Sigh...Will they ever learn?


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following is from

Chris Mordetzky has been suspended for 60 days, and DH Smith has been suspended for 30 days for violations of WWE’s Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy.

Mordetzky is known to fans as Chris Masters.

Masters: What a fucking joke. I mean the guy gets his ass handed to him by the Undertaker for not selling anything. Then he gets nailed for drug abuse #2. Honestly, how does this guy have a job? He has done zero in the WWE since he's been there and his in ring work is shit. The guy is just garbage, I just don't understand how anyone finds this guy remotely interesting.

Smith: I'll be a little more lenient on Smith. He's still really young and this is his first offense. But you would think that a guy that lost his father so young wouldn't want to start down the same path that he did.

Overall, it won't effect the WWE as far as programming. It sucks for Smith more because he was probably going to get a big initial run. It will probably give the WWE another black eye, but at this point, I think I can care a less anymore about the WWE.
how many drug tests has masters failed? shouldnt he be sacked by now. ah well i guess kenny will have to look at the lights for palumbo for another few months!
Its disapointing to hear about Harry Smith getting suspended, I mean nobody wants to see him go down the road his father did, plus he just got called up to the main roster. Masters is just worthless, WWE should just get rid of him.
smith is an idiot, he will have a red flag next to his name now as 1 of the 2 first violators of the wellness policy, after having only 1 match... well at least hes not in a big feud yet or anything, but still waht an idiot.

masters is a nice guy, but he has no gimmick without his body... doesnt wwe realize this? ....... that he will likely be on something un-natural if his whole role in the company is based on having an abnormally large physqiue...?
I haven't seen enough of Smith to give a decent opinion about him, but as for Chris Masters, meh.

I don't see him going anywhere with the E let alone any other wrestling company in the short or long run. Nothing against him personally, I don't think he's "garbage", but he isn't anything special. He did deserve that shot that Triple H gave him a while back saying something like "what would your book be about? how to lose 100 pounds in 4 weeks?" I would like to know specifically what he was busted for though.
man masters is a ******, just get rid of him hes useless, its times like these u gotta give some props to TNA for firing test for being ''too big'', so wth fire masters, he doesnt help WWE at all and hes just taking up time from other wrestlers with actual talent

now smith suprised me, like u guys said why would he wanna make the same mistake his dad made?... i hope he wakes up and stops using that crap, hes already a big guy, he doesnt need to be another hulk, and even though he wasnt really important right now it was nice seeing a fresh face on raw and he was impressing me in ring... but 30 days is no prob
Ya, it's November, so people on the list from now on are going to be publically outed. I think people misinterpreted all of that stuff when everyone was suspended in September. Most people thought that they were going to release those names in November, which I don't think will be the case.

I hope the public outings will start to discourage these guys from doing this junk. Especially Masters though, I don't understand how you can be supsended, and within a year, do the same damn thing again. YOu know they're testing, why try to think you can cheat the system
Masters: What a fucking joke. I mean the guy gets his ass handed to him by the Undertaker for not selling anything. Then he gets nailed for drug abuse #2. Honestly, how does this guy have a job? He has done zero in the WWE since he's been there and his in ring work is shit. The guy is just garbage, I just don't understand how anyone finds this guy remotely interesting.

Smith: I'll be a little more lenient on Smith. He's still really young and this is his first offense. But you would think that a guy that lost his father so young wouldn't want to start down the same path that he did.

Overall, it won't effect the WWE as far as programming. It sucks for Smith more because he was probably going to get a big initial run. It will probably give the WWE another black eye, but at this point, I think I can care a less anymore about the WWE.

I agree on Masters 100%. He has been with the company for a while so he knows how the program works yet he still screws up. He has done nothing that suggests they should take another chance on him.

As for Smith, the only thing I could see is that he was taking substances during developmental in hopes to get noticed. Not that I condone that, just thats what I think happened. Most tests can catch stuff you have taken months ago. I doubt he would jeopardize his career just after getting called up that quickly.
wwe is has been screwing up so damm much this year with all the injuries and deaths and this crap as for masters hes crap need to go and as far as smith is he can be a big superstar like his dad bulldog was but for damm sakes DONT DO THE SAME CRAP THAT CASUED THE SAME DEATH TO YOUR FATHER
i was a fan of masters at first, and back when he had that feud with carlito, he was actually pretty funny. lately tho, all he's been doing is getting suspended and being very stale and not very creative in the ring. as for DH well, c'mon, you get your first big break and you violate a policy thats getting an assload of attention? how dumb must you be? not to mention his dad died by using the same crap, so no, i dont think they will ever learn.
i was a fan of masters at first, and back when he had that feud with carlito, he was actually pretty funny. lately tho, all he's been doing is getting suspended and being very stale and not very creative in the ring. as for DH well, c'mon, you get your first big break and you violate a policy thats getting an assload of attention? how dumb must you be? not to mention his dad died by using the same crap, so no, i dont think they will ever learn.

about smith, i think its like thisiscrazy619 said, he was probably taking that stuff in OVW or wherever he was b4 joining raw, cuz the tests can pick up on the drugs even after u stopped using them for a couple of weeks or months (i think), cuz it seems like he stopped using that crap since hes not really muscular, he actually has kind of a gut.. so IMO he was taking it a while ago then stopped when he knew he was coming to RAW... either way its stupid to keep using that shit no matter where ur at...
Yes Masters is testing positive. But before all you you go and jump on Masters saying he should lose his job. Ask yourself one question, how the HELL has Batista or Lashley not been suspended for this wellness program. I mean its obvious Batista is on something and if anyone wants to say its natural, your an idiot.
This really makes me shake my head. The sad fact is, even with the policy in place, the culture of professional wrestling is such that it is almost impossible to break into the business without some sort of performance enhancing drug. I am not a Marc Mero fan, but he's right about his recent statement - wrestlers are expected to have such bodies as to be "superheros" when they enter the ring.

Masters is a ticking timebomb. Smith? Well, Bearer, I agree 100% with your statement on how baffling it is that he'd start down the same path as his father the tragic figure.
Yes Masters is testing positive. But before all you you go and jump on Masters saying he should lose his job. Ask yourself one question, how the HELL has Batista or Lashley not been suspended for this wellness program. I mean its obvious Batista is on something and if anyone wants to say its natural, your an idiot.

See, but this whole post is just based on rumors and your belief that these guys are on a the juice. Just do a quick check on Bobby Lashley, and his background points to this guy being naturally built. Now as far as Batista, of course the guy has juiced, but the point is, he hasn't been caught.

This isn't a thread for that, this is a thread for two guys that have been caught. The Wellness Program has been done to death and you can probably find a thread already created on it. Batista and Lashley haven't tested positive, Masters has...twice.
Pressure. Pressure from the business and pressure from the man. They're being forced to hit the juice in some ways. Sure they arent verbally told to do so, but the pressure is there and if they know they wont cut it, theyre going to do something to step up their game. From what I have heard and what is reported often, WWE wrestlers have shit for benefits, shit for retirement, and shit to live off if theyre gone. Most of them are between a rock and a hard place, so they take juice to try to make the man happy, because thats all they have going for them. In their minds, there is no other way. This is their living and what they have dedicated their lives to. I dont condone it either, buts its practically forced on them. My opinion.
This effects me two fold,

1/ The problem with Smith is that he is going down the same road as his farther, he should really need to take a good look at his dads career and see what may come of him if he continues to go down this road.

2/ Masters plain and simple, just sack him, i dont think he should be wasting space on the roster, he needs to go plain and simple he is the marc mero of the wwe who doesnt belong there.
Harry Smith: Come on, kid. You've had TWO matches so far on Raw. He was off to a good start and now that only makes it seem like a sarcastic comment. Like Max123 said above me, he has to look at Davey Boy's situation and rethink this choice. This first offense sticks with you for the rest of the company and the slate doesn't wipe itself clean. Another dent to the Hart Foundation idea. Guaranteed he's just lose a LOT of credibility and respect from the roster.

Chris Masters: So within the past few months, what have we gotten with Masters? Let's take a look...Two matches with Palumbo, 30 day suspension, 2 matches with Palumbo, injury because he didn't do his job right, and now a 60 day suspension. Anybody smell a worthwhile release besides me? Lol. If Masters was particularly over or someone that could put on a fantastic match, I'd see keeping him, but this guy is average at best and OBVIOUSLY immature and thick-headed. Please, fire his ass and give a push to someone who deserves it more, like throw Kevin Thorn on Smackdown to feud with Palumbo or something since Thorn has nothing to do right now.
Why am I not surprised that Masters failed again? I wont be surprised the day that he gets his third strike either. The guy seems to have an addiction and I hope he seeks help with it... As far as Harry Smith is concerned... I must say I'm in a little shock about that. I really just can't figure out why he would even dreasm about starting to go down the same road as his father... It's sad really and I hope that this suspension changes his mind about it..
The reason I'm in complete shock is due to DH Smith's suspension. Fuck, this is DH Smith! His father died after suffering a back injury and over-dosed on pain killers and had a bad addiction for years which eventually killed Davey Boy Smith. I was also excited to see Smith and to follow him throughout his career in the WWE from rookie to stardom. I hope the pressure of disclosing his name to the public and the embarrassment will do something and straighten the rookie out because I still have faith in him I hope this didn't nail his career.

As for Chris Masters, oh well. Even though I'm not a fan of his, the WWE was and viewed Masters as someone who can accomplish something in the future but it's quite clear that he keeps shooting himself in the foot. I wouldn't doubt the WWE will decide to just release the man shortly. He's not really being used & interest in him has dropped.

With the first two victims being disclosed, it's obvious that it's that time of the year that a good handful of superstars are being tested which is why I'm expecting more suspensions to be announced.
In my personal opinion, this is what I think regarding both men.

Chris Masters: This is his second issue within almost as many monthes. He's obviously not learning from his mistakes, & he possibly even thinks W.W.E. needs him so much, that he wouldn't of been caught again. Bottomline with Masters.. he doesn't draw anything, his gimmick is such a sad rip-off of Lex Luger, & he was feuding with Chuck Palumbo.. in which he was only going to lose anyways.

He's Smackdown's newest jobber, but with the fact that all those muscles have taken away any brain waves to his head.. it brings up the point that he needs to just be released. If W.W.E. fears him going to T.N.A., they have big issues. So what if he jumps, whats T.N.A. going to use him as.. their next World Champion? Not even T.N.A. is THAT hard up for new talent. Masters is on the fast track to the unemployment line, trying to sell himself to indy shows for ridiculous prices that noone would be in the right mind to pay.

D.H. Smith: Honestly, they're trying to package him as a new age version of his Father & in my opinion, it wasn't selling. His look sucks, he needs a better theme song, & he needs to attempt some mic. skills. His in-ring skills that I've seen are minimum at best, & his finisher is his Father's.. not exactly creating your own legacy, so much as recreating a legendary one from the past.

With the breaking news of him being busted for unknown stuff, or illegal substance.. it honestly makes me lose respect for the kid. I know he has to love his Father, but how is this showing respect toward not only his Father, but his Family? His Father passed away due to a stupid addiction, & regardless of how big or small whatever it was Harry was taking.. the fact is, he wasn't helping anyone by taking it.. period.

I think someone should smack some sense into this kid, before it gets too far. Honestly, someone needs to tell him straight to his face.. that his Father would likely be rolling over in his grave, knowing this has happened. If THAT doesn't straighten this kid up, then he needs to be cut before he ends up with his Father sooner than he has to be.
No of course everyone is jumping on Smith for being on juice but that is not necessarily the case. he could have had perfectly legal prescription that expired and he was still using which will get him in trouble as well. Not saying that is what happened but there should be no rush to judgment. I would have to hope that he is smart enough to not go down the road his dad did but you never can tell. But let us hold our horses until you know everything involved
What surprised me with Smith was that I remembered reading an article somewhere where he says he wasn't going to follow his father's path and is staying away from drugs. This makes him look worse.
Pressure. Pressure from the business and pressure from the man. They're being forced to hit the juice in some ways. Sure they arent verbally told to do so, but the pressure is there and if they know they wont cut it, theyre going to do something to step up their game. From what I have heard and what is reported often, WWE wrestlers have shit for benefits, shit for retirement, and shit to live off if theyre gone. Most of them are between a rock and a hard place, so they take juice to try to make the man happy, because thats all they have going for them. In their minds, there is no other way. This is their living and what they have dedicated their lives to. I dont condone it either, buts its practically forced on them. My opinion.

I hear people using that excuse in a lot of sports, and in my opinion that's kind of like saying men are forced to rape women because they don't consent to having sex with them. The pressure is on them to get laid and they can't get any women to agree to their mind, there is no other way. That's how I look at it.

Also, wrestlers need to wake up and realize that they're the ones in charge of their money, not the WWE. The ones that end up with nothing when they're gone have nobody to blame but themselves. They're the ones that decided to blow all their money on beer, drugs, and women instead of investing it. They're the ones that decided not to develop any skills to do anything other than wrestling if it didn't work out for them. They're making more than enough money if they want to get their own benefits, more than enough to save for retirement, and more than enough to save up in case they end up unemployed. If they choose not to do that, it doesn't matter how much money they make or what the WWE gives them, they're still going to blow it.
I think there are a lot of assumptions in this thread about they've been suspended for. Masters took some time out a while ago because he was addicted to painkillers. He has also been badly injured recently which means he would have had to take them again, repoening his addiction.
As for Smith, would he really be that stupid? I think it's entirely possible that he's been suspended for something else or has been busted because he was taking something before he joined the main roster.
Yes Masters is testing positive. But before all you you go and jump on Masters saying he should lose his job. Ask yourself one question, how the HELL has Batista or Lashley not been suspended for this wellness program. I mean its obvious Batista is on something and if anyone wants to say its natural, your an idiot.

well theres lots of masking agents to dilute your urine, and make it clean... also they may have elevated testosterone levels, but not at the ratio in which it counts as a failed test... aka the 4:1 ratio, that they are using steroids but are using anti-androgen products as well to decrease the testosterone levles

according to the wwe wellness, you can have 3 times the aoumtn of testerostne in your body and pass a drug test, thats utterly ridiculous and a complete joke

What surprised me with Smith was that I remembered reading an article somewhere where he says he wasn't going to follow his father's path and is staying away from drugs. This makes him look worse.

yea , thats what they all say ... *kennedy*

waht did you expect honestly.. that he would admit that he p;lanned on using drugs in his future?

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