So, Spring Cleaning...

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
Didn't really happen did it? The WWE usually cuts a lot of talent in the Spring, but here we are at the beginning of August and there's still a lot of dead weight on the roster.

A bit odd, no?
Not at all. So many names in th past year left on their own accord(Edge, Hardy, MVP) while others weren't as active any more('Taker, HHH)
Seems like the majority of people have somewhere to be now,so there was no need to make any massive cuts.
Think of how much money was freed up with Edge and HBK retiring within a year of each other. With the time they had in and their position in the company thats got to be at least 20 million dollars the WWE can use to recruit other stars. Triple H and Taker being part time has also probably been a big relief on the companies pocket books.

Hardy and MVP probably made decent money, but no where near what Edge, HBK, Taker and HHH were making
The Matt Hardy shot was just good.

LSG Jimmy, I had just posted on a DDP thread and when I saw your Jim Morrison avatar, it looked like they caught him in the middle of throwing down the Diamond Cutter sign. BANG!
I'm sure Matt was making a nice chunk of money. He said in one of his videos that he would never have to work for money again thanks to the WWE. Yeah,yeah I know he could be lying, stfu. He was one of the most tenured WWE superstars so there is more than likely truth in that statement.
Masters was still in WWE? I honestly though he was gone long ago. Say... What happened to his push?


Vladimir was funny and Masters was awesome :(
Damn. I was ranking my top ten favorite guys in WWE/TNA in the shower this morning, and Masters and Kendrick were neck and neck for the tenth spot. Well then. Congrats, Brian.
I really enjoyed Vlad's last run, but what else did he have to offer? Without Santino (think Martin and Lewis), I don't see the value, not anymore.

Masters was doomed from the moment he came back, and DH... that's a bit surprising (because of his name, obviously).
Thank God Smith is gone. Remix hasn't said much about him in months, and I'm still tired of pretending I'll ever bother looking into all the nice things he had to say about the Baby Bulldog.
No doubt JTG is next. And really, if anyone can think of any upside to Yoshi, please let me know. Don't get me wrong: I'm certain Yoshi can survive this round of cuts. But I just don't know why.
I can't believe Masters got cut, he was over as hell. Don't believe me? Watch Superstars when Santino hot-tagged him in, he got one hell of a pop. It's a shame, I was watching that edition and thinking: ''hmmm... Chris Masters could really be a main event player. He is actually quite good in the ring.'' Yeah, shame. DH Smith? Who the fuck cares? Melina? I'll miss her ass. Gail Kim? Meh. Koslov? Irrelevant since after his push.

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