:
1. Athletes who failed at the sport they truly loved, but still need to entertain the masses. They need that fix.(The Rock, John Cena)

2. Actors with athleticism or good look(Otunga,Ryan)

3. People who truly grow up looking to become wrestlers(Punk, DBD)

Only group 3 would really be willing to pursue a Hardcore Title, but that group spends their time jobbing to groups 1 & 2. You would think group 1 or 2 would be willing to fight for the Hardcore Title, but like Flair said on Impact tonight "We let a whole bunch of punks in the game" Pretty boys like Ryan(yea, I'm down on him) & Riley arent thinking about tough matches, just tough snatches.

And Triple Naitch said it earlier, the title was built primarily around ECW guys. When I think of the Hardcore belt, I think of Al Snow & Bob Holly. Those were two low-mid carders then, but I still think they had more toughness & passion in the ATTITUDE ERA than any main eventer nowadays.

But really, doesn't WWE got enough on its mind to fail on before you start bringing up other things for them to drop the ball on? Lets make a quick list(I like list)

1. CM that Punk couldve been something special
2. John I've Cena nuff of him. Can he fake an injury, make a movie, & come back & win the Rumble like he always does?
3. Miz/Truth-Bad Guys gone funny. Used to be perfect chemistry & spontaneity, now its just a perfect joke for the Rock.
4. Alberto Del Rio- Your destiny is to be the 1st WWE champion to open a PPV. Seems like they give him segments now just to get it over with. He was so cool this time last year!
5. Dolph Ziggler/Cody Rhodes- For you two guys to be establishing belts, you spend more time on your back than my girlfriend on my birthday.
6. Danile Bryan Danielson- Might as well throw that briefcase in the Pacific Ocean. Can he go back to fighting Tyson Kidd? I forgot how DBD looked winning.
7. Triple H- The new Undertaker, but he'll bury you twice as fast. "Did that loss at Night of Champions help you at all Punk? No? Well team with me next time. Dang you got pinned again? Whew! Glad it wasnt me!"

Christian/Sheamus/Mark Henry- Good job with these guys though. Please dont mess up Mr. McMahon...
Don't really have a problem with this. This could be fun, and be something for Superstars the show and the lesser talent in the WWE. Even in the PG era the hardcore title could very well work. It would definitely need to have the 24/7 rule attached to it. Otherwise, it wouldn't really seem like it would serve it's purpose. Spontaneity is key at times. It just seems like a good idea to me. Two thumbs up!
Just like they "teased" a nWo reformation. It seems like that WWE can't post anything in an article that refers to the past without it being a "tease" at future content. Wrestlezone front page strikes again with its top notch investigative news team, but for the sake of the thread I'll go ahead and humor the idea.

The Hardcore Title could work, but I can't help but feel that a lot would be missed with the absence of blood. We still have weapon matches and other various "hardcore-style" themed matches, so it's not like "hardcore" is dead. It's just toned a bit. The concept could work, but do we really need another mid-card title that doesn't get respect. Maybe if the WWE can successfully book their current mid-card titles into the shows that are already packed with a cluster of ideas; then we could talk about adding another title.

I don't see how they could be thinking of even adding another title when they can't even provide a decent foundation for the tag titles. Tag matches sell themselves if you can just put together some decent teams and actually form a division.

Do I think that the Hardcore Title should come back? No.

Do I think that this article was a "tease" for it? No.
Oh by the way I'm STILL waiting for you to prove to me what you said:

Where did Linda ever say that? By all means let me see that interview and statement because if she went on the record as you state it would be very easy to access on the internet.

Totally irrelevant topic... What IS relevant is the fact that MANY of sources (and here I'll be sure to site them this time) have stated that head concussions in sports and humans in general cause total malfunctions in the way a human body operates.

Mild brain injury-related factors that increase the risk for persisting post-concussion symptoms include an injury associated with acute headache, dizziness, or nausea; a Glasgow Coma Score of 13 or 14; post-traumatic amnesia lasting longer than an hour; and suffering another head trauma before recovering from the first. The risk is also increased in people who experience stress, have traumatic memories of the event, or expect to be disabled by the injury.
Wikipedia... and of course because people believe that it's not true, here are the sited source they also use.

Source 1

Source 2

Do a bit more research than what kind of asian porn you want to watch, and you might learn something useful...

What also IS relevant is the fact that you didn't say anything in your original post to further prove that there were names bigger or as big as Taker and Kane that held the Hardcore title at the time. And before you act like a smart-ass, Edge doesn't count as a Hardcore champion that was a big name because WWE doesn't recognize his & Mick's co-champion reign.
Totally irrelevant topic... What IS relevant is the fact that MANY of sources (and here I'll be sure to site them this time) have stated that head concussions in sports and humans in general cause total malfunctions in the way a human body operates.

Wikipedia... and of course because people believe that it's not true, here are the sited source they also use.

Source 1

Source 2

Do a bit more research than what kind of asian porn you want to watch, and you might learn something useful...

What also IS relevant is the fact that you didn't say anything in your original post to further prove that there were names bigger or as big as Taker and Kane that held the Hardcore title at the time. And before you act like a smart-ass, Edge doesn't count as a Hardcore champion that was a big name because WWE doesn't recognize his & Mick's co-champion reign.

Kid. clearly you spoke out the wrong end when you messaged me calling me a moron and then making that claim about Linda McMahon and Vince Russo. I see you can answer it here WITHOUT proof, and ignore my PM.

Where did the OP make reference to Taker or Kane? Last I checked the OP simply asked: "So how do you guy's feel about a possible return of the hardcore title?" which i very clearly answered. Again- quit trying to 1 up me because whenever you respond to something I write you dig yourself deeper into the moron-hole. It'll take you a lifetime to climb out of it at this rate. I mean it's bad enough that you clearly have trouble reading what the OP has asked... Maybe you should go back and get the hooked on phonics out?

But if you MUST have a name of someone who has held the Hardcore Title that is as big as Taker and/or Kane: How about...Big Show? Kurt Angle? Chris Jericho?
When CM Punk eventually wins the WWE championship, he should bring back the winged eagle belt. As for the spinner belt, Punk smashes it into pieces which will be the new design for the hardcore championship. Punk then gives the renewed hardcore title to ADR as a consolation prize.
I don't care very much about this, but I also don't think it's a particularly great idea. That style of wrestling just doesn't really exist anymore. Back then, WWE had guys like Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhyno, Saturn... they had all those old ECW guys and the people from WCW's "hardcore division". Unless they go out and bring a bunch of older guys back -- which hopefully they don't -- who would be in that division today? That's not how the roster is currently constructed.
I for one was a Hardcore Title fan when it had the 24/7 rule. That was aweseome because you never knew what part of the show a hardcore match would be shown. Almost everyone held the title which was neat. I hope they do bring it back and have the 24/7 rule in affect. It's very entertaining in my opinion.

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