So Is The Undertaker Done?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
There has been much speculation as to whether or not Undertaker is truly done wrestling forever after his great battle with HHH. At Wrestlemania 28. Justin LaBar wrote an article naming the top 3 opponents for Wrestlemania 29 (Lesnar, Rock, Cena). He also mentioned that in his opinion, he doesn't see Undertaker's WR28 match being his last.

But I have also read the opposite from bloggers who say he is done. If he is, I hate the fact that he didn't get his own retirement RAW. But maybe he didn't want it, riding quietly into the sunset instead.

So in the end and in your opinion, is the Undertaker truly done? Or will we hear the gong around the time the Royal Rumble rolls around in 2013?
No I don't think this is the end for the Undertaker just yet. Undertaker is one of the most popular and well respected wrestlers in the history of the sport, not just by the fans but among his peers as well.

When it is time for Taker to ride off in to the sunset for the last time it will be a major event in wrestling. I think he will continue to work the one match per year schedule as he has the past couple years. He walked out of WM28 looking like "the man" again so I am almost positive that we will see him again next year at WM29 most likely facing off against Brock Lesnar.
To put you at ease, if that was the Undertaker's last match, we'd have heard about it by now.

You don't just let someone like Mark Calaway exit through the back door.
If it was Undertaker's final match, bet your bottom dollar that the WWE and Vince would push that tagline all the way to the bank. Its too much of a marketable thing to simply not list on a card and just let him ride off into the sunset.

We'll all know when its his final match as we'll be told in advance, im pretty sure of that... you instantly will get more buys/more ticket sales if fans know its going to be such an icon's final match surely?
IF he were truly done he would have said so by now he meaning the undertaker!! He looked good at WM definitely the man again!! When Royal rumble time rolls around next year its not too long after IMO we will hear the gong once again.

As far as his opponent goes why not Brock!! Brock has owned the undertaker but that was back 8 years ago!! Its gonna be interesting to see them build this feud between these two if indeed it happens!! see you next year deadman
I am going to say no, although it would be a fitting end i think that WWE when he is done will build that whole Mania around Taker and clearly indicate this is his last time. Sure the match this year was called end of an era but it wasn't labled as the end of Taker, or his last go around. I assume he has two more WrestleMania matches to go, next years vs possibly Lesnar and the following year against likely John Cena. Its clear the last two years at Mania he is more then capable even in his current condition to put on WM quality matches even if it is only one match a year.
I'll be honest. It's a perfect way to end it with the streak in tact!

Look, sure you want to make it a big thing that Undertaker is gone, but he has always been that mysterious guy that you just never know when he'll appear, or what not.

That curtain call at the end of the match (Good call by LaBar) was a perfect way for Michaels, Taker and HHH walk away from TV

In my honest opinion, if those guys keep coming back "END OF AN ERA" really didn't mean anything, and they were promoting "End of an Era" far more than the streak.

I've always saw Undertaker to be the guy that when he retired, he wouldn't make anything big of it, and would simply just not show up anymore. And that perfectly matches his character

I guess we'll find out on the road to WM29!
It WAS the last wrestling match of the Undertaker, but not his last appearance. His last appearance will be at next year's Wrestlemania, the same year he will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Expect not to hear much of anything from him until around next January, when he comes to the ring on Raw. Everyone will expect him to talk about his next match and in reality, he will be there to announce his retirement. His retirement party will be at next year's Wrestlemania.
It WAS the last wrestling match of the Undertaker, but not his last appearance. His last appearance will be at next year's Wrestlemania, the same year he will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Expect not to hear much of anything from him until around next January, when he comes to the ring on Raw. Everyone will expect him to talk about his next match and in reality, he will be there to announce his retirement. His retirement party will be at next year's Wrestlemania.

I'm not too sure I am keen on having his retirement party DURING Wrestlemania. For me, that will overshadow whichever main events the WWE is planning for the show.
I believe it was in one of last years in ring promos Taker and Triple H had in the ring where Taker said something along the line of "When my time comes, I would want no other person than you to be the one, but its not my time yet"

I think we all agree that Taker's exit should be a huge deal and done right.

One idea Ive always had is, that since Taker debuted in Survivor Series, why not end his career in the same event where he started.

Taker and Triple H can have a Casket match, Taker loses in spectacular fashion and gets 'Buried'.
in my opinion, they'll let UT retire at Wrestlemania 30 and i think that it'll be the biggest wrestlemania of all time with him retiring plus a couple or 3 dream matches...... I myself wanted the hell in a cell to be his last match 'cause imo no match can ever top that, it wasn't just a match, it was an emotional ride to remember and the 3 legends carried the match in the most perfect manner possible.... I just wonder if UT will appear again at wrestlemania in a match, what will the wwe do to top this match....
I believe it was in one of last years in ring promos Taker and Triple H had in the ring where Taker said something along the line of "When my time comes, I would want no other person than you to be the one, but its not my time yet"

I think we all agree that Taker's exit should be a huge deal and done right.

One idea Ive always had is, that since Taker debuted in Survivor Series, why not end his career in the same event where he started.

Taker and Triple H can have a Casket match, Taker loses in spectacular fashion and gets 'Buried'.

As gnarly as that sounds WWE spoiled this by having Taker being buried and resurrecting three times so fourth time could be the charm, either way I'd rather Undertaker retiring at WrestleMania than Survivor Series, Mania is his event.
Wait.... You want to see Taker V Swagger... The deadman v a lisp? Not making fun of anyone with a lisp because I used to have one but I damn sure wouldn't get into acting or anything where I had to be believable while talking... Since Takers feuds are vocal only until WM I don't see that happening... Anyway I actually might be the only one who wants taker to just call it quits... After his hair was gone & it looked like his stomach ate said hair I was over it... I also posted in another thread that I thought the Hell In A Cell was boring. If Taker stays I think the last few options would be Sting, Cena & Lesnar
i think taker should end it now...with hhh, hbk and felt and looked nostalgic to 1997...the whole match felt like a time travel back to when those 3 kept wwe relevant...if he ended it at 20 i wouldnt be mad...because that match meant more...the end of an era...hhh, taker and hbk...there is no oponent left from his era...who wrestled at that level who can perform today.
How much I would love for the Undertaker to continue the streak and continue facing big names like John Cena, Brock Lesnar, I would love to see him face Sting, and a young up and coming name like Rhodes or Barrett. I would like for the "End of an Era" match actually be that and have Undertaker lead the Hall of Fame class for next years Wresltemania barring a death or sudden retirement of another big star he should be the main draw of that class. So I'm tore between them, but I say if he's healthy and not just healthy enough to come back for the one match then yes he should continue the streak. But if not then go ahead and retire.
Watched a UFC bout with Lesnar the other day. Taker was in attendance and they exchanged words, with Taker saying "Wanna do it?" when Lesnar walked by him. This was from late 2010. They have Legitimate beef out of the ring over something, so it could be settled at WM29, or because of the beef between them they may even refuse a match with each other.

Although Taker is looking older every year i was pretty impressed with his WM28 match with HHH. Based on this i think there is minimum 2 more years of Taker to go. Im guessing his WM match each year is a great Pay day for him, who wouldn't Wrestle "once" a year for that pay check.
We all know Taker hasn't been a full time wrestler in quite a while. We know he has had one injury after another and a fans we want to see him strong at all times. At WM Taker looked fabulous and he proved that he has more to offer. I don't think there will be a better match for him to end it all with. I've always said when he leaves wrestling I leave wrestling. There is no competition for him now or in any other WM. I don't care to see him face Cena or Brock. He has nothing more to prove to the fans. The only reason he has to stay would be if he has something to prove to himself. Looking at the wrestlers of the present and future I don't see a better entertainer. I don't see a better match than Taker vs HHH as WM.

I don't want him to go but if he decides to do so I don't any of us could expect anything more from him.
If you actually believe that was Takers last match you are moronic. Totally and utterly moronic.

For Takers last match in the WWE, a Star who has been a household name bigger than all but 3 or 4 wrestlers in the history of the WWE. To have your last match and not have the spotlight on you specifically. It just doesnt happen. Whether Taker wants to or not.

Vince Mcmahon is not stupid, despite what a lot of you think. He is a class A business man. Last Sunday, during Wrestlemania. All over Twitter and Facebook i saw old fans, and non fans making excited comments like "OMG UNDERTAKERS STILL IN WWE?!?" and generally marking out like little kids do for Cena because they couldnt actually believe he was still there.

Do you honestly think Vince wouldnt want to make money off of that? Do you think Taker wouldnt want to earn money off of that? The streak is now a HUGE part of Wrestlemania. It is on par with any title the WWE has. It is extremely marketable.

If it were Takers last match, some mention would of been made. A good deal of mention would of been made. It was the end of an era, it wasnt the end of the Undertaker. The era was they are the last active WWE wrestlers left that worked territories, the worked an old school style of wrestling.

It wasnt Takers last match. Stop thinking you're in the know. You're not. Just like all the little tossers on Youtube thinking they're in the know, posting every single year on every Undertaker video 17-0 will miss you Taker. 18 - 0 Taker you will be missed. 19 - 0 Undertaker RIP and 20 - 0 RIP Deadman, you will be missed. Next year the same old shit will happen when Taker takes on someone else. Same old stupid topic with moronic replies from people thinking they know Takers mind.

I dont know him, but i would put a lot of money on Taker at least wrestling until Wrestlemania 30. 1 Match per year, he may choose to go even further and try for 25-0

So sit down, shut up, enjoy Taker while hes here and stop blabbering on about Never seeing him wrestle again.
I dont think it is his last match but in a way it should be.... How can he possibly top the past four mania's... Next year he needs to come out and completely dominant his oppenent, show everyone he is still an asskicker. Maybe 4 years of not squash matches but legit asskickings will set the stage for an even bigger and more epic match up when he is going for 25-0.
simple he isn't done
john cena vs taker
rock v lesnar wwe title
austin v punk (maybe)
i see something colliding where john cena says he has done everything in wwe and something like that then the undertaker challenges him to wm.
i see brock winning title at rr then the rock coming back saying that the stage is set for him to win the wwe title at wm so brock challenges rock.
and i see punk bragging about being straightedge then maybe austin comes from nowhere costs punk title BANG! austin v punk wm29.
so taker isnt done.
I've found myself leaning towards yes.

I'm not sure what Undertaker could do to top what he did with HBK and HHH at Wrestlemania 28. There was the right mix of drama, action, and emotion that is going to be unable to be topped. I've heard Kane bantied around as a possible choice, and in a way, makes sense. Kane is, after all, Undertaker's storyline brother, so a match between the two culminating at WM 29 would seemingly be a proper farewell for both. But....

The matches between the two have just plain sucked, be it their Wrestlemania matches, or those horrendous series of matches they had back in 2010. The two never had great in-ring chemistry together, as most big man/big man matches fail to do. Fast forward to a time where both men are slower, older, and more banged up, and what you're left with is a guy who works one match a year, and is as out of shape as he's ever been. If he couldn't get into good shape for a match at Wrestlemania against HHH inside Hell in A Cell with HBK reffing, would he really be up to doing so to wrestle....Kane? A guy who hasn't meant anything in years?

Undertaker, without saying, has nothing left to prove. The question remains of if he can raise the bar again, and I don't believe so. While a matchup with John Cena would be compelling and one I'd pay to see for that alone, I think some things are better left to the imagination. After what we've seen the past 4 years at Wrestlemania, and the classics Undertaker has delivered, it's hard to imagine him topping that. Even against a younger, healthier John Cena.

While I'm sure there are a handful of opponents with which intrigue could be created, is there anything that could come close in a stand-alone match that was done over what was in essence a four year arc of matches? The only thing left after what we've witnessed would be for the streak to end, which is a bad idea. Some things are better left untouched. After over 20 years, if anyone deserves the opportunity to go out at the top, it's Undertaker. Can you think of a more satisfying conclusion? I know I can't.
I'm not too sure I am keen on having his retirement party DURING Wrestlemania. For me, that will overshadow whichever main events the WWE is planning for the show.

It won't overshadow anything. Undertaker IS WrestleMania. Shawn may be Mr. WrestleMania but Undertaker IS WrestleMania. Having an entire PPV dedicated in tribute to his greatness would be so appreciated and accepted. And how would it be overshadowing if the people performing on that show perhaps come out and say they will dedicate their performance to one of the most respected men in wrestling history? Fitting end IMO.
Honestly, I hope Taker is done.

I love Undertaker and Ive grown up with him and always loved his work. But storyline-wise and career-wise,WHY?????
Between his matches with HBK and HHH that NO ONE can follow and the fact that no young guy is good enough to beat him leaves me to ask, WHY???
Why even go for 21-0??? Or 22-0????? or Hell 23-0??????

I get that people still have dreams matches they want from Taker(i.e. Lesnar or Rock) some of those matches could be really good, but Why??? They are NOT going to beat the last 4 matches he has had. He isnt getting younger. The so called "Collateral" on the streak wont be given to anyone??? So Why???? Why would he feel the need to prove himself anymore or extend the streak 1 or 2 more wins???

I love Taker and will be there when he retires but I see no need story or career-wise for him to go on.
Honestly, I hope Taker is done.

I love Undertaker and Ive grown up with him and always loved his work. But storyline-wise and career-wise,WHY?????
Between his matches with HBK and HHH that NO ONE can follow and the fact that no young guy is good enough to beat him leaves me to ask, WHY???
Why even go for 21-0??? Or 22-0????? or Hell 23-0??????

I get that people still have dreams matches they want from Taker(i.e. Lesnar or Rock) some of those matches could be really good, but Why??? They are NOT going to beat the last 4 matches he has had. He isnt getting younger. The so called "Collateral" on the streak wont be given to anyone??? So Why???? Why would he feel the need to prove himself anymore or extend the streak 1 or 2 more wins???

I love Taker and will be there when he retires but I see no need story or career-wise for him to go on.

First of all i just have to ask. Are you trying to set a record on how many question marks are used in a short reply? If so you may now hold that record.
But anyway...

No need career wise? Yes his career is already good enough to bow out as being a total legend but youre forgetting one thing many wrestlers wouldnt be around for if it wasnt an issue. Money

Taker probably isnt in need of money, but honestly put yourself in his position, he has a few kids, has a lot of real estate interests. Would you turn down wrestling a match knowing it will do no harm whatsoever to your career for $500'000? If you say yes, you are lying.

They can make money from in continuing. Therefor he will be drawn back because of that. Maybe he just actually still likes competing, and still gets those butterflies each time he is walking out of the curtain.

I love how everyone says he has no one to face now. How the hell do you know whats going to happen in the next 12 months. Wrestling could boom and by next wrestlemania, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Zack Ryder etc could become a huge star and household name. Sting may go to the WWE. HBK may come out of retirement. Edge may come out of Retirement. Cena may be annoyed because he lost to the Rock and became that person no one remembers as being second, and challenge Taker to regain some honour.

No one can predict the future, so quit the rubbish of "he has no one left"

Undertaker is the most known person in the world to be associated with Pro Wrestling. He will keep coming back as long as theres money to be made, matches to be had, and butterflies in his stomach.
If Undertaker does retire i think it will be in july 23 at the 1,000 episode of raw. the undertaker is the only active wrestler that has been there since the first raw.

But if not. being on a mania card only is good for him the wwe and fans. and as some have said i can see him going 25-0. what a streak it would be.
u can have brock vs taker at 29-
then maybe stone cold or rock at 30
cena vs taker at 31
maybe at 32 taker vs vince. taker to end the vince wrestler forever
and for his final match maybe taker vs kane 3 or a fatal four way match with hbk vs kane vs hhh vs taker and if no one covers taker they must all leave. maybe a triple threat with just taker vs hhh vs kane. the real end of an era. kane is part of an era along with taker, hhh, and hbk.:worship:

or if not that then maybe what everyone is waiting for last match taker vs sting

but i do agree that even if at survivor series is a good way to have him go. end it where it started.

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