I must be the dumbest fucker alive

They aren't employed by the NBA because they scored well on the SATs or anything like that. They are employed to play basketball and that is what they do. As long as they continue to play at a high level, there will be a place for them in the NBA, despite what you or other people may think. Same goes for any other professional sport.

But they are also employed to represent the sport at all times. For example in "soccer" if a player does something off the pitch that shames the name of football, they are commonly banned for "bringing the game into disripute". Being a professional sports star brings the added pressure of living your life as a role model should. It comes with the territory.
I don't think that it does.

Just like anyone else with a job, they go to work and they do what they do. Some players may be more passionate than others, however, passion is not what their profession is.

Who cares how they talk? They aren't paid to be public speakers, they aren't running for public office, and they aren't employed to teach children. They are employed to play basketball and for many of them, it's what they love. If basketball players were to be chosen for literacy and speaking abilities, the sport would go to hell in a hand basket and it would be nowhere as exciting as it is now.

We would literally not have the entertainment of Charles Barkley on TNT, the worst speaker in the history of the NBA, we also wouldn't have AI, Artest, Amar'e Stoudmire, Carmelo Anthony, and I could go on.
I don't think that it does.

Just like anyone else with a job, they go to work and they do what they do. Some players may be more passionate than others, however, passion is not what their profession is.

Who cares how they talk? They aren't paid to be public speakers, they aren't running for public office, and they aren't employed to teach children. They are employed to play basketball and for many of them, it's what they love. If basketball players were to be chosen for literacy and speaking abilities, the sport would go to hell in a hand basket and it would be nowhere as exciting as it is now.

We would literally not have the entertainment of Charles Barkley on TNT, the worst speaker in the history of the NBA, we also wouldn't have AI, Artest, Amar'e Stoudmire, Carmelo Anthony, and I could go on.
I'd be perfectly fine without them. Guys like Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlin, Larry Bird, Bill Russell and Jerry West all went out there and played ball at the highest level possible then acted like gentlemen 95% of the time. Is that such a hard thing to ask? They sounded intelligent on top of that. Iverson went to Georgetown, one of the top schools in the country, yet he can't use proper grammar, "when he talking bout practice".
If Punk is champion, it's not going to kill him to tie his hair back and throw on a collared shirt and some slacks with a belt. I'd call that professional enough.
Yeah, I'm not expecting people to go out in a suit and tie, I just hate when athletes do something that can hurt the name of the sport...
I'd be perfectly fine without them. Guys like Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlin, Larry Bird, Bill Russell and Jerry West all went out there and played ball at the highest level possible then acted like gentlemen 95% of the time. Is that such a hard thing to ask? They sounded intelligent on top of that. Iverson went to Georgetown, one of the top schools in the country, yet he can't use proper grammar, "when he talking bout practice".

That was a different time and things have changed drastically since then.

I'm not, in no way, saying that their behavior is alright by me, however, it doesn't affect how I feel or what I think about them when I watch them play basketball.

Allen Iverson is still my favorite basketball player in the world and what he does off the court, I couldn't care less about. Now, if he were to get into a fight on the court, publicly disrespect his team mates, coach, or anything like that, we would have a different story.

BTW, about Artest, why would anyone, in their right mind, fan or not, throw a fucking full glass of beer at a 6'6" thug? That's just stupid and the dumbass that did should have gotten his ass beat for pure stupidity.
That was a different time and things have changed drastically since then.

I'm not, in no way, saying that their behavior is alright by me, however, it doesn't affect how I feel or what I think about them when I watch them play basketball.

Allen Iverson is still my favorite basketball player in the world and what he does off the court, I couldn't care less about. Now, if he were to get into a fight on the court, publicly disrespect his team mates, coach, or anything like that, we would have a different story.

BTW, about Artest, why would anyone, in their right mind, fan or not, throw a fucking full glass of beer at a 6'6" thug? That's just stupid and the dumbass that did should have gotten his ass beat for pure stupidity.
Tim Duncan, Tayshaun Prince, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Dirk Nowitski, Chris Paul. Those are all guys that are playing today and fit the description I gave of those guys from a different era. I'd certainly say they're all at least noted names.

Sure the guy that threw the beer deserves to be taken care of: by police and security. it's their jobs to handle people like that, not Artest's.
BTW, about Artest, why would anyone, in their right mind, fan or not, throw a fucking full glass of beer at a 6'6" thug? That's just stupid and the dumbass that did should have gotten his ass beat for pure stupidity.

No, the fan should be ejected from the ground/arena and banned from attending events at that place, whilst the athlete should ignore it. Again, a "soccer" reference, if a player is hit by a coin from the crowd and he gives it to the ref, the problem is reported, cctv is used to find said fan, and he is given a lifetime ban. If the player chucks it back at the crowd, the player is sent off and banned for a lengthy period and fined. Athletes should never stoop to that level.
Allen Iverson is still my favorite basketball player in the world and what he does off the court, I couldn't care less about. Now, if he were to get into a fight on the court, publicly disrespect his team mates, coach, or anything like that, we would have a different story.

You mean like when he was talkin' about practice? Or when he refused to come off the bench while he was working his way back from injury because he was "insulted"? Or his numerous off the court incidents when he felt like he could do what he wanted because he was a celebrity, such as urinating in a trash can in public at a casino?

This one probably hits close to home with you: Back in 2000, he tried releasing a rap album. The lyrics in the album were inflammatory towards gay people.
Tim Duncan, Tayshaun Prince, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Dirk Nowitski, Chris Paul. Those are all guys that are playing today and fit the description I gave of those guys from a different era. I'd certainly say they're all at least noted names.

I see your point, however, they still don't get paid to be a role model, they get paid to play the game. The only difference between them and the thugish players is that they might one day become coaches or GMs or something to that affect.

Whether he is a thug or not, AI is still a hall of fame player.

Sure the guy that threw the beer deserves to be taken care of: by police and security. it's their jobs to handle people like that, not Artest's.

I'm just saying. Artest already had a questionable reputation and then the guy wants to go and do something like that? What did he or anyone else expect from Artest?
Frankly this whole "thug" argument is about 95% of why I don't watch professional sports. Major fucking turn off.
You mean like when he was talkin' about practice? Or when he refused to come off the bench while he was working his way back from injury because he was "insulted"? Or his numerous off the court incidents when he felt like he could do what he wanted because he was a celebrity, such as urinating in a trash can in public at a casino?

Him talking about practice did not disrespect his team mates or anyone else for that matter. Do you want me to find the clip and post it? I would be more than happy to do it for you. All he said was, he didn't feel like practice was a big deal to him.

About him coming off the bench. I agree, he should have did what was best for his team, however, he still didn't say anything to the affect of, "I'm the best player on the team, I should start." Which, he clearly was the best player on the team and he should have started.

This one probably hits close to home with you: Back in 2000, he tried releasing a rap album. The lyrics in the album were inflammatory towards gay people.

Quote from Allen Iverson:

"If you are a hard core rap fan, then this album is for you. If you don't like the lifestyle, the lyrics, or hardcore rap, then just don't buy it."

Nothing else needs to be said.
I see your point, however, they still don't get paid to be a role model, they get paid to play the game. The only difference between them and the thugish players is that they might one day become coaches or GMs or something to that affect.

Whether he is a thug or not, AI is still a hall of fame player.

So what, the millions of children that look up to basketball players should be ignored? What kind of role model are you setting for the children?

I'm just saying. Artest already had a questionable reputation and then the guy wants to go and do something like that? What did he or anyone else expect from Artest?

So what..you're saying thuggish behavior is expected out of Artest? That doesn't help your argument at all. He should have kept his ass sat down, like a professional. The arena security are more than capable of handling a rowdy crowd member. Last I checked, Artest wasn't a part of security.
No, they don't get paid to be a role model. They also don't get paid to act like brainless idiots as so many players do. Tell me, why do so many players feel the need to dress ridiculously or wearing thousands of dollars worth of jewelery or sound like a moron that can't form a coherent sentence. What does that accomplish? If they didn't sound that freaking stupid I might watch more games than i do, but because people like that are glorified, I have a far more limited interest in the NBA than I used to.

What did he expect from Artest? How about acting like a mature man and not rampaging into the crowd like a neanderthal?
Him talking about practice did not disrespect his team mates or anyone else for that matter. Do you want me to find the clip and post it? I would be more than happy to do it for you. All he said was, he didn't feel like practice was a big deal to him.

So what...he thought practice was beneath him? That he didn't have to practice? That's demeaning his fellow teammates. You know, the people who practice and play with him.

About him coming off the bench. I agree, he should have did what was best for his team, however, he still didn't say anything to the affect of, "I'm the best player on the team, I should start." Which, he clearly was the best player on the team and he should have started.

So, you're excusing him refusing to come off of the bench when he was needed because he was bitching out? Please. Not even Kanye fans are this fucking delusional.

Quote from Allen Iverson:

"If you are a hard core rap fan, then this album is for you. If you don't like the lifestyle, the lyrics, or hardcore rap, then just don't buy it."

Nothing else needs to be said.

Oh. Okay. Lyrics that are derisive towards homosexuals are fine, because he told them not to listen to it. How about not turning away a potential fan base/market share and not putting out an album with lyrics such as those? That'd be like if Cena came out with a album, completely independently, that completely knocked black men as the terrors of white America.

..Only it'll be fine, because he'll say "If you don't agree with what I have to say, don't buy it."
So what, the millions of children that look up to basketball players should be ignored? What kind of role model are you setting for the children?

I'm not trying to set any role model for children because, frankly, I'm not in that position. My personal views on the sport of basketball or any other sport have nothing to do with whether or not people like AI deserve to play the game.

Despite his reputation or his behavior, AI remains one of the most popular stars in basketball today both in the USA and across the globe. He ranked 5th in jersey sales last season in the USA and ranked 3rd across the globe.

Saying that his behavior should stop him from playing basketball, has the same affect as saying 50 Cent shouldn't rap.

So what..you're saying thuggish behavior is expected out of Artest? That doesn't help your argument at all. He should have kept his ass sat down, like a professional. The arena security are more than capable of handling a rowdy crowd member. Last I checked, Artest wasn't a part of security.

It cetainly isn't hurting my argument. All I am saying is that they are paid to play basketball, nothing more and nothing less.
You don't understand. They are also representing a league or a company that is worth a lot of money. It's an image, they are trying to maintain a good one to attract people to their product...
Do you really think people are going to be interested in a product when some men are outside night clubs shooting up some vehicles and shit?
What did he expect from Artest? How about acting like a mature man and not rampaging into the crowd like a neanderthal?

So it was ok for the fan to act like a fucking idiot, but not Artest? What if the fan had been a doctor or lawyer or something to that degree. Would we say that he was supposed to act professionally as well and not throw shit at the players?

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