So, a little story about basketball....


Too Sweet To Be Sour
So I play basketball on my high school team. This year I played on the JV team and have played a total of about 4 minutes combined all year. It's just me and another freshman who recieve this treatment, the other 3 freshman, the sophmores, and the junior on the JV team all get to play. So they decide to make up a game, after the final regular season game and after we have entered the tournament (we won our first sectional game Tuesday, the varsity). So I was sick last week and I missed the two practices we had. I went to school Monday but decided not to practice after school because of a severe migraine I had. I practiced Wednesday, and ran for the practices I missed. No practice yesterday, and come today I walk in and our Head Coach says he has come to the decision that I and the other freshman we I mentioned who doesn't play (who has missed a couple practices the past couple weeks, not as much as me though) won't dress next Thursday in the make-up game. He said we could practice the final three practices we have or just be done. The other kid practiced, I walked out. It may not have been right, but I'm justifying it myself. I'm not going to get any better for the next season in three practices. It's not like I was going to play, so it's basically adding insult to injury by not having us dress. I think the whole matter of it was that they don't need us, and we're not going to play, so you're not going to dress, but you can still practice, which is complete bull. What do you guy's think about my decision, from an unbiased opinion?
So I play basketball on my high school team. This year I played on the JV team and have played a total of about 4 minutes combined all year. It's just me and another freshman who recieve this treatment, the other 3 freshman, the sophmores, and the junior on the JV team all get to play. So they decide to make up a game, after the final regular season game and after we have entered the tournament (we won our first sectional game Tuesday, the varsity). So I was sick last week and I missed the two practices we had. I went to school Monday but decided not to practice after school because of a severe migraine I had. I practiced Wednesday, and ran for the practices I missed. No practice yesterday, and come today I walk in and our Head Coach says he has come to the decision that I and the other freshman we I mentioned who doesn't play (who has missed a couple practices the past couple weeks, not as much as me though) won't dress next Thursday in the make-up game. He said we could practice the final three practices we have or just be done. The other kid practiced, I walked out. It may not have been right, but I'm justifying it myself. I'm not going to get any better for the next season in three practices. It's not like I was going to play, so it's basically adding insult to injury by not having us dress. I think the whole matter of it was that they don't need us, and we're not going to play, so you're not going to dress, but you can still practice, which is complete bull. What do you guy's think about my decision, from an unbiased opinion?

You made the wrong decision, for many reasons.
Definately wrong decision. If someone I was coaching did that, I wouldn't play them often. It seems immature, and selfish. You were ill, not going is justifiable, but so is him not choosing you. Continuing would show that you know that, and that you're commited to the team.
Learn your Place Frosh.

You weren't kicked off the team, you just need to practice more. It happens every where, including college.

Unless your AI, then yes, you need practice.
Learn your Place Frosh.

You weren't kicked off the team, you just need to practice more. It happens every where, including college.

Unless your AI, then yes, you need practice.

1. The rest of the freshman played. Most of the people who watched the games that I talk to said I should play more and the other freshman were no better than me. I don't need to "Learn my place Frosh". The others didn't have to.

2. I wasn't kicked off the team, I was basically told, you practiced all year, we have three left, and a make-up game, you aren't going to play so you aren't going to dress, but you can still practice if you want.

3. It's not like I missed alot, I've missed sparodically throughout the year, when I was sick, maybe 7 or so overall. No worse than the other kids.
1. The rest of the freshman played.
So? The coach must have thought them better than you.

Most of the people who watched the games that I talk to said I should play more and the other freshman were no better than me.
They don't matter, so don't let their bullshit get you riled up. What matters is the opinion of the guy who is at practice every day, who sees you every day, and is the one who is making the playing time decisions.

Don't listen to people in the crowd, because they will all blow smoke up your ass, and then turn on you just as quickly.

I don't need to "Learn my place Frosh". The others didn't have to.
But it's not about others, it's about you. This argument that "Jonny didn't do that" has no bearing on what YOU have to do.

2. I wasn't kicked off the team, I was basically told, you practiced all year, we have three left, and a make-up game, you aren't going to play so you aren't going to dress, but you can still practice if you want.
And you should have said that you would be happy to keep working hard for him and practicing to get better.

3. It's not like I missed alot, I've missed sparodically throughout the year, when I was sick, maybe 7 or so overall. No worse than the other kids.
You've missed SEVEN practices? You would have been off my team a LONG time ago then. I don't know the state rules where you live, but the most my kids can miss, without a good excuse (and no, a migraine is not a good excuse), is around 3. That's the MOST they can miss before I tell them they are no longer welcome.

You missed seven practices, I would guess have a bad attitude about your playing time, and chose to not practice when given the opportunity....I know NOTHING else about you, but I can venture a guess why your coach doesn't play you.
Never listen to what the people around you have to say, because they aren't going to give you the honest answer you said you wanted in here. We're being brutally honest with you, hell I'm guessing most of us played sports growing up and know the routine.

Does it suck and bruise your ego, surely, but it's going to make you better. The only opinion that matters is your coaches. Even if he said, you don't have to practice, you show up to practice if you really want to play.

Listen to Sly at least, because, um, he's a coach.
You've missed SEVEN practices? You would have been off my team a LONG time ago then. I don't know the state rules where you live, but the most my kids can miss, without a good excuse (and no, a migraine is not a good excuse), is around 3. That's the MOST they can miss before I tell them they are no longer welcome.

You missed seven practices, I would guess have a bad attitude about your playing time, and chose to not practice when given the opportunity....I know NOTHING else about you, but I can venture a guess why your coach doesn't play you.

I can't help the fact that I get sick. It happens. I can't be out practicing every day when I have the cold/flu.
Yeah I gotta agree with Sly and Shocky here, the point the coach made by saying you can come for the final 3 practices or just be done is to see how dedicated you are to the team. By walking out you basically gave him the signal that you don't care about being on the team.

To be fair I quit playing basketball at the school level after my 8th grade year. There were a lot of politics and bullshit involved with the sports programs around here. I won't go into details about it, but needless to say I didn't care to put up with the coaches at the high school level and decided I'd rather go work and make money. I still play every once in awhile, I'm hoping I can get a board up in my driveway this summer sometime.
I can't help the fact that I get sick. It happens. I can't be out practicing every day when I have the cold/flu.
I haven't missed a single day of work all year long. When I don't feel well, I still go do what I need to.

What was your teams record this season Coach?
I'm not for sure, I've never been a big fan of worrying about records. I care more about us playing to the best of our ability.

I want to say it was 8-10 or 8-11. Pretty good record considering who we play, the injuries we had, and the two best players in our entire program are sophomores who play Varsity. Towards the end of the year, we really started playing very well...we just happened to have the toughest part of our schedule at the end...we lost to jayvees of state ranked varsity teams three times in our last 5 games, but gave every team we played hell.

If we could have started the season with the way they are playing now, I think would could have won at least 5 more games.
.... the point the coach made by saying you can come for the final 3 practices or just be done is to see how dedicated you are to the team. By walking out you basically gave him the signal that you don't care about being on the team.

That's the truth. Coaches look at what's happening on their team and make their own decisions about who's playing and who's not. Some of these coaches are self-absorbed control freaks who allow their preconceived notions to dominate their decisions, while others are fair-minded and really do give everyone an equal chance.

But, regardless of which type the coach is, he (she) wants to see desire. When a player is offered a choice and opts to not show up, his goose is cooked. With most coaches I've seen, there's no way in hell they'll ever change their minds about that player.

Hopefully, it will be different for you if you decide to go back next year. Good luck.
Sign Guy is an idiot. 7 practices is a ton to miss, especially if you aren't one of the premiere players on the team. Maybe 1 or 2 is ok, but that's it. You future is not looking good in your basketball program at all. My brother was in a similar situation as a freshman. Didn't get much playing time, but didn't bitch and moan about it and was better off in the future for it.
You missed seven practices, you aren't tough enough to practice when you don't feel well, and you whine about playing time?

I would have cut you if I were your coach. In high school the emphasis is on winning, not participation. Coaches get fired if they don't win, so your feelings are very little of their concern.

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