Snow Day/Sick Day WWF/E PPV


Championship Contender
If I had a sick day or a snow day and had to pop in a WWF PPV, it would be either WMIII or WMV. III because it was the first one I ever had and watched it a million times, knowing what each announcer will say before they say it. V is a guilty pleasure because it has 14 matches and I loved a bunch of them...even the short ones. Summerslam '89 gets honorable mention.

What would be your "sick day" WWE PPV and why?
The first One Night Stand or Invasion...every time.

I absolutely love those PPVs, Invasion because it was the time when I was into wrestling the most, and it was so exciting seeing WCW and ECW on a WWE show. I knew Vince had bought both companies, but I thought the whole "invading" of another company by another was awesome, and I still think it was one of the most entertaining PPVs I had ever seen.

I loved the whole build up to the PPV, with ECW joining and the ex-ECW guys on the WWE roster turning on their team mates to rejoin Paul Heyman. Plus, the Rob Van Dam v Jeff Hardy match is still one of my all time favourites.

And why One Night Stand? Because it gave ECW one last day in the sun. It was cool to see Y2J back as Lionheart Chris Jericho, Lance Storm back in the ring, The whole ECW crew back together and it features a great shoot promo from both Heyman and RVD. The final match between Dreamer/Sandman (with his legendary entrance) v The Dudleyz was a total mess, with a ton of interferance, but I loved it. Stone Cold popping up at the end was the icing on the cake. And, JBLs drunken commentary on the special features is classic.
Anything from Survivor Series 91-Survivor Series 92. This was my first year watching wrestling and brings back memories. Survivor Series 91 had such a stacked roster and was Flairs first ppv. Tuesday in Texas was enjoyable. Not much needs to be said about Royal Rumble 1992, the best rumble match ever. Wrestlemania 8 still stands up as my favorite WM ever. Summerslam 1992 is IMO the best ppv ever and was so unique, 2 face vs face championships, a heel vs heel match, and a great atmosphere. Survivor Series 1992 had the big tag match and the first time HBK/Bret main evented a ppv together.
WCW Starrcade 1997...You had the epic Hogan/Sting match (even if some pick it apart...I was fine with it. What a showdown! The electricity was unreal. Sting's first match in over a year) had Bischoff/Zybsko in a decent encounter for control of Nitro...Malenko/Guerrero for the Cruiserweight title, A 6 man tag between Vincent, Savage, Norton vs Steiners and Ray Traylor, Goldberg and Mongo in Goldberg's first real test, Saturn vs Benoit (never can disappoint with these two), DDP vs Henning in a terrific match for the US title...overall a great WCW PPV and a worthy "grandest stage" PPV.
I'd go with Survivor Series 88, 89, or 90. Survivor Series was always my favorite PPV and those early ones just seemed like huge events. With only 4 ppv's a year and not very much wrestling on TV, you got the chance to see guys go at that would never wrestle each other. Just great PPV's from my childhood. (Note: I'm purpusley forgetting about the Gobblygooker)
My pick would be SummerSlam 1994, yes there was some silliness with the whole Undertaker vs Undertaker angle, and to boot you had George Kennedy and Leslie Nielsen playing their Naked Gun characters to help with the whole Undertaker case (I'll take this anyday over that nonsense with the 3 Stooges and Santino Marella - a segment that did not feel natural at all). But to me I didn't mind that at all, any match with the Undertaker is something I love to see. It also didn't hurt that you had an epic steel cage WWF Title match with Bret Hart and Owen Hart. I'd say it's one of my favorite matches ever with Bret and it was great to see him continue to shine in his second reign as WWF Champion.

Diesel and Razor Ramon's IC Title rematch with the late,great Walter Payton in Razor's corner was classic. It also set the stage for Shawn Michaels and Diesel's showdown at WrestleMania XI months later. To all you modern-day WWE asskissers, take note this is when the WWF knew how to commit to telling the fans a story, even if the product was not at its best during some of these years in the mid-90s.

Hell, even some of the lesser profile matches like The Headshrinkers vs IRS and Bam Bam Bigelow had great entertainment value. Anytime "The Million Dollar Man" is involved in something, I love it. He even made the Tatanka-Lex Luger sellout angle tolerable. Ted DiBiase was the victim of bad timing in my view when it came to his managerial stint in the WWF.

In other action you had Women's Champion Alundra Blayze fending off Bull Nakano and Jeff Jarrett beating Mabel. Granted those matches may not be as memorable to some, but with the previous matches I mentioned anyone in my age group that remembers this event as a kid, is hard pressed to argue that this was not a great SummerSlam.

In my view, 1994 was a very underrated year for the WWF. However, I look back on it fondly and am grateful to have been a fan during such a time, especially when you saw how you had so many great performances from wrestlers like Razor, Bret, Owen, Diesel, and Shawn to name a few. These guys had big shoes to fill with so many legends who had left the company to other ventures.

So yeah, I've ranted enough, SummerSlam 1994 is probably the pay per view that I would put out there as my snow/sick day event to watch. Seeing as it was also the last ever WWF pay per view appearance of Randy Savage (RIP) as well.
1998 royal rumble. Had a great Rumble coming down to Austin and The Rock which would be Ironic as they would be feuding the next year. Also HBK vs Undertaker in the Casket match. This was the match that halted Shawn's career for 4 years it also had Kane turn on Taker and burn the casket. A classic moment and PPV.
Very easily Royal Rumble 1992. Just The Brain's commentary alone during the rumble match makes it worth popping in. I actually was just sick from work about a month ago and this is what I put in. One of Flair's greatest showings, and definitely my favorite Royal Rumble.
Im going with SummerSlam 1992. This was a pay per view that felt like a big event from top to bottom and the Bret vs Bulldog match is still one of my all time favorites.
There are two events that I always go back to. Both are WrestleMania's. XII and XIX.

I guess it just depends on the mood I'm in. If I just want one match, then its XII and Bret/Shawn. But if I'm in the mood for multiple matches then its XIX and its highlighted by Michaels/Jericho, Rock/Austin and Brock/Angle.

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