Should TNA Sign Heyman? *MERGED*

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The current rumor is that Paul Heyman may have been released from WWE. What would people think if this guy joined the writing team over at TNA? I know there probably wouldn't be enough room for Heyman and Russo, but I think TNA desperately needs better writers if they hope to ascend to the top.
Paul walked out, all the while telling Vince to kiss his fucking ass! I'm sure of this. Paul should start his own promotion and stick it to Vince.
Just because it was so readily posted on, and Heyman being such a heavy-hitter, I think its a "work" to go along with the Big Show and Lashley storyline. This may be a way for him to make ECW edgier (optimistically thinking).
ExtremeIronChef said:
Paul walked out, all the while telling Vince to kiss his fucking ass! I'm sure of this. Paul should start his own promotion and stick it to Vince.

Thanks but care to answer the question? It has not been proven yet that he did walk out or get released but it is rumored. I am just wondering how people would feel if he came to TNA.
I don't think it would work if he went to tna. While it is true, with the talent tna has(though really a lack of any good story) Heyman would be the perfect guy to come in their and make that company huge. But with that said, there is the problem with Russo, and I don't conceivably see these two guys working, and it will be continuably frustrating for Heyman.

I also believe this is not a work, December to Dismember was a terrible ppv, and Heyman is the scapegoat...
I think this is probably better for Paul Heyman really, you could see him crying after the show, that was probably since he realised that ECW wasn't what it should be, and that it was too late to stop it. That said I'm glad he stood up to Vince McMahon even if he got fired in the process, it takes a bigger man to walk away than to kiss an ass.

Hopefully if he does move to TNA he could help to promote a Hardcore Division and be responsible for angles and bookings in that respect, whilst he could also contribute ideas with Russo if needed. If he did move to TNA, I can imagine plenty of ECW originals joining TNA out of loyalty to Paul Heyman, if their loyalty was really to WWE then the majority of ECW originals would have joined straight after the purchase of ECW and all its assets, but that wasn't the case.
Why bother with TNA? Heyman has done a lot for Wrestling from bringing in the Luchadors from Mexico and giving some of the guys a shot at showing thier talent ie Eddie , Chris, and RVD , he has a great mind but thier is only room for the Mcmahons at the WWe so it's either go along with what they have or just leave all together. if Paul is gone then I hope they go in a better Direction with ECW if they had made the PPV a lil better and let it be more ECW instead of WWe then it had the potential to be a great PPV. all things aside the people who chant TNA at any WWE Events just stay home if you only want to watch TNA , when ever I click over to TNA they have more talking than Tuesday Night Titans!! and that show was 10 times more entertaining than TNA, my wish is for ECW to dump the touring company bit and stay in one spot till they can get a nice following make peolpe either want to come out and see ECW in thier venue or make them demand to see ECW in thier hometown, TNA will always be only as good as the WWE Talent that is in there , that being said Kurt angle is a agreat Wrestler and so is Christian so let's not chant TNA until they can grow thier own talent and a set of balls other than the VKM ripping off what they did in DX years ago yes this is proof that Heyman would be a great asset to TNA , good luck where even you may end up Paul.
I'd love to see Heyman in TNA, then they could get rid of Russo, and Cornette would stay on and everybody would be happy, Heyman could do alot for TNA, and him and Raven would be put back together, I think I read or seen somthing that Heyman always wanted to work with Raven more because his chareter is so intriguing, I hope Heyman can get a job with TNA and if he can't get a job in TNA then he should look into starting up a new promotion with Todd Gordon
Wasn't Heyman bashing TNA in an interview awhile back? I don't expect him to look for a job with TNA, and I wouldn't expect TNA to go after him either. I love TNA, and I'm a fan of Heyman, but I don't see it happening.
now that heyman has left wwe totally tna could make a great move. this would be perfect if they could actually follow through with this. hire heyman and have him on the creative team and possible even have an on-air role as the manager for vkm. what would make things even better is if tna even hired eric bischoff for the creative team as well. now that would make it Cornette (WWF), Heyman (ECW), and Bischoff (WCW). it would be THE perfect move for tna.
heyman, russo, cornette, bishoff..itll never happen cuz some of these guys dnt even get u can forget about it....
If I were TNA I would throw the book at Heyman and tell him to start working. Heyman is the perfect fit for TNA and can reallyt help this mother become a monster. Ive said it before, Heyman is what TNA does and always has needed. TNA is mini-ECW. Heyman belongs there and can, IMO, lead TNA to the promised land. The reason ECW folded is coz Heyman can't handle money to save his fkn life. Otherwise, ECW could quite possibly have been bigger than the WWE by now. And that is exactly what TNA can offer him. They handle the cash, he can handle the product.
ExtremeIronChef said:
Paul walked out, all the while telling Vince to kiss his fucking ass! I'm sure of this. Paul should start his own promotion and stick it to Vince.

Except he cant actually legally start his own promotion, or at least own it in name, because he was bankrupt.

TNA right now are probably kicking themselves for signing Russo so close to when Heyman was going to come on the market, like others have said Heyman is the guy that can take them from small time to big time if he is given the right position within the company. Heyman is exactly what TNA needs.
I might be mistaken but I dont think Cornette and Heyman get on. It's a shame because these two could have some great verbal confrontation's if they bring Heyman in.
Honestly I don't think Tna and Heyman could even work. My reason is jarrett. If he did work there he wont have the power he had in ecw(old) so honestly how much can 1 guy change. Ive been keeping up with tna since day one, and ive seen russo 2x, Dusty, jarret(son and dad) all book this company and do a horrible job. All tna main talent is pissed off wwe guys, so you guys think that adding one more to the bunch sounds good? No it gets old fast. Hes a good writer but hes way to adult for tna. I know this will go against what i just wrote but his best bet is going to ROH, at least he would be back home, where everyone seems to forget that hes had his chances and blew them all(except new ecw, that was not his fault, it was doomed from the start). This is my 1st post on here so be gentle, i can only expect the hate to flow.
I disagree with the thing about Jeff. He's put up with Vincefor so many fkn years, and apparently Jeff is a really nice guy behind the curtain. Adding Paul Heyman would be a great move. He should both write and be an on-air authority figure. Fuck Cornette, fuck Russo, fuck everyone. Heyman is the man. And as for him being too adult for TNA, are you kidding me or what? Fair enough, TNA won't be as daring as the old ECW, but it sure as hell will be more daring than anything that Paul's been associated with since. TNA is without a doubt, the most adult wrestling program on TV. Just look at the ratings for WWE, ECW and TNA and its obvious. TNA scores much higher in the 18-34 and 18-49 demographic in relativity to there overall scores than the WWE. Again, Heyman would be perfect for TNA.

But at the same time, I don't think they should take Russo off the job either. These two working together could definately throw a whole bunch of exciting ideas off eachother's heads. Russo could throw in a whole bunch of his crazy ideas, and then Heyman could bring them together in a way that makes sense, and add some carnage and anatchy to the mix. Paul E. is an evil genius and TNA should jump on him ASAP. I would be surprised if Dixie hasn't already given him a call.
ExtremeIronChef said:
Paul walked out, all the while telling Vince to kiss his fucking ass! I'm sure of this. Paul should start his own promotion and stick it to Vince.

you know, he should, and the best part about it, is i dont think vince mcmahon could do a damn thing about it. i mean, he would probably be stealing back all the originals and probably the hardy boyz and stuff. we might actually be seeing the downhill drop of the wwe.
TNA should ABSOLUTELY get Heyman. It would be nice to see Heyman come in and then a few months later bring in his supporting cast of Sabu and RVD. Even though they are older it's just more name recognition. Heyman is known to the current WWE fan as a WWE on-air personality and they all know RVD so those are names that might bring along some fans. Plus we know RVD can put on good wrestling matches.

I think that if Heyman came in it would be another great wrestling mind and help steer TNA in the right direction. If he comes and then a few others it'll start to look like back in the old days of the jumps, though not quite as big names.
Here's what I took me a while to think of this:

Trust me, there will be a huge amount of talent coming in TNA within the next year (RVD? Sabu? other ECW originals? Danielson? McGuinness? other ROH guys?). With their hugely talented roster right now, we all seem to agree on the fact that TNA needs a second hour. I've been saying this for quite some time, but TNA needs a second show as badly. Russo and Heyman could work well together...but it would probably be a feast or famine relationship.


How it would work: Splitting TNA into a two different one-hour shows is inarguably a possibility (after all, SPIKE has a lot of crap on it). If Heyman goes to TNA, give him the guys he'd work well with: Team 3D, Abyss, X-Division guys. Then leave the more heavyweight styled wrestling to Russo. Responses?
I am strictly against brand/roster splits and even more against the division of talent by weight-class. You need a mixture on the show. It would kill TNA to split the roster. WWE has a roster 100X better and deeper than TNA and still cannot pull the brand split off. It doesn't work. You need to throw out everything you got into every show. And you need the different divisions to compliment eachother and give variety to the product. They just need more air-time. 2 X 2hour shows would be a dream for TNA and would allow them to finally go all out and present a top-tier product. Not to mention it would it would change the game forever.
We shouldn't even be discussing this because Paul Heyman ain't goin anywhere and odds are he'll be back in WWE by Wrestlemania.The way they had it on just reeked of Storyline so much it's not even funny...Vince and Heyman knew the ppv was bad so they needed a way to spice ECW up...Provide shock value...And this is their way of doing it.WWE ain't stupid enough to release him knowing he could go to TNA....WWE is publicizing it way too much, getting comments from ECW stars, etc. He'll be back.It's a nice dream for TNA fans but it's not happening.
jawn87 said:
you know, he should, and the best part about it, is i dont think vince mcmahon could do a damn thing about it. i mean, he would probably be stealing back all the originals and probably the hardy boyz and stuff. we might actually be seeing the downhill drop of the wwe.

Paul Heyman will, in no way, be the downfall of WWE. Why would the Hardy Boyz leave to be with him, who made the Hardyz? WWE did, not Paul. The only reason Jeff ever went to TNA was because he was not allowed to work for WWE, and Matt only considered it cause WWE fired him. As long as their jobs are secure at WWE they're not going anywhere, and I would be willing to bet they are not as financially free to do it. So what is all the ECW originals leave, how many of them have any impact on WWE TV right now anyways, hell they basically mean nothing on ECW tv. That isn't their fault, they just have not been used, but what I'm saying is that won't hurt WWE much to see them all go.

I agree, now, with Crush316 that this reeks storyline.

Brilliance in Supremecy said to trust him, a huge flow of ROH and disgruntled WWE guys are about to pour into TNA. I agree with him that this will happen, but it is a bad thing. TNA already has a huge roster, and even with a second hour and the current roster they will have trouble giving everyone spots. Now you bring in new guys and if they go ahead of the TNA guys who have been patiently waiting, that will lead to a pissed off lockeroom. Theres so many guys waiting to be utilized they shouldn't just be passed over unless it is for someone like Kurt Angle, that was fine, because he is the best wrestler alive.

The only reason to have a brand split would be if they had enough talent to fill 4 hours of television a week, not just 2. The current roster can handle a 2 hour slot. And the creative team is hardly creative enough as a combined unit to come up with great tv (I'm sorry but these storylines are as shitty as WWE's have been), if you split that team in 2 what will happen? Even with Heyman on one show and Russo on the other, I don't think it will work out too well.
Paul Heyman should indeed go to TNA to show Vince Mcmahon he isn't all bad ass like he thinks he is right now. I hate Mcmahon for what he did and am considering tuning out of RAW and ECW for good.
This whole angle could be a crock of $hit. Or, McMahon could be looking to air dirty laundry on Heyman and make sure everyone knows (particularly the WWE audience who has always hated him) that he's no longer associated with ECW. Either way, ECW is tripping over its own feet week in and week out. The booking decision for the PPV were some of the most idiotic decision I've ever seen. Either this is planning to be a "worked shoot" angle that they feel will hopefully generate interest into a sinking ship, but I also don't think Heyman or any of the other ECW originals are proud of what they're involved in. Hell, I'm ashamed and I just watch the stuff.
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