Should <insert name here> go to TNA?

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Not trying to hate on TNA and yes Vince does have an ego, but it just seems to me that Jeff really started to gain momentum about 1 year after coming back to TNA. And than once he went over HHH and had that small quick feud with Orton it was apparent that he could main event for WWE. For TNA they could take almost any WWE midcarder and start to throw them in a high profile feud.

Second point. Ok I might have worded that wrong, but when you compare the audience that watches TNA(and WWE) to just people who watch WWE(and not TNA) I think there is alot more % wise that just watch WWE. At least back than, the mainstream WWE didn't watch TNA. So most of them had no idea that Jeff was in TNA or if they did, they weren't sure what he was doing in there.

Anyway Jeff is a interesting guy in terms of his fans, I do believe he could take a year break from say WWE and come back and some how he would still be popular if not more,but the fans that generally like Jeff, tend to be the more younger, casual fan and less than people that are on the internet. Now I am not saying people on the net don't like but a majority of his fans tend to be the less hardcore wrestling fans.

I totally hear what you're saying here, but I think you underestimate the power that TNA has had in the pro-wrestling market throughout the years of its existence. When the WWE umped ship from Spike TV to USA, TNA got a television deal fairly quickly after and the pro-wrestling audience took notice. Sure, they have never even been NEAR on-par with the WWE, but don't count them out. When Jeff moved over to TNA, the WWE audience noticed. Matt blogged about it, internet reports all circulated, and it was even illustrated on their WWE-made Twist of Fate DVD's.

Pertaining to Jeff's feud with HHH, you're right... he didn't gain the main event exposure until he feuded with Triple H. But I highly doubt they would have done that if Jeff hadn't proved himself in TNA. Granted, Jeff had a phenomenal ladder match with the Taker for the title, but I think we all knew he would come up on the losing end of that from the getgo. The point is that there is a good chance that the WWE writers would not have placed Jeff into that feud with Triple H if they didn't feel he was ready for the main event.

Obviously, most of this conversation is based on speculation, but I just wanted to let you know that what I posted earlier had a ton of truth to it.
I totally hear what you're saying here, but I think you underestimate the power that TNA has had in the pro-wrestling market throughout the years of its existence. When the WWE umped ship from Spike TV to USA, TNA got a television deal fairly quickly after and the pro-wrestling audience took notice. Sure, they have never even been NEAR on-par with the WWE, but don't count them out. When Jeff moved over to TNA, the WWE audience noticed. Matt blogged about it, internet reports all circulated, and it was even illustrated on their WWE-made Twist of Fate DVD's.

Pertaining to Jeff's feud with HHH, you're right... he didn't gain the main event exposure until he feuded with Triple H. But I highly doubt they would have done that if Jeff hadn't proved himself in TNA. Granted, Jeff had a phenomenal ladder match with the Taker for the title, but I think we all knew he would come up on the losing end of that from the getgo. The point is that there is a good chance that the WWE writers would not have placed Jeff into that feud with Triple H if they didn't feel he was ready for the main event.

Obviously, most of this conversation is based on speculation, but I just wanted to let you know that what I posted earlier had a ton of truth to it.

Oh Yea, from when I first read it I thought it was complete crazy and bs, but now I am seeing where you are coming from, not that a necessarily agree with it, but that it seems less and not so much crazy as I thought before. And maybe I am underestimating TNA, but one thing I know for sure, is they won't be underestimated much anymore and they will look to capitalize and look for that "SCSA" guy possibly when WWE releases someone.
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