Should TNA Do Some Spring Cleaning Of Its Own?

If I had to choose some this is whom:

Amazing Red - Great talent with exceptional skills, but I don't see them keeping him around long.

Brian Kendrick - Seems to me that his gimmick is just out there because they had no idea what to do with him, again great talent but I don't see a future in TNA for him.

Brother Devon - Regrettably Devon's just not interesting without Bubba. Bully Ray his coming to be great as a singles.

Desmond Wolfe - I know he's going through some stuff now and what he did was interesting but he's been gone since like December so I'd say remove him from the roster. If he comes back he does if not he don't.

Jeff Hardy - I don't see it happening but let him go get help and bring him back later. I'm sure he's under contract which means he's being paid right now for doing nothing.

Jesse Neal - Like others said, without Moore he's irrelevent and there's nowhere for him to go.

Kyoshi - I think he's doing the Suicide thing now. But anyone can do that.

Magnus - Unless he does something with Williams he's should go.

Okato - Once this whole green hornet thing is over with, what else can they do with him.

Reid Flair - Either debut him and see what he can do or let him go.

Rob Terry - dude's just a big clutz.

Ms. Tessmacher - Haven't done much with her.
Not necessarily, because unlike the majority of WWE contracts, TNA carries a ton of pay-per-appearance performers who don't actually get paid unless they're used, which means them being part of the "active roster" is irrelevant to the financials of the company.

As much as I'd love to cut some of the deadweight in guys like Devon, Dreamer, etc, unless they're eating into money week-after-week despite not being part of the show or only really working Xplosion shows, there's no real reason to unless they in fact are eating up money.

Exactly, TNA wrestlers are not payed in the same way that WWE wrestlers are paid. If they were ,i could agree with some of the names mentioned but but not all. Guys why do you think TNA has a tv deal with ratings (maybe not the same as WWE's) but more than ROH? Because TNA has a mix of veteran wrestlers people want to see with new wrestlers (Those who started wrestling around 2001) that people want to discover. What does ROH has? Mostley wrestlers that people want to discover, but no big time names and thats why TNA can get a TV deal and ROH doesn't.
The only people that I would cut on the roster are the people that don't get on TV and since they don't get on TV they most likely don't cost anything because most of them are on Pay Per Appearance deals so it does not cost TNA anything to keep them around. I think everyone else on the roster except for a few guys are all deserving to be on the Roster.
Wow, there is a serious amount of hatred towards the Hardys which does surprise me, even with all Jeffs drug issues he is still someone who will make money for TNA when he returns, he is one of the few in TNA that actually sells merchandise. Keeper for me.


Abyss - Like everyone else has stated this guy is just bland in and out of the ring.

Brother Devon - Let him go as he will never make it as a singles wrestler. Bring him back for one last tag team run in a couple years if at all.

Kyoshi - I think he is gone already.

Big Rob - They have tried many times to get him over and he still sucks. Let him go join the Nexus in WWE.

Shannon Moore - Average at high flying, worse at mat wrestling. Crappy niche following with no real charisma. Bad hair, worse gimmick.

Murphy - Bad look, no skills as far as I can see either. Jobber at best.

Desmond Wolfe - Loved this guy when he came in but if he is not ever going to wrestle (be it concussions or backstage politics) get rid of him.

Tommy Dreamer - Past it when he left WWE, even worse now. Bad on the mic and in the ring. He is a road agent at best.

Orlando Jordon - Just hate is character. Even though he may be able to wrestle we never get to see that as he is always grinding or stroking his competitors.

Mike Tenay - Really really bored by his commentary and would love to see Don West return to play a heel to Taz's face persona.

Hulk Hogan - He costs way too much, has way too much TV time and is constantly acting a fool in public and on Twitter. Still the egomaniac I wish he wasn't.


In my opinion they all suck apart from Tara, Mickie James and Winter. They need to start from scratch in this division and actually sign some talent. Also Velvet and Angelina are not hot at all, fake funbags and a shit load of make up do not make you beautiful. Tessmacher is hot but can't wrestle. Tara and Christe Hemme are old but still extremely hot.
Well, this should be fun

Amazing Red: He has talent, but I think he's slightly overrated. The best thing to come from him thus far is Crimson, and I don't consider him the "face of the X Division."

Brian Kendrick: Oh how he's just wasting away in TNA. I like the guy, but he's just there. The last thing I remember him doing was trying to be with the ECW guys

Jeff Hardy: "Jeff, I'd ask you for a comment, but all you've really said in the last few months is--:rasta:"
I grew up with this guy. If I can see what a liability he is, fanboys and fangirls need to stop trying to defend him. He's a freakin train wreck. What you do on your own time is all good, but don't make your company look bad and yourself a liability because you keep doing dumb stuff. If he doesn't get help, he will just be another early wrestling death. Tis a shame...

Kiyoshi: Seriously, why is he there. He finally returns and he teams with some random dude that nobody cares for? Which brings me to..

Okatu: Same as above -the return. His gimmick is lame and his debut match was unimpressive.

Mick Foley: As a commentator, whatever. But if there's one thing in TNA I don't want, it's to see Foley get hisss back into a wrestling ring just so he can throw tacks on the floor and bleed.

Orlando Jordan
: Decent in ring performer, but the team with Eric Young is about as good as he'll get.(The only good thing I've heard Orlando say is "Jersey Shore sucks")

Reid Flair: He's been under contract for almost a year now. Do something or release him. Also, the last thing we need is another Immortal member.

Ric Flair: As a manager, mouthpiece, or commentator(so long as he doesn't electrocute himself spitting on the mic), fine. However, why must we see Flair flop around like a dying fish and bleed like stuffed pig once a month?

Robbie E.: I just don't like him. He's mediocre in the ring, has terrible mic skills, and his gimmick just flat out sucks.

Shannon Moore: D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F about Shannon Moore? I shouldn't.

Tommy Dreamer
: The ECW nostalgia is gone. No disrespect intended, but he just looks ridiculous out there.


Rosita: I don't see the point of her addition. She's a hard OK in the ring, she looks like she doesn't belong, and she'll never escape the "little cousin" thing. Also, just my opinion: Rosita is about the sourest piece of eye candy TNA has.

Karen Angle: Does she count? After Lockdown, get rid of her.

Tessmacher: I could've sworn she was released. No? Well, do it? She wasn't good in the ring, and as far as eye candy goes, all she has are her tits. Also, she doesn't seem like a believable authority figure(see when she ran the Knockout's division).

Did I go over 12? My bad. Didn't mean to.
hogan- do i really need to give a reason?
bishoff- see above
orlando jordan- never liked him. useless
samoa joe- i kno i kno, but hes dun nuthin of any significance lately. fire him 4 a bit, let him get bak in shape and redebut him as a real main eventor.
ric flair- this guys ruined his legacy.
gunner and murphy- didnt we already hav these guys b4 with the main event mafia? they were a lot fatter bak then tho.
winter- shes easily the worst knockout in TNA rite now.
Thank God (or Ric Flair) that none of you have any influence on how TNA is run and who they employ, as they would’ve folded a long time ago. Take Lucid’s list for example: if TNA actually did this they would be off TV within the week and bankrupt by the end of the month. A wrestlers age has nothing to do with what they can offer a wrestling company. The Undertaker is probably the oldest guy on WWEs roster, yet I’ve seen 2 WWE matches in 2 years (Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels and Undertaker vs Triple H). Age is irrelevant, the name and other aspects are more important.

The guys I would cut from the TNA roster, are the guys that don’t offer anything, not the ones that I may not like because they are old. Give me Hulk Hogan over Amazing Red, Ric Flair over Jay Lethal, and Sting over Brian Kendrick any day.

The following are the guys that don’t contribute much to the product and would not be missed if they were gone, therefore these are the guys I would cut:

Amazing Red – He’s fun to watch in the ring but who would even notice if he was released?

Brian Kendrick – Kendrick seems like the kind of guy who could become interesting but he’s never really been given much of a shot, and is another one who wouldn’t be missed if he wasn’t seen again.

Brother Devon – It’s been clear to see (if you didn’t already know) that Bully Ray was the star of Team 3D. And without Ray by his side, Devon just isn’t all that interesting.

Eric Young – Another guy who has some talent but he’s not someone I would have much for if I wrote TNA. There are just too many good wrestlers on their roster.

Jay Lethal – Brilliant at the impressions but without them he quickly gets forgotten about. When he was feuding with Ric Flair, it was one of the best things I’ve seen in a while. But as soon as Flair moved on to other things, Lethal quickly became boring.

Kyoshi – I’ve only seen this guy on Xplosion. No need for him at all. Unless he was in a tag team with Okato

Magnus – A bit like Eric Young, a talented guy but not someone who would be high on the list of the guys who you book your show around.

Okato – The only thing he could do is team with Kyoshi IMO

Orlando Jordan – He’s not someone I dislike, I find him quite funny. But he’s not someone who is needed.

Scott Steiner – Legend of the sport but he’s just not as interesting as guys like Hogan, Flair and Bischoff.

Tommy Dreamer – Move him backstage or something. TNA don’t need Tommy Dreamer as an active wrestler or an on screen personality.
Gunner - This guy has jobber for life written all over him. The fact that he's TNA Television Champion means less than nothing.

Huh? Come on, you serious? Gunner looks mean as fuck! He looks as though he could tear someone like AJ or Daniels limb from limb. The fact that he's not used very often would have been more of a valid reason for cutting him from the roster. I don't see what says "jobber" about him at all? He's physically imposing, has some real intensity and by all accounts was some sort of NWA Heavyweight Champion, so he's probably pretty decent in the ring. And reading house show reports would back up that he (and Murphy) has good wrestling ability. He just hasn't had a real chance to show much on TV (and that's probably not his fault to be honest).
Male Wrestlers:
Abyss - Worthless and to call him untalented is an insult to untalented people in the business
AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red - Overrated and have never been a big fan of his ANY of the many times he's been pushed as "the face of the X-division"he is still good for the x division...
Anarquia - Who? agree
Brian Kendrick
Brother Devon - Should have never been brought in to begin with...
Bully Ray - See Above.. agree .. both overrated
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
D'Angelo Dinero - What exactly is his gimmick? is he supposed to be a religious figure or a pimp? a pimp ..and he is worth keeping
Desmond Wolfe - Change name back to Nigel McGuinness.. either or just give him more exposure
Douglas Williams
El Zorro - Under contract but hasn't debuted
Eric Young
Gunner - Every other "evil security" team has failed, yet they keep trying them... (TNA Television Champion - make a new Belt that doesn't say "Legends Championship" and put it on Christopher Daniels) just fire him
James Storm - TNA World Tag Team Champion
Jay Lethal
Jeff Hardy - he should be black balled from the business until he gets clean and proves that he can stay clean for an extended amount of time, and I say that for his own welfare...either fire him or let him not pass the tv division ....
Jeff Jarrett
Jeremy Buck
Jesse Neal - The sob story doesn't work with me and never has....agreed
Kazarian TNA X Division Champion - Sadly, the X has got to go, its been damaged beyond repair.. fire him ...
Kyoshi.. see above
Kurt Angle
Matt Hardy - He needs to go to get help with the fact that he is a serious enabler for his brother... see kaz..also overrated like his brother
Matt Morgan
Max Buck
Mick Foley - He should just got get himself a nice job in New York, go into the HOF and not make a fool of himself in a second rate ECW wannabe
Mr. Anderson
Murphy - See Gunner
Okato--gotta go
Orlando Jordan-gotta go
Reid Flair - Under contract but hasn't debuted - Junkie brat of Ric Flair who obviously has no real ambition to be in the business or he would have debuted already
Ric Flair - Why, Ric, Why? TNA? Really? You could have been treated as a legend and got paid a lot of money to simply not wrestle, and you chose to go be Hulk Hogan's bitch?...he needs to reitre for real or be an announcer..
Robbie E - do characters based on currently popular TV shows EVER get over? because once the TV shows no longer "cool" the character is useless and has been a waste of money...gotta fire him
Robert Roode - TNA World Tag Team Champion
Rob Terry. he can be fired and not missed 1 bit
Rob Van Dam - 1999=cool; 2011=fool.. he can be used but he needs sum1 like an aj or hardy to make everything smooth.
Samoa Joe
Scott Steiner - made sense until the night of the Royal Rumble ... fire him..
Shannon him
Sting - Deserves a bigger stage to end his career on (TNA World Heavyweight Champion - put belt on AJ and him feud with McGuinness)
Tommy Dreamer - waste. of. space.,..agree but still won't mind him getting black hole slammed before he left.
Hulk Hogan - I'm Surprised that Bob Carter doesn't have him arrested as the con man that he is...he has to be fired completely
Eric Bischoff - See Above.. id keep him tho
Vince Russo - How long can he NOT provide results before he gets fired? I'm starting to wonder if he's fucking Dixie .. agreed but he must go as quick as hogan

tna needs its six sides back and needs to give the title to angle ... kill this stupid immortal and fortune crap.. its dull as hell..go back to how the x division was amazing and got mad air time ... and when thew whc wasn't on hardy at all and not on mr. Anderson cuz none are as good as angle ..Anderson is perfect as a contender but not as a champion yet..and plz if ya coming up wit factions no hogan ... and if hardy gonna be leader do a raven flock theme it would work a lot more than immortal
Future Endeavored in bold:

AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red- He doesn't have IT. Looking like a 16 year old backyard wrestler and being a spotmonkey doesn't get it done.
Anarquia- Who?
Brian Kendrick- Will always be a glorified jobber.
Brother Devon- Either reform Team 3D long enough to put over TNA Tag Teams or just fire him now.
Bully Ray
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
D'Angelo Dinero
Desmond Wolfe
Douglas Williams
El Zorro - No need to debut, see ya.
Eric Young- Outlived his usefulness.
Gunner - TNA Television Champion
James Storm - TNA World Tag Team Champion
Jay Lethal
Jeff Hardy- Unreliable druggies need not apply.
Jeff Jarrett- The time has come Jeff. You're never going to get over so get stepping.
Jeremy Buck
Jesse Neal
Kazarian - TNA X Division Champion
Kyoshi- I can't even remember the guys gimmick, so, later.
Kurt Angle
Matt Hardy- Follow your brother out the door.
Matt Morgan- TNA has enough big guys and needs some changes. Get rid of him at least short term.
Max Buck
Mick Foley- We don't need WWE brown nosers in TNA Mick, sorry. Enjoy your WWE return.
Mr. Anderson
Okato- Waste of space.
Orlando Jordan
Reid Flair- Go hit the pipe with Jeff Hardy on the Indy scene.
Ric Flair
Robbie E
Robert Roode - TNA World Tag Team Champion
Rob Terry
Rob Van Dam
Samoa Joe- Sorry Joe, obese Samoans pretending to be badasses only sell to a small portion of the IWC. We need fans who catch the programming to say "holy shit" and not "holy shit that's fucking nasty." Enjoy being back in the ROH bingo hall.
Scott Steiner- Sorry Scott, your time has come and the WWE ruined how over you were a decade ago anyways.
Shannon Moore
Sting - TNA World Heavyweight Champion
Tommy Dreamer- Sucked in ECW, sucked in WWE, sucks in TNA. Go suck somewhere else.

Female Wrestlers

Angelina Love
Madison Rayne- Madison is actually a bit boring and TNA needs to take their Knockouts division which IS pretty good to the next level.
Ms. Tessmacher
Rosita- Doesn't bring much to the table.
Sarita - TNA Knockout Tag Team Champion
Velvet Sky

Honorable mentions: Mike Tenay and Tazz.

Okay so I picked 21 on air characters. Now I wouldn't have an issue with some of them being moved into a different job in TNA off air as on air characters I want them cleaned out. I know someone will say "durrr you want rid of Samoa Joe but not Rob Terry?" or some stupid shit. Yes. You could actually use Rob Terry pretty well, give him a handful of power moves and stick him in a tag team with someone who is a high flier or grappler. In general I say keep talent around you can do multiple things with or can benefit TNA in SOME way.

But the main thing with having 20+ on my list is as good as TNA is, they need to change a few things around and really, really need to bring in an influx of new talent. There are lots of good young talent on the Indy scene and internationally and my personal preference would be to clean out half of the roster over the next 6-12 months and infuse it with fresh new faces mixed with the recognizable faces such as RVD/Anderson. Maybe bring a few former talents back even. Get some new announcers, too. Future endeavor Tazz as an on air talent, hire him to oversee a developmental program for TNA.

The bottomline is TNA is good, I enjoy them but they're not getting over that hump and alot of these guys have been there for years and still aren't over and still haven't drawn new fans interests.
Yes TNA could definitely use some spring cleaning. I just didn't think Jay Lethal would be one of the guys they would let go.

Also Kiyoshi was released earlier this year.

Looking at the current roster this is who I would release:
Okato (From what I understand they don't want to use him anyway)
Brian Kendrick
Jeff Hardy
Rob Terry
Miss Tessmacher
Orlando Jordan
Hernandez (I really haven't been impressed by him since he returned)
Shannon Moore

I would also scrap the Suicide character and make Devon and Tommy Dreamer agents. The only thing saving Gunner and Rosita is being current title holders.
Should they trim the fat? YES

As of right now, TNA's roster reads like this.
Male Wrestlers:

Anarquia---haven't like him since he debuted.
Brian Kendrick--like him not doing much needs more of an edge to him
Brother Devon--needs to retire
Bully Ray--like him better now than I have for a long time but he could go
El Zorro - Under contract but hasn't debuted-- don't know him so long
Hernandez--- Don't like him unless they bring back Konnan and the LAX
Jay Lethal---Apparently already gone
Jesse Neal---If split from Shannon Moore FE him
Kyoshi--let him go too
Mick Foley-- Use him as a writer and that is all, Has a good mind USE it
Okato----Hate his character it sucks
Orlando Jordan----I want to puke every time he is on the screen
Reid Flair - Under contract but hasn't debuted--Only there because of dad he sucks
Robbie E---Unless they pick up Zack Ryder when he gets released and feuds with him he sucks donkey balls
Rob Terry---Nothing but Santa with Muscles(sucky movie with big muscles)
Tommy Dreamer--Keep him backstage working with people off of the screen

Female Wrestlers

Ms. Tessmacher---I believe she is already gone.

Bring back Shelly Martinez and reform the LAX and bring back Roxxi for good.

Now I would let all these people go or start another show so you can separate the group and use them.
1. El Zorro
2. Eric Young
3. Gunner
4. Hernandez
5. Jeff Hardy
6. Kyoshi
7. Murphy
8. Orlando Jordan
9. Ms. Tessmacher
10. Rosita

El Zorro is the easiest place to start. He has not debuted yet, so let him go first. Eric Young has been AWFUL ever since they changed his character and he won't be taken seriously anymore, so he's gone. Gunner does not deserve to be champion, so give the title to Daniels and Gunner's gone. Hernandez I never liked, so he's gone. Kyoshi is still with TNA!? Get rid of him. He never did anything at all. Murphy is just as bad as Gunner, gone. Jeff Hardy acted in very unproesffional ways, the man needs help and if he does not accept that then he's gone. It's better for TNA. Orlando is useless at the moment so get rid of him. Ms Tessmacher and Rosita just take up spots that can easily be replaced. As for Rosita's title, just give it to some random other Knockout, it's not like the Knockout Tag Team Championship matters.

I'd get rid of the above if given full control of some spring cleaning future endeavourement of TNA's roster because it's too full and would benefit from the departure of all of the above, other than Hardy but only if he decided to change some of the choices he makes.
To me it's not so much who on the roster they need to get rid of, it's who on the roster they should be pushing instead of letting them sit or just do house shows. Heres my list on who they should get rid of and who they need to get back on the air with.

Get rid of
Brother Devon
Eric Young
Okato- i think they did get rid of him
Reid Flair - Under contract but hasn't debuted- only reason he is there is because of Ric
Rob Terry- million $ body but still can not wrestle or put on a decent match
Scott Steiner- It was a waiste to even bring him back in

Who they should be pushing
Desmond Wolfe
Douglas Williams
El Zorro - Under contract but hasn't debuted
Gunner - TNA Television Champion
Kyoshi -Ive seen this guy wrestle he can
Robbie E- this guy can wrestle if they give him a decent charector

Guys who should be behind the scene helpin the young wrestlers and the company
D von
Tommy Dreamer
Ric Flair

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