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Sin Cara debuts


the Frog
Well, he debuted and stopped Sheamus who was attacking Daniel Bryan after their U.S. Title match. He was pretty impressive with his high flying moves, despite almost getting caught on the rope when he jumped in the ring, but it was still impressive.


Does this mean he is going enter a fued with Sheamus and take the U.S. Title from him?
botched his entrance but that amazing dive he did surely made up for it.

Looking forward to seeing more from him. He and Sheamus could be an awesome program...and yeah...I could see him take the US Title. WWE has big plans for him to get that hispanic audience
Holy shit. That was crazy he jumped from the floor straight to the ring! those high flying moves he did were crazy! Definatly a future champion. I like what there doing with him starting with the US then moving up. He may even team up with evan bourne, his first wwe match was tagging with bourne. But anyway that was some crazy shit
the first thing that came to mind when i saw this thread was him getting stuck on the ropes jumping in..

but this shouldnt be a bad feud
there gonna make him look like an underdog to get him over
maybe even give him the u.s title as his first piece of gold
i think it was a bad spot for his debut. with all those promos and stuff, you'd think it would be bigger. but that jump off the top was bonkers! that shit got me excited.
Pulled off some good moves, even if he slightly botched his entrance, it still looked good. The crossbody was amazing though and he now joins Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston in the who can stay in the air longest competition.
I thought Sin Cara's work in the debut was incredible stuff, and I'm really looking forward to seeing him work.

From a booking stand point, though, I'm incredibly disappointed. They had a legitimate shot at putting the title back on Danielson, and I'd much rather see Sin Cara and Danielson work an amazing feud with amazing, technical matches to further legitimize the US Title.

Instead, we get an Irishman and a Mexican fighting over the US Title, and ONE of those two, while physically impressive, is still boring as hell. To me, anyways.

I really think booking dropped the ball here.
Exciting Debut. Short and sweet. Although more of him and less of Cole and Cena would have been nice. Just saying... after all those promos, a bit more attention to the new guy and less to the established would have been good.
Well i thought the way he debuted was great although he would probably be more entertaining with Daniel Bryan. And also you can see that when Sin Cara was running down the ramp there was a TRAMPOLINE next to the ring. I think Sin Cara has a bright future ahead of him and reminds me of a in shape WCW era Rey Mysterio.
Amazing. They are obviously building this guy up to much with all the epic promos, the epic entrance, skipping FCW, and attracting more Hispanics to WWE. I want this guy to have an incredibly bright future I easily see him taking the U.S. belt from Sheamus at the next PPV and eventually going on to win one of the main titles and I think management does too.
Well i thought the way he debuted was great although he would probably be more entertaining with Daniel Bryan. And also you can see that when Sin Cara was running down the ramp there was a TRAMPOLINE next to the ring. I think Sin Cara has a bright future ahead of him and reminds me of a in shape WCW era Rey Mysterio.

After looking at the replay, yeah, you can clearly see the trampoline there. That definitely takes some of the awe away.

Either way, I expect him to be a exciting Mysterio type of international wrestler. He'll be fun to watch. I doubt he ends up champion at any point though. Maybe tag or US, but not world.
Very, very, VERY happy with how this went down. After seeing the video yes, there's clearly a trampoline there, but that's not nearly enough to take away from this. He looked good and did some great spots to get new fans really excited about him.

The fact that they inserted him right into the mid card title picture against an established star like Sheamus makes me very happy as well. Sheamus always does a great job of selling the moves of smaller guys so this is a perfect way to get him going. If he ends up with the title, awesome.

Really looking forward to seeing this guy do his thing.
Does anyone know if Sin Cara can speak English well? I think understanding him and his ability to hold his own on the mic will play a pretty important role in how he is booked in the future. But anyway, I liked his short debut. Never mind the semi-botch getting into the ring. At least he didn't get completely stuck in the ropes. I think a program between him and Sheamus for the US title is inevitable now. I just hope Daniel Bryan doesn't fade into obscurity now. With Sin Cara now in the US title picture, the RAW midcard is starting to shape up to be interesting.
It was a great little teaser of more to come. His entrance theme is EPIC and definitely has a mystical quality about it which is a nice homage to Mistico, his original handle.

It was also nice to see him debut by showing off his in ring skills rather than mic skills. Many guys who have anticipated WWE debuts (Jericho comes to mind, The Rock's return, nearly any big non-Rumble return over the past few years) start with a promo, but Sin Cara started by showcasing his wrestling ability.

I will admit that my heart skipped a beat when he nearly botched his entrance, but he recovered by rolling through it and popping up. He then proceeded to hit some great offense on Sheamus and finished it all off with an amazing flying crossbody to the outside. It was beautiful.

It was exactly what the WWE needed to do, give us a taste of Sin Cara's skills so we keep coming back for more.
I really don't care about the "botch".
Speaking of which, I've never heard so many non wrestlers talk about botches as on this site. A botch is only a botch if it throws everyone off. Which Sin Cara's intro, and most of what else is called a "botch" doesn't either.

Anyways I don't think Sin Cara will get that over. High flying stuff doesn't fly with mainstream america because it's not something that can even be concieved as realistic. Unless you have amazing ring charisma like Mysterio or are an amazing face in peril like Bourne, you won't last.

I hope I'm wrong because I really enjoy his work, it just seems like the wrong audience.

I think pairing him with Sheamus is good. Sheamus will be able to destroy him with his style of offense and throw him around. Mystico just has to sell and hit his big stuff to get over after that. Down the road I'd LOVE to see Danielson vs Mystico. I look at it like a modern Malenko/Mysterio.
I followed mistico a lot before he signed in the wwe so i was already a fan from what i was able to see thus far, but that debut was sick, he got caught on the ropes but who cares he jumped from the floor into the ring, that was insane, did you see his dive? And how fluid and quick he was with his moves? The guy is something else, i hate rey and hopefully he is gone soon so sin cara has more spotlight because this guy is gonna be something, that was some awesome stuff for the little bit we got to see, im really excited and hope this is a feud because itd be great, he and jomo are so quick in the ring and do so much great high flying, innovative stuff i hope they feud sometime down the road
loved it

Im tired of mysterio and he looked dumb and distracting as captain america at mania.

I like sin cara loved him as mistico and stopped giving a crap about mystrio since he dropped the jr from his name.

happy to see him on raw and not smackdown and will be one of the reasons I watch raw each week .
Hey dansaint why dont you try jumping that high and not getting caught in the ropes, he obviously wanted to impress and that's exactly what he did IMO and we can possibly see a passing of the torch from the Lucha libres in the future
Holy shit. That was crazy he jumped from the floor straight to the ring! those high flying moves he did were crazy! Definatly a future champion. I like what there doing with him starting with the US then moving up. He may even team up with evan bourne, his first wwe match was tagging with bourne. But anyway that was some crazy shit

he did not jump into the ring well yes he did but there was a trampoline there. (beauty of pvr)

ANyways he was good yes but nothing we havent seen before...still waiting to be impressed.

The feud with shamous was a good pick they can have some great matches.
Could be amazing 3 way match id you Brian danielson in there
Still waiting to be impressed? Look him up on youtube. Given this forums hard on for flashy moves, I'd reccommend you put plastic wrap over your keyboard before you watch. Dude does a top rope 619, some cool multiple rotation headscissors, an imploding 450, some real breath taking finishers, and it's all real smooth (so smooth it looks fake as shit in my opinion).
The leap was amazing. Shame he botched it and it's a clear botch but it still looked great. The leap crossbody was fantastic as well as was the little leg flip kick thing he did on the rope. Sin Cara is going to be HUGE. I can't wait for when they have him use his finisher, La Mistica for the first time, and judging by his hype videos, they're going to.
botch botch botch. Was him catching his stomach on the top rope and leaning into a roll, a roll he would have otherwise done anyways REALLY a "botch"? When I think of botch I think of Scott Steiner slipping off the apron, I think of Hayabusa breaking his neck, not a guy catching his midsection on the top rope and if you had glanced away you'd never notice.

Seriously, I'm new here, what's up with this forum's obsession with the word "botch"?
So he's Rey Mysterio mark 2 except he dresses like a power ranger. Don't understand why you're all hyper about him. He did a Hurricanrana and a top rope splash something we have seen over the last few years from Mysterio. Then again I have no idea who he is so I assume he has more in his arsenal than he displayed last night. Hope we get to see more from him before he's buried in the lower midcard like Evan Bourne.
I think the expectation was that Cara was meant to sail over the top rope. Either that, or I dunno...he had to balance himself AFTER the hitting of the rope, so he wasn't expecting to hit it himself. I think he recovered nicely and not a major botch but it was there. He had to balance himself after and correct himself.

Also the hype with him is that he's Mexico's superstar. He's set to bring a new audience to WWE that hasn't been had since Rey and yes, while he IS Rey #2, he's designed to be Rey #2. He's set to take Rey's place.

A part of me hopes Sin Cara DOESN'T speak for a good few years and instead he does the pointy thing or maybe even gets a valet/manager/mouth piece. I fear his accent is going to be too heavy to deliver a proper impact with speech.

Cara will likely be huge and I can see why. He's got the goods, he's highly athletic, possibly moreso than Rey and is younger to boot, meaning they'll get a good shelf life out of him.

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