So Is The Undertaker Done?

IMO, I think this was the last match for least at Wrestlemania. I have always believed that Taker's last match should be at the event where it all began, Survivor Series. The whole feel after his WM28 match with the curtain call however has me wondering if that was it for him. And who really can blame him? He has done all there is to do, he doesnt owe anyone anything anymore.

How knows, maybe the reason we havent heard anything yet is because he hasnt decided. Or maybe he doesnt want to make a big deal out of it. Either way, I hope to see him again...I am just not sure that is going to happen.
Last year I would have said yes.. But did you see how great he looked at Mania? He looked physically better, much better than he looked at WM27 where he spent most of the match on the mat trying to get up.. I don't mind him retiring, based on his character, it wouldn't look legit him having a send-off, he is part time, so you may as well say he is retired and just comes back for the big Mania streak match, I don't mind seeing him once a year honestly, the guy is a legend! He has soo much respect backstage and has had that respect for over 15 years.
The real question is, what does 'End of an era' actually mean?
So for Undertaker being done i don't see it he has at least 2 more mania's in him. Alot think of Cena or Brock facing what about a guy he never faced at Mania but just declared himself the greatest WWE Superstar of all time The Rock. The Rock might be the only guy Taker could work with that would have a story as good as he had with Triple H.
First of all i just have to ask. Are you trying to set a record on how many question marks are used in a short reply? If so you may now hold that record.
But anyway...

No need career wise? Yes his career is already good enough to bow out as being a total legend but youre forgetting one thing many wrestlers wouldnt be around for if it wasnt an issue. Money

Taker probably isnt in need of money, but honestly put yourself in his position, he has a few kids, has a lot of real estate interests. Would you turn down wrestling a match knowing it will do no harm whatsoever to your career for $500'000? If you say yes, you are lying.

They can make money from in continuing. Therefor he will be drawn back because of that. Maybe he just actually still likes competing, and still gets those butterflies each time he is walking out of the curtain.

I love how everyone says he has no one to face now. How the hell do you know whats going to happen in the next 12 months. Wrestling could boom and by next wrestlemania, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Zack Ryder etc could become a huge star and household name. Sting may go to the WWE. HBK may come out of retirement. Edge may come out of Retirement. Cena may be annoyed because he lost to the Rock and became that person no one remembers as being second, and challenge Taker to regain some honour.

No one can predict the future, so quit the rubbish of "he has no one left"

Undertaker is the most known person in the world to be associated with Pro Wrestling. He will keep coming back as long as theres money to be made, matches to be had, and butterflies in his stomach.

I think you need to do a little research, Taker doesnt need money. He has a very successful real estate business. As a matter of fact I do believe he has Brad Pitt and Angie Jolie as one of his tenents. Saying he has no one left is not at all rubbish
NO!!!!! hes not done ive been saying it for weeks to everyone who thought it would be his last match, undertaker will continue to work 1 match a year now and go to 25-0 at least, also the money matches are made for the next few opponents for him, cena-brock-austin-rock all huge money making streak threatening matches
I highly doubt it. The Undertaker is most certainly a "brand" in WWE and is one of the biggest stars in the history of the company. When Taker does decide to hang it up, believe me, there'll be no speculation about it because it'll be treated as a big deal, which it should be because it will be a big deal.

The Streak is a draw for WrestleMania. The last four years especially have featured Taker in some of the best matches in WM history and as long as Taker is physically able to perform and wants to continue doing it, then I don't look for it to end. Whenever Taker has returned the past few years as a WM special attraction, fan reaction & anticipation has been absolutely huge. The Streak is too profitable to just quietly walk away from, which is one reason why EVERYONE will know when Taker decides to call it a day.
I believe it was in one of last years in ring promos Taker and Triple H had in the ring where Taker said something along the line of "When my time comes, I would want no other person than you to be the one, but its not my time yet"

I think we all agree that Taker's exit should be a huge deal and done right.

One idea Ive always had is, that since Taker debuted in Survivor Series, why not end his career in the same event where he started.

Taker and Triple H can have a Casket match, Taker loses in spectacular fashion and gets 'Buried'.

I have been saying his career should end at Survivor Series for a while now. Keep his streak intact, and let someone go over him at SS. I have always said Taker respects this business, and when you retire you go out on your back. I can't see him wanting it any other way. Would also be a great way to spike Survivor Series buys, that haven't been to good as of late. Promote his final match at SS, and bring that year's event back to past glory. The next night on raw he gets his big send off, goes into the HOF at the next mania, and everyone is happy.
It wasn't his last match, but I also disagree he should go past next year...he has to drop the streak to someone, to not do so would not be true to the man behind the a wise meme once said... "One does not simply cancel Money In The Bank" and to my mind he will drop it to.... Wade Barrett...

Barrett before his injury was the perfect candidate to walk out of WM with the Money in the Bank and break the rules, cash it in against Taker... Taker would be "thrown" by it not being about his streak, but Barrett beating him, THEN cashing in... no man could surely be so stupid?

BUT it happens... Taker comes up short, Barrett walks out of WM 29 champ, maybe even beating Lesnar (with the inevitable face reaction) and the end of the PPV and Taker's career is the one knee to the new "man"...

If you can script it better... please try...but when Taker goes they need someone else... and Barrett is by far their best chance of a "legend of the future"...
Undertaker has never been seen at a H.O.F and isn't much for the good bye speaches, so I hope it wasn't Undertakers last match but I think it was. I think that's what the curtain call signified. I do think Undertaker will exit through the back door so I don't think we will ever know its his last match when that time comes. Just the thoughts of one man.
I think you need to do a little research, Taker doesnt need money. He has a very successful real estate business. As a matter of fact I do believe he has Brad Pitt and Angie Jolie as one of his tenents. Saying he has no one left is not at all rubbish

Yes i know all that, nor was i saying that he was in need or in debt. My point was no matter how much money someone has, they will never turn down a huge pay day.

If anyone on this board was a legend in some kind of sport. And they had a magnificent career. If they were offered major major money, no matter if they had 50 million pounds, you wouldnt turn it down. A wrestlemania payoff is MASSIVE. And for Taker, its for one nights work. You have completely missed my point. Im sure Taker doesnt NEED money, But theres not a person on this board or alive that would say no just because that match was "the perfect way to go"

This is why about 95% of all wrestlers that retire not due to injury, or old age eventually return.
The Undertaker isn't done.

He returned this year and looked exceptional. Is he going to comeback during the year for the odd match here or there? I can't honestly say. I'd love if he did because The Undertaker's presence is always well received by fans who respect and appreciate him. He'll definitely feature next year at Wrestlemania, especially considering they're probably giving him a year to rest again. This way he gets to rest, stay at home and be a wife and husband, come back for Wrestlemania, bring the atmosphere only The Undertaker brings and make WWE another boatload of money through ticket sales, pay-per-view buys and merchandise.

The Streak and The Undertaker as a whole has became a brand. He has became an attraction, and to quote a user on this forum who was at Wrestlemania, as a wrestling fan one thing you need to do before you die is see The Undertaker's entrance at Wrestlemania. If it feels special through a television, live is probably outstanding.
id be surprised if this is the end of the undertaker i would imagine they will give him a big retirement cermony on raw as big as flair's was i see undertaker having atleast 1 or 2 more wrestlemania matches possibly facing cena or lesnar this year (hopefully atleast) but not much more then that his body isnt in good condition at all
As for who Taker would want to end the streak, Michael Essany wrote in his Sting book that he wants it to be someone who is young and who will benefit from the win. He said Taker had wanted Angle to end it in 2006, but Vince wouldn't allow it. So they changed the match to No Way Out.

Supposedly Undertaker has pitched many ideas to Vince about ending the streak, but McMahon won't let him. Not yet anyway.

How true any of this is unknown, so don't take this post and twist it. I don't know if it's 100% truth.
I don't think he'll be around as a fulltime in ring competitor but I see him continuing his current schedule for quite a while. Every Wrestlemania for the past few years was gonna be his "last one" according to the smarks and every year he's back. Before that rumor started making the rounds every Wrestlemania was finally going to be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan in the main event. Wrestlemania came and went and the match never happened only for the rumor to start back up the next year.
It's significant to note how Vince McMahon has changed with the times. Didn't it used to be that his performers had to work the full schedule or not be employed by WWE? We lost a few good people along the way who wouldn't put up with the exhausting demands of being a WWE Superstar, the most notable of which was Brock Lesnar. He didn't like it, so he got out.

It's hard to pinpoint one event that started to change the status quo, but if I had to name a performer who did, it would be Shawn Michaels. He chose to spend a lot of time in virtual retirement while still being paid by the company (if what we read was true). I was surprised he returned to wrestling at all, but when he did, things seemed different; I had the feeling he was naming some of the terms under which he worked, which was something totally foreign to VKM's WWE (concessions about having to work house shows?). I think HBK might have been the pioneer in helping to alter VKM's thinking.

Things seem to have evolved. Brock is now working a limited schedule, which is something unheard of in past years. C.M. Punk, if it's not all storyline, has dictated some conditions that keep him with the company, though we can't be certain what's being done his way and not. Seemingly, though, concessions were made to keep him here, which would have been unheard of 10 years ago.

If a performer has the power, he might be able to bring it off. Of course, he's got to have incredible leverage to do it, otherwise half the locker room would be looking to cut a deal of their own.

If all this is so, Undertaker would certainly qualify as a guy who can name his terms. I think he's doing it already; who else gets to work one match a year? I believe he told Vince he'd work another few years if required only to perform at Wrestlemania, along with a few "non-violent" appearances in the weeks leading up to it. A suitcase full of money probably aids Vince in the negotiating process.

Yes, perhaps Vince can eventually wrangle another appearance or two during the year, perhaps at Summerslam.......essentially, though, if a legendary performer like Mark Callaway tells you to make the choice of either having him work once a year.....or not at all.....what would you do if you were Vince McMahon?

In the old days, Vince would probably just wind up hosting a retirement party for Undertaker. Today, he does it differently and it's a great thing for all of us that he does.
This was the "false advertising" issue I had with the whole End Of An Era match. They never really explained the stipulation behind the title of it. With the implications of the match title, one would assume that both Triple H and Undertaker would end the era by making this their final match. However, this was never actually said by either wrestler. Thus making the title given to the match, a lie. What exactly was the match the end of if neither wrestler who originated from the 1990-1995 era is choosing to hang up their boots?

So simply put, since no one came out and said this would be a career ending match for The Undertaker (nor for HHH), I'm still in doubt that this is the true end for him.
It all boils down to how Taker feels about the risk vs the rewards of it. Look at it this way if you could make upwards of 6 to 7 figures for one match and about five other appearances over the course of a year wouldn't you? As long as Taker feels he has one more good match in him he will do it. The only problem with him not being full time anymore is that we can pretty much be assured that he will win at Wrestlemania every year purely because Vince won 't want to give up one of his biggest attractions because once that streak is gone so is Taker.
At this point in the Undertakers career I think he is at a point where he may only wrestle 2 or 3 times a year one of them being Wrestlemania. I just dont think his body can handle performing even on a monthly basis. He is way to beat up and his retirement is right around the corner. I don't see him being around past next years Wrestlemania. After that I personally believe he is finished. You can see it when he walks he is in constant pain. If he is going to pass the torch next years Wrestlemania I believe is the place for him to do it. He is going to have to fall next year at mania and pass the torch to the next Phenom of the WWE whomever that is. He has had probably one of the best career's in the history of Pro Wrestling with what he has accomplished. I dont think anyone is willing to bad mouth the Undertaker.

If anyone on this board was a legend in some kind of sport. And they had a magnificent career. If they were offered major major money, no matter if they had 50 million pounds, you wouldnt turn it down. A wrestlemania payoff is MASSIVE. And for Taker, its for one nights work. You have completely missed my point. Im sure Taker doesnt NEED money, But theres not a person on this board or alive that would say no just because that match was "the perfect way to go".

I want you to think back two short yeara, and remember a man wh put his career on the line. In the main event of Wrestlemania 26. That man, in better health then Undertaker, and younger, walked away from the business after arguably one of the tpp 5 matches of his career. That man? shawn Michaels.

Could HBK still wrestle? I have no doubt about it. If I were a betting man, Id wager my hpuse that Vince McMahon, with whom Shawn is close, has probably offered him a big payday to wrestle again, whether it was in the past, or possibly in the future. As great as the HHH/Undertake match was, adding HBK to the mix may have possibly been greater. And while Im sure he got paid handsomely, how much more do you think that payoff would have been had it been HBK vs HHH vs Undertaker?

The point is, sometimes keeping ones word, principles and values, and ones health is more important then a damn payday. Just because YOU would take the money even if it meant compromising your word or your health, that doesn't mean everyone else would.

Undertaker has nothing left to prove, his body is ravaged by the injuries he's gained over the past 22 years, and he's set financially. For Undertaker, I think he'll come back if he feels reasonably healthy and for the right opponent, not for a paycheck.

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