Paul Heyman - TNA's last hope for creative?

Wasn't overly aware of the personal issues, but at least three of the five I've listed would love to stick it to Vince and vengence is a great motive for reconciliation!

As far as to many cooks, I feel a dedicated writer for each division (World, Tag, X & Knockouts- the Global belt should be binned), with a main stern is the way to go to try and get rid of the feeling that everything revolves around the World belt that exists at the moment. More concentration on the areas that TNA actually can better WWe (Tag, X & KOs) has to be good for business.
You guys are all missing the big picture. While it is unquestionable that Heyman has the track record the fact remains that that track record was in ECW. If you are trying to compete with the WWE (which TNA clearly is...or was until moving back to Thursdays) you can't put that type of product out there. Sponsors wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole. Heyman was huge with ECW and had an impact in the WWE in the Attitude Era, but that type of programming would not fly now.

The question then becomes whether Heyman could put out the same level of quality without the free reign to do whatever he wanted. Also, to the person saying how Rhyno, Taz, and RVD were all much bigger in ECW than when in WWE or WCW. It only makes sense. They were big fish in a tiny pond. When then went to the other promotions it was easy to get lost in the shuffle.

To all the ECW fans out there, I do not mean this as a bashing of that product. From what I saw of it it was fun and entertaining (if a little too "extreme" for my was the height of the Attitude Era for that matter) but it just couldn't work today if your ultimate goal was to be taken seriously on the global level.
You guys are all missing the big picture. While it is unquestionable that Heyman has the track record the fact remains that that track record was in ECW. If you are trying to compete with the WWE (which TNA clearly is...or was until moving back to Thursdays) you can't put that type of product out there. Sponsors wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole. Heyman was huge with ECW and had an impact in the WWE in the Attitude Era, but that type of programming would not fly now.

The question then becomes whether Heyman could put out the same level of quality without the free reign to do whatever he wanted. Also, to the person saying how Rhyno, Taz, and RVD were all much bigger in ECW than when in WWE or WCW. It only makes sense. They were big fish in a tiny pond. When then went to the other promotions it was easy to get lost in the shuffle.

To all the ECW fans out there, I do not mean this as a bashing of that product. From what I saw of it it was fun and entertaining (if a little too "extreme" for my was the height of the Attitude Era for that matter) but it just couldn't work today if your ultimate goal was to be taken seriously on the global level.

I guess you didnt watch Smackdown when he booked it then? You know when that show was beating RAW in the ratings.
I guess you didnt watch Smackdown when he booked it then? You know when that show was beating RAW in the ratings.

Wasn't that during the Attitude Era? I guess I may have had my dates off. Yes, he did a good job with Smackdown when he was there post Attitude Era, but I still feel that when looking at the complete body of his work, his time in the more extreme periods will be remembered more than his time on Smackdown.
Well it wouldnt hurt if Paul Heyman went to TNA. I mean lets face it... TNA cant do much worst in ratings than they already are.
Wasn't that during the Attitude Era? I guess I may have had my dates off. Yes, he did a good job with Smackdown when he was there post Attitude Era, but I still feel that when looking at the complete body of his work, his time in the more extreme periods will be remembered more than his time on Smackdown.

This makes utterly no sense, I debunked your prior argument and now you are fudging the issue. Sorry but his run on Smackdown is widely remember and a number of fans have made compilations of his booking tenure something you dont see for anyone within the last decade.
Arguments aside, I can say that Paul would help out. Again, ratings would be slow to build for a bit, but he can really book things better than almost anyone else in the industry currently. Heyman is a genius when it comes to wrestling, and he really has one of the most creative minds in the industry. I have been watching his work as a booker since ECW. I still can watch those old ECW episodes and get a smile going as Paul was so able to make almost anyone look like a Million bucks. I can say that I really wish that TNA would really be able to get Paul on the creative team. There has been some success lately, but Hayman would really add some consistency to the show as he alsways seems to be thinking ahead when he is on the money.
This makes utterly no sense, I debunked your prior argument and now you are fudging the issue. Sorry but his run on Smackdown is widely remember and a number of fans have made compilations of his booking tenure something you dont see for anyone within the last decade.

Wow, I acknowledge that what you said is true and you still attack me? It may be "widely remember" but not by me. When I watched wrestling back then I wasn't aware of who booked what. I knew he was on air and had no idea he had a hand in the behind the scenes stuff. Believe me if you want, I honestly don't care. And, I still stand by MY opinion (I did say "I still feel...". i.e. MY opinion) that Paul Heyman is known more for his ECW days than his Smackdown ones.

After all, I don't usually see "Give Paul Heyman control so he can do what he did on Smackdown." It is almost always "Give Paul Heyman control. Look what he did with less resources in ECW."

If people are using his time at ECW as the basis for why he would be a good choice to run creative in TNA then I guess I am not that far off.

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