I must be the dumbest fucker alive

So it was ok for the fan to act like a fucking idiot, but not Artest? What if the fan had been a doctor or lawyer or something to that degree. Would we say that he was supposed to act professionally as well and not throw shit at the players?

No, of course it wasn't right for them to act that stupid either. It was however securit's and police's jobs to take care of him, not that of Artest. Yep, we would say the same for anyone that did such a thing.
Oh. Okay. Lyrics that are derisive towards homosexuals are fine, because he told them not to listen to it. How about not turning away a potential fan base/market share and not putting out an album with lyrics such as those? That'd be like if Cena came out with a album, completely independently, that completely knocked black men as the terrors of white America.

..Only it'll be fine, because he'll say "If you don't agree with what I have to say, don't buy it."

You know, I've never, not once, listened to AI's music, because he said, "If you don't like what I have to say, then don't listen."

It's simple, if you don't like it, then why subject yourself to it? Because you think that he should share the same values as a man that you have? Please. People please, stop trying to be all self righteous on me.

If a movie comes out that you might not like, do you just not watch it, or do you go and watch just so you will have something else to bitch about?

Shit, half the things that you all are bitching about are what make the NBA as entertaining as it is.
Do you really think people are going to be interested in a product when some men are outside night clubs shooting up some vehicles and shit?

It hasn't stopped people yet has it ? Michael Vick brutally murdered dogs the Eagles signed him they still sell out games there is not boycott.

If the fans really stopped watching and buying tickets due to "thugs" in sports than you would see changes.

By the way their is about a .00001 percent chance of that ever happening.

Athletes are targets to sometimes they need to act like thugs by bringing handguns and their posse around.

Did you hear about that corner from Uconn's football team ? Stabbed to death good kid didn't deserve to be cut down in his youth it makes me sick.

Sometimes we the fans are the "thugs" to by the way I hate that word it's unfair to judge a guy based on one or two mistakes.

Would you like that ? To make a few mistakes and have that be your identity I know I wouldn't who in their right mind would we are humans we make mistakes.

Money power and fame, can bring anybody down it has since the dawn of time to be honest.
It hasn't stopped people yet has it ? Michael Vick brutally murdered dogs the Eagles signed him they still sell out games there is not boycott.

Its funny you compare dogs to a man, and even comparing Michael Vick's who's admitted all his wrongs and has taken great lengths (some on his own behalf) to amend.
Its funny you compare dogs to a man, and even comparing Michael Vick's who's admitted all his wrongs and has taken great lengths (some on his own behalf) to amend.

When did I compare Dogs to Men ?

I may have implied it but I never meant to a human life is far more valuable. I personally have no problems with Vick being back in the NFL I think he deserves a second chance (see my last post ?).

Donte Stallworth got drunk and killed a guy just trying to get home from work he got 26 days and Vick got 2 years how does the American penal system make any sense.

The Vick thing was just an example I find it very convenient, however that you chose to ignore the rest of my post.
Allen Iverson is not a thug. He may dress and talk the part... but none of his actions off the court suggest he's a thug. He may have been a young, dumb kid once upon a time where he did some incredibly stupid shit, but he has since grown up. Not since that ridiculous rap album has he had done something off the court that should make people think he's a thug. He's not Pacman Jones, guys. People just judge Iverson off his appearance, and speaking of which... he has cut his hair and actually dresses in suits to the game, now. The guy is anything but a thug.

And as far as his talent is concerned... he's the most talented small man in the history of the game. And that's a fact. I have never watched a basketball player in my lifetime more exciting and entertaining than Allen Iverson.

Also, Ron Artest isn't a thug either. He just has some serious, serious issues, and he's not all there in the head.
No, you made the comparison. If you already admit that its a bad comparison, the rest of your post means jack.

Um no I said I never did obviously you can't read or choose not to.

I said maybe I implied that you sound like somebody who wouldn't have a clue when it comes to this stuff, anyways.

Actually my post had solid points your opinion means jack.
AI threw his wife down the steps and has had so many legal problems it isn't even funny. He might not be a thug but one thing is for sure, he's a fucking tool.
Um no I said I never did obviously you can't read or choose not to.

I said maybe I implied that you sound like somebody who wouldn't have a clue when it comes to this stuff, anyways.

Actually my post had solid points your opinion means jack.

Alright dumbass, I'll break it down for you.

Becker said, and I'm quoting here.
Do you really think people are going to be interested in a product when some men are outside night clubs shooting up some vehicles and shit?

And you said.
It hasn't stopped people yet has it ? Michael Vick brutally murdered dogs the Eagles signed him they still sell out games there is not boycott.

And went on to say.
I may have implied it

The rest of the shit, IE: This
but I never meant to a human life is far more valuable.

Means nothing. You implied it, which means you meant that. It'd be like me implying black people are inferior to white people; wouldn't I still be racist even if I didn't directly say it?

So, dumbass, how will you respond now?
AI threw his wife down the steps and has had so many legal problems it isn't even funny. He might not be a thug but one thing is for sure, he's a fucking tool.

Can it be proven that he did that to his wife? Last I heard, it was thrown out of court. Which means, legally, it never fucking happened.

Let's go by rumor though, shall we? Kobe is a fucking rapist, Dirk dated a murderer, and Jason Kidd, the cleanest guy I've ever seen in the NBA, beat his wife.

Rumors are fun aren't they?

Also, to all of you people that love to condemn Michael Vick. He killed a fucking goddamn DOG! The most he should have gotten was a fucking fine, maybe house arrest. Fucking OJ can get away with murder and Vick goes to jail for a fucking goddamn piece of shit dog. The American Judicial system is fun isn't it?
Can it be proven that he did that to his wife? Last I heard, it was thrown out of court. Which means, legally, it never fucking happened.
Actually, this is not true. It just means that the prosecution couldn't prove the case.

The only way AI would be proven innocent would be in front of a jury.
Actually, this is not true. It just means that the prosecution couldn't prove the case.

The only way AI would be proven innocent would be in front of a jury.


So it can't be proven that he did it, but it was never proven that he didn't. Hmmmmm. Oh well, no proof either way? You are innocent until proven guilty.
Idealists, Naive people, people who think cops are still fair to the common man in this day and age....shall I go on?

Please, do go on. I'm dying to read this one.

No, let's just start convicting people of shit they might have done. Shit other people said that they have done. Why not put half the American population in prisons that our government already spends too much money on?
Idealists, Naive people, people who think cops are still fair to the common man in this day and age....shall I go on?
Well, I generally think most police officers are honest hard-working men and women. Just like in any profession, you'll have some bad apples, but for the most part they do a good job for what they are allowed to do.

But yeah, I'm still waiting on who says we are "innocent until proven guilty".

No, let's just start convicting people of shit they might have done. Shit other people said that they have done. Why not put half the American population in prisons that our government already spends too much money on?
You're missing the point. The point is that Allen Iverson isn't innocent of the crime because the charges were dropped. It just means that there wasn't enough to hold trial.

Please show me who says that you are innocent until proven guilty.
Please, do go on. I'm dying to read this one.

No, let's just start convicting people of shit they might have done. Shit other people said that they have done. Why not put half the American population in prisons that our government already spends too much money on?

Eh dude, I've been in the drug game, I've ran the streets. Trust me when I say this. They could not have a shred of evidence against you, they could even plant evidence if they so feel like it, and you are fucked. Now I don't know about the experiences anyone else has had, but from what I've seen, if you even have a different look you're guilty of something in the police's eyes, and if they decide to find something to charge you with, the court will agree with the cops way before they will ever believe a word you say in your defense.

So it's already happening. Nowadays you are guilty until proven innocent, that's how shit goes on now. You gotta prove your innocent, because typically they don't gotta prove you're guilty.
Ha, "thugs can't play B-Ball!"

There isn't a single reason why AI shouldn't be playing ball right now Sly. Aside from you just not liking him. It's okay, I don't like him either.
Well, I generally think most police officers are honest hard-working men and women. Just like in any profession, you'll have some bad apples, but for the most part they do a good job for what they are allowed to do.

But yeah, I'm still waiting on who says we are "innocent until proven guilty".

Oh yeah, absolutely don't get me wrong Sly. I'm friends with the Chief of Police here in my town, but I have also seen a lot of cops come through here with something to prove. I've been pulled over for doing nothing because I looked "suspicious", I've had my car searched illegally many times for no reason at all, and for a more recent example, Friday night my girlfriend was driving home after having a few drinks. The cop was sitting there watching people. My girlfriend was going speed limit, driving nice, the music was down and she was sober. Yet this cop follows us all the way to our house and then camps out just a few hundred feet away watching my house.

So while my background may be shady and all that, I still respect the honest and good cops, it's the jackasses that gotta fuck with everyone's lives just because they have a badge that piss me off.
Meh, I'll bite on this. I do.
That's what your mom said when I asked who does ******* porn.

Ha, "thugs can't play B-Ball!"

There isn't a single reason why AI shouldn't be playing ball right now Sly. Aside from you just not liking him. It's okay, I don't like him either.
No one said he shouldn't be playing ball, I'm just saying why I don't give a fuck about him. :shrug:

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