Sin Cara debuts

i was amazed at his moves even though he did mess up his dive but it happens sometimes. i was disappointed at his booking. i thought that he would face sheamus for the US title and win it on his debut. that would have been cool to me. but i think thay should have great matches to come with sin cara eventually winning the title.
I fear for Sin Cara on Raw, only a matter of time before he's cannon fodder for the main eventers. While the dive was intially off mark, I thought Sin Cara redeemed himself nicely.....not quite a Shockmaster moment.
They need to have him just come out randomly like that and take out random people. Point and kill and leave. Then eventually let Del Rio win the championship and have him and Sin Cara battle it out. Del Rio is the only person who can truly keep up with him (because they've done it before for many years.) I'm sure Danielson could do well with him too, though. Heck, turn Bryan heel, like the good ole' ROH days, and let them go at it too.

I really would like to know, though, what kind of tequila you'd have to drink to attempt to do have the crazy a** moves he does. Shew.
I would have to assume that he will feud with sheamus. I look forward to his matches but idk if Sheamus is the right person. I think it would have been better served to have him feud with bryan. While neither can speak, and face on face is rarely done, Bryan would have made it much easier for Cara to highlight his moveset. How ever Sheamus Cara will just look like the standard kane- mysterio match. Excited wither way.
I thought it was a damn good debut. His entrance music sounded intriguing and it's interesting to see him enter a feud with Sheamus (a big guy) almost immediately. His moves reminded me so much of a younger Rey Mysterio and for a minute, I actually felt like a five year old kid again. That was an amazing dive over the top rope at the end. Something we haven't seen in a long time. I would love for Sin Cara to have a long, nice feud with Sheamus, eventually winning the United States Championship from him going on to defend against the Evan Bournes and the Daniel Bryans. Hell, by this time next year, he may be feuding with Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania, something we're all looking forward to seeing. The dude has huge amounts of potential and the WWE better capitalize on the momentum they've built for him.
I enjoyed his debut, although I did see the trampoline by the ring. I expect great things from Sin Cara in the future and I really hope they book a match between him and Shaemus at Extreme Rules. That will sell it for me.
I think the only thing that could have improved it was if he gestured to his belt afterwards. The botch wasn't that noticeable and to be honest, Sin Cara looks epic. Now, had they debuted him on Smackdown to work something with Alberto it would have been sweet, but that can wait. No sense in rushing the match ups.
I have some mixed feelings. His athleticism seemed unreal, but at the same time the "spotmonkey" alarm in my head was going off. I'll have to wait and see from a full match whether he can tell a story in the ring, or just go from spot to spot (like Morrison).

What I liked was that he recovered beautifully from his slip on entrance. That worked well and he didn't miss a beat. I'm actually more impressed with his ability to improvise than I would be if he had nailed the jump.

I think an introductory feud with Sheamus is both good and bad. Good because Sheamus is one of the best in the company and can easily carry the mic work (no idea if Sin Cara speaks English). Bad because both men need wins. With all of the promos building the man and the big entrance, having him lose to Sheamus seems silly. The flip side is that Sheamus is at a point where he needs some big wins. It can work if booked right, but will be tricky to pull off.

What I didn't like was how badly Daniel Bryan was buried. Sheamus squashed the guy, and honestly didn't need to. A good competitive match where Sheamus pulled out the victory would have done both more good. I'm hoping that they plan on sending Bryan to Smackdown and give him a better push over there, where they are starved for upper mid card faces.
Very excited about Sin Cara in WWE seeing him on this week's Raw as had me wanting to see more and it will be intresting to see how Sin Cara shows his skills against a big powerful wrestler likes Sheamus

And the amount of "5 star" matches this guy could have with the liks of Rey Mysterio, Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, Dolph Zigglers, Alberto Del Rio, Evan Bourne, certainly makes me want to watch Raw every monday
I didn't get to see it as my power went off for about an hour and a half, so I missed the second half of Raw.

However, it sounds like that Sin Cara made a good impression and that the WWE is putting him right into a nice, high profile feud right from the start. Considering that they didn't put him through FCW and want him to be exactly as he's always been, except for changing the name and look as CMLL owned copyrights to those, it makes sense. They signed him because he's a big star in Mexico and they obviously have big plans for him and like what he brings to the table, so I'm all for putting him into something meaningful rather than see him work in low level feuds against maybe Zack Ryder or Primo.
ShockMaster-ing his ring entrance isn't a big deal. It wasn't a good thing, at all, but it's not like this will ruin his character.

I liked it. He hits some big spots, showing what he's capable of, but not letting the cat completely out of the bag. I don't know if he can talk, or even speak English. If he can't, it could hurt him in the long run. I think the WWE is hoping this guy can takes Mysterio's spot, and I don't see a reason why he shouldn't.
I thought it was a Very Good debut. His entrance music awesome and even though he kind of botched the entrance its not a big deal. The Crossbody was BEAUTIFUL. The fact that they had him debut against Sheamus who is the US Champion must mean that WWE must have big plans for Sin Cara. I've see alot of him as Mistico in Mexico he's a tremendous Wrestler that I love to watch and I think that WWE fans will come to Love to Sin Cara, he could be a Star and make WWE alot of Money I could easily see him replacing Rey Mysterio as a Top Draw for the company.
I was so ready for Sin Cara but I thought it would have been bigger. I enjoyed his moveset and that splash was a piece of art.

I personally would have him debut and interupt the Miz. The Miz didnt ahve anything to do so they made him interupt Stone Cold which was a pointless promo. Imagine Sin Cara debut and interupts the Miz then takes out Alex Riley.

Or even better would be debut on Smackdown againste Mysterio. Form a team with Rey then betray him to prove that Sin Cara is the better masked man.

Those two would have been better that interuot the US Champ. But still hopefully he will win the title at E R and hold on to it then hopefully push for a world title.
ok so im a mysterio mark and bash me all u want but hes probably one of my top 5 favourites in the wwe right now

but in all honesty, yea the entrance was cool and nice hurricarana and the splash was huge. but really.... havent we seen tht already countless of times frm mysterio and pretty much any high flyer around.

the entrance music and attire was amazing no doubt and we all have high hopes for sin cara but i wudv liked it more if hed debuted in a match

plus heres to hoping mysterio goes to raw and these two form a tag team or somethng with mysterio and after a few months and a decent title run mysterio FOR THE FIRST TIME turns heel and attacks him for stealing his thunder

***correction head scissors and crossbody***
After looking at the replay, yeah, you can clearly see the trampoline there. That definitely takes some of the awe away.

Either way, I expect him to be a exciting Mysterio type of international wrestler. He'll be fun to watch. I doubt he ends up champion at any point though. Maybe tag or US, but not world.

Dude, Sin Cara WILL be either WHC or WWE champ. 99.9% sure of it. Yes I am that sure. There is NO WAY Vince bought out Sin Cara in his current contract just to keep him floating in the midcard. He is gonna energize for years to come. Sure he got no reaction when he came out but that's typical of a debut. Crowd reacted nicely with what he did to Sheamus.

Sin Cara has sold more in Mexico than Cena has sold in America. America is growing fast with hispanics. How many reigns he gets or how long they will be is another question but if Mysterio can get two then I have no doubt Sin Cara will get one. The buying out, the big draw, they held a PRESS CONFERENCE for his signing. There is no way he is being hyped this huge JUST to be a midcarder.
i think his debut was ok but he almost broke his neck lol but to me it seems like they forgot his debut was on the card and vince threw him in that spot it wasnt hyped at all but he got some good moves reminds me of rey mysterio jr in 96 on nitro
So he's Rey Mysterio mark 2 except he dresses like a power ranger. Don't understand why you're all hyper about him. He did a Hurricanrana and a top rope splash something we have seen over the last few years from Mysterio. Then again I have no idea who he is so I assume he has more in his arsenal than he displayed last night. Hope we get to see more from him before he's buried in the lower midcard like Evan Bourne.

agreed people are dickridin this guy based on hyp and heresay an some flashy videos on youtube. I go by what i see and i aint seen nothin yet.

A crossbody, nice, but nothing to make me say wow.

Jumping into the ring on a trampoline and he cant even do that right.

I belive he has it in him im just not seeing it yet. Its been 1 nite for christ sake tho
Why don't you do some research and download some full matches?

People who hate on a guy who has a HUGE library of matches you can go watch are dumb. That's like not voting for a politician because you don't like his name. Obviously people like him based on SOMETHING (the best spotfesty guy in the world). So instead of claiming everyone is dickriding based on hype and heresay and youtube videos, maybe you should find some full matches.

You probably said everyone else loves him based on hype and heresay and flashy youtube videos because that's the full extent of what you've seen. Just do even a wikipedia search, he won best draw of the decade with the Observer, which is fairly legit. Biggest star relative to everyone else in his company of the last 10 years. That's pretty impressive and something you shouldn't shit on before knowing what you're talking about.

It's like Mark Twain said, shut the hell up until you actually know what you're talking about, people will only see you as a dumbass when you open your mouth and prove you know nothing.
Why don't you do some research and download some full matches?

People who hate on a guy who has a HUGE library of matches you can go watch are dumb. That's like not voting for a politician because you don't like his name. Obviously people like him based on SOMETHING (the best spotfesty guy in the world). So instead of claiming everyone is dickriding based on hype and heresay and youtube videos, maybe you should find some full matches.

You probably said everyone else loves him based on hype and heresay and flashy youtube videos because that's the full extent of what you've seen. Just do even a wikipedia search, he won best draw of the decade with the Observer, which is fairly legit. Biggest star relative to everyone else in his company of the last 10 years. That's pretty impressive and something you shouldn't shit on before knowing what you're talking about.

It's like Mark Twain said, shut the hell up until you actually know what you're talking about, people will only see you as a dumbass when you open your mouth and prove you know nothing.

yea wev all seen his videos on youtube and he is AWESOME no doubt. but wev seen him in wwe for one night and ppl r sucking his dick cuz of a high impact crossbody??

u dont strt sucking up cuz of one night and not even a match. anyone remember ultimo dragon? guy trained under bruce lee and then trained in the lucha libre style of wrestling. he had ten titles at once. and u all remember wat the wwe did to him. hopefully sin cara will be a different story but its WAY WAY WAY WAY too early to talk abt whc or wwe titles
il admit that i havent seen any of Sin Caras matches and until i do i wont be getting too excited. he looks good, and looks like hel hav a pretty good ring prescence etc but as others have said lets wait and see him in a match telling a story before we get too excited. the reality is he botched his entrance (slightly) while using a trampoline, performed a hurricanerana and an inseguri, and finished with a crossbody. this is all stuff wev seen before no?? im nt saying they werent good spots because they were, i was just expecting something with a little more innovation.
I have seen a lot of his matches on youtube after WWE said they signed him. Dude is amazing no doubt about it. I nor anyone else has seen enough of him to really gather an opinion, due to the fact that WWE will probably tone down his style a lot rather then when was in Mexico and that type of wrestling is praised.

If Sin Cara is feuding with Sheamus as his debut feud, I expect to see some great matches. Sheamus works a lot better with guys like Sin Cara rather then say Randy Orton or Cena. I can't explain it but Sheamus has put on fantastic matches with John Morrison, Kofi, Daniel Bryan etc. All guys who are similar to Sin Cara. I expect great things for this feud.

As for Sin Cara? Can't make an opinion yet, would be unfair at this moment. We just have to wait for him to start competing to really gather an opinion.
u dont strt sucking up cuz of one night and not even a match. anyone remember ultimo dragon? guy trained under bruce lee and then trained in the lucha libre style of wrestling. he had ten titles at once. and u all remember wat the wwe did to him. hopefully sin cara will be a different story but its WAY WAY WAY WAY too early to talk abt whc or wwe titles
Ultimo was way past his prime. Nobody is talking about WWE or WHC titles, they're just excited. My post was in response to someone claiming people were "dickriding based on youtube videos".

You're right, WWE IS totally different. Misawa wouldn't get over in his prime in the WWE because the Japanese style isn't something most Americans like. Most luchadores dont' get over, because it's not a style most Americans like.

My point was it's stupid to bash people for getting excited about a guy they followed. I remember driving 12 hours round trip in one day to and from Chicago just to see Bryan Danielson on the indies. If someone told me "don't dick ride based on what you've heard" then it'd kind of prove how ignorant they are. I'm not as big of a Mistico fan as I was a BD fan, but I'm sure there are people here who are.
I think its funny how people say others are "riding his dick" just because they were excited about his debut. i think alot of people are giving sin a bad rep already because they are tired of mysterio, but mysterio is old. he doesnt do as much as he used to. some people, like me, are excited about sin because mysterio doesnt do those types of things as much as he used to. sometimes you like to see guys fly around. its also the idea of the possibilty that he could come in and do great things. you don't down the man before he even gets a chance to shine. everyone wants to see exciting things, and he gives us a chance for excitement. thats what being a fan is all about. the anticipation and the realization that your expectations were met or not. not just downing something before it even starts.

My only problem was with the amount of exposure they were giving him, every show had a sin cara vintage, even the show monday night had one, and his debut was.... 3 moves (2 if you dont count that botched entrance) and 20 seconds of face time. just seemed like a downer. he didnt even have a reason to come out to fight shaemus. i could see if shaemus was attack rey or something and they tied a storyline to that, but it just seemed random and not really well thought over.
I think its funny how people say others are "riding his dick" just because they were excited about his debut. i think alot of people are giving sin a bad rep already because they are tired of mysterio, but mysterio is old. he doesnt do as much as he used to. some people, like me, are excited about sin because mysterio doesnt do those types of things as much as he used to. sometimes you like to see guys fly around. its also the idea of the possibilty that he could come in and do great things. you don't down the man before he even gets a chance to shine. everyone wants to see exciting things, and he gives us a chance for excitement. thats what being a fan is all about. the anticipation and the realization that your expectations were met or not. not just downing something before it even starts.

My only problem was with the amount of exposure they were giving him, every show had a sin cara vintage, even the show monday night had one, and his debut was.... 3 moves (2 if you dont count that botched entrance) and 20 seconds of face time. just seemed like a downer. he didnt even have a reason to come out to fight shaemus. i could see if shaemus was attack rey or something and they tied a storyline to that, but it just seemed random and not really well thought over.
I like you. I agree with like 75% of your posts most of the time.

Rey is still actually pretty good in the ring. His matches tell stories better and when he wants he can still sell his ass off. He doesn't have the ability to make his stories and selling end with the same exclamation point as they used to, but he's still good. That said I think it's obvious he's backstage politiced his way around since Guerrero died.

As far as Cara's debut, it was perfect. What did you want? A 20 minute match? Raw (and really every show) should leave you wanting more. Raw especially. Cara came in, gave you about 15 second teaser and that's fine.

Think of movies. You have a few teaser trailers then the commercials, then the movie. The vids hyping him were teasers, last night was a commercial. The movie will come soon enough.

I think he had enough reason to attack Sheamus, Sheamus has the US title. Why would you wanna tie Rey in? Because they're Mexicans? Should the next black guy help out Mark Henry?
Sin Cara's debut made me feel kind of nervous. After seeing him mess up a little bit on his entrance I thought something was going to happen. And when he was reportedly suppose to do another move rather than the cross body onto Sheamus that made it worse. I hope he's not so unpredictable to pull off moves without telling his opponent

But yes I do think this will lead into a thing with Sheamus. Hopefully Daniel Bryan will be involved as well.

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