Sin Cara Returns Next Week

I think one of the main reasons they are bringing him back early is because he is Mexican. I am not being racist because I am Mexican too. I am saying this because I know a lot of people in Mexico only started watching WWE programming because of him. He may not be such a big deal here, but in Mexico he was huge. There was even soccer players who took out a Sin Cara mask and put it on when ever they scored goals, and there probably still is.

I'm not too happy about him being replaced by Hunico for at least one night, but if it helps promote him for that Mexican tour then why not. I think they might not have Hunico actually wrestle and maybe just come out as a distraction for some one to start a feud. That way they don't compromise him too much because of the move sets and such. Hopefully he doesn't get replaced with a fake Sin Cara. I don't think that would be good for business at least in the Mexican market because people would find out. He would probably return to Mexico after his no compete clause and put WWE on blast.

Overall, I'm happy that he is coming back soon.
I am excited to see Sin Cara return. I heard that it might be some other guy for a week or two playing the character until the suspension is completely over. Either way I am excited because the return of Sin Cara means more high flying action under blue and gold lights, that special lighting in his matches really make them stand out for me. I would like to see him pushed to the IC title after he gets some big wins to his name. He would make an awesome Intercontinental Champion.
Honestly, I think it would be better suited for them to use Tito (Epico) instead of Hunico. To me, Tito seems more of a Sin Cara build than Hunico... of course, that's if they really are replacing him.

If it is Mistico, and they have lifted his suspension, then what does it really matter? It's not like WWE hasn't lifted it off of others in the past. Sin Cara is a major draw right now on Smackdown with his masks selling almost as much as Rey Mysterio's on Raw, so him returning would be a good thing.

Right now, if they do get someone else to be Sin Cara then it wouldn't be any different than them finding someone to play Doink or when TNA kept changing out the person inside the Suicide costume. Just saying, the cover of the book may be misleading.
The only thing I don't get is why? If Sin Cara was involved in a big-time fued, then I could see rushing him back or replacing him with someone else. However, there was no current program for Sin Cara. If they are using someone else for the interim, why? Why not just wait out the last week of his suspension. If his suspension started on July 18th, then it's finished on August 18th which means they maybe could have put him on the SD taping that would air on Friday August 19th.
I think they're going in the route of having the 'fake' Sin Cara for a few weeks only to expose him by the real one. Easy storyline for a mini-midcard feud. And it gives Mistico an opponent he can go with. It buys time for other plans to be made...
Well at least a Sin Cara vs Fake Sin Cara will be given 5 weeks to build. I'm not sure Hunico would be able to keep up with Sin Cara. Im tired of people wanting him to work WWE style wrestling he was brought in to work his style which made him famous. It is the WWE who's responsibility is to find guys who can work with him not the other way around.

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