Sigh...Will they ever learn?

What can I say that hasn't been said?

Masters is a complete joke. It's a perfect example of Vince McMahon selling the dream muscular body. Masters has NO skill, he seems like an ass, and he's made the same mistake twice. I agree with the guy who said bring in Kevin Thorn to feud with Palumbo. Or make Dykstra/Palumbo a little more entertaining. I'm all for cutting Masters loose. Look at the guys who were caught with steroids. Morrison, Kennedy, Edge....atleast they can put on an entertaining match and there gimmick doesn't suck. Cut him.

As for DH Smith, I'm surprised. The same thing his father has done? Something's up. Either he's really stupid, or he was caught with something else. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. I think he has a good future.
Can't say I'm surprised about Masters. Nor do I really care. Smith's 2 matches in WWE have been better than Masters' 3 years in WWE. Hopefully the guy just gets canned before he does any further damage to himself.

It sucks about Harry though. As many before have said, no one wants to see him go down the same path as Davey Boy. I thought he showed amazing potential already in only his first 2 TV matches. It's truly unfortunate something like this had to tarnish his career so early.

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